stultify [stʌ́ltifai] prehodni glagol
znoriti; osmešiti, blamirati, izpostaviti posmehu ali norčevanju; napraviti absurdno (neumno, smešno); dati smešen videz; napraviti kaj brezkoristno ali brez vrednosti; nasprotovati (o.s. si)
pobijati, demantirati, postaviti na laž, ovreči
pravno proglasiti za neprištevnega (nerazsodnega)
to stultify o.s. (o)smešiti se, blamirati se
he stultifies his own arguments on pobija svoje lastne argumente
Zadetki iskanja
- stvár thing; matter; object; stuff; (posel, skrb) concern; case; (zadeva) affair, subject, business
stvár časti affair of honour
sporna stvár debatable question, pravo a moot point
vsa stvár the whole business (ali affair, matter)
k stvari! keep (ali stick) to the point (ali to the matter in hand)!; (v parlamentu, govorniku) answer the question!
vse moje stvári all my belongings pl, my goods and chattels pl
dogovorjena, domenjena stvár a put-up job
kočljiva, delikatna stvár a delicate point
stvár zase another question, a matter apart
stvár v diskusiji the subject under discussion, the matter in hand
spadajoč k stvári relevant
ne spadajoč k stvári irrelevant
to je moja stvár that's my business (ali affair, concern, lookout)
to ni moja stvár that is no business of mine; that is not my affair
v tem je vsa stvár (= za to gre) that's the gist of it (ali the whole point)
to je čisto druga stvár that's completely off the point, that's an entirely different thing, (figurativno) that's a horse of a different colour
to je stvár navade that's a matter of habit
to je jedro, bistvo stvári this is the gist (ali the substance) of the matter
to je važna stvár this is a matter of importance (ali of great importance)
to je kočljiva stvár this is a ticklish (ali delicate, difficult) matter, this requires careful handling
to ni smešna stvár this in no laughing matter
(to je pa) lepa stvár! (ironično) that's a nice mess!, pogovorno a fine how-do-you-do (ali how d'ye do)
ne vem, kaj je na stvári I don't know what the problem is, pogovorno I don't know what's the matter (ali what's up, what it's all about)
borimo se za dobro stvár we are fighting for a good cause
brigaj se za svoje stvári! mind your own business, don't be such a busybody!
sedaj ne gre za to stvár that is not the question now
naj gredo stvári svojo pot! let things slide!
to nima nič opraviti s sámo stvárjo that has nothing to do with the question
pogovoriti se o stvári to talk the matter over
ostati pri stvári to stick to the point
priti s stvárjo na dan to raise a matter
pusti stvár v miru (= ne dvigaj prahu)! let sleeping dogs lie!
preidimo na stvár! let us come to the point (ali to the matter in hand), pogovorno let's get down to the nitty-gritty
s tem se na stvári nič ne spremeni it makes no difference, it does not alter the fact (ali the fact of the matter), it doesn't make any material (ali substantial) difference
to ne spada k stvári this is irrelevant, this is off (ali beside) the point
kot stvári stojé as things are, as things stand (now)
stvári stojé dobro things are going well
stvár stojí takole this is how the matter stands
videti, kako stvari stojé (figurativno) to see how the land lies
umreti za dobro stvár to die for a good cause
vmešavati, vtikati se v tuje stvári to meddle in other people's affairs
vrniti se k stvári to return to the subject
vzeti stvár v roke (figurativno) to take a problem (ali a matter, a business) in hand
vzeti stvári, kot pač pridejo (dobre in slabe) to take the rough with the smooth - suasive, suasory [swéisiv, -səri] pridevnik (suasively prislov)
prepričevalen; ki prigovarja (to k, za)
prepričuje (of o) - subject1 [sʌ́bdžikt]
1. samostalnik
podložnik, podanik, državljan; predmet (stvar) pogovora, téma; učni predmet
glasba téma; razlog, povod, vzrok, motiv (for za)
človek, oseba
slovnica osebek, subjekt
filozofija ego; poskusni predmet (oseba, žival); mrlič (za seciranje)
medicina oseba, pacient
on the subject of gledé, kar se tiče, kar zadeva
a subject for complaint razlog za pritožbo
the subject of ridicule predmet posmehovanja
compulsory (optional, additional) subject obvezen (izbiren, dodaten) učni predmet
a hysterical subject histerična oseba (pacient)
a nervous subject živčna oseba, živčnež
the liberty of the subject državljanska svoboda
a ticklish subject kočljiv, delikaten predmet
he is a French subject on je francoski državljan
there is no subject for joking ni nobenega razloga za zbijanje šal
to change the subject menjati témo (razgovora)
to drop a subject opustiti razgovor o nekem predmetu
to wander from the subject oddaljiti se od predmeta
2. pridevnik
podvržen, podložen, podrejen (to komu, čemu)
odvisen (to od)
nesamostojen (država itd.); občutljiv (to za)
nagnjen (to k)
izpostavljen (to čemu)
subject to pogojèn z, s pogojem; odvisen od (česa), s pridržkom
subject to his consent če on privoli
subject to your approval s pogojem (pridržkom), da vi odobrite
subject to duty podvržen carini
subject to ridicule izpostavljen posmehu
I am subject to indigestion podvržen sem prebavnim motnjam
the treaty is subject to ratification pogodba mora biti ratificirana, da postane veljavna
she is subject to headaches ona je nagnjena h glavobolom
to hold subject imeti v podložnosti, v odvisnosti
to be held subject biti odvisen - subtilize [sʌ́tilaiz]
1. prehodni glagol
stanjšati; izboljšati, oplemeniti, požlahtniti; razredčiti
kemija izhlapiti
figurativno izostriti (um, čute)
2. neprehodni glagol
modrovati, dlakocepiti (on, about o) - succession [səkséšən] samostalnik
sleditev, zaporednost; niz, (nepretrgana) vrsta, veriga; nasledstvo, dedovanje (to česa)
pravica nasledstva; vrsta naslednikov, nasledniki, dediči, nasledstvo; prevzem (službe itd.)
in succession zaporedoma, eno za drugim
in due succession v lepem zaporedju, (pravilno) po vrsti
in succession to George II kot naslednik Jurija II
succession duties davek na dediščino
a succession of profitable bargains vrsta ugodnih kupčij
succession to the throne nasledstvo na prestolu
law of succession zakon o nasledstvu
the Stuart succession nasledniki Stuartovci
weeks in succession cele (zaporedne) tedne
to be next in succession to s.o. kot prvi slediti komu - such [sʌč]
1. pridevnik
takšen, tak; (pred pridevnikom) takó; podoben; (za samostalnikom v množini) kot (as na primer)
tako velik, zelo velik, izreden
pravno zgoraj navedeni, omenjeni
such a takšen
such as takšen kot, tak kot
such a(n) one zastarelo tak in tak, nekdo, neki
Mr. such and such g. Ta in Ta
such being the case ker je stvar tako, ker je takó
such a day! kakšen dan!
such another disaster še ena takšna nesreča
in such or such a place na tem ali onem mestu
no such thing nič takega, ni govora o tem
such was not my idea tega nisem mislil
there are such things take stvari se dogajajo
they gave us such a fright tako so nas prestrašili
we had such sport imenitno smo se zabavali
he said he had lost his way, or some such thing rekel je, da je bil zašel, ali nekaj takega
no such thing as a room was to be had in the whole town v celem mestu ni bilo mogoče najti eno samo sobo
do you think she will believe you? no such thing! mislite, da vam bo verjela? Kje pa! (Kaj še! Ni govora o tem!)
such master, such servant kakršen gospodar, takšen sluga
2. prislov
such a nice day tako lep dan
3. zaimek
takšen, neki takšen
pogovorno isti
trgovina & vulgarno zgoraj omenjeni
arhaično & poetično such as tisti, ki; kdor; vsi
as such kot tak(šen)
all such vsi takšni
and such (like) in takšni, podobni
such or such of ta ali oni od
such as believe that are mistaken tisti, ki to verjamejo, se varajo (motijo)
he is a fool, but I am not such on je bedak, jaz pa nisem
I have a car I can lend you, such as it is imam avto, ki vam ga lahko posodim, kaj prida pa ni - sufferance [sʌ́fərəns] samostalnik
tiha, molčeča privolitev; (redko) trpljenje, bolečina
zastarelo prenašanje, potrpljenje, strpnost, popustljivost, obzirnost
ekonomija carinska olajšava
on sufferance s tiho privolitvijo, iz obzirnosti
he is here on sufferance tu ga (pač) tolerirajo (trpe)
it is beyond sufferance to presega človeško potrpljenje
to remain in sufferance ekonomija ostati neplačan (o menici)
sufferance ware-house zasebno tranzitno skladišče - súmiti to suspect; pogovorno to have (got) a hunch
súmiti o poštenju kake osebe to suspect someone's honesty
súmiti (dvomiti) o resnici dokaznega gradiva to suspect the truth of the evidence
ne moremo ga súmiti he is above suspicion
sumim, da on laže I suspect him of lying
o njem sumijo, da je špijon he is suspected of being a spy
súmiti zaroto to suspect a plot - superlatív gramatika superlative
govoriti v superlatívih o to talk in superlatives of
relativni (absolutni) superlatív relative (absolute) superlative
govorila je o njem v samih superlatívih she spoke of him in superlatives (ali pesniško in lofty strains) - sure1 [šúə] pridevnik
gotov, zanesljiv, siguren; varen, nenevaren; nedvomen, nezmoten, nezmotljiv, nesporen; stalen; prepričan (of o, that da)
for sure gotovo, sigurno, nedvomno, vsekakor
a sure draw skrivališče, v katerem je zanesljivo lisica
a sure shot zanesljiv strelec
a sure proof nesporen, zanesljiv dokaz
a sure faith trdna vera
sure thing ameriško, sleng gotova, zanesljiva stvar
sure (thing)! ameriško, sleng gotovo! sigurno! vsekakor! zanesljivo!
slow and sure počasen, ali siguren
I am sure gotovo, zares
I am sure of his honesty prepričan sem o njegovem poštenju
I am sure I don't know zares ne vem
I'm sure I didn't mean to hurt you zares (prav gotovo) vas nisem hotel žaliti
well, I'm sure! (vzklik presenečenja)
well, to be sure! no, kakšno presenečenje!
are you sure? ali res?
be sure! ne pozabi!
be sure to (ali and) shut the window ne pozabi zapreti okno!
to be sure pogovorno gotovo, brez dvoma, seveda
he is sure to come gotovo (zanesljivo) bo prišel
it is sure to turn out well gotovo se bo dobro končalo
I feel sure of success gotov, prepričan sem o uspehu
to make sure of (of prepričati se (of o), biti prepričan (that da); zagotoviti si (kaj) - suspect1 [səspékt] prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
(o)sumiti, sumničiti, imeti na sumu (of zaradi česa)
imeti (kaj) za verjetno ali možno; slutiti; misliti, domnevati (that da)
dvomiti (o čem), ne zaupati, biti nezaupljiv
to suspect an ambush (a danger) slutiti zasedo (nevarnost)
I suspect him to be a liar, I suspect him of lying mislim (zdi se mi, sumim), da on laže
I suspect you once thought otherwise mislim (zdi se mi), da ste nekoč drugače mislili
I half suspect you don't care for him vse se mi zdi, da vam ni zanj
to suspect s.o.'s honesty dvomiti o poštenju neke osebe
to suspect s.o. of theft (of murder) osumiti koga tatvine (umora)
to suspect a plot sumiti zaroto, bati se zarote
to suspect the truth of the evidence dvomiti o resnici dokaznega gradiva - suspected [səspéktid] pridevnik (suspectedly prislov)
osumljen, osumničen (of česa)
he is a suspected spy o njem sumijo, da je špijon - svečán -a, -o solemn; festive; festal; formal, ceremonious, pompous, (tog) stiff
svečán, -a, -o državni banket solemn state dinner
svečán, -a, -oa črna obleka evening dress
svečán, -a, -oa proslava celebration, solemnization
svečán, -a, -oo (pro)slaviti to celebrate, to solemnize - svét1 world; (zemlja) earth, globe; (vsemirje) the universe
na svétu in the world
na tem svétu in this world, in this life, here below
po celem (vsem) svétu all over the world, the whole world over
na koncu svéta (figurativno) at the back of beyond
(ki je) daleč od svéta remote, out of the world, secluded
širom svéta throughout the wide world, all over the world
ves svét the whole world
za ves svét ne, za nič na svét u ne not for all the world, not for worlds, not for anything in the world, for nothing in the world
do konca svéta to the ends of the earth
Novi svét the New World
Stari svét the Old World
Tretji svét politika the Third World
oni svét (figurativno) the next life, the other world, the world to come
od svéta odrezan kraj the back of beyond
stavbni svét building site
učeni svét (figurativno) the world of learning
športni svét (figurativno) the sporting world
rastlinski svét the vegetable world
živalski svét the animal world
začetek svéta the beginning of the world
konec svéta the end of the world
podzemeljski svét underworld
širni svét the wide world
današnji svét the modern world
odkar sem na svétu since I was born
to je na drugem koncu svéta it's on the other side of the globe, it's at the back of beyond
to je narobe svét! (figurativno) that's making water flow uphill!
on je najboljši človek na svétu he's the best man alive, you won't find a better man living than him (knjižno than he)
ona mi je (= pomeni) vse na svétu she is all the world to me
tako je (pač) na svétu that's the way of the world
za nič na svétu ne bi tega naredil I would not do it for all the world
odreči se svétu to forsake the world
šel bi z njo do konca svéta I'd follow her to the ends of the earth
poslati koga na oni svét (žargon) to send someone to kingdom-come
priti na svét to come into the world, to be born, to be brought into the world
on malo pozna svét he knows little of the world
prinesti, spraviti na svét to bring into the world, to give birth (to)
spraviti koga s svéta to do away with someone, to put someone out of the way, to kill someone, (pogovorno) to dispatch someone
videl je mnogo svéta he is a widely travelled man, he is a great traveller, he is a globe-trotter
zagledati luč svéta to see the light, to be born, to be brought into the world
živeti odmaknjen(o) od svéta to live cut off from the world
objadral je ves svét he has sailed the seven seas - svój -a, -e one's own
na svój, -a, -e račun on one's own account
biti sam svój, -a, -e gospodar to be one's own master
imam svój, -a, -eo hišo I have a house of my own
oni imajo svój, -a, -eo hišo (pohištvo) they have a house (they have furniture) of their own
napraviti po svój, -a, -ee to do (something) on one's own
priti (zopet) na svój, -a, -ee to come into one's own (again)
vzeti otroka za svój, -a, -eega to adopt a child
na tihem si svój, -a, -ee misliti o čem to keep one's thoughts (on some subject) to oneself, arhaično to keep one's own counsel about something
vsak po svój, -a, -ee each (one) in his own way
vsakemu svój, -a, -ee to each his own, to every man his due - še still; yet, as yet
še ne not yet
še vedno still
še nikoli never yet
še enkrat once more
še več still more
še danes this very day
še do danes, še zdaj this very day, even now
še nocoj this very night
še do pred kratkim, do nedavnega until very recently
še isti dan on the very same day
še pred enim tednom sem govoril z njim it is only a week since I spoke to him
še dolgo pozneje for a long time after
še ta teden before this week is over
še oni teden sem jo videl I saw her only last week
še včeraj only yesterday
še zadnjega maja as late as last May
še letos bodo prišli they will still arrive this year
še leta 1960 as late as 1960
še lani only last year
še boljši better still
še močneje kot even stronger than...
še enkrat toliko twice as much, as much again
še enkrat tako velik twice as tall, as tall again
še mnogo much (oziroma many) more
samó še to pot (tokrat) just once more, only this once
komaj še kdo hardly anyone left
še dražji, še višji dearer still, higher still
(samo) še trenutek just a moment
še nikoli never yet
še kaj (drugega)? anything more (ali else)?
imaš še kaj papirja? have you (got) any paper left?
imaš še kaj denarja? have you any money left?
še eno skodelico čaja, prosim! another cup of tea, please!
daj mi še malo kruha! (could I have) another piece of bread, please
danes je vreme še slabše kot včeraj today the weather is even worse than yesterday
dokler je še čas while there is still time
on še ne more delati he is still unfit for work
tega še nikoli nisem videl I have never seen that before
počakaj še dva dni! wait another two days!
daj mu še en kozarec vode! give him another glass of water!
treba je še videti it is yet to be seen
to bomo še videli that remains to be seen
še vedno živijo v Ljubljani they are still living in Ljubljana
še to zimo bo prišel he will be here some time this winter
lahkó še pride he may still come, he may come yet
poskusi še enkrat! try again!, try once more!, pogovorno have another go!
kaj še hoče? what else does he want?
lahko počakaš še en teden? can you wait another week?
še tega je manjkalo! that's all we wanted!
ni bila še dolgo omožena, ko... she had not long been married when...
ostalo je še nekaj denarja there's still some money left, there's a bit of cash left over
naj bo še tako bogat, ne bo uspel no matter how rich he is, he will not succeed
še (= niti) pogledal me ni he did not so much as look at me
kaj še! (= kje pa, ni govora o tem!) what next!
še obesili ga bodo, še na vislicah bo končal! he'll come to a sticky end (one of these days)!
še (vedno) smo tu we are still here
dokler je še živel while he was still alive
nisem še končal I have not yet finished, I still haven't finished - šelè only; not earlier than; as late as; not until, not till; only then, not before
šelè ko... only when..., no sooner than...
šelè danes only today
šelè davi only this morning
šelè včeraj not till yesterday, no earlier than yesterday, only yesterday
šelè jutri not till tomorrow
šelè leta 1951 as late as 1951
šelè pred enim letom no more than a year ago
šelè teden dni pozneje not until a week later
prišel je šelè pred dvema dnevoma he arrived only (ali pogovorno only arrived) two days ago
vrnil se je šelè, ko... he didn't return before...
to je treba šelè dokazati that remains to be proved
pridem domov šelè ob 11-ih I'll not be home till 11
šelè ko so bili vsi odšli, sem odkril... it was not until (after) everyone had gone that I discovered...
videl sem jo šelè včeraj I only saw her yesterday, I didn't see her before yesterday
šelè predvčerajšnjim sem dobil tvoje pismo I didn't receive your letter until the day before yesterday
poročila se je šelè pred kratkim she got married quite recently, she's only been married a short time
kaj šelè... (= da ne rečem nič o...) to say nothing of..., let alone..., never mind...
ni mogla narediti koraka, kaj šelè zbežati she could not move a step, never mind run away - tá tá, tó pl
tí, té, tá this, pl these; that, pl those
tale this one, this here
vse to all this
to in ono this and that
g. Ta-in-Ta Mr. So-and-so
medtem, med tem časom in the meantime
pred tem before this
po tem after this
v tem primeru in that case
to jutro (davi) this morning
to pot (tokrat) edino this once
v tej (naši) deželi in this land (of ours)
kljub vsemu temu for all that
te dni enkrat one of these days
zlasti to, predvsem to this above all
to se pravi that is to say
ta tvoja knjiga this book of yours
vaše pismo od 13. t.m. your letter of 13th inst. (= instant)
ni mi za to I am not keen on this (ali that, it)
mnogo mi je na tem, da... I am particularly keen that...
tega ne vem I don't know that
to je moj brat this is my brother
to so moji otroci these are my children
govoriti o tem in onem, o vsem mogočem to talk about this, that and the other
od tega je minulo že 10 let 10 years have passed since that time
vzemi to knjigo, ne one! take this book, not that one! - tab [tæb] samostalnik
zanka, jezik (pri čevlju); okovica na vezalkah za čevlje; vložek, kos blaga (pri srajci, obleki); naušnik (pri kapi); tablica, etiketa
vojska znak na ovratniku štabnega častnika
sleng štabni častnik
ameriško, pogovorno račun, konto, kontrola
to keep (a) tab on voditi računa o čem, ne izgubiti iz vida česa, kontrolirati kaj
to pick up the tab plačati račun