
Zadetki iskanja

  • zastáva2 (zalog) pawn; pledge; pravo mortgage

    dati v zastávo to give in pawn, to put in pledge, to mortgage
    imeti v zastávi to hold in pledge
    vzeti kot zastávo, v zastávo to take in pledge
    rešiti iz zastáve to redeem a pledge
  • zastòj deadlock; standstill; stop, stopping; stagnation, stagnancy

    zastòj v prometu traffic jam, traffic hold-up, tailback, bottleneck
    v zastòju at a standstill, at a deadlock
    priti do zastòja to come to a deadlock
    privesti do zastòja to bring to a standstill
  • zastónj gratis, gratuitously; for nothing, free, free of charge; (zaman) in vain, to no purpose

    skoraj zastónj sem to dobil I got it dirt cheap
    to se lahko zastónj dobi it can be had for the asking
    to sem kupil skoraj zastónj I bought it for a song
    zastónj se mučiti to labour in vain, (figurativno) to beat the air
    še zastónj tegá ne bi hotel imeti I would not have it as a gift
    vse moje prizadevanje je bilo zastónj all my efforts were in vain
    ta zdravnik zdravi reveže zastónj that doctor treats poor people free
  • zastópnik representative; trgovina agent; (namestnik) substitute, deputy, delegate, proxy

    pravni advocate, barrister, solicitor
    imenovati uradnega zastópnika na konferenci to nominate an official representative to a conference
  • zástor curtain; (okenski) window curtain

    železni zástor fireproof curtain, safety curtain
    zástor se dviga (pada) the curtain is rising (is falling)
    dvigniti zástor to raise the curtain
    spustiti zástor to drop the curtain
    priti pred zástor (po ploskanju) to take a curtain call
    (po)klicati pred zástor to call before the curtain
    potegniti skupaj (okenske) zástore to draw the curtains, narazen to draw back the curtains
  • zasúkati to turn (round), to roll up, to tuck up; to distort; to wrench

    zasúkati rokave to tuck up one's sleeves, (figurativno) to set to work
    zasukan rolled up, tucked up
    zasúkati se to turn round; to take a new turn; (zaplesati) to begin to dance, to start dancing
  • zasúmiti to suspect

    zasumil sem, da je lažnivec (da laže) I suspected he was a liar, I suspected him of lying
  • zasúniti

    zasúniti zapah to bolt (in); to shoot a bolt
  • zaščíten protective; shielding

    zaščítna barva zoologija protective colouring
    zaščítna carina protective tariff
    zaščítni bog tutelary god
    zaščítna čelada safety helmet, protective helmet, crash helmet
    zaščítni pokrov avtomobilizem bonnet, ZDA hood, aeronavtika cockpit cover
    zaščítno cepljenje protective inoculation
    sistem zaščítne carine protectionism
    zagovornik zaščítne carine protectionist
    zaščítna mera, ukrep protective (ali preventive) measure
    zaščítna ograja guard rail, parapet
    zaščítna plast protective layer
    zaščítna prevleka protective coating
    zaščítno spremstvo safe-conduct, escort, (na morju) convoy, aeronavtika air cover
    zaščítno sredstvo (proti) preservative, preventive, preventative (against)
    zaščítna streha protective roof, shed, shelter, penthouse
    zaščítna straža escort, safeguard
    zaščítni zid, stena safety wall
    tovarniški zaščítni znak trademark
    zaščítna obleka protective clothes pl
    zaščítna očala (a pair of) protective (ali safety) goggles
  • zašíti to sew up

    zašíti luknjo, rano to sew up a hole, a wound
    zašíti rano to put a stitch (oziroma stitches) in a wound; figurativno (zapreti koga) to imprison, to incarcerate, to arrest (someone)
  • zatakníti to stick (v to, into)

    zatakníti si cvetico v gumbnico to stick a flower into one's buttonhole
    zatakníti se to stick (tudi figurativno)
    vrata so se zataknila the door has stuck
    beseda se mi je zataknila (v govoru) I stumbled over a word (in my speech)
  • zatečèn

    zatečèn pes a stray dog
  • zatêči

    1. (oteči: noga, roka itd.) to swell (up)

    zatekle noge swollen legs pl
    lice mi zateka my cheek is swelling


    zatêči koga to catch, to surprise, to overtake someone
    tema ga je zatekla he was overtaken by darkness
    zatêči vlomilca pri dejanju to surprise a burglar in the act


    zatêči se k čemu to have recourse to something, to fall back on something, to resort to something
    zatêči se k orožju to have recourse to arms
    zatêči se k sili to have resort to force


    zatêči se (izgubiti se) to go astray
    zatêči k slovarju to refer to a dictionary
    zatêči se v gozdove to take to the woods
  • zatípati to feel

    zatípati komu utrip, žilo to feel someone's pulse
    zatípati oteklino to feel a swelling
  • zatísniti to close, to shut

    zatísniti oči pred (nekim) dejstvom to close (ali to shut) one's eyes to a fact
    vso noč nisem zatisnil očesa I did not sleep a wink all night
    niti za hip ni zatisnil očesa vso noč he could not get a wink of sleep all night
    zatísniti eno oko nad čem to overlook something
  • zatíšje calm, calmness

    zatíšje pred viharjem (figurativno) lull before a storm
  • zatočíšče (place of) refuge; resort, shelter; asylum; sanctuary; retreat; (zavetišče čez noč) house of refuge

    zatočíšče tatov resort of thieves
    dati zatočíšče to grant sanctuary
    iskati zatočíšče to seek sanctuary
    nuditi zatočíšče to offer shelter
    to je moje zadnje zatočíšče this is my last resort
    ti si moje edino zatočíšče you are my only recourse (ali the only one I can turn to)
    njegova hiša je zatočíšče nesrečnikov his home is a sanctuary (ali asylum) for the wretched
    laž je njegovo običajno zatočíšče lying is his usual expedient (ali his usual way out)
    v dolgočasju najti zatočíšče v branju to take refuge from boredom in reading
    pravica do zatočíšča right of sanctuary
  • zatón

    sončni zatón sunset, sundown; figurativno fall, decline, wane
    zatón življenja (dneva) evening (pesniško eventide) of life (close of day)
    leto gre v zatón the year is on the wane
    poletje gre v zatón summer is drawing to a close (ali pogovorno is on its way out)
  • zatréskan

    biti zatréskan v deklè to be infatuated with (ali to be swept off one's feet by) a girl
  • zatréščiti

    zatréščiti vrata to bang (ali to slam) the door; to shut the door with a bang