žaba zoologija frog; (krastača) toad; tehnika tamper, rammer
(obleka) otroške žabe leggings, tights, (z zgornjim delom) playsuit
velika ameriška žaba bullfrog
skakajoča žaba (igrača) skipjack
napihnjena žaba (figurativno) conceited person
človek-žaba frogman
poln žab froggy
napihovati se kot žaba to puff oneself up like a frog
Zadetki iskanja
- žákelj sack
poln žákelj sackful
žákelj novic a bagful (ali a sackful) of news
žákelj nesreče (figurativno) sad sack
kupiti mačka v žáklju (figurativno) to buy a pig in a poke
vtakniti v žákelj to sack, to bag
dati koga v žákelj (figurativno, ugnati koga) to drive someone into a corner, to corner someone, to bully someone - žálosten sad; mournful; afflicted; melancholy; sorrowful; joyless; gloomy; dismal; downcast; (beden) wretched
žálosten pogled deplorable sight
to so žálostne novice this is sad news
tako sem žálosten zaradi tega I am so sorry (ali sad) to hear (oziroma to see) it
ona je vedno žálostna she is always miserable
žálostna nesreča a sad accident
žálostno pri tem je, da... the sad part of it is that...
biti v žálostnem (bednem) položaju to be in a sorry plight - žáltav rancid; rank; spoilt
postati žáltav to turn (ali to grow, to go) rancid
žáltavo maslo rancid butter
imeti žáltav vonj, duh to have a rancid smell - žámetast velvet-like, velvety, velvet
ravnati s kom z žámetastimi rokavicami (figurativno) to handle someone with kid gloves
železna roka v žámetastimi rokavici (figurativno) an iron hand in a velvet glove
žámetast trak velvet ribbon
žámetast sijaj velvet gloss - žarêč radiant; glowing; red-hot; white-hot; figurativno ardent, fervent, fiery, zealous
žarêč od veselja radiant (ali beaming) with joy
prišel je z žarêčim obrazom he came with a beaming (ali glowing) face - žárnica electric bulb, electric lamp; incandescent lamp
60 W žárnica a sixty-watt bulb
matirana žárnica frosted bulb - že already; as early as; yet
ona je tu že 5 dni she has been here for 5 days
že 2 uri delam I have been working for 2 hours
že leta 1930 as early as 1930, as long ago as 1930
že 30 let as long as 30 years
že včeraj as early as yesterday
že pred enim letom as far back as a year ago
že drugi (naslednji) dan the very next day
že zgodaj zjutraj already by the early morning
že v 15. stoletju as far back as the 15th century
že samó zaradi tega simply (ali just, only) for this reason
že sama misel the very idea, the mere thought
je mati že doma? is Mother (back) home yet!
je časopis že prišel? has the newspaper come yet?
ali je že tako pozno? is it as late as that?
imam že (tako) dosti dela I have enough to do as it is, pogovorno I've got my hands full already
kaj je že rekel? what was that (ali it) he said?
že dvakrat sem mu rekel (povedal) I have told him twice already
moraš že iti? must you be going (ali go) so soon (ali already)?
dan je že it is daylight already
(do) takrat bo že dan it will be daylight (ali the sun will be up) by then
koliko časa si že tu? how long have you been here?
kako dolgo ga že poznaš? how long have you known him?
kako dolgo ste že v Sloveniji? how long have you been in Slovenia?
vrnil se je že včeraj he was already back yesterday
pismonoša bi že moral biti tu the postman ought to be here by now
on bi mi bil moral že davno odgovoriti he ought to have answered me long ago
moral je že oditi he must have gone by now (ali by this time)
vam že strežejo? (v trgovini) (ste že postreženi?) are you being attended to?
si že (sploh kdaj) bil v Parizu? have you ever been in Paris?
to je že res, toda... that's very true, but..., that's all very well, but...
on že ve zakaj! he knows why all right!
o, že razumem! oh, I see!, pogovorno I get it! - žebèlj nail; (cvek) tack
tapetniški žebèlj upholstery tack
pribiti z žebèljem to nail, to tack
zabiti žebèlj v to drive a nail into - želéti to desire, to want; to wish; to be desirous (of), to long for
zelo želéti to long, to yearn, to thirst, to crave, to hunger (after), to be dying for
želéti lahko noč (zbogom) to bid good night (goodbye)
kaj želite od mene? what do you want from me?
ali želiš, da on pride? do you want him to come?
on želi dobiti to mesto he wants to get that post
želite, gospod? (v trgovini) what can I do for you, sir?
želéti komu dobro (slabo) to be well (ill) disposed to someone
želéti si to long for, to yearn for
zelo si želéti domov to long for one's home
želel si je vesti od svoje družine he longed for news of his family
vsi želimo, da bi se kmalu vzpostavil mir we all wish that peace may soon be restored
želéti komu srečo to wish someone luck, to wish someone, well
kakor želite as you please, just as you wish
tega ne bi še psu želel! (ZDA) it shouldn't happen to a dog!
želim van srečno novo leto! I wish you a happy New Year!
želim ti vse najboljše k rojstnemu dnevu! many happy returns of the day!
kaj si želiš za svoj rojstni dan? what would you like for your birthday?
hoteti in želéti je dvoje, ni isto willing and wishing are not the same thing - želézen iron(-); of iron, made of iron; irony; figurativno unbending, strong
želézna cesta (železnica) (francosko) chemin de fer, railway, ZDA railroad
želézna doba Iron Age
želézni (rezervni) fond permanent (ali reserve) fund
želézen drog, palica iron bar
želézni odpadki scrap iron
želézni opilki iron filings pl
želézno orodje iron fittings pl
želézna pločevina sheet iron, iron plate
želézna pljuča medicina iron lung
želézna roba ironware, hardware, ironmongery
želézna ruda iron ore
želézna rezerva (1800 kalorij) vojska iron ration, ZDA D ration
želézna vrata iron gate
želézna vrata ZDA geografija the Iron Gate
želézna zavesa gledališče safety (ali fireproof) curtain, politika iron curtain
želézno zdravje robust health
želézna volja iron will
želézna šibika iron bar, iron rod
želézna žila (rude) vein (ali seam, lode) of iron ore
vladati z želézno roko (figurativno) to rule with a rod of iron (ali with an iron hand)
on je želéznega zdravja he has an iron constitution - žêlja desire, wish; request; (hrepenenje) longing, yearning, craving, hankering, yen; (pohlep) cupidity, avidity, greed, greediness; (čestitka) congratulation
na žêljo trgovina if desired, on request
po žêlji as (ali if) requested, according to one's wish
na izrecno žêljo at the express wish (of)
dobre (slabe) žêlje pl good (bad) wishes pl
na splošno žêljo by general request
na žêljo g. X-a at the request (ali by desire) of Mr. X.
po moji žêlji in accordance with my wishes
moja srčna žêlja my heartfelt wish
pobožna žêlja (figurativno) pious hope (ali wish)
vroča žêlja ardent desire
to je moja edina žêlja it is the only thing I wish for, it is my only wish
naj bo po vaši žêlji! let it be as you wish!
izraziti žêljo to express one's desire
to so pobožne žêlje (figurativno, pogovorno) that's a piece of wishful thinking
od (dobrih) žêlja še nihče ni bil sit if wishes were horses beggars might ride
imeti žêljo to entertain a wish
vse je šlo (se je izšlo) po mojih žêljah everything turned out the way I wanted
to je bila le moja pobožna žêlja (figurativno) that was only my wishful thinking
uganiti žêlje koga to anticipate someone's wishes
ne morem ustreči tvoji žêlji I cannot comply with your wish
treba je znati brzdati svoje žêlje one must learn to cut one's coat according to one's cloth
izpolniti žêljo to satisfy a desire - želódec stomach; pogovorno tummy; (prežvekovalcev) maw; (ptičji) gizzard
bolan na želódcu dyspeptic
pokvarjen želódec disordered (ali upset) stomach
bolečine v želódcu stomachache
občutljiv, izbirčen želódec delicate stomach, easily upset stomach
rak na želódcu stomach cancer
zdravilo za želódec stomachic
na prazen želódec on an empty stomach
kruljenje v želódcu rumbling in the stomach
razširjanje želódca stomachic dilatation
ima slab želódec he suffers from indigestion
ona ima dober želódec (figurativno) she can stand (ali put up with) a good deal
imeti koga v želódcu (figurativno) to be unable to stand someone
hrana mi težko leži na želódcu food lies heavy on my stomach
to mi leži v želódcu (tega ne morem prebaviti) (figurativno) it sticks in my gizzard
želódec mi kruli my stomach (ali pogovorno tummy) is rumbling
obračati komu želódec (figurativno) to turn someone's stomach
želódec se mi obrača ob tem it's giving me the stomachache (ali vulgarno the bellyache)
potešiti si želódec to stay one's stomach
ta hrana ne prija mojemu želódcu this food disagrees with me
želódec se mi vzdiguje (= slabo mi postaja) my stomach rises - žélva zoologija tortoise
morska žélva turtle
počasen kot žélva (as) slow as a tortoise
aligatorska žélva alligator tortoise, snapping turtle
sladkovodna žélva terrapin
žélvina juha turtle soup
loviti žélve to catch turtles
žélvin oklep tortoiseshell - žêna (zakonska, soproga) wife, pl wives, humoristično better half; (soproga) spouse, mate, consort; (ženska) woman, pl women
brez žêne wifeless
poročena žêna married woman
moja bodoča žêna my wife-tobe
ločena žêna divorced woman, divorcee
kraljeva žêna queen consort
zakonita žêna lawful wedded wife
nezakonita žêna mistress
žêne pl women, wives; (lepi spol) the fair sex, womankind
moja žêna my wife, (bolj formalno) Mrs. X., pogovorno my old lady, my old woman, the missis (ali missus), (londonsko narečje) my old dutch
svetska žêna woman of the world
žêna s preteklostjo woman with a past
mož nezveste žêne (rogonosec) cuckold
biti komu dobra žêna to make someone a good wife
dati za žêno to give in marriage
žêna drži moža pod copato the husband is henpecked
ločiti se od žêne to divorce one's wife
vzeti za žêno to marry, to take in marriage - ženírati to trouble, to disturb, to embarrass; to bother
ženírati se to feel embarrassed
ne ženirajte se! make yourself at home!, don't be bashful!, this is Liberty Hall
ženírati se (da bi nekaj naredili) to scruple (to do something), to refrain (from doing something)
res, ti se ne ženiraš! well, you are a cool customer! - ženítev marriage, (poroka) wedding, wedding ceremony
goden, zrel za ženítev marriageable
ženítev iz ljubezni love match
ženítev iz ljubezni in brez sredstev love in a cottage
razumska ženítev marriage of convenience - žénska woman, pl women
žénska (deklè) za vsa dela maid of all work
sovražnik žénsk woman-hater, misogynist
svetska žénska woman of the world
za tem tiči (kaka) žénska, tu ima žénska prste vmes (figurativno) there is a woman involved here
sovraštvo do žénsk misogyny
ki sovraži žénske misogynous
žénske pl women pl, females pl, womenfolk
moje žénske (pogovorno) my womenfolk
letati za žénskami (figurativno) to philander, (pogovorno) to chase after skirt - žerjávica live (ali hot) coal (s pl); embers pl
kot na žerjávici (figurativno) like a cat on hot bricks
biti (kot) na žerjávici (figurativno) to be on edge, to be on tenterhooks
iti za koga po kostanj v žerjávico (figurativno) to pull someone else's chestnuts out of the fire - žétev harvest, harvest time; harvesting, reaping; crop
obilna žétev rich harvest
slaba žétev bad harvest
rekordna žétev bumper harvest
praznik žétve harvest home, (cerkveno) Harvest Festival
žétev je pospravljena the harvest is gathered in
obeta se bogata žétev it promises to be a bumper crop
kakršna setev, takšna žétev as you have sown, so shall you reap
toča je uničila vso žétev the hail has ruined the whole crop
spraviti žétev pod streho to gather in the harvest