suplírati to be on supply, to deputize (for); to act as substitute; to take the place of
ta učitelj suplira drugega this teacher is on supply
Zadetki iskanja
- še still; yet, as yet
še ne not yet
še vedno still
še nikoli never yet
še enkrat once more
še več still more
še danes this very day
še do danes, še zdaj this very day, even now
še nocoj this very night
še do pred kratkim, do nedavnega until very recently
še isti dan on the very same day
še pred enim tednom sem govoril z njim it is only a week since I spoke to him
še dolgo pozneje for a long time after
še ta teden before this week is over
še oni teden sem jo videl I saw her only last week
še včeraj only yesterday
še zadnjega maja as late as last May
še letos bodo prišli they will still arrive this year
še leta 1960 as late as 1960
še lani only last year
še boljši better still
še močneje kot even stronger than...
še enkrat toliko twice as much, as much again
še enkrat tako velik twice as tall, as tall again
še mnogo much (oziroma many) more
samó še to pot (tokrat) just once more, only this once
komaj še kdo hardly anyone left
še dražji, še višji dearer still, higher still
(samo) še trenutek just a moment
še nikoli never yet
še kaj (drugega)? anything more (ali else)?
imaš še kaj papirja? have you (got) any paper left?
imaš še kaj denarja? have you any money left?
še eno skodelico čaja, prosim! another cup of tea, please!
daj mi še malo kruha! (could I have) another piece of bread, please
danes je vreme še slabše kot včeraj today the weather is even worse than yesterday
dokler je še čas while there is still time
on še ne more delati he is still unfit for work
tega še nikoli nisem videl I have never seen that before
počakaj še dva dni! wait another two days!
daj mu še en kozarec vode! give him another glass of water!
treba je še videti it is yet to be seen
to bomo še videli that remains to be seen
še vedno živijo v Ljubljani they are still living in Ljubljana
še to zimo bo prišel he will be here some time this winter
lahkó še pride he may still come, he may come yet
poskusi še enkrat! try again!, try once more!, pogovorno have another go!
kaj še hoče? what else does he want?
lahko počakaš še en teden? can you wait another week?
še tega je manjkalo! that's all we wanted!
ni bila še dolgo omožena, ko... she had not long been married when...
ostalo je še nekaj denarja there's still some money left, there's a bit of cash left over
naj bo še tako bogat, ne bo uspel no matter how rich he is, he will not succeed
še (= niti) pogledal me ni he did not so much as look at me
kaj še! (= kje pa, ni govora o tem!) what next!
še obesili ga bodo, še na vislicah bo končal! he'll come to a sticky end (one of these days)!
še (vedno) smo tu we are still here
dokler je še živel while he was still alive
nisem še končal I have not yet finished, I still haven't finished - šelè only; not earlier than; as late as; not until, not till; only then, not before
šelè ko... only when..., no sooner than...
šelè danes only today
šelè davi only this morning
šelè včeraj not till yesterday, no earlier than yesterday, only yesterday
šelè jutri not till tomorrow
šelè leta 1951 as late as 1951
šelè pred enim letom no more than a year ago
šelè teden dni pozneje not until a week later
prišel je šelè pred dvema dnevoma he arrived only (ali pogovorno only arrived) two days ago
vrnil se je šelè, ko... he didn't return before...
to je treba šelè dokazati that remains to be proved
pridem domov šelè ob 11-ih I'll not be home till 11
šelè ko so bili vsi odšli, sem odkril... it was not until (after) everyone had gone that I discovered...
videl sem jo šelè včeraj I only saw her yesterday, I didn't see her before yesterday
šelè predvčerajšnjim sem dobil tvoje pismo I didn't receive your letter until the day before yesterday
poročila se je šelè pred kratkim she got married quite recently, she's only been married a short time
kaj šelè... (= da ne rečem nič o...) to say nothing of..., let alone..., never mind...
ni mogla narediti koraka, kaj šelè zbežati she could not move a step, never mind run away - špekulacíjsko prislov on speculation, as a speculation
špekulacíjsko kupiti (pogovorno) to buy on spec - špijonírati to spy; to work as a secret agent; figurativno (vohljati) to spy upon, to pry into
- ták tákšen such (a); of such kind (ali sort, shape, manner, size, habits, characteritd.); suchlike; such as this; that sort of
ták, tákšen, kakršen such as
ták, tákšen in ták, tákšen such and such
v ták, tákšenih primerih in such cases, in cases like these
kot ták, tákšen as such
nekaj ták, tákšenega something like this
nič ták, tákšenega nothing of the sort, no such thing, nothing like it
na ták, tákšen način in such a way
kaj ták, tákšenega še nisem videl I have not seen the like before
nimam časa za ták, tákšene, kot si ti I have no time for the likes of you
ták, tákšene stvari se dogajajo such things do happen
rekel je, da se je bil izgubil ali nekaj ták, tákšenega he said he had lost his way, or some such thing
dejstva je treba videti taka, kot so one must (be prepared to) face the facts
povej to le ták, tákšenim ljudem, ki jim lahko zaupaš tell it only to such people as you can trust
prizor je bil ták, tákšen, da bi kogarkoli prestrašil the sight was such as to frighten any one
kakršen oče, takšen sin like father, like son
kakršen gospodar, takšen sluga like master, like man - težáčiti to work as a labourer; figurativno to toil
- tíkanje thouing; addressing someone as »thou«
- tíkati1 to address someone as »thou«, to use the intimate form of address
tíkati se (med seboj) to address one another as »thou«
tíkati koga to thou and thee someone - tóliko so much (oziroma many); this much, that much; such a number (oziroma an amount, a quantity itd.); as many, so many
tóliko kolikor as much as
dvakrat tóliko twice as much (oziroma many)
še enkrat tóliko as much (oziroma many) again
še enkrat tóliko dolg as long again
kolikor tóliko pretty well, fairly
tóliko bolj (takó) ker... the more so because...
tóliko bolje (slabše) so much the better (the worse)
tóliko, da ga niso ubili they almost killed him
tóliko hujše so much the harder - túdi also; too; as well; likewise; so; moreover, in addition
ne samo... ampak tudi... not only... but also
jaz túdi I too, me too, so (am) I, so (do) I
on govori tudi nemško he speaks German too
túdi tu here too
túdi ne nor, neither
lahko prideš in tvoja sestra túdi you can come, and your sister too (ali and so can your sister)
on prihaja in njegov brat túdi he is coming and his brother is too (ali also ali and so is his brother)
Moj brat govori angleško. - Jaz tudi. My brother speaks English. - So do I.
Jaz tega ne morem verjeti. - Mi tudi ne. I cannot believe it. - Neither (ali nor) can we.
Tega nisem vedel. - Jaz tudi ne. I didn't know that. - Neither did I.
Tudi če bi to bilo res, ne smeš tega reči Even if it were true you should not say that
to mislim túdi narediti I mean to do it, too - upléniti to take (ali to gain) as booty; to capture; to loot
- zapleníti to confiscate; to seize; to sequestrate; (za dolg) to impound; to distrain, to attach; vojska to get as booty
zapleníti komu premoženje to confiscate someone's property - zastópati to represent; (nadomestovati) to act as a substitute (koga for someone); to deputize; to act as deputy (for), to be deputy (of), to stand proxy (for)
odvetnik, ki stalno zastopa stranko retained barrister - zastràn (gledé) as regards, as to, with reference to
- že already; as early as; yet
ona je tu že 5 dni she has been here for 5 days
že 2 uri delam I have been working for 2 hours
že leta 1930 as early as 1930, as long ago as 1930
že 30 let as long as 30 years
že včeraj as early as yesterday
že pred enim letom as far back as a year ago
že drugi (naslednji) dan the very next day
že zgodaj zjutraj already by the early morning
že v 15. stoletju as far back as the 15th century
že samó zaradi tega simply (ali just, only) for this reason
že sama misel the very idea, the mere thought
je mati že doma? is Mother (back) home yet!
je časopis že prišel? has the newspaper come yet?
ali je že tako pozno? is it as late as that?
imam že (tako) dosti dela I have enough to do as it is, pogovorno I've got my hands full already
kaj je že rekel? what was that (ali it) he said?
že dvakrat sem mu rekel (povedal) I have told him twice already
moraš že iti? must you be going (ali go) so soon (ali already)?
dan je že it is daylight already
(do) takrat bo že dan it will be daylight (ali the sun will be up) by then
koliko časa si že tu? how long have you been here?
kako dolgo ga že poznaš? how long have you known him?
kako dolgo ste že v Sloveniji? how long have you been in Slovenia?
vrnil se je že včeraj he was already back yesterday
pismonoša bi že moral biti tu the postman ought to be here by now
on bi mi bil moral že davno odgovoriti he ought to have answered me long ago
moral je že oditi he must have gone by now (ali by this time)
vam že strežejo? (v trgovini) (ste že postreženi?) are you being attended to?
si že (sploh kdaj) bil v Parizu? have you ever been in Paris?
to je že res, toda... that's very true, but..., that's all very well, but...
on že ve zakaj! he knows why all right!
o, že razumem! oh, I see!, pogovorno I get it! - župánstvo mayoralty, term as mayor; mayor's office; rank of a mayor
- able [éibl] pridevnik (ably prislov)
zmožen, sposoben, nadarjen, spreten (to do)
primeren, dober
trgovina solventen
as one is able po svojih močeh
to be able to biti zmožen, moči
able seaman izučeni mornar; krmar - above2 [əbʌ́v] prislov
zgoraj; nad tem
over and above vrh tega
as mentioned above kakor je bilo zgoraj omenjeno - according [əkɔ́:diŋ]
1. veznik
according as v kolikor, če
2. predlog
glede na, po mnenju
he did it according to his promise izpolnil je svojo obljubo
according to law po zakonu
according to the latest intelligence po najnovejših vesteh