popísati to make (ali to take) an inventory, to inventory, to list, to catalogue
popísati prebivalstvo to take a census
popísati zaloge (in blago) to take stock
Zadetki iskanja
- popísovánje making (ali taking) an inventory
popísovánje zalog stocktaking - popívnati to remove (spilt liquid) with an absorbing agent; to blot; to mop up
s krpo popívnati polito kavo to mop up spilt coffee with a cloth - popustíti (ceno) to reduce, to rebate, to make an allowance for, to lower (a price), to deduct, to allow (ali to grant, to make) a reduction (ali concession), to lower one's figure; (bolečina, vročica) to pass off, to ease, to abate; (marljivost) to cool down, to relax, to abate, to fail, to flag; (sili) to yield, to knuckle under (ali down); (mraz) to abate; (napetost) to ease, arhaično to slake off; (veter) to abate, to subside, to calm; (struno, žico) to slacken (and lower the pitch of) a string
popustíti komu to indulge someone
ne popustíti (= odbiti) to persist in, to insist on, not to yield one iota, not to relent, not to remit a point
diciplina je popustila discipline has slackened (ali has weakened)
učenec je popustil v svoji marljivosti the pupil has been slacking
popustíti v ceni to make a reduction in the price
cene so popustile the prices have dropped (ali have come down)
nadzorstvo je popustilo control has been relaxed
nič ne popustíti v svojih zahtevah not to abate one iota of one's pretensions
od naših zahtev ne moremo popustíti we can abate none of our demands
popustíti strastem to give way to one's passions
popustíti vrv to slacken (ali to loosen) a rope - poróčati to report, to relate (komu to someone); to make (ali to give) a report (to someone), to inform (someone), to give an account (o čem of something)
sproti poróčati komu to keep someone currently informed
poročajo o skupini sovražnikov na drugem bregu vojska a hostile party is reported on the other bank
podrobno poróčati to report in detail, to give full particulars - poskúsiti to try, to attempt; to make an attempt; to essay; to test; to experience
poskusi srečo! try your luck!, take your chance!
poskusi to napraviti, če moreš! try and do it if you can!
poskúsiti koga udariti to try to strike someone
še enkrat bom poskusil I will make another attempt, pogovorno I'll have another try (ali go)
vse poskúsiti to make every effort, to leave no stone unturned, to do one's utmost, to leave nothing undone
vse se je poskusilo no stone was left unturned
poskúsiti se v čem to try one's hand at something - poštenják an honest man; a man of hono(u)r
- potrúditi se to endeavour; to trouble oneself; to make an effort, to try hard; to take pains
potrudil se bom, kolikor bom le mogel I'll do my best
zelo se potrúditi se to take great pains (z with)
moral se bom potrúditi se za kako drugo mesto (službo) I shall be obliged to look out for another situation
zame se je posebno potrudil he has taken special pains for my sake
potrudil se je k meni he came to see me
na vso moč potrúditi se to use one's best efforts - pozírati to pose; to strike an attitude
pozírati kot junak to pose as a hero
pozírati za svoj portret to sit for one's portrait
on preveč pozira he puts on too much side - pregrešíti se to sin; to commit a sin (proti komu against someone), to commit an offence; to trespass (proti against); to wrong (proti komu someone)
- prekléti to curse; to execrate (koga someone); arhaično to imprecate; cerkveno to pronounce an anathema on, to anathematize, to damn
vse po vrsti prekléti to curse by bell, book, and candle
prekléti koga to call down curses on someone - prekmórec inhabitant of an overseas country
- prenapétež an eccentric; an extravagant person
- preslíkan copied from an original painting (ali picture)
- preslíkanje copying from an original painting (ali picture)
- preslíkati to copy from an original painting (ali picture); to paint over, to paint out
- preveličeváti to exaggerate; to magnify to an extreme degree; to extol
- pripréči to harness an additional pair of horses (of oxen)
- priredítelj editor (teksta of a text), adapter; glasba arranger; organizer; giver of an entertainment (concert itd.)
- priséči priségati to swear, to take an oath
slovesno priséči, priségati to swear a solemn oath, to swear solemnly
po krivem priséči, priségati to commit perjury, to perjure oneself, to forswear oneself
priséči, priségati pri bogu to swear by God
prisegam! I swear on oath!
lahkó prisežem na to I can swear to it
priséči, priségati maščevanje (pokorščino, zvestobo) to swear revenge (ali vengeance) (obedience, the oath of allegiance)
priséči, priségati prijateljstvo to swear friendship
lahkó prisežem, da je to on I can swear this is the man
prisegel bi, da... I could take my oath that...
ne bi hotel priséči, priségati na to I would not take my oath on it
prisegam na njegovo nedolžnost I swear he is innocent
on »prisega« na svojega zdravnika (figurativno) he swears by his doctor
prisegam, da je moje blago dobro I swear by the quality of my goods