
Zadetki iskanja

  • písmo letter; missive; (kratko) note

    trgovsko písmo commercial letter, arhaično favour
    odprto písmo (v časopisu) open letter
    nefrankirano písmo unpaid letter
    avionsko písmo air letter, airmail letter
    izgubljeno písmo missing letter
    priporočeno písmo registered letter
    denarno písmo money letter
    kreditno písmo letter of credit
    poslovno písmo business letter
    ljubezensko písmo love letter
    sožalno písmo letter of condolence
    vrednostno písmo letter with value declared
    zahvalno písmo letter of thanks
    uradno písmo official letter
    grozilno písmo threatening letter
    ženitovanjsko písmo marriage contract
    poštnoležeče písmo letter to be called for
    na napačen naslov oddano písmo letter delivered to the wrong address
    nedostavljivo písmo undeliverable letter, dead letter
    písmo s čestitkami letter of congratulation
    priporočilno písmo letter of recommendation (ali of introduction)
    sveto písmo religija the Bible, the Scriptures, the Book, Holy Writ
    pastirsko písmo (cerkveno) pastoral
    zahvalno písmo (po obisku) bread-and-butter letter
    dodatek písmu postscript
    dostava, izročitev pisem delivery of mail
    razdeljevanje pisem distribution of letters
    ovojnica za písmo envelope, wrapper
    naslov písma address
    glava písma letterhead, letter heading
    začetek písma opening of a letter
    obtežilnik za písma paperweight, letter-weight
    tehtnica za písma letter scales pl, letter balance
    predal za písma pigeonhole
    (poštni) nabiralnik za písma VB letter box, pillar box, ZDA mailbox
    predaja písma posting (ZDA mailing) of a letter
    sprejem pisem reception of letters
    urad za neizročena písma returned (ali dead) letter office
    Vaše cenjeno písmo trgovina arhaično your favour
    pisanje pisem letter-writing
    oddati písmo na pošti to post (ZDA to mail) a letter
    nalepiti znamko na písmo to stamp a letter
    oddati písmo priporočeno to register a letter
    naša písma so se križala our letters have crossed
    tvoje písmo se je izgubilo your letter has gone astray (ali got lost)
    vreči písmo v nabiralnik to drop a letter in the letter box (ZDA mailbox)
    če bi se (slučajno) moje písmo izgubilo if my letter should happen to get lost
    izprazniti nabiralnik za písma to clear a letter box (ZDA mailbox, box), (v stebru) pillar box
    tu je písmo na vaš naslov there is a letter here addressed to you
    písma se pobirajo zjutraj letters are collected in the morning
    písma iz tega nabiralnika se pobirajo petkrat na dan this box is cleared five times daily
    prejeli smo vaše písmo od 6. t.m. your letter of the 6th (instant) has been received
  • po after; on, upon; at, by; over; through; according to

    po abecednem redu in alphabetical order
    po božiču after Christmas
    po tej ceni at this price
    po 10 tolarjev kos at ten tolars each
    po dolžini lengthwise
    po dva by twos, two by two, two at a time
    po vsej Evropi all over Europe
    (samó) po imenu (only) in name
    po kopnem in po morju by land and sea
    po mestu about (ali through) the town
    po vsem mestu all over the town
    kot po maslu (figurativno) like clockwork
    po kakovosti by quality
    po malem little by little, by degrees
    po mojem mnenju in my opinion, to my mind
    po meri by measure
    po modi after the fashion
    po naravi from nature
    po naročilu by order
    narejen po naročilu made to order
    po naključju by accident, by chance
    po nesreči unfortunately, as ill luck would have it
    po možnosti if possible
    odvetnik po poklicu lawyer by profession
    po navodilu as instructed
    po pravilu by rule
    po petkrat five times running
    po pravici by rights, of right
    po mojem računu by my reckoning
    po poslu, po poslih on business, on an errand
    po rojstvu by birth
    imenovan po stricu named after his uncle
    po sobi about the room
    po vsem svetu all over the world, all the world over
    po njegovi smrti after his death
    po ulici along the street
    po uvidevnosti at discretion
    po vodi by water
    po tem vzorcu following (ali on, after) this pattern
    po vrednosti in value
    enak po velikosti equal in size
    po deset ur nepretrgoma ten hours at a stretch
    po vsem after all
    po angleškem zakonu under (the) English law
    po zraku by air
    po spominu from memory
    po planu according to the plan (ali scheme)
    po vrsti in order, one after another, every one in his turn
    po vaši želji according to your wish
    takoj po moji vrnitvi immediately upon my return
    po prejemu tega pisma on receipt of this letter
    po meni je I am done for, pogovorno I've had it
    če bi bilo po tebi, bi se svet podrl if you had your way, the world would go to ruin
    če vam je po volji if you choose, if you care
    to ni po mojem okusu that is not to my taste
    dobivati časopis po pošti to receive one's newspaper by post
    igrati po posluhu to play by ear
    po starosti sta enaka they are the same age
    iti po vodo to fetch water, to go for water
    šel je ponj (po njega) he went to fetch him
    peti po notah to read music, to sight-read
    poslati po zdravnika to send for the doctor
    poslali so po zdravnika the doctor has been (oziroma was) sent for
    pridi pome (po mene)! come and fetch me!
    potoval sem po vsej Afriki I travelled all over Africa
    priseči po krivem to perjure oneself, to commit perjury
    prišel sem k tebi po nasvet I have come to you for advice
    risati po naravi to draw from nature (ali life)
    sklepati po čem to infer from
    soditi po zunanjosti to judge by appearances
    po vsem, kar sem slišal... from all I heard...
    sprehajati se po palubi to walk (ali to pace) the deck
    sprehajati se, hoditi po soncu (dežju) to walk in the sun (in the rain)
    udaril me je po glavi (ustih) he hit me on the head (he struck me in the mouth)
    voditi koga po mestu to show someone round the town
  • poklíc calling, vocation; occupation; profession; (obrt, rokodelstvo) trade

    akademski poklíci the learned professions
    rokodelski poklíci pl manual trades pl
    kaj je njegov poklíc (po poklícu)? what is his profession?
    po poklícu je učitelj he is a teacher by profession
    avtomehanik je po poklícu he is a motor mechanic by trade
    kakšen poklíc si bo izbral? what profession will he choose?
    redni (postranski) poklíc full-time, regular (secondary) occupation
    izbrati poklíc to choose a vocation
    ne čutim poklíca za študij prava I have no vocation for legal studies, I feel no urge to take up the law
    lotiti se poklíca to enter a profession, to take up (ali to go in for) a profession
    opravljati svoj poklíc to attend to one's business
    zgrešiti svoj poklíc to mistake one's vocation
  • pokòj retirement, superannuation; (mir) quietness, tranquillity, quiet, repose, rest, peace

    biti v pokòju to be retired (ali superannuated, pensioned off)
    iti v pokòj to pass into retirement, to retire from business, to go into retirement
    pokòj njegovi duši! rest his soul!, may he rest in peace!
    večni pokòj eternal rest, the rest beyond the grave
  • pométati to sweep, to brush; to clean by sweeping; (ulice) to scavenge

    pometaj(te) pred svojim pragom! sweep before your own door!, mind your own business!
    pométati s kom (figurativno) žargon to wipe the floor with someone
  • poročílo report, relation; account; statement; bulletin

    blagajniško poročílo cashier's report
    podrobno poročílo detailed report (ali account)
    letno poročílo annual report
    mesečno poročílo monthly report
    borzno poročílo stock market report
    obračunsko poročílo statement of account
    končno, sklepno poročílo final report
    poslovno poročílo business report
    posebno poročílo special report
    tržno poročílo market report
    radijska poročíla news bulletin
    ustno poročílo verbal report
    sejno poročílo report of session
    vojno poročílo army communiqué
    sumarično poročílo summary account
    vremensko poročílo weather forecast, meteorological report
    zdravniško poročílo bulletin, doctor's report
    verno poročílo o vsem, kar se je zgodilo a faithful account of all that happened
    dokler ni popolnejših poročíl pending fuller information
    izdati tedensko (mesečno, letno) poročílo to issue a weekly (a monthly, an annual) report
    napraviti poročílo to draw up a statement
    pripraviti letno poročílo za 1980 to prepare the annual report for 1980
  • povòj bandage; (plenica) swaddling clothes pl; swathe

    povòji ZDA swaddles pl
    filozofija je bila takrat še v povòjih philosophy was then still in its infancy
    stvar je še v povòjih the business is still in its early stages
  • poživítev enlivenment; reanimation; comfort, refreshment

    poživítev trgovine revival of trade, of business
  • prág threshold; doorstep

    železniški prág VB sleeper, ZDA cross-tie
    ne bo več prestopil mojega praga! he shall never cross my threshold again!, he shall never darken my door again
    pomesti pred svojim prágom to clean one's own doorstep; to mind one's own business
    naj pometajo pred svojim prágom! (figurativno) let them mind their own business!
    biti na prágu življenja figurativno to be on the threshold of life
    na prágu moške dobe on the threshold of manhood
  • predáti (dati naprej) to hand over; (izročiti) to deliver, to turn over; (prenesti na) to transfer; (trdnjavo) to surrender

    predal je posle, podjetje svojemu družabniku he has turned over the business to his partner
    tata so predali milici the thief was handed over to the police
    predáti se vojska to capitulate, to hoist (ali to show, to wave) the white flag
    predáti se na milost in nemilost to surrender unconditionally
    predáti se komu to give oneself up to someone
    predáti se z dušo in telesom to give oneself body and soul (to)
    predáti se pijači to become addicted to drink (mamilom to drugs)
  • prenêsti to transport, to transmit; to carry over; to transfer (z... na from... to), to turn over to; (pretrpeti) to bear, to stand

    prenesèn pomen figurative sense
    prenesel je posle na svojega družabnika he has turned the business over to his partner
    veliko prenêsti (figurativno) to have a strong back
  • preorientírati to change ali alter (a policy, practice, itd.)

    preorientírati se to cange course, to change over, to switch
    podjetje se je preorientiralo na izdelovanje plastičníh predmetov the business has switched (ali gone over) to the manufacture of plastics
  • principal1 [prínsipəl] pridevnik (principally prislov)
    prvi, glaven, osnoven, vodilen
    slovnica glavni

    tehnično principal axis glavna os
    gledališče principal boy igralka glavne moške vloge v pantomimi
    slovnica principal clause glavni stavek
    ekonomija principal creditor (debtor) glavni upnik (dolžnik)
    ekonomija principal office, principal place of business sedež podjetja
  • proceed [prəsí:d] neprehodni glagol
    nadaljevati pot, napotiti se (to)
    figurativno nadaljevati se, napredovati; uspeti, iti po sreči, priti naprej; nadaljevati (with kaj)
    nadaljevati govor (he proceeded to say nadaljeval je, nato je rekel)
    ravnati, delati po načrtu; preiti (to k)
    lotiti se, nameniti se (to do kaj storiti)
    izvirati (from)
    pravno začeti sodni postopek (against proti)

    to proceed with lotiti se česa, izvesti kaj
    to proceed to business lotiti se dela, začeti
    britanska angleščina to proceed to a degree doseči višjo akademsko stopnjo
  • próstor room; space; (sedež) seat; (razstavni) site; (površina) area; (področje) tract, region

    próstor! make way!, give way!, clear the way!
    brezzračni próstor vacuum
    življenjski próstor living space
    zaradi pomanjkanja próstora for lack of space
    trgovski próstori business premises pl
    društveni próstori a society's premises
    ni več próstora there is no room left
    próstora je za vse there is room for all
    vsi próstori so zasedeni all the places are taken
    napraviti próstor za koga to make room for someone, to clear the way for someone
    rezervirati próstor to book a seat
    niti toliko próstora ni, da bi se človek obrnil there's not room enough to swing a cat
    potreben bi bil mnogo večji prostor, kot (pa) je na voljo it would require much more space than is available here (ali than you've got here)
    omejenost, pičlost próstora shortage of space
    kazenski próstor šport penalty area
  • razuméti to understand; to comprehend, to get, to make out; to grasp, to apprehend, to take in

    napačno razuméti to misunderstand, to mistake
    ne razumem vas čisto I don't quite follow you
    dobro se razumem z njim I get on well with him
    tega ne razumem this is beyond me, this is beyond my comprehension, I cannot make head or tail of it
    ali naj razumem, da...? am I to take it that...?
    me razumeš? do you get me?
    (že) razumem I see, I understand
    razuméti! radio roger!
    ne razumem se na konje I have no experience with horses
    nisem mogel prav razuméti njegovega imena I could not catch his name
    me razumeš?, si me razumel? do you understand me?, pogovorno got the idea?, pogovorno O.K.?
    to se razume that's understood, of course!, I quite see!
    slabo ste razumeli you have got hold of the wrong end of the stick
    ne razumite me napačno don't get me wrong
    to se samo po sebi razume that is a matter of course, that stands to reason, that goes without saying
    on se razume na to he is clever at it, he is well versed in it, he is at home in it, he is well experienced (ali skilled) in it
    naj me vrag vzame, če razumem! I'll eat my hat if I understand that!
    z njim se ni možno razuméti there is no dealing with him
    napačno me razumete you mistake me
    ona hitro razumeva she is quick-witted
    on počasi razumeva he is dull-witted
    on ne razume šale he can't take a joke
    dobro se razuméti na posle to know one's business
    brez nadaljnjega se razume, da... it is an understood thing that...
    dobro se razuméti s kom to stand well with someone
    dobro se razumejo they get on well together, they get on (ali along) with one another, they are on good terms
    ne razumejo se med seboj they are at odds (ali at variance)
    ne razumejo se preveč they don't take to one another much
    razuméti se kot pes in mačka (figurativno) to get on like cat and dog
    dali smo jim razuméti we gave them to understand
    dali so mi razuméti, da... I was given to understand that...
    tega nisem prav nič razumel (figurativno) I could not make head or tail of it
    da, razumel sem! aeronavtika roger!
  • recesíja recession

    recesíja v poslih (trgovini) business (trade) recession
  • recession1 [riséšən] samostalnik
    odstop(anje), oddaljitev, umik(anje) (from od)
    figurativno upadanje (poplave itd.); gospodarska recesija, upadanje trgovinske in industrijske dejavnosti
    cerkev odstop, odhod duhovnika (po končani maši); vdolbeni ali izdolbeni del, nazaj pomaknjen del (zidu)

    trade (business) recession trgovinsko (poslovno) nazadovanje
  • réč thing; matter; stuff; (zadeva) affair, concern, object

    to je moja réč that's my affair (ali business, concern, lookout)
    to je (pa) druga réč! that's another kettle of fish!
    brigaj se za svoje réči! mind your own business!
    ne vtikaj se v moje réči! don't meddle in my affairs!, don't be such a busybody!
    prava réč, če pride! who cares if he comes!, pogovorno so he's coming - who cares? (žargon - big deal!)
    lepa réč! (ironično) a fine thing!
    čudna réč se mi je pripetila a strange thing happened to me
    poslabšati réčí to make matters worse
  • relative2 [rélətiv]

    1. pridevnik
    nanašajoč se na, ki se tiče (koga, česa); sorazmeren, relativen; (redko) primeren, ustrezen, zadeven
    slovnica oziralen, relativen
    religija indirekten

    relative to gledé na
    relative clause oziralni stavek
    relative pronoun oziralni zaimek
    relative humidity relativna vlaga
    relative worship religija češčenje slik
    relative value relativna vrednost
    the arguments relative to the dispute argumenti v zvezi z diskusijo
    to be relative to nanašati se na; biti odvisen od, biti pogojen z
    prices are relative to the demand cene so odvisne od povpraševanja
    to live in relative ease živeti v relativnem udobju

    2. prislov
    pogovorno gledé, o, v zvezi z

    I talked to him relative to your business govoril sem z njim o vaši zadevi