brigadír vojska brigadier; (vodja, član delovne brigade) chief, member of a work brigade
brigádnik member of a work brigade
brlízg a shrill sound; (žvižg) whistle
bŕzdati to bridle; to put a bridle on; to rein; to curb
bŕzdati svoj jezik to bridle one's tongue
bŕzdati koga to keep a tight rein on someone
bŕzdati svojo radovednost to curb one's curiosity
bŕzdati svoje strasti to bridle one's passions
ne bŕzdati svojega veselja to let one's joy be unconfined
brzojavítelj telegrapher; sender of a telegram (ali of a wire ali of a cable); telegraph operator; telegraphist
brzojávljanje sending a telegram; wiring
búrš (nemški študent) member of a students' association; (častnikov sluga) orderly, batman, attendant
buržúj bourgeois; a middle-class person
capín ragamuffin, tatterdemalion; tramp; a ragged fellow
céhovski of (ali belonging to) a guild
céhovski dom guild- hall, (v Londonu) the Guildhall
céhovski mojster guildsman
céhovska obleka livery
ceníti to set a price on, to fix a price; to rate; to value; to estimate, to appraise; (spoštovati) to esteem, to respect, to appreciate; to prize
prenizko ceníti to undervalue, to underrate, figurativno to abase
previsoko ceníti to overrate
ne ceníti to think poorly of
zelo ceníti to think highly of, to set great store by, to make much of
zelo ga cenim I think a great deal of him
cigán (lastno ime) Gipsy, ZDA Gypsy, pl -ies; (občno ime) gipsy itd.; Romany; (madžarski) tzigane; (bohem) Bohemian; živeti$ kot cigán to live a gipsy life, to live the life of a gipsy, (redko) to gipsy
klateški cigáni strolling gypsies pl
cigaréta cigarette; pogovorno fag; humoristično a coffin nail
etui (ustnik, avtomat) za cigaréte cigarette case (cigarette holder, cigarette slot-machine)
zavojček cigaret packet of cigarettes
vleči cigaréto to draw on a cigarette; žargon to drag, to have a drag; (večkratno, pretrgano) to puff at a cigarette
copátar maker of slippers; figurativno a henpecked husband
on je copátar figurativno he's under her thumb
cukrárna sugar works pl, sugar factory, sugar mill, arhaično sugar house; (v Ljubljani) building in Ljubljana once used as a sugar factory and associated with the poets Kette and Murn
cum grano salis (vzeti) to take with a pinch of salt
čárati to practise (ZDA to practice) sorcery (ali witchcraft ali magic); to cast a spell; (veščina) to play tricks, to juggle
čésto čéstokrat often; frequently; repeatedly; many a time; arhaično oftentimes
zelo čésto, čéstokrat as often as not
četnikováti to fight as a guerrilla
čétništvo guerrilla warfare, guerrilla fighting; fighting as a guerrilla četovódja company commander; squad leader; (stotnik) captain