prék prislov over, to (oziroma on) the other side; (predlog) across, over
prék hribov in dolin through the length and breadth of the country
prék mere excessively, inordinately
prék pričakovanja unexpectedly
prék poletja pending summer
prék moje volje against my will
prodajati vino prék ulice to sell wine for consumption off the premises; VB to run an offlicence
prék vrstnega reda out of turn
vlak je imel prék pol ure zamude the train is more than half an hour late (ali overdue)
iti prék vsega (na nič se ne ozirati) to disregard all considerations
Zadetki iskanja
- prekléti to curse; to execrate (koga someone); arhaično to imprecate; cerkveno to pronounce an anathema on, to anathematize, to damn
vse po vrsti prekléti to curse by bell, book, and candle
prekléti koga to call down curses on someone - premériti to measure
premériti koga z očmi to measure someone with one's eye
premériti koga od nog do glave to measure someone from top to toe
zaničljivo premériti koga to look someone up and down (ali from top to toe) scornfully
premeril me je od nog do glave he looked me over (ali eyed me, weighed me up) from head to foot - premlátiti to thrash; to thrash (ali to batter) all over (ali thoroughly)
premlátiti koga to beat someone up, to beat someone black and blue; pogovorno to tan someone's hide, to thrash someone within an inch of his life
pošteno sem ga premlatil I gave him a good hiding (ali a real trouncing) - premôči (premagati) to overcome, to overwhelm; to manage to acquire
tega ne premorem (si ne morem privoščiti) I cannot afford it
to je vse, kar premorem this is all my worldly property, arhaično these are all my goods and chattels (ali all my bag and baggage) - premostítven
premostítveni dan working day taken in as a holiday between two holidays
prakticirati premostítveni dan to stretch out a holiday by taking in the working day(s) between a public holiday and a Sunday
premostítveno posojilo bridging loan - premózgati
dobro premózgati zadevo to turn the matter over and over in one's mind - prepád precipice, abyss; gulf; pesniško abysm; figurativno ruin
na robu prepáda on the brink of a precipice
dežela je na robu prepáda the country is on the brink of ruin
stal je na robu prepáda he stood on the edge of the precipice
prepád med razvitimi in nerazvitimi deželami the gulf between developed and undeveloped nations - prepríčan persuaded (o of, da... that...); convinced (o of); satisfied (o of)
prepríčan sem o njegovi poštenosti I am convinced of his honesty
prepríčan sem, da... I feel sure that...
biti prepríčan o to be convinced (ali persuaded), to feel confident (of)
vedno bolj sem prepríčan I am feeling more and more convinced - preród prerodítev regeneration; rebirth; regeneracy; renaissance, renascence
slovenski narodni preród, prerodítev the Slovene national revival at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century - preslédek interval; interspace
v preslédkih at intervals, intermittently, on and off
polurni preslédek half-hourly interval
napraviti preslédek to interspace - pretèg exertion, effort
na vse pretège with might and main, with all one's might
truditi se na vse pretège to try one's utmost, to go all out, to take great pains, to make the greatest exertions - pretèk expiry, expiration, lapse; (preobilica) superabundance, plenty, profusion, exuberance, superfluity
po pretèku after the expiry (of)
po pretèku treh let after the lapse of three years
na pretèk more than enough, enough and to spare, in abundance
on ima denarja na pretèk he has plenty of money, he has money to spare
biti na pretèk to exist in abundance
imeti na pretèk (česa) to have more than enough, to have a surplus, to superabound (in, with) - pretólči to break through; to pierce
pretólči koga to give someone a good hiding ali thrashing, to beat someone black and blue; (preživeti) to last out, to survive
pretólči se to force one's way through, to break through; figurativno to make both ends meet - pretrésti ➞ pretresati; (ganiti) to shock, to affect (ali to move) deeply; to stir; to thrill
prizor, ki bi te pretresel a sight that would shock you
bila je pretresena, ko ga je videla tako bledega in shujšanega she was socked to see him so pale and thin
pretrésti vprašanje to discuss (ali to debate, to examine) a question - prevèč too much, too many; more than enough
več kot prevèč enough and to spare
eden je prevèč v sobi there's one too many in the room - pribít nailed; fastened by nails
stati kot pribít to stand rooted to the ground
to drži kot pribíto that is sure and certain, ZDA žargon it's a cinch - pribòr service; set; outfit; kit; tackle; accessories pl
jedilni pribòr knife, fork and spoon
namizni pribòr tableware
brivski pribòr shaving tackle - prijáva declaration, announcement, report; (službena, oblasti) report
prijáva za tekmovanje šport entry for a competition
prijáva konkurza petition in bankruptcy; (tožba) denunciation, information against (someone); (šolskih otrok itd.) registration
prijáva rojstev, smrti in porok registration of births, deaths and marriages
seznam prijav registration list - prílika1 (priložnost) opportunity, occasion; chance
ob tej príliki on this occasion
ob prvi príliki at the first opportunity
ugodna prílika a favourable (ali lucky) chance (ali opportunity)
zlata prílika golden opportunity
ob vsaki príliki at every opportunity, on every occasion
po vsej príliki presumably
ob príliki one day or (the) other
dati komu príliko to give (ali to afford) someone an opportunity
izgubiti, zamuditi príliko to lose, to miss one's opportunity, to let one's chance slip by
izrabiti vsako príliko to take every opportunity
dobiti príliko to get the chance
izkoristiti príliko to avail oneself of the opportunity
ko se ponudi prílika when the opportunity crops up, when opportunity offers
ponudila se je prílika the opportunity happened to occur (ali cropped up)
popasti, zgrabiti príliko to seize (ali to take) the opportunity, figurativno to strike while the iron's hot
prílika naredi tatú temptation makes a thief
prílika zamujena ne vrne se nobena time and tide wait for no man