
Zadetki iskanja

  • neimenovánec anonym, an anonymous person (krajšava: anon)
  • nenavádnež (čudak) a queer (ali eccentric) person; an original (ali odd) fellow

    on je nenavádnež he is a queer fish, he is a bit of a card
  • neróda an awkward fellow, a clumsy person; figurativno a bull in a china shop
  • nesmŕtnik an immortal, a person of undying fame

    nesmŕtniki pl the immortals, the Gods
  • niánsa shade, hue, tone; figurativno nuance; light an shade; (čustva, mnenja) nuance, slight variation of expression

    je majhna niánsa med obema besedama there is a slight shade of difference between the two words
  • novíca news pl (s konstr. v sg); an item of news; (a piece of) intelligence

    novíce pl (vesti) arhaično tidings pl
    kratke novíce news in brief
    najnovejše, zadnje novíce the latest news
    stara novíca stale news
    raznašalec novíc paperboy, newsboy
    slaba novíca se hitro izvé bad news travels fast
    če ni novíc, je vse v redu no news is good news
    povedati komu (slabo) novíco to break the news to someone
    postopoma (počasi, obzirno) povedati neprijetne novíce to break the bad news gradually, pogovorno to break it gently
    novíca se je širila kot blisk the news spread like wildfire
  • občudováti to admire; to have an admiration for

    občudováti lepoto pokrajine to admire the beauty of a landscape
    strmé kaj občudováti to stand speechless with admiration before something
  • obdolžíti to charge (koga česa someone with something), to lay something to someone's charge; to accuse someone of something, to indict someone for something; to impute something to someone; to bring an accusation against someone; to arraign, (javno) to impeach; pravo to prosecute; to denounce; figurativno to throw stones at someone
  • obducírati to carry out an autopsy (ali a postmortem examination); to autopsy
  • oboléti to fall ill, to be taken ill; to contract an illness; to sicken
  • oboževáti to adore; to worship, to deify; (malikovati) to idolize, to make an idol of; (občudovati) to admire

    oboževáti svojo mater to worship one's mother
    oboževáti zlato tele to worship the golden calf
  • obtožíti to accuse; to charge with, to bring an accusation against; to arraign; to impeach; to sue; pravo to indict, (na sodišču) to prosecute
  • obvézanec person under an obligation; person responsible for...; person who is duty bound
  • obvézati2 to oblige, to obligate, to lay someone under an obligation, to pledge, to engage, to put under an obligation; to tie (ali to bind) someone to; to make liable to; to make responsible (ali accountable) to

    obvézati se to engage oneself, to bind oneself to, to commit oneself, to pledge oneself, to take upon oneself, to make oneself liable (ali accountable) to (ali for)
  • océniti ocenjeváti to estimate, to form an estimate; to appreciate, to apprize; to apprise, to value; to judge; (davke) to asses, to rate (kritika) to review, to criticize; (redovati) to give marks

    previsoko océniti, ocenjeváti to overrate
    océniti, ocenjeváti škodo to estimate the damage
    océniti, ocenjeváti rezultat to asses a result
    océniti, ocenjeváti ustavnost to assess the constitutionality
  • odlikováti to distinguish; (z redom, z odlikovanjem) to decorate, to confer a decoration on someone, to invest with an order

    odlikováti se to distinguish oneself, to be distinguished (for); to excel; to become (ali to make oneself) prominent
  • odpádati to fall off, to drop off; (izneveriti se) to break away from, to defect, to renounce one's faith, to become an apostate, to apostatize
  • odpásti to fall away (od from); to drop out; to secede (od from); (od vere) to apostatize, to become an apostate; (ne se vršiti) not to take place; (izneveriti se) to break away from, to defect

    odpásti k Zahodu politika to defect to the West
    to odpade (= ne pride v poštev) this is not to be taken into account
    seja je odpadla the meeting did not take place
    predstava danes odpade there will be no performance today
    jutrišnja predstava odpade tomorrow's performance will not take place (ali has been cancelled)
  • ombré ombré; an ombré fabric
  • omogóčiti omogóčati to make (ali to render) possible (ali feasible, practicable); to enable (komu, da kaj naredi someone to do something); (dati priložnost) to give an opportunity; (odstraniti zapreke) to pave (ali to smooth) the way for

    omogóčiti, omogóčati komu kaj pogovorno to fix something for someone