žŕmlja (ročni mlin) quern; hand mill
vrteti žŕmljo to turn (ali to work) a quern
Zadetki iskanja
- žŕtev (nesreče, zločina, prevare) victim; prey, dupe, sufferer; sacrifice; martyr; offering, oblation
za vsako žŕtev at any sacrifice
pripravljen za žŕtve ready (ali willing) to make sacrifices
največja žŕtev (= smrt) za domovino the supreme sacrifice
žŕtev nesreče (potresa, kuge) victim of an accident (of an earthquake, of a plague)
vojna žŕtev victim of war
žŕtev razmer victim of circumstances
žŕtev svojega stremuštva victim of one's ambition
spravna žŕtev expiatory victim
žŕtev česa (a) prey to, (a) victim of
darovana žŕtev sacrificial victim
nobene žŕtve se ne bati to shrink from no sacrifice
to je zame velika žŕtev this is a great sacrifice for me
nobenih žŕtev mi ni žal I don't mind making any sacrifice, there is no sacrifice I would not make
biti žŕtev sleparja to be the victim of a con-man (ali a con-man's victim)
padel je kot žŕtev nesreče he was a casualty in an accident
postati žŕtev to fall (a) prey to (ali (a) victim of) - žúlj (vodén) blister; (trd) callus, callosity; hardened (ali horny) part of skin
to so moji žúlji (figurativno) these are my hard-won earnings
od dolge hoje je dobil žúlje his feet were blistered (ali sore) after a long hike (ali after walking a long distance)
živeti od žúljev ljudstva to live by the sweat of the people - žvenketáti to clank, to clatter, to clink, to chink; to rattle
okna so žvenketala v svojih okvirjih the windows rattled in their frames
žvenketáti z verigo, s sabljo to rattle a chain, the sabre - žveplén sulphuric; sulphurous, sulphureous; sulphur
žvepléni cvet flowers pl of sulphur
žvepléne barve of a sulphurous colour, of the colour of sulphur
žvepléna kislina sulphuric acid
žvepléno mleko milk of sulphur
žveplén izvir, vrelec sulphur spring
žvepléna ruda sulphur ore
žveplén rudnik sulphur mine
žvepléna spojina sulphur compound
sol žvepléne kisline sulphate, ZDA sulfate
žvepléna kopel sulphur bath
žvepléno barvilo (barva) sulphur dye (colour)
žveplén vonj smell of sulphur (ali arhaično brimstone), sulphurous odour
žvepléno rumen sulphur yellow
tovarna žvepléne kisline sulphuric acid plant - žvrgoléti to warble
žvrgoléti pesem to warble a song
žvrgoléč warbling