stojnína (na trgu) charge for use of a stall, stallage
stókrat a hundred times
stoléten a hundred years old; centenary, centenarian, ZDA centennial; century-long; century-old
stolétna drevesa century-old trees pl
stoléten sen, stolétne sanje century-long dream
stolováti to reside, to have one's seat (ali residence, see); to rule; to have a residence
stôlpasto prislov like a tower (oziroma a steeple)
stopníšče staircase; (med dvema presledkoma) a flight of steps, a set of steps
zadajšnje stopníšče back stairs pl
požarno stopníšče fire escape
storílec; storílka perpetrator; person committing a crime
stoták a hundred-pound note; a hundred-tolar note
stotíca a hundred; the number hundred
stotína a hundred, one hundred
na stotíne by hundreds, hundreds and hundreds, hundreds of...
stotíne oseb hundreds of persons
iti v stotíne to run into three figures
stotínka a hundredth, a hundredth part
stréla thunderbolt, flash of lightning, lightning; (udarec) a stroke of lightning
stréla z jasnega neba a bolt from the blue
kot od stréle zadet thunderstruck, dumbfounded
biti zadet od stréle to be struck by lightning
kot stréla zadeti to strike like a thunderbolt
zadeti kot stréla z jasnega to hit (someone) like a bolt from the blue
novica je bila zame kot stréla z jasnega the news came to me like a bolt from the blue
stréla je udarila v drevo a tree was struck by lightning
kot stréla hiter quick as lightning
kot stréla je šinil proč he was off like a shot
kot stréla hitro (figurativno) like (greased) lightning
priti kot stréla z jasnega to appear suddenly out of the blue, to come all of a sudden
gromska strél! well I'll be blowed!
stréljati to shoot; to fire, to fire a gun
stréljati na... to fire at...
stréljati na koga to shoot at someone
stréljati čez cilj to overshoot the mark
stréljati (loviti) veliko divjad to shoot big game
strmogláviti to plunge headlong, to throw oneself (down) from a height
strmogláviti z to fall headlong from, to fall down from a height, (letalo, pikirati) to dive
strokóven trade(-); concerned with a line (ali branch) of business; technical; professional; expert; competent; skilled in; specializing in
strokóvna izobrazba professional (ali technical) education
strokóven izraz technical term
strokóvna knjiga technical manual
strokóven nasvet expert advice
strokóvno mnenje, poročilo expertise
strokóvna zveza professional association, trade union
strokóvno prislov expertly
biti preveč strokóven (poklicen) to be too technical, to use jargon
vzdržati se govorjenja o strokóvnih (poklicnih) stvareh (figurativno) to stop talking shop
strokóvno znanje expert knowledge
súmiti to suspect; pogovorno to have (got) a hunch
súmiti o poštenju kake osebe to suspect someone's honesty
súmiti (dvomiti) o resnici dokaznega gradiva to suspect the truth of the evidence
ne moremo ga súmiti he is above suspicion
sumim, da on laže I suspect him of lying
o njem sumijo, da je špijon he is suspected of being a spy
súmiti zaroto to suspect a plot
súnkoma sunkovíto by jerks, by shocks; with a jerk; jerkily; by fits and starts
surrender2 [səréndə] prehodni glagol
predati, izročiti; odstopiti, prepustiti; odreči se, odpovedati se (čemu); oddati (žito, mleko itd.) po planskem odkupu
pravno odstopiti (kaj); (zavarovalni polici) se odreči, a za to dobiti del premije
zastarelo odgovoriti, vrniti
neprehodni glagol
predati se, kapitulirati, položiti orožje; prepustiti se
to surrender o.s. vdati se, predati se, kapitulirati
to surrender at discretion (ali unconditionally) kapitulirati brezpogojno
to surrender upon term kapitulirati pogojno, z določenimi pogoji
to surrender one's bail prostovoljno se zopet javiti sodišču po izpustitvi proti kavciji
to surrender the fortress to the enemy predati trdnjavo sovražniku
to surrender freedom (hope) odreči se svobodi (upanju)
to surrender o.s. to one's grief prepustiti se svoji bolečini
to surrender an insurance policy zopet odstopiti zavarovalno polico
he had to surrender his office moral je podati ostavko, se odpovedati službi
to surrender a privilege odpovedati se privilegiju
súženjski slavish; slave(-); like a slave; figurativno servile
súženjska podložnost slavish submission
súženjsko izpolnjevanje slavish execution
súženjsko posnemanje slavish imitation
súženjska mravlja slave ant
súženjski obroček slave's bangle
súženjsko življenje the life of a slave
biti súženjski komu to be subservient to someone
živeti súženjsko življenje to live the life of a slave
svatovánje celebration of a wedding; wedding feast