
Zadetki iskanja

  • stríc (paternal) uncle

    stari stríc great-uncle
    imenovati koga stríc, reči komu stríc to call someone uncle
  • syllable [síləbl]

    1. samostalnik
    figurativno glas, besedica

    not a syllable! niti besede! ne govori! molči!
    not to breathe (to tell) a syllable besede ne reči (črhniti)

    2. neprehodni glagol & prehodni glagol
    jasno izgovarjati (besedo) zlog za zlogom
    poetično jecljati

    three-syllabled trizložen
  • šála joke, fun, jest; sport; pleasantry; buffoonery

    šále pl jokes
    v šáli in jest, jestingly, in sport, for fun, jokingly
    za šálo, zaradi šále for fun, by way of a joke
    brez šále!, šálo na stran! joking (ali jesting) apart!
    stara, obrabljena šála stale (ali ancient) joke, chestnut
    nespodobna, obscena šála indecent (ali risqué, blue) joke, dirty (ali ribald, obscene) story
    pisec šál za radio ali televizijo gag writer, ZDA gag man, žargon gagster
    surova, neslana šála horseplay, practical joke
    to ni šála (figurativno) this is no (ali not a) laughing matter
    nisem razpoložen za šále I am not in the mood for trifling
    on je predmet šál he is the butt (of ridicule)
    z njim ni šále he is not to be trifled with
    bila je samo šála it was only in (ali for) fun
    govoriti v šáli to be jesting
    to sem naredil za šálo I did it for a lark
    on razume šálo he knows how to take a joke
    on ne razume šále he can't take a joke, he's got no sense of humour
    reči v šáli to say something in jest
    pretiravati šálo to carry a joke too far
    vzeti za šálo to treat as a joke
    ni razloga za zbijanje šál there is no cause for laughter, this is no laughing matter
    zbijati šále to crack jokes
    zbijati šále s kom to poke fun at someone, to make merry with someone, to make sport of someone
    šála leti nanj, na njegov račun the joke is on him
  • ta [ta:] samostalnik
    britanska angleščina hvala (v otroškem govoru)

    you must say ta moraš reči hvala
  • težkó prislov heavily; badly; with difficulty; (komaj) hardly, scarcely

    težkó delati to work hard, to toil, to toil and moil
    težkó verjeti to be sceptical
    on se težkó uči he is a backward student
    težkó dostopen hard of access
    težkó izpolnljiv difficult to carry out
    težkó razumljiv difficult to understand
    težkó verjeten hard to believe
    težkó ranjen badly (ali severely) wounded
    težkó dojemati, razume(va)ti to be slow on the uptake
    težkó bolan dangerously ill
    težkó oborožen heavily armed
    težkó je zame I'm finding things hard
    z njo je težkó (figurativno) she is hard to get on with
    težkó mi je (reči) I find it hard (to say)
    njemu je težkó ugoditi he is hard to please
    težkó mi je pri duši it grieves me
    težkó, da bo prišel he will hardly come, it's unlikely he'll come
    težkó, da jo boš še kdaj videl you're unlikely to see her again
  • thee [ði:]

    1. zaimek
    zastarelo, poetično, Biblija (3. in 4. sklon od thou) tebi, tebe; ti, te
    narečno ti

    the Lord be with thee Gospod bodi s teboj

    2. prehodni glagol

    to thee and thou reči (komu) ti, tikati (koga)
  • there [ðɛ́ə]

    1. prislov
    tam, tamkaj; tu, tukaj
    figurativno takoj, précej; tja; v tem (pogledu)

    there and back tja in nazaj
    there and then takoj, précej, na mestu
    down there tam doli
    here and there tu in tam
    here, there and everywhere vsepovsod
    in there tam notri
    neither here nor there ne tu ne tam, figurativno nepomemben
    out there tam zunaj
    over there tam preko
    from there od tam, od tod
    up there tam gori
    there it is! v tem je težava! to je tisto! tako je s stvarjo!
    there is the rub tu je (tiči) težava
    there you are! (vidiš) kaj sem ti rekel! zdaj pa imaš!
    I have been there before sleng to že vse vem
    to have been there sleng dobro se spoznati
    all there pogovorno pameten, preudaren, priseben
    he is not all there on ni čisto pri pravi (pameti)
    there I agree with you v tem (pogledu) se strinjam z vami
    we had him there v tem smo ga prelisičili
    to get there sleng doseči kaj, uspeti
    put it there! postavi (daj) to tja!; figurativno udari(te) v roko! (v znak sporazuma)

    (oslabljeno) tam, tu (se ne prevaja: pred neprehodnimi glagoli često brezosebno)

    there is je, se nahaja
    there are so, se nahajajo
    there was a king bil je (nekoč) kralj
    there is no saying ne da se reči
    there arises the question... nastaja vprašanje...
    there comes a time when... pride čas, ko...
    will there be any lecture? ali bo (kako) predavanje?
    what is there to do? kaj naj storimo?
    never was there such a man nikoli ni bilo takega človeka
    there's a man at the door nekdo je pri vratih
    there were many cases of influenza bilo je mnogo primerov gripe

    3. medmet
    glej! no! na!; pomiri se!

    there! no, no, pomiri se! bodi no dober (priden, spodoben)!
    don't cry! no, no, ne jokaj!
    there now! glej ga no
    so there! zdaj pa imal! zdaj pa je dovolj!
    well there čuj!
    there, didn't I tell you? na, ali vam nisem rekel?
    there, it is done! na, pa je narejeno!
    there's a good girl! bodi dobra, pridna deklica (in podaj mi knjigo)!; dobra deklica si, tako je prav (ker si mi podala knjigo)!
  • this množina these [ðis, ði:z]

    1. zaimek
    ta, to

    all this vse to
    this and that to in ono, marsikaj
    after this po tem
    this above all predvsem to
    before this pred tem
    by this medtem, med tem časom; doslej
    ere this nekoč
    for all this zato, zaradi tega; kljub vsemu temu
    from this od zdaj, odslej
    like this tako(le)
    this, that and the other vse mogoče stvari, razne reči
    this is my brother to je moj brat
    these are my children to so moji otroci
    it is like this stvar je taka
    this is what happened tole se je zgodilo
    this is the way to do it tako(le) se to naredi
    he should have been here by this zdajle bi že moral biti tu
    they were talking about this, that and the other govorili so o tem in onem, o vsem mogočem

    2. pridevnik
    ta, to; današnji

    in this country v tej (naši) deželi
    this day danes
    this year to leto; tekoče leto; letos
    this day week (fortnight) danes teden (14 dni)
    in these days dandanes
    (for) these three weeks zadnje tri tedne
    to this day do danes, še danes
    this morning to jutro, danes zjutraj, davi
    this afternoon danes popoldne
    this evening danes zvečer, drevi, nocoj
    this once to pot edino, edinole tokrat
    this time to pot
    business is bad these days posli gredo slabo te dni (v teh časih)
    take this book, not that one vzemite to knjigo, ne one

    3. prislov

    this much tako mnogo, toliko
    this far tako daleč
  • thrust in prehodni glagol
    vtakniti, vriniti v

    to thrust a word in now and then tu pa tam vreči (reči, ziniti) kako besedo v pogovoru
  • to this; that; it

    to je (krajšava: t.j.) that is, namely, (krajšava: i.e.)
    o tem about this
    v tem (medtem) (in the) meanwhile
    skozi to through this, on account of this, by it
    razen tega besides, moreover, as well
    kako to? how so?
    (pa) kaj za to? what of that?
    to je vse that's all
    to je možno that may be
    to so oni they are the ones, pogovorno that's them
    ne to ne ono (= nekaj vmesnega, srednjega) neither one thing nor the other, betwixt and between
    pri vsem tem, kljub vsemu temu for all that
    tega je 10 let ten years ago
    jaz sem za to I am for it, I agree to it
    ni mi do tega I don't care for it
    samó še to bi (se) manjkalo! that would be all we need!, (pogovorno) that would put the tin lid on it!
    pustimo to, kakor je! (pogovorno) let it go at that!
    to mi boš plačal! you'll pay for this!, you'll smart for this!
    koga misliš s tem? whom have you (ali pogovorno who've you got) in mind?
    si to mislil, si to hotel reči? is that what you meant?
    to se pravi that is to say
    iz tega sledi... hence it follows...
    vsi vedó to every one knows that
    poleg vsega tega, (on) še pije apart from all that, he drinks, too
  • tréba

    tréba je it is necessary
    kot tréba as it should be, properly, suitably
    napravi to kot tréba! do it properly!
    ni tréba! no need!
    kaj ti tréba več? what more do you want?
    če bi bilo tréba (= v potrebi) if need be
    ne izostani dljè kot tréba! don't stay away longer than you need!
    ni mi tréba tvojega denarja I don't need your money
    tréba mi je I need, I want
    to je tréba storiti this must be done
    tréba je samo reči in... you have only to say the word and...
    še marsikaj bo tréba napraviti there is still much to be done
    ni se ti tréba bati you needn't fear (za for)
    tréba bi ga bilo kaznovati he ought to be punished
    ni se tréba čuditi, da... it is not to be wondered at that...
    ni ti tréba skrbeti you need not trouble
    tréba je delati, če hočeš uspeti you must work if you want to succeed
    če je tréba, bom to jutri naredil I'll do it tomorrow, if it is necessary (ali if need be)
    tréba bo še tri tedne, da končamo to delo it will take us three weeks to finish this job
    pol ure nam je bilo tréba hoditi do postaje it took us half an hour to walk to the station
  • túdi also; too; as well; likewise; so; moreover, in addition

    ne samo... ampak tudi... not only... but also
    jaz túdi I too, me too, so (am) I, so (do) I
    on govori tudi nemško he speaks German too
    túdi tu here too
    túdi ne nor, neither
    lahko prideš in tvoja sestra túdi you can come, and your sister too (ali and so can your sister)
    on prihaja in njegov brat túdi he is coming and his brother is too (ali also ali and so is his brother)
    Moj brat govori angleško. - Jaz tudi. My brother speaks English. - So do I.
    Jaz tega ne morem verjeti. - Mi tudi ne. I cannot believe it. - Neither (ali nor) can we.
    Tega nisem vedel. - Jaz tudi ne. I didn't know that. - Neither did I.
    Tudi če bi to bilo res, ne smeš tega reči Even if it were true you should not say that
    to mislim túdi narediti I mean to do it, too
  • under [ʌ́ndə]

    1. predlog
    pod; pod vodstvom, pod zaščito; pod vplivom (pritiskom); za časa, za vladanja, med; na osnovi, na temelju, v smislu, po

    from under izpod
    under age mladoleten
    under arms pod orožjem
    under one's belt figurativno v želodcu
    no one under a bishop nobeden manj kot škof
    under darkness v temi, v zaščiti teme
    under construction v gradnji
    under 20 years of age pod 20 leti starosti
    the children under her charge otroci v njenem varstvu
    under these circumstances v teh okoliščinah
    a criminal under sentence of death na smrt obsojeni zločinec
    under consideration v proučevanju, v pretresanju
    under that edict na osnovi one odredbe
    under favour če se sme reči
    employee under notice nameščenec z odpovedjo
    the matter under discussion zadeva, ki je v diskusiji
    under my hand and seal z mojim podpisom in pečatom
    under (ali by) one's own hand lastnoročno
    under hatches v zaporu; propadel, mrtev; navtika pod palubo
    under the king John za časa vlade kralja Ivana
    under the novelty pod vtisom te novosti
    patient under misfortunes potrpežljiv v nesreči
    under pretence that... pod pretvezo, da...
    under pain of death pod smrtno kaznijo
    under penalty of fine pod kaznijo globe
    ship under the sea navtika brez pomoči morju izpostavljena ladja
    under the treaty po pogodbi
    the under thirties osebe pod 30 leti
    under the rose figurativno zaupno
    the car is under repair avto je v popravilu
    she is under treatment ona je na zdravljenju
    I cannot do it under an hour potrebujem najmanj eno uro za to
    to be under a cloud figurativno biti v nemilosti; biti v denarni stiski
    the ship is under sail ladja pluje z razpetimi jadri
    the ship is under way ladja je na poti
    he spoke under his breath govoril je zelo tiho
    to study under a professor študirati pod vodstvom profesorja
    the total falls under what was expected celotna vsota je ostala pod pričakovanjem

    2. prislov
    spodaj; niže; manj

    as under kot (je) niže navedeno
    boys of 15 and under 15 let in manj stari dečki
    to go under ameriško podleči, propasti
    the firm is sure to go under tvrdka bo gotovo propadla
    the sun is under sonce je zašlo

    3. pridevnik
    spodnji; nižji; podrejen

    the under classes nižji razredi
    the under dog pogovorno pes (; figurativno oseba), ki podleže v boju
    the under jaw spodnja čeljust
    the under side spodnja stran
    an under dose premajhna doza
  • understand* [ʌndəstǽnd]

    1. prehodni glagol
    razumeti, umeti, pojmiti; razumeti se, spoznati se (how to nedoločnik kako...)
    uvideti, spoznati, izkusiti; smatrati, misliti, predpostaviti, podrazumeti

    2. neprehodni glagol
    razumeti, imeti razum; biti informiran
    zastarelo zvedeti, slišati

    to understand about biti informiran o čem
    to understand one another (each other) razumeti se med seboj (eden drugega), zlágati se, harmonirati
    to understand business razumeti se na posle
    he understands horses razume se, spozna se na konje
    he can't understand a joke on ne razume šale
    I understand from his manner vidim po njegovem vedenju
    I understand he died last week zvedel sem (slišal sem, slišim), da je umrl pretekli teden
    I understand that you spread these rumours slišim (slišal sem, pravijo), da vi širite te govorice
    am I to understand that this sum is meant to cover all expenses? naj razumem (naj to pomeni), da naj ta vsota krije vse stroške?
    do I (ali am I to) understand that you refuse? hočete s tem reči, da odklanjate?
    it is an understood thing that... samo po sebi se razume, da...
    that is understood to se razume samo po sebi
    to give s.o. to understand dati komu razumeti
    to make s.o. understand dati komu razumeti; razložiti komu
    to make o.s. understood in French sporazume(va)ti se v francoščini, znati toliko francosko, da se sporazumemo (s kom)
    it must be clearly understood that if you go, you go alone moramo si biti čisto na jasnem, da, če greste, greste sami
    what did you understand him to say? kako ste razumeli njegove besede?
  • unsay* [ʌnséi] prehodni glagol
    preklicati; ovreči, spodbiti; vzeti nazaj besedo

    to say and unsay reči enkrat da, enkrat ne
  • úpati si to dare, to venture; to risk

    upam si reči, da... I venture to say that...
    ni si upal odpreti ust he dared not open his mouth, he dared not speak a word
    ne upa si to napraviti he dare not (ali does not dare to) do it
    upal si je predaleč ven na jezero he ventured too far out on the lake
  • use2 [ju:z] prehodni glagol
    rabiti, uporabljati, porabiti, izkoristiti, posluževati se; zateči se k; ravnati z; potrošiti, izdati; gojiti (šport itd.); prebiti (čas)
    zastarelo navaditi (to na)

    to use one's brains (ali wits) uporabiti pamet, napeti (svoje) možgane
    use your eyes! odpri oči!
    to use care skrbno (pazljivo) postopati
    to use diligence da(ja)ti si truda
    to use one's best efforts napraviti, kar se le da (kar je le možno)
    to use exercises delati vaje
    to use force uporabiti silo
    this geyser uses a lot of gas ta plinska peč porabi mnogo plina
    how did they use you? kako so ravnali z vami?
    to use s.o. ill slabo ravnati s kom
    I cannot use my left hand ne se posluževati svoje leve roke
    to use one's legs peš iti, pešačiti
    to use imprecations preklinjati
    to use a right uživati (neko) pravico
    may I use your name? se lahko sklicujem na vas?
    to use tobacco kaditi
    I have used all the paint porabil sem vso barvo
    how does the world use you? pogovorno kako je z vami?, kako vam gre?
    neprehodni glagol
    zastarelo (razen v preteritu) biti vajen, imeti navado; (tudi za izražanje trajnega stanja v preteklosti)

    the beggar used to come every day berač je imel navado prihajati (je prihajal) vsak dan
    it used to be said navadno se je reklo (bila je navada reči)
    he does not come as often as he used (to) ne prihaja več tako pogosto kot prej
    they used to live here prej so stanovali tu
    used you to know him? ste ga vi poznali?
    there used to be a tree there tam je nekoč bilo drevo
  • venture2 [vénčə] prehodni glagol
    upati si, drzniti se; odločiti se (on za)
    drzniti se napraviti; izraziti, dovoliti si; tvegati, riskirati, staviti na kocko; (redko) zanesti se na, prepustiti slučaju; špekulirati
    neprehodni glagol
    upati si, prevzeti riziko

    to venture one's life tvegati (svoje) življenje
    to venture away upati si oditi (se oddaljiti, se umakniti) (from od)
    to venture on the travel upati si na potovanje
    I venture to say that... upam si reči, da...
    may I venture to ask you? vas smem vprašati?
    to venture a fortune at the tables tvegati (celo) imetje pri igranju
    nothing venture, nothing have kdor nič ne tvega, nič nima
    never venture to oppose him nikoli si ne dovolite, da bi mu ugovarjali
  • wear*2 [wɛ́ə]

    1. prehodni glagol
    nositi (na sebi), imeti na sebi
    figurativno nositi neko čast; ponositi, oguliti; utruditi, izčrpati
    figurativno glodati

    2. neprehodni glagol
    nositi se, držati se, biti trajen (trpežen), vzdržati; obrabiti se, oguliti se, trošiti se; vleči se, počasi iti mimo, bližati se koncu, miniti
    figurativno postati

    worn cloths obrabljena, ponošena, oguljena obleka
    a worn joke stara, obrabljena šala
    to wear black nositi črno obleko, biti črno oblečen
    to wear the breeches (trousers, pants) pogovorno nositi hlače, biti gospodar (o ženi v zakonu)
    her courage wore thin pogum ji je polagoma upadel
    to wear the crown nositi krono, figurativno biti kralj; religija postati mučenik
    to wear one's coat to rags oguliti svoj suknjič
    their friendship has worn well njihovo prijateljstvo se je dobro držalo
    to wear the gown figurativno biti pravnik
    to wear one's hair curled nositi (imeti) nakodrane lase
    to wear one's heart on the sleeve figurativno reči vse, kar nam je na srcu, biti preveč iskren
    to wear s.o. in one's heart biti komu vdan, nositi koga v svojem srcu
    to wear horns figurativno biti rogonosec (varan soprog)
    to wear a hole in dobiti luknjo (v obleki) od obrabe
    to wear a pair of shoes comfortable iznositi, uhoditi (svoje) čevlje
    to wear well dobro se nositi; biti mladega videza; vzdržati, prenesti kritiko
    he wears well ne bi mu prisodili njegove starosti, videti je mlajši
    she wears her years well dobro nosi svoja leta, videti je mlajša (kot je v resnici)
    to wear the petticoat pogovorno biti copatar, biti pod copato
    to wear thin postati oguljen; figurativno postati slab (medel, mlahav); zbledeti, izgubiti se, izginiti
    to wear white oblačiti se v belo, biti belo oblečen
    he is worn by care skrb ga gloda, grize
    the day wears to an end dan se bliža kraju, polagoma mineva
    she wears on me ona mi gre na živce
  • without1 [wiðáut] predlog
    brez; zunaj, izven, pred, z druge strani

    without doors zunaj hiše, pred vratmi
    without doubt brez dvoma, nedvomno
    without change železnica brez prestopanja
    without number brezštevilen
    times without number neštetokrat
    without end brez konca, brezkončen
    without fail zanesljivo, sigurno
    things without us stvari zunaj nas
    he met me without the gate dočakal me je pred glavnimi vrati
    to do (to be, to go) without shajati (biti) brez, lahko pogrešati
    without his seeing me ne da bi me on videl
    it goes without saying to se samo po sebi razume, tega ni treba (niti) reči
    he passed me without taking off his hat šel je mimo mene, ne da bi se odkril