trikó knitted wear; a pair of tights; knitted vest, knitted undervest, knitted jersey
tŕlica brake, a device for crushing or beating flax or hemp
suh kot tŕlica (as) thin as a poker (ali lath)
trobéntati to trumpet; to blow a trumpet; to sound the trumpet
(sam) trobéntati lastno slavo to blow one's own trumpet; to be one's own trumpeter
tróbiti to trumpet; to blow (ali to sound) a trumpet
tróbiti alarm to sound an alarm
tróbiti za juriš to sound the charge
tróbiti za nočni počitek, spanje vojska to sound the retreat, ZDA to play taps
tróbiti k umiku to sound the (oziroma a) retreat
vedno v isti rog trobi (figurativno) he's always singing the same old tune (ali humoristično the tune the old cow died of)
tróbiti komu na ušesa to din into someone's ears
tróha trôhica (a) bit; a tiny (ali a little) bit
tudi tróhe ne not a bit
tŕški of a market town; of a borough
trúskati (ropotati) to make a noise; to rumble; to clatter; to rattle
tržán inhabitant of a market town (ali of a small town, of a borough)
tubulate [tjú:bjuleit]
1. prehodni glagol
opremiti s cevmi
2. [tjú:bjulit, -leit]
a cevast, cevi podoben; opremljen s cevjo (cevmi)
tújek medicina a foreign body
tvégati to risk, to run a risk (ali risks), to run the risk of, to take risks; to venture, to hazard, (žargon) to chance it, to chance one's luck; figurativno to take a leap in the dark
nič ne tvégati to take no risks, to take no chances
tvégati skok to chance (ali to risk) a jump, to risk jumping
tvégati svoje življenje to risk one's life
rad tvegam 50 SIT I am willing to risk 50 tolars
močno tvegaš, da izgubiš vse you are running a great risk of losing everthing
ko je to storil, je tvegal svoje življenje in doing that he took his life in his hands
kdor nič ne tvega, nič nima nothing venture, nothing win
učiteljeváti to teach, to be a teacher, to follow the calling of a teacher
učiteljíščnik student at a college of education; student teacher; student of education; trainee teacher
uganíti to guess; to make a guess; to unriddle; to find out; (razrešiti) to solve
ki se lahko ugane guessable
uganíti uganko to solve a riddle
prav (napak) si uganil you have guessed right (wrong)
ugíbati to guess; to make a guess; to surmise
uglajéno prislov politely, courteously, civilly, in a refined manner (ali way)
ugnézditi se to nestle down; figurativno to settle someone in a place, to settle down (in)
uklét enchanted; bewitched; under a spell
ukléti to enchant, to bewitch; to cast a spell on
uklétiti to cellar; to store in a cellar