
Zadetki iskanja

  • intímen intimate; inward; internal; close; near

    intímen prijatelj an intimate (ali a close) friend, a bosom friend; intimate
    najbolj intímni kotički duše the inmost recesses of the soul
    to so preveč intímne stvari, da bi o njih govorili those things are too near one's heart to be spoken of
    biti intímen s kom to be familiar (ali intimate) with someone
    to so preintimne zadeve, da bi o njih tu razpravljali these are matters too intimate to be discussed here
    moj (najbolj) intímni prijatelj my second self
  • intrigánt intriguer; schemer; intrigant, intriguant

    biti popoln intrigánt to be a consummate schemer
  • invalid3 [invəlí:d]

    1. prehodni glagol
    onesposobiti, pohabiti; invalidsko upokojiti

    2. neprehodni glagol
    dobiti invalidsko podporo; postati invalid

    to be invalided out of the army biti oproščen vojaške službe zaradi invalidnosti
  • involved [invɔ́lvd] pridevnik
    zapleten, vpleten, vključen (in v kaj, with s.o. s kom)
    vštet, prizadet, ki se tiče koga ali česa; udeležen, zavzet pri

    involved in debt do vratu v dolgovih
    the persons involved ljudje, ki so vpleteni v
    to be involved iti za kaj, biti prizadet
    his prestige is involved gre za njegov ugled
  • itch2 [ič] neprehodni glagol
    figurativno hlepeti, hrepeneti (for, after)

    he was itching to come nad vse rad bi bil prišel
    to have itching ears rad poslušati spotakljive zgodbe
    to have an itching palm biti pohlepen na denar
    my fingers itch (to do it) prsti me srbijo (da bi to storil)
    I itch all over vse me srbi
  • íz from, out of; of, by, through, for, because of

    iz angleščine from (the) English
    iz ambicije for (ali because of) ambition
    iz dneva v dan from day to day
    iz glave (na pamet) by heart, from memory, extempore, off-hand
    iz ljubezni for love
    iz ljubezni do for love of
    iz mode out of fashion
    narejen iz made of (ali from)
    iz (notranjosti) hiše from within the house
    iz leta v leto year by year
    iz prepričanja by conviction
    iz izkustva from experience
    iz radovednosti out of curiosity
    iz tega razloga for this reason
    iz skoposti through (ali because of) avarice
    iz sovraštva through hatred
    iz strahu for fear (pred... of...)
    iz usmiljenja out of pity
    iz vljudnosti through politeness
    iz dobrega vira from a good source
    biti ves iz sebe od jeze to be beside oneself with anger
    je tvoja ura iz zlatá? is yours a gold watch?
    ima hčer iz prvega zakona he has a daughter by his first marriage
    piti iz kozarca to drink out of a glass
    priti iz Zagreba to come from Zagreb
    prevesti iz slovenščine v angleščino to translate from Slovene (ZDA Slovenian) into English
    razvideti iz to see by
    ni si upal iz hiše he did not dare venture out of the house
  • izbírčen finical, finicky; fastidious; particular (v in, on, about); pogovorno choosey, choosy; (v jedi) squeamish; hard to please; discriminating; dainty (in one's choice); overnice

    zelo je izbírčen glede hrane he is very particular about his food, he is very particular (as to) what he eats
    izbírčna je glede obleke she is particular about her dress
    reveži ne smejo biti izbírčni beggars can't be choosers
    biti izbírčen v spoprijateljevanju to choose one's friends carefully
  • izgarán fagged out

    biti izgarán to be overworked, to be fagged out
  • izgúba loss; waste; (v boju) casualties pl; (finančna) loss

    izgúba energije a loss of energy
    izgúba električnega toka a leakage of current
    nadomestljiva izgúba reparable loss
    popolna izgúba dead loss
    izgúbe na mrtvih in ranjenih vojska the losses in killed and wounded
    seznam izgúb vojska casualty list
    sem na izgúbi pri tem this leaves me out of pocket (ali with a loss)
    to je čista izgúba časa it's a sheer waste of time
    smo 5.000 SIT na izgúbi we are 5,000 tolars worse off
    delati z izgúbo to operate at a loss
    nadomestiti izgúbo to repair, to make up a loss
    kompenzirati izgúbo to make up a loss
    imeti težke izgúbe vojska to sustain, to suffer heavy casualties (ali losses)
    plačati (nositi) izgúbo to stand a loss
    prizadejati komu izgúbo to inflict a loss on someone
    ne more preboleti svoje izgúbe he cannot get over his loss
    preprečiti izgúbo pare to prevent a waste of steam
    biti zavezan za povrnitev (plačilo) izgúbe to be liable for a loss
    zmanjšati izgúbo to cut a loss
    prodati z izgúbo to sell at a loss (ali at a sacrifice)
    izgúba izmodrí človeka we learn by (bitter) experience
  • izgubljèn lost; (zapuščen) forlorn; (zašel) astray

    urad za izgubljène predmete lost property office
    biti izgubljèn to be lost
    izgubljèn je (umrl bo) he is lost, he is done for
    izgubljèn si, če boš to naredil you are lost if you do that, pogovorno if you do that you've had it
    če on izve o tem, sem izgubljèn if he hears of it, I've had it
    to je izgubljèn čas it's a waste of time
    to je izgubljèn trud it's wasted effort (ali a waste of time)
    še ena izgubljèna iluzija another lost illusion
    kakor dobljeno, tako izgubljèno easy come, easy go
  • izjéma exception

    brez izjéme without exception
    vsi brez izjéme all without exception
    z izjémo except (da, za that, for), excepting, exclusive of, excluded, barring; without
    z izjémo enega samega with only one exception
    z izjémo navzočih present company excepted
    z izjémo (razen) enega bar one
    brez katerekoli izjéme bar none
    biti izjéma to be an exception
    nobene izjéme ne dopuščati to admit of no exception
    izjéma potrjuje pravilo the exception proves the rule
  • izložèn (razstavljen) exhibited; displayed

    biti izložèn to be on show
  • izpláčati to pay out (off, down)

    izpláčati v gotovini to pay cash, to pay cash down; (dolg) to pay off, to settle; to square up with one's creditors; (stroške) to defray; (razliko) to balance; (menico v polnem) to honour a bill; to take up a bill; (povrniti) to refund, to repay, to compensate
    izpláčati se (biti vreden truda) to pay (well); to prove (ali to be) profitable (ali remunerative); to be worth the trouble (ali one's while)
    ki se izplača (rentabilen) rewarding
    izplača se it pays, it is worth the money
    komaj se izplača (iti) it's hardly worth while (going)
    kmetu se izplača, da... it pays a farmer to (nedoločnik)
    izplača se vedeti it is worth knowing
    ne izplača se it doesn't pay, it is not worth while (ali the trouble)
    to potovanje se izplača this journey is worth the money
    ni se izplačalo (ni bilo vredno tolikšnega truda) the game wasn't worth the candle
  • izpostávljen exposed (to); (podvržen) liable (to); subject (to)

    izpostávljen kritiki subject to criticism
    izpostávljen posmehu subject to ridicule
    biti izpostávljen čemu to be exposed to something, to undergo something
  • izpràn washed out; washy

    izpràna (bleda) barva washy colour
    biti izpràn to be washed out
  • izréči to utter, to say, (do konca) to speak out, to have one's say; to finish (a word, a sentence); (izgovoriti) to pronounce, to articulate, to express, to word, to sound; (izjaviti) to state, to declare, to profess

    izréči besedo to utter a word
    izréči napitnico, zdravico to propose a toast, to toast
    izréči laž to utter a lie
    izréči mnenje to advance an opinion
    izréči obsodbo to pass (ali to pronounce) sentence (ali judgment) on, to find guilty
    ne da se izréči it is unutterable
    izréči prekletstvo nad to pronounce a curse upon
    ne se izréči (figurativno biti pol ptič pol miš) to sit on the hedge
  • izšólati to educate, to send to school (koga someone)

    izšólati se to finish one's studies; to take one's degree; to graduate
    biti izšolan to be schooled (v in)
  • izvéden (zelo verziran) expert, proficient; gramatika derived (iz from), formed (iz from); (izvršèn) achieved, accomplished; (naloga) carried out; (predstava itd.) performed

    izvédena beseda iz a derivative of
    izvéden človek an expert (v in)
    biti izvéden v to be an expert in something
  • jacketing [džǽkitiŋ] samostalnik
    sukno; prevleka, obloga
    pogovorno batina, premetavanje

    to get a jacketing biti premetavan (ladja), dobiti s palico
  • jar3 [dža:]

    1. neprehodni glagol
    škripati, šklepetati, praskati; (s)tresti se
    glasba disonirati; iti skozi ušesa, boleti, žaliti (čut) (on, upon)
    tepsti se (barve), ne skladati se (with s, z)
    nasprotovati si; prepirati se

    2. prehodni glagol
    škripati, praskati s čim (with)
    figurativno vznemirjati, pretresti

    to jar upon one's ear biti na ušesa
    to jar on the nerves iti na živce
    to jar against ne skladati se
    his laugh jars on me njegov smeh mi gre na živce, njegov smeh mi gre skozi ušesa