metóda method; form of procedure; system; manner
ta knjiga je napisana brez metóde this is a disjointed book
vsak ima svojo metódo every one has his own way of doing things
uporabiti novo metódo to apply (ali to adopt) a new method
Zadetki iskanja
- mine1 [máin] svojilni zaimek
me and mine jaz in moji domači
a friend of mine moj prijatelj
this son of mine ta moj sin - mír peace; (mirovanje) tranquillity, quietness, calm, stillness, rest
v míru at peace (z with)
v míru in vojni at peace and at war
brez míru peaceless
mír! quiet!, silence!
mír, prosim! quiet, please!
mír za vsako ceno peace at any price
mír pred viharjem a hush (ali a lull) before the storm
časten mír peace with honour
srčni mír a quiet mind
duševni mír peace (ali tranquillity) of mind
javni mír public peace
motenje javnega míru disturbance (ali breach) of the peace, riot
kršilec míru peacebreaker, disturber of the peace
kršitev míru breach of the peace, violation of the peace
grožnja míru threat to peace
pipa míru calumet, peace pipe, pipe of peace
pogodba o míru peace treaty
sklenitev míru conclusion of peace, making peace
proslava míru celebration of peace
zagovornik míru advocate of peace, pogovorno dove
ki ljubi mír peace-loving
zaradi ljubega mírú for peace' sake
ohranitev mírú preservation (ali maintenance)
mír bodi z vami! peace be with you!
ta deček ni nikoli pri míru this boy is fidgety
ni imel mírú, dokler ni... he knew no peace till...
kaliti kršiti mír to break the peace
ne si privoščiti mírú to take no rest
pusti me pri míru! leave (ali let) me alone!, stop bothering me!
skleniti mír to make peace, to conclude peace
ohraniti mír to keep peace
naj počiva v míru! may he rest in peace!, peace to his ashes!
prositi za mír to sue for peace
vzdrževati mír to maintain peace
vzpostaviti mír to restore peace (red order)
zagotoviti, zavarovati mír to ensure peace
želimo si samó mírú all we want is to be left in peace
živeti v míru to live in peace, to be at peace (s kom with someone)
boriti se za mír, čuvati mír to strive for peace, to wage peace - mlékarica milkmaid; dairymaid; milk-woman, pl milk-women; (krava) milker
ta krava je dobra (slaba) mlékarica this cow is a good (bad) milker - móč force; tehnika, figurativno power; strength; potency; (krepkost) vigour; (učinkovitost) efficacy; (energija) energy; (velika, nadnaravna) might; (duhovna, duševna) faculty
na vso móč, z vsemi móčmi with all one's might
po svojih najboljših móčeh to the best of one's ability
mišična móč muscular power
čarovna móč magic power
delovna móč working power, worker
delovne móči (delavci) workforce, labour (s konstr. v sg), hands pl, workmen pl
gonilna móč motive power
kupna móč buying (ali purchasing) power
konjska móč horsepower (krajšava: HP)
prebojna móč penetrating power
učna móč qualified teacher
duhovna, duševna móč strength of mind
moška móč vigour, virility
telesna móč physical strength
obrambna móč total defence potential
udarna móč striking (ali hitting) power, striking force, vojska fighting efficiency
ustvarjalna móč creative power
móč usode power of fate
móč volje willpower; strength of mind, faculty of volition
dejanska móč actual power, real power
zakonska móč legal force
móč eksplozije explosive force, violence of an explosion
brez móči powerless, forceless, ineffectual; impotent; (šibak) weak, feeble, (izčrpan) finished, effete
kipeč od móči vigorous
poln móči powerful, vigorous, full of energy
v polni mladostni móči in the full vigour of youth
preizkus móči trial of strength, ZDA pogovorno showdown
drobljenje móči scattering (ali dissipation) of forces
izguba móči loss of strength
po svojih móčeh as one is able
z združenimi móčmi shoulder to shoulder
s poslednjimi móčmi with the remains of one's strength
biti na kraju svojih móči to be worn out, to be exhausted, to reach the end of one's tether
biti v móči (o zakonu) to be in force
to ni v moji móči that's beyond my power
storim vse, kar je v moji móči I do my (very) best, I do my utmost
kakšno móč ima motor? what is the power of the motor? (ali engine)?
ni v moji móči, da bi ti pomagal it is not in my power to help you
ta odlok ima zakonsko móč this decree has the force of law, this decree is binding
nisem imel toliko móči, da bi to naredil I was unable to arrange it
priti zopet k móči to recover (ali to regain) one's strength
móč toka ga je odnesla the rush (ali the sweep) of the current carried him away
to presega moje móči that's too much for me
razviti vso svojo móč to exert all one's strength (ali one's full strength)
teči na vso móč to run at full speed
na vso móč je vlekel he was pulling for all he was worth
zapiskati na vso móč to whistle one's hardest
v slogi je móč unity makes strength - mój -a, -e (pridevniško) my, (zaimek; pridevnik samo v predikativni rabi) mine
mój, -a, -ei pl my people
mój, -a, -ei dragi my dear ones, my family
mój, -a, -ea knjiga my book
ta, mój, -a, -ea knjiga this book of mine
ta knjiga je mój, -a, -ea this book is mine
tvoj in mój, -a, -e oče your father and mine
mój, -a, -e bog! dear me!, oh dear!
neki (eden) mojih bratrancev a cousin of mine, one of my cousins
neki prijatelj mojega očeta a friend of my father's
jaz in mój, -a, -ei smo na deželi my family (ali pogovorno my folks) and I are in the country
mój, -a, -e lasten my own, of my own
če bi šlo po mojem if I had my (own) way - momènt moment, instant; second; (dejavnik) factor
v momèntu (v hipu, kot bi mignil) in a second (ali in a jiffy, in a trice, in a twinkling), in an instant
inercijski momènt moment of inertia
psihološki momènt the psychological moment, the right time
vrtilni momènt fizika torque, twisting moment
v momèntu je bilo vse končano everything was over in a flash
on ima svoje dobre momènte (figurativno) he has his decent spells
moraš oditi ta momènt you must start straight away (ali right off)
momènt, ne razumem te popolnoma! half a second, (ali pogovorno hang on a sec!), I don't quite get you! - mrcína (mrhovina) carcass; (velika žival) beast
oh, ta mrcína! oh, the brute! - na on, upon; at; in; up, upward; to; over
na cesti on the road
na ulici in the street, ZDA on the street
na deželi in the country
na dvorišču in the courtyard
na desni, na levi on the right, on the left
na desno, na levo to the right, to the left
na kredit, na up on credit
na mojo čast on my honour, honestly
na primer for instance, for example
na morju at sea
na nebu in the sky
na sliki in the picture
na soncu in the sun
na polju in the field
na travniku in the meadow
na (živilskem) trgu at the market-place
na postaji at the station
na mizi on (ali upon) the table
na svetu in the world
na razstavi at the exposition
na minuto a minute, to the minute
na mestu (takoj) on the spot, at once
na moji strani on my side
na obeh straneh on both sides
na ta način in this manner
na najlepši način in the finest manner
na povelje to order
na zemljevidu on the map
na moje priporočilo on (ali upon) my recommendation
na moje presenečenje to my surprise (ali astonishment)
na moj račun at my expense
na moje veliko obžalovanje to my deep regret
na svojo škodo to one's detriment (ali cost ali disadvantage)
na mojo škodo to my cost
na temelju on the grounds of, by virtue of
na mojo sramoto to my disgrace
na srečo fortunately
na slepo blindly, at random, gropingly
na vsak način at any rate, by all means
na noben način on no account
na vrat na nos head over heels, headlong
na svidenje! goodbye!, ZDA goodby!, au revoir!, so long!, see you again!
na prvi pogled at first sight, at first glance
na mojo prošnjo at my request
na vaše priporočilo on the strength of your recommendation
na potovanju in travelling
na stotine by hundreds
dvakrat na dan twice a day
X tolarjev na dan X tolars a day
en četrt na pet a quarter past four
tri četrt na pet a quarter to five
na moje stroške at my expense
vpliv na... influence over (ali on)...
X SIT na uro X tolars per hour
biti na lovu to be out hunting
na tebi je, da rečeš... it is up to you (to say)...
biti na obisku pri kom to stay with someone
biti hud na koga to have a grudge against someone
biti gluh na obe ušesi to be deaf in both ears
na luči mi je (stoji) he is (stands) in my light
kdo je zdaj na vrsti? whose turn is it now?
jaz sem na vrsti it is my turn
ljubosumen je na svojo ženo he is jealous of his wife
slep je na eno oko he is blind in one eye
hrom je na eno nogo he is lame in one leg
moje okno gleda na dvorišče my window looks out on to the backyard
igrati na flavto to play the flute
imeti kaj črno na belem to have something in black and white
imaš velik vpliv nanj you have a great influence over (ali on) him
biti ves dan na nogah to be busy (ali pogovorno on the go) all day long
iti na pošto to go to the post office
iti komu na roko (figurativno) to oblige someone, to help someone, to lend someone a helping hand
osvojiti na juriš trdnjavo to take a fortress by storm
(s)plezati na drevo to climb (up) a tree
motiti se na vsej črti to be mistaken all along the line
verjeti komu na besedo to take someone's word for it
zidati na pesek to build on sand
želim sobo na ulico I want a room overlooking the street
iti na lov to go out hunting
iti na potovanje to go abroad - načín manner; mode; way; method; style; fashion; arhaično wise
na ta načín in this way (ali manner), by this means, thus, arhaično in this wise
na isti načín in the same way (ali manner)
na sličen načín in a similar way, arhaično in like manner
na vsak načín by all means
na ta ali oni načín one way or another, by hook or by crook, by fair means or foul
na lep načín in style, in fine style
na nelep (neokusen) načín in poor style
na slovesen načín ceremoniously, arhaično in solemn wise
na tak načín, da... in such a way that...
na kakšen načín? in which way?, how, by what means?
na noben načín by no means, on no account, not at all, arhaično nowise, in no wise
na neki načín in a way, in some way, in some fashion
na vse mogoče načíne in every possible way
na podoben načín similarly, arhaično in like wise (ali manner)
na drug(ačen) načín in some other way
na kakršenkoli načín in any way
na svoj (lasten) načín in one's own way
glagolski načín gramatika mood
načín plačevanja mode of payment
načín življenja way (ali style, mode) of life, life-style
produkcijski načín mode of production
prikazal je stvar na svoj načín he gave his own version of the affair
načín dela way of doing things, mode of work
načín in višina obdavčevanja mode and rate of taxation - namèn intention; purpose; end
v ta namèn for this purpose
v kakšen namèn? with what purpose, arhaično to what end?
z namènom, da... with the intention of (ali with a view to) (bi šli going)
namèn je jasen the intention is obvious
imeti namèn to plan, to intend
imeti skrite namène (žargon) to have something up one's sleeve
ustrezati namènu to answer the purpose
že nekaj dni imam namèn dati uro v popravilo I've been meaning to get my watch repaired for days
namèn posvečuje sredstva the end justifies (ali arhaično sanctifies) the means
nimam namèna, da bi vas žalil I have no wish to offend you
nimamo namèna, da bi odgovorili na to vprašanje we do not intend to answer (ali we have not the slightest intention of answering) this question
prišel sem z namènom, da bi govoril s teboj I came to have a word with you
rekel je to brez kakršnegakoli namèna he said that with no ulterior motive
ima najboljše namène he has the best intentions
ustrezati (služiti rabiti) namènu to answer (to serve) the purpose - naménjen designed (za for); (določen) earmarked (za for); meant; (nesreča) intended, destined
naménjen v bound for
je ta opazka naménjena meni? is that remark meant for me?
to pismo ni bilo naménjeno vam this letter was not meant for you
ta soba je bila naménjena za pisarno this room was meant to be an office
ta vrt je naménjen za zelenjavo this plot is set aside for vegetables, this is going to be a vegetable garden - naročíti to order; to command; to commission; to give a commission (for); to give (ali to place) an order; arhaično to bespeak
naročíti kaj pri kom to order something from someone
naročíti sedež prostor to book a seat
naročíti se na časopis to subscribe to a paper
si naročen na ta časopis? do you take this paper?
naročil sem se na to knjigo I ordered this book - naročník person placing an order; (časopisa) subscriber; (komur se pošlje blago) consignee
ta časopis ima mnogo naročníkov this paper has many subscribers - náš -a, -e our; (zaimek; pridevnik samo v predikativni rabi) ours; of us
naši pl ours, our people, our family
to je náš, -a, -ee that is ours, that belongs to us
neki náš, -a, -e prijatelj a fiend of ours
ta náš, -a, -e svét this world of ours
ljudje náš, -a, -ee vrste (pogovorno) the likes of us - natánčnež (pedant) stickler
ta častnik je velik natánčnež glede pokorščine that officer is a stickler for obedience - nearly [níəli] prislov
skoraj, blizu; podrobno, pazljivo
not nearly še zdaleč ne
the matter concerns me nearly ta stvar mi je blizu, se me zelo tiče - néki -a, -o a; one; a certain
možakar je néki, -a, -o Smith the man is a certain (Mr.) Smith
néki, -a, -o g. (Ta in Ta) a Mr. (So-and-so, Whatsit, What's his name) - níčev
ta níčev svet this vain world - njegóv his, (pri neživih stvareh) its
njegóv klobuk (njegóva knjiga) his hat (his book)
neki njegóv prijatelj a friend of his
ta njegóva knjiga this book of his
njegóv pravi bratranec his own cousin
tu ni nič njegóvega there is nothing of his here