pomóč help, aid, assistance, (v sili) succour; (denarna) subvention, bounty, subsidy, support, standby; (olajšanje) relief; (lek) remedy, cure
brez pomóči helpless
na pomóč! help! help!
klic na pomóč cry for help
klic za hitro, nujno pomóč v sili emergency call
garnitura, oprema za prvo pomóč first aid kit
s pomóčjo by the help of, by means of, by dint of, by (ali with) the aid of, by the agency of
z božjo pomóčjo with God's help
temu ni pomóči there's nothing to be done about it, there's no help for it, it cannot be remedied (ali helped)
zanj ni več pomóči he is past help
klicati na pomóč to shout (ali to call) for help, to call for assistance
nuditi pomóč komu to offer help to someone
nuditi prvo pomóč na postaji prve pomóči to give first aid at the dressing station (ali first-aid post)
ponuditi svojo pomóč to offer one's aid
hoditi s pomóčjo palice to walk with the aid (ali help) of a stick
iti komu na pomóč to go to someone's help
to mi ni bilo v nobeno pomóč it was no help to me
poslati pomóč žrtvam potresa to send relief to the victims of an earthquake
priti komu na pomóč to come to someone's rescue (ali aid, assistance)
priskočil mi je na pomóč he ran (ali came) to my help (ali to my assistance)
prositi za pomóč to ask for help
napraviti kaj brez tuje pomóči to do something off one's own bat
obrniti se na koga za pomóč to turn for aid (ali help) to someone, to resort to someone
vsa zdravniška pomóč ga ni mogla rešiti all the resources of medical skill could not save him
ne vem si (več) pomóči I am at my wits' end, I am in a quandary (ali a dilemma, a rare fix), pogovorno I'm up the creek, I'm up a gum tree
Zadetki iskanja
- poróka wedding; nuptials pl; marriage
srebrna (zlata, diamantna) poróka silver (golden, diamond) wedding
poróka iz ljubezni, brez denarja love match
goden za poróko marriageable
cerkvena, (civilna) poróka church wedding, civil marriage
razumska, preračunana poróka marriage of convenience
tajna poróka secret marriage - portfélj portfolio, pl -os
minister brez portfélja minister without portfolio - portfolio [pɔ:tfóuliou] samostalnik (množina portfolios)
portfelj, aktovka, listnica
figurativno ministrstvo
minister without portfolio minister brez portfelja - pôsel2 (delo) work, (fizičen) manual labour; (izučèn) skilled work, (neizučen) unskilled labour; (priložnosten) job; (neprijeten, dolgočasen) drudgery; (površen) bungling, dabbling; (težak, mučen) toil, toiling and moiling, pains pl; (zaposlitev) employment, employ; (trgovina) business; (bančni, denarni) transaction, deal
donosen pôsel remunerative business, paying proposition
nedonosen pôsel losing proposition
brez pôsla out of work, unemployed
po pôslih on business
postranski pôsli minor occupation, sparetime work, moonlighting
tekoči pôsli current business
nujen pôsel urgent work
nadurni pôsel overtime work
nečisti pôsli foul dealing
pôsli so slabi business is slack
to je njegov pôsel, ne moj that's his job (ali lookout), not mine
to ni tvoj pôsel it's no business of yours
brigaj se za svoj pôsel! mind your own business!
pôsli mu cvetijo he is doing (ali carrying on) a roaring trade
dajati mnogo pôsla to give much trouble
da(ja)ti komu pôsla (dela) to keep someone busy, to employ someone
to mi je dalo mnogo pôsla it was a hard task
pôsel je pôsel business is business
imam drugega pôsla dovolj (figurativno) I have other fish to fry
imam pôsla čez glavo I am being overworked
imeti mnogo pôsla to be up to the eyes in work, to be fully occupied (ali engaged)
z njim ne maram imeti nobenega pôsla več I'll have no further dealings with him
večkrat sem imel pôsla z njim I have had several dealings with him
imaš pôsla z lopovom you are up against a scoundrel
če boš še enkrat to napravil, boš imel pôsla z menoj! if you do it again, you'll hear from me!
krepko se lotiti pôsla to tackle a job, to fall to, pogovorno to get stuck in
pôsli gredo slabo business is slack (ali depressed), there is a lull in business
pôsli gredo zelo dobro, so v polnem razmahu business is in full swing, (ali is doing fine)
iti za pôslom to follow a trade (ali profession)
ne moči obvladati pôslov, biti preobremenjen s pôsli to be overwhelmed with work, to be unable to cope (ali manage), pogovorno to be rushed off one's feet
ostati brez pôsla (dela) to be thrown out of work
sumiti nečist pôsel (figurativno) to smell a rat
ubijati se s pôsli (z delom) to overwork, to overdo it
on se vtika v tuje pôsle he meddles in other people's affairs, he is a meddler, he is a busybody (ali pogovorno a nosy parker) - poslúh musical ear, ear for music
brez poslúha tone deaf
on ima dober poslúh za glasbo he has an ear for music
nima poslúha he has no musical ear
igrati, peti po poslúhu to play by ear, to sing by ear
poslúh! attention! - postage [póustidž] samostalnik
additional (ali extra) postage dodatna pristojbina
postage free (ali paid) franko, brez poštnine - pótnik traveller; passenger; tourist; voyager; wayfarer; (v tramvaju, avtobusu) fare
pótnik brez cilja wanderer
slepi pótnik (na ladji ipd.) stowaway
svetovni pótnik globe-trotter
trgovski pótnik sales representative, pogovorno rep, commercial traveller, ZDA travelling salesman, pogovorno drummer
nastavljen je kot trgovski pótnik he is employed as a sales representative - potómec issue, descendant, offspring, child, scion
potómci pl descendants pl, children pl, offspring, posterity, issue, future generations pl
umreti brez (moških) potómcev to die without (male) issue - potováti to travel; to journey; to make a journey; (po morju) to voyage
potováti z letalom to travel by air; (brez cilja) to wander
kam potujete? where are you bound for?
potováti od enega konca do drugega to travel from one end to the other
potováti po morju, po kopnem to travel by sea, by land
moj svak veliko potuje my brother-in-law is a great traveller
sedaj potujem samo z avtom I do all my travelling now by car - potréba need, necessity; want; needfulness
brez potrébe without need, needlessly
iz potrébe from necessity
po potrébi as necessary, as circumstances require
v primeru potrébe in case of need (ali of necessity)
za mojo osebno potrébo (rabo) for my personal use
nujna potréba urgent need
neobhodna potréba indispensability; exigency
šel je na potrébo he has gone to the toilet
opraviti telesno potrébo to relieve oneself, to obey the call of nature
zadovoljiti dolgo časa občuteno potrébo to supply a long-felt want
ne čutim potrébe, da bi to naredil I have no need to do it
imeti potrébo po to have need of - povòd cause, reason, occasion; inducement (za to)
dati povòd to occasion, to give occasion (za kaj for something)
ni povòda za bojazen (za jezo) there is no need ali call to be afraid (to be angry)
biti povòd za kaj to be the reason for something
brez povòda for no reason
najmanjši povòd the slightest motive
nikoli nismo imeli najmanjšega povòda za pritožbo we never had the least reason to complain
imeti povòd za to have occasion to... - pravílo rule; principle; standard; regulation, axiom, maxim, law; precept
po pravílu as a rule, according to the regulations
brez pravíla irregular, anomalous
pravíla pl rules pl, statutes, pl, regulations pl, standing orders pl, standing rule, bylaws pl, ordinances pl
društvena pravíla the regulations of a society
izjema k pravílu an exception to the rule
trojno pravílo rule of three
zlato pravílo golden rule
stalno pravílo hard and fast rule
pravílo drži the rule holds good
držati se pravíl to observe the rules
držati se (nekega) pravíla to go by a rule
pravílo je, da... it is the rule that...
to je proti pravílom it is against the rules
moje pravílo je zgodaj vstajati I make it a rule to get up early
postati pravílo to become the rule
prelomiti pravílo to break a rule
postaviti pravílo to lay down a rule
izjema potrjuje pravílo the exception proves the rule - prebíti to break through, to pierce; to pass through; (čas) to pass (the time), to spend
prebíti led to break the ice
prebíti noč brez spanja to spend a sleepless night
prebíti zid to breach a wall
prebíti zvočni zid to break the sonic barrier
prebíti se (s komolci) skozi množico to elbow one's way through a crowd
s težavo se prebíti skozi življenje to have great difficulty in making both ends meet, to earn a meagre living, to lead a precarious existence, to live from hand to mouth
prebíti se skozi leto to manage to survive another year - precedénčen precedent
precedénčen primer a precedent; test case
brez precedénčnega primera without precedent - precédens a precedent; leading case, test case
brez precédensa without precedent - precedent1 [présidənt] samostalnik
pravno prejšnji primer (ki se nanj sklicujemo), precedens
without precedent brez precedenčnega primera
to take s.th. as a precedent šteti kaj za precidenčen primer - predhóden preceding, precedent; previous; precursive; preliminary
brez predhódne napovedi, obvestila without previous notice
predhódno obvestilo (previous) notice
predhódna preiskava preliminary inquiry
predhódno prislov previously - predsódek prejudice, forejudgement
brez predsódkov without prejudice
predsódkov poln prejudiced, prejudicial
ne poznati predsódkov, biti vzvišena nad predsódki to be beyond prejudice
imeti predsódke to be prejudiced (proti against, za in favour of)
znebiti se vseh predsódkov to cast away all prejudices
on ima predsódke proti... he is biased against - predúšek
popiti brez predúška to drink off at a draught, pogovorno to sink at one gulp