proposition1 [prɔpəzíšən] samostalnik
predlog, ponudba; (predložen) načrt, namera
ekonomija ponudba
logika podmena, trditev
pogovorno zadeva, problem; naloga
pogovorno trgovina, kupčija
matematika problem, teorem
pogovorno paying proposition donosna kupčija
slovnica principal proposition glavni stavek
a tough proposition trd oreh, težek primer
he is a tough proposition z njim ni dobro češnje zobati
Zadetki iskanja
- scare [skɛ́ə]
1. samostalnik
(paničen) strah, preplah, panika; preplašenost; senzacionalen naslov v časopisu
war scare vojna psihoza
a scare on the Stock Exchange panika na borzi
you gave me a scare pošteno ste me prestrašili
to throw a scare into s.o. prestrašiti koga
2. prehodni glagol
prestrašiti, preplašiti; splašiti (ptice)
to be scared of bati se česa
to be scared stiff biti trd od strahu
to scare the pants off sleng prestrašiti
to scare away preplašiti, razplašiti, pregnati
to scare up, to scare out preplašiti; pogovorno zbrati skupaj (denar ipd.)
neprehodni glagol
ustrašiti se, prestrašiti se
he does not scare easily njega ne uženeš (tako) lahkó v kozji rog - slámnik straw hat; straw bonnet
trd slámnik (pogovorno) (straw) boater - stand-up [stǽndʌ́p] pridevnik
pokončen, stoječ; pravilen, po pravilih (o boksanju itd.)
stand-up collar trd ovratnik
stand-up fight (boks) borba po pravilih
a stand-up meal na hitro, stojé zaužita jed
stand-up supper hladna večerja (bifé) - stick-up [stíkʌp] pridevnik
stick-up collar pokončen, trd ovratnik
stick-up man sleng bandit - stojéč standing; (voda tudi) stagnant
stojéča oseba stander
stojéči potnik ZDA standee
stojéča voda standing (ali stagnant) water
stojéč (trd) ovratnik stand-up collar - stráh fear; (velik) fright, dread, horror, dismay; awe; žargon funk; terror (pred of); (bojazen) apprehension
brez stráhu fearlessly
stráh pred smrtjo fear of death
stráh me je I am afraid (of)
v stráhu je za svoje življenje he goes in fear of his life
biti v stráhu to be in fear (of), to be afraid (of)
biti stráh in trepet za... to be the terror of..., to be the bugbear of...
navaditi s stráhom to overawe
imeti stráh pred to be scared of, pogovorno to funk (doing something)
biti trd od stráhú to be scared stiff, to be in a blue funk, to be frightened out of one's wits
iz stráhú pred for fear of, out of dread of
držati koga v stráhu to intimidate someone
pognati komu stráh v kosti to fill someone with terror, to terrify someone, to horrify someone, to scare someone stiff
biti v stráhu za kaj to be worried stiff about something
on ne pozna stráhú he is a stranger to fear
od stráhú so se mi naježili lasje my hair stood on end with fright
spraviti koga v stráh to inspire (ali to fill, to strike) someone with awe
pomiriti stráh to allay (someone's) fears
on je stráh vseh poštenih ljudi he is the terror of all honest people
stráh zbujajoč awe-inspiring
v velikem stráhu in a blue funk
stráh nas je we are frightened, we are in a funk, we have the jitters
tresti se od stráhú to tremble with fright - težáven difficult, hard, trying; arduous; exhausting; figurativno uphill
težávne okoliščine trying circumstances pl
njegov položaj je zelo težáven his situation is a very trying one
težáven (trd) boj an uphill struggle - thinking [ɵínkiŋ]
1. samostalnik
mišljenje, razmišljanje, premišljevanje, umovanje; misel, mnenje, pogled
in (to) my (way of) thinking po mojem mnenju
he is of my way of thinking on misli kot jaz, je mojega mišljenja (mnenja)
2. pridevnik
misleč, ki misli ali razmišlja; umen, razumen, pameten
all thinking men vsi pametno misleči ljudje
thinking part gledališče nema vloga
thinking shop hudomušno učilišče, šola
hard-thinking trd, zabit
to put on one's thinking cap figurativno premišljati (kaj) - transfix [trænsfiks] prehodni glagol
prebosti (with z)
figurativno zbadati (o bolečini); presuniti
figurativno ohromiti, paralizirati
to be transfixed with ves odreveneti (otrpniti, biti trd) od, zaradi (česa)
I was transfixed to the spot with surprise bil sem kot ukopan od začudenja - uphill [ʌ́phil]
1. pridevnik
ki je na hribu; strm
figurativno težaven, naporen, utrudljiv
an uphill struggle trd boj
2. prislov
navkreber, v hrib; kvišku
3. samostalnik
(strm) vzpon; višina - uptake [ʌ́pteik] samostalnik
figurativno dojemanje, razumevanje, pojmovanje
to be slow in the uptake težko dojemati, biti trd (počasne pameti) - vrát neck; (grlo) throat
trd vrát stiff neck
labodji vrát swan's neck
na vrát na nos helter-skelter, head over heels, headlong; precipitately
do vrátu v težavah up to the eyes (ali ears) in difficulties
do vrátu v delu up to the elbows in work
biti do vrátu v vodi to be up to the ears in water
biti do vrátu sit česa to be fed up to the back teeth with something
vrát me boli I have a sore throat
imeti koga na vrátu (figurativno) to have someone on one's back
imeti veliko družino na vrátu to be encumbered with a large family
držati koga za vrát to hold someone by the throat
pasti komu okoli vrátu to fall on someone's neck, to embrace someone
prerezati komu vrát to cut someone's throat
razbiti vrát steklenice to break the neck of a bottle
stegovati vrát to stretch (ali to crane) one's neck (za, po at, for)
tičati do vrátú v dolgovih to be up to one's eyes (ali ears) in debt
vreči se komu okoli vrátú to throw one's arms round someone's neck
zaviti komu vrát to wring someone's neck, to tread on someone's neck
zgrabiti koga za vrát to grab someone by the throat, to take someone by the neck
zlomiti komu vrát to break someone's neck
zlomiti si vrát to break one's neck
zmagati za dolžino vrátú (pri konjskih dirkah) to win by a neck - with [wið; wiɵ] predlog
s, z; proti; od; v družbi, pri, poleg; s pomočjo; skupaj z, istočasno; zaradi; od; v zvezi z, z ozirom na, pri; kljub, navzlic
I have no money with me nimam denarja pri sebi
away with you! poberi se! izgubi se!
with all my heart od srca rad
pale with fear bled od strahu
stiff with cold otrpel, trd od mraza
with all his money he is not happy kljub vsemu svojemu denarju on ni srečen
sick with bolan od
he is furious with me on je besen name
with God figurativno mrtev, v nebesih
with that nato, tedaj
she is with child ona je noseča
with young breja
with all his brains pri (kljub) vsej njegovi pameti
he is lying down with fever leži bolan zaradi mrzlice
to die with cancer umreti za rakom
to fight with courage pogumno se boriti
to tremble with fear tresti se od strahu
we parted with them ločili smo se od njih
to rise with sun vstati (skupaj, istočasno) s soncem
he lives with us on stanuje pri nas
she took her with her vzela jo je s seboj
leave it with me! prepustite to meni!
to be with s.o. on a point strinjati se s kom o neki točki
it is a habit with him to je pri njem navada
to be with it ameriško, pogovorno biti na tekočem (o čem)
vote with the Conservatives! glasujte (volite) za konservativce!
to walk with a stick hoditi s palico
what does he want with me? kaj hoče od mene?
it rests with you to decide odločitev je pri vas
it is not so with the drama v drami to ni tako
I can't leave with my mother so ill ne morem odpotovati, če mi je mati tako bolna
to weep with joy jokati od veselja