
Zadetki iskanja

  • ulíti to cast; to take a cast

    obleka mu pristoji kot ulita the suit is a perfect fit
    dež se je ulil there was a heavy downpour of rain; it rained heavily
  • umorjênec murdered person; victim of a murderer; person killed
  • uniformíran uniformed; wearing a uniform
  • univerzitéten university(-); (of the) university; done at a university, acquired at a university

    univerzitétna izobrazba university education
    univerzitétna knjižnica university library
    univerzitétna leta years at university, university (ali college) years pl
    univerzitétno mesto university town
    univerzitétno (športno) moštvo university team, (oxfordsko) dark blues, (cambriško) light blues pl
    univerzitétni učitelj university professor
  • up3 [ʌp] prislov

    gor, navzgor, kvišku, v zrak; proti toku (reki, vodi); nazaj

    up from the grounds figurativno od temeljev
    up till now doslej
    from my youth up od moje mladosti naprej
    up with the Democrates! živeli demokrati!
    hands up! roke kvišku!
    you can sail up as far as Sisak lahko se peljete z ladjo do Siska po reki navzgor
    he looked for it up and down po vseh kotih in oglih je iskal to
    this tradition can be traced up to the Reformation ta tradicija sega nazaj (tja) do reformacije

    bliže k, bliže proti (mestu, kjer se nahajamo)
    figurativno više, na višjo stopnjo

    up and up više in više, vedno više
    come up! pridi bliže!
    speak up! govori(te) glasneje!
    he came up and asked me the way približal se mi je in me vprašal
    to move up in the world povzpeti se, napredovati v svetu (v družbi)
    I think of running up North mislim napraviti majhno turo na sever

    v razvoju, v gibanju, v razburjenju, v uporu itd.

    to grow up (od)rasti
    hurry up! pohiti!, brž!
    the nation is up in arms narod se je uprl z orožjem
    my blood was up kri mi je zavrela
    the cider is up very much jabolčnik se zelo peni
    shares (prices) are up delnice (cene) se dvigajo

    popolnoma, čisto, do kraja; skupaj

    to burn up zgoreti
    to eat up all the cherries pojesti vse češnje
    to drink up izpiti, popiti
    to follow up a success do kraja izkoristiti uspeh
    to bind up skupaj povezati
    to lock up the house zakleniti vsa hišna vrata
    to tear up a piece of paper raztrgati kos papirja na koščke
    the street was up ulica je bila popolnoma razkopana

    zgoraj, visoko; pokonci, na nogah

    high up in the air visoko v zraku
    I live two storeys up stanujem v 2. nadstropju
    to be early up biti zgodaj na nogah, zgodaj vstajati
    the Prime Minister is up ministrski predsednik govori, ima besedo
    to stand up stati pokonci
    to sit up sedeti v postelji

    v mestu, na univerzi, v šoli

    up in London v Londonu
    up to town v London
    up for a week teden dni v mestu (v Londonu)
    the undergraduates come up next week študentje se vrnejo (na univerzo) prihodnji teden
    to stay up for the vacation ostati v kraju študija (v kolidžu) za počitnice

    7. up to
    a) (vse) do; proti, prek

    up to now doslej
    I had mud up to the knees blato mi je segalo do kolen
    he was all right up to yesterday bil je čisto zdrav do včeraj
    to be up to date biti sodoben (moderen, v koraku s časom)
    I'll give up to 1000 dinars for it plačal bom do 1000 din za to
    b) na ravni, na nivoju, ustrezno

    up to the door (ali knocker) sleng izvrstno, prima
    up to par figurativno "na višini"
    not up to expectations neustrezno pričakovanjem
    not yet up to the ropes figurativno še neuveden, ki se še ne spozna
    up to sample po (ustrezno) vzorcu
    his book is not up to much njegova knjiga ni kaj prida vredna
    to live up to one's income živeti ustrezno svojim dohodkom
    your work is not up to your usual standard tvoje delo ni na nivoju tistega, ki ga navadno dosežeš
    to be up to nameravati kaj, snovati kaj, biti dorasel čemu, ustrezati čemu, biti (komu) do česa; biti odvisen od česa; biti pripravljen na; spoznati se na kaj
    what are you up to? kaj nameravaš?
    it is up to you (to decide) vaša stvar je, da odločite; od vas je odvisna odločitev
    to be up to a thing or two figurativno biti prebrisan
    to feel up to čutiti se doraslega čemu; biti pripraven, razpoložen za, dobro znati kaj
    to get up to s.o. držati korak s kom
    to be up to the mark figurativno biti na višini
    to be up to snuff sleng biti zvit (premeten, izkušen)
    I am up to your little game dobro vem, kaj spletkariš
    what has he been up to? kakšno neumnost je spet napravil?
    you have been up to some trick again! si že spet naredil kakšno budalost!
    I am not up to travelling nisem sposoben za potovanje
    it is up to you to prove it vi morate to dokazati

    pod vodstvom (pri študiju na univerzi)

    I was up to A. A. je vodil moje študije, je bil moj mentor (tutor)


    up with na isti višini z, v isti oddaljenosti z
    to come up with s.o. dohiteti koga
    to keep up with držati korak s
    up with you! vstani!, pridi gor!
    up against proti
    up into gori v, gor
    up on više (od, kot)
    up till vse do
  • urárski watchmaker's; used (ali employed) by a watchmaker (ali clockmaker)

    urárska industrija watch and clock-making industry
  • urêči to bewitch; to cast a spell on (ali upon); to charm

    urečèn bewitched
    biti urečen to be under a spell
  • urézati to cut; to incise; to notch; to make a cut, to make a nick; to score

    urézati se to cut oneself, (figurativno, obrisati se pod nosom) to miss (ali to bungle, pogovorno to muff) an opportunity
    v prst sem se urezal I cut my finger
  • uročíti to bewitch; to cast a spell on; to spellbind
  • usésti se to sit down; to take a seat (oziroma one's seat); (zemlja) to sink; to settle

    tla se usedajo the ground is sinking (ali subsiding, caving in)
  • usmradíti to make a stench

    usmradíti se to stink, to become stinking, to rot; (meso) to become tainted; to go off; to begin to stink (oziroma to decay, to decompose, to rot)
  • ustáviti to stop, to put a stop to; to bring to a standstill, to stay; to arrest, to cease; to bring to a halt; to suspend; to check; to hold up

    ustáviti se to stop, to halt; to come to a standstill (ali hold-up)
    ustáviti delo to stop (ali to suspend, to cease) work, to strike; (pogovorno) to knock off work
    ustáviti kri to staunch blood
    ustáviti krvavitev rane to stop a wound
    ustáviti plačo to withold someone's salary, to stop someone's pay
    ustáviti plačila to stop payments
    ustáviti (štopati) avto to stop a car
    ustáviti sovražnosti to suspend hostilities
    ustavil me je na ulici he stopped me in the street
    ustavili so mu pokojnino his pension (ali allowance) has been stopped
    ustáviti napredovanje sovražnika to halt an enemy advance
    ustavili so ga sredi njegovega govora he was interrupted right in the middle of his speech
    ustáviti vlak, stroj to stop a train, a machine
    zdravnik je ustavil krvavenje the doctor staunched the flow of blood
    ves promet je bil ustavljen all traffic was stopped, (začasno was suspended)
    biti ustavljen (ne moči naprej) to be at a stop
    nenadoma se ustáviti to stop short, to stop dead
    popolnoma se ustáviti to come to a full (ali dead) stop
    on se ne bo pred ničemer ustavil he'll stop at nothing
    ura se mi je ustavila my watch has stopped
    se ta vlak ustavi v Kranju? does this train stop at Kranj?
    za nekaj dni se bom ustavil v Parizu I am going to stay a few days in paris
  • ústje (reke) mouth of a river; influx; (odtok) outlet; anatomija, tehnika orifice
  • utírati utréti (pot) to pave the way, to blaze a trail; figurativno to be a pioneer, to pioneer

    utírati, utréti pot za... to pave the way for..., to beat a path for...
    utírati, utréti si pot to plough one's way
  • uvrstíti to range, to place; to class; to classify; (postaviti v vrsto) to set in a row, to arrange in a line (ali rank)

    uvrstíti se šport to be placed
    uvrstíti se med... to rank among..., to take one's place among...
  • úzdati to put a bridle on; (figurativno) to check, to curb, to restrain
  • vagabundírati to live the life of a vagrant; to be a vagabond (ali tramp)
  • vagabúndstvo vagrant (ali vagabond) life; the life of a tramp; vagabondage; vagrancy; vagabondism
  • váljati to roll; to flatten with a roller

    váljati se to roll
    váljati cesto to roll a road
    váljati kovine to roll metals
    váljati testo to roll pastry
    váljati trato to roll a lawn
    váljati se v denarju (figurativno) to be rolling in money
  • variánta variant; a variant reading

    je več variant, da to napravimo there are various ways of doing it