
Zadetki iskanja

  • zalívanje (rastlin) watering; adding water; (namakanje) irrigation

    zalívanje kupčije wetting a bargain
  • zaljúbljen in love (v with), (knjižno) enamoured (v of)

    noro zaljúbljen v doting on
    biti zaljúbljen to be in love (v with), (knjižno) to be enamoured (v of)
    biti noro zaljúbljen v koga to dote on someone, (pogovorno) to be crazy (ali nuts) about someone, to have a crush on someone
    biti zaljúbljen v to be sweet on (someone)
    biti do ušes zaljúbljen v to be over head and heels in love with, pogovorno to be dead stuck on
    bil je slepo zaljúbljen v njo he was madly in love with her, he was completely infatuated with her
    nesrečno zaljúbljen lovelorn
  • zalóga stock; store

    v, na zalógi in stock, in store
    ne (več) na zalógi out of stock
    vsa zalóga the whole stock; (rezerva za silo) stockpile
    zalóga živil provisions pl
    zalóge za zimo stores pl for the winter
    delati si zalóge to stockpile
    držati v zalógi (v rezervi) to hold (ali to keep) in store
    imeti v zalógi to have in stock, to stock
    napraviti si zalógo česa to lay in (ali to take in) a stock (of)
    obnoviti svojo zalógo to renew one's stock
    moje zalóge gredo h kraju my stores are getting low
  • zalopútniti

    zalopútniti vrata to bang (ali to slam) the door, to bang to, to shut the door with a bang
    zaloputnil mi je vrata pred nosom he slammed the door in my face
  • zamáhniti to swing; to brandish; to flourish

    zamáhniti z mečem to brandish a sword
  • zamàn in vain, vainly; to no purpose, to no profit; ineffectually, unavailingly, fruitlessly

    zamàn govoriti to waste words
    vse je bilo zamàn it was all to no effect, it was all for nothing, it came to nothing, it achieved nothing
    zamàn se mučiti to labour in vain
    trud je bil zamàn the efforts proved abortive
    zamàn trošiti to waste, to squander
    zamàn se truditi (figurativno) to beat the air, to beat one's head against a brick wall
  • zamašíti (steklenico) to cork (up), to stopper, to stopple; to stop up; (sod) to bung up; to plug up; (luknjo) to cram, to stuff, to clog; (prebavo) to constipate, to render costive; (promet) to jam, to block; to choke up, to occlude; (odprtino, cev) to obturate

    zamašíti se to get (ali to become) blocked (ali choked)
    zamašíti vrzel to stop up a gap
    zamašíti luknjo to stop (ali to fill up) a gap
    zamašíti komu usta to stop someone's mouth; to silence someone, to muzzle someone
  • zaménjati to exchange; trgovina to barter (za for), to truck, to swap (ali to swop); (koga s kom drugim) to mistake for; to confound

    zaménjati stražo to relieve a guard (ali sentinel); (nadomeščati v službi) to be deputy, to deputize (for), to be proxy, to substitute, to be substitute for, to replace, to represent, to act on (ZDA in) behalf (of), to be acting for; (nadomestovati zdravnika, duhovnika) to act as a locum (ali formalno locum tenens) for
    zamenjal me je z mojim bratom he mistook me for my brother
    zamenjal sem staro obleko za živila I exchanged my old clothes for provisions
    zamenjala sva klobuke we have exchanged our hats
    papirnati denar je zamenjal kovanega paper money has replaced specie
    ne zamenjujte naše tvrdke z drugimi, ki imajo isto ime! don't confuse our firm with others of the same name!
    zaménjati konja za kravo to swap a horse for a cow
  • zametèn (s snegom) snowed up (ali in); covered with snow

    cesta je bila teden dni zametèna s snegom the road had been snowed up for a week
  • zamísliti zamíšljati to conceive, to imagine, to picture to oneself, to fancy; (izumiti) to invent, to contrive

    zamísliti, zamíšljati se to be absorbed in thought, to be lost in (deep) thought
    ne morem si zamísliti, zamíšljati, kako je to storil I cannot conceive how he did it
    si ga lahko zamisliš kot vojaka? can you imagine him as a soldier?
    skušaj si zamísliti, zamíšljati, v kakšnem stanju sem bil! try to picture to yourself the state I was in!
  • zamižáti to shut (ali to close) one's eyes

    zamižáti ob dejstvu (figurativno) to shut one's eyes to a fact
  • zamólkel dull, hollow; (grmenje) rumbling

    zamólkel zvok a dull sound
  • zamréžiti to enmesh; to entangle

    zamréžiti okno to lattice; to grate (a window)
  • zamúden retardatory; retardative; (počasen) remiss

    zamúdno delo time-consuming work
    to je zamúdno delo this job takes up a good deal of time
    zamúden dopisovalec a remiss correspondent
  • zamudíti to be late (for); to miss; to come late; to be behind time

    zamudíti šolo to be late for school
    zamudíti vlak to miss the train
    zamudíti priložnost, priliko to miss (ali to lose, to neglect, to omit, to let slip) an opportunity
    zamudil sem 1. dejanje I missed the first act
    pohiti, sicer boš zamudil vlak! hurry up or you'll miss the train!
    zamudila boš vlak you are going to miss the train
    zamudíti se to make too long a stay, to stay too long
  • zanemáriti zanemárjati to neglect; (delo) to leave undone; to be remiss, to be negligent (ali neglectful) of, to be careless in (ali of, about); (ne upoštevati) to disregard, to ignore

    zanemáriti, zanemárjati svojo dolžnost to fail in one's duty, to be remiss in one's duties, ZDA to be derelict in one's duty
    dejstvo, ki ga ne smemo zanemáriti, zanemárjati a fact that must not be overlooked
    zanemáriti, zanemárjati svoje zdravje to be (oziroma to become) careless about one's health
    zanemáriti, zanemárjati se to neglect oneself, to be (ozir. to become) slovenly
  • zanemarljív negligible

    zanemarljíva količina a negligible quantity
    zanemarljívost negligibility
  • zanesljív reliable; trustworthy, trusty; dependable; (resničen, gotov, varen, siguren) true, sure, certain, proof against; (verodostojen) authentic, positive

    to imamo iz zanesljívega vira we have it from a reliable source
    zanesljíva (verodostojna) priča reliable witness
    njegov uspeh ni le verjeten, je zanesljív his success is more than a probability, it is a certainty
    zanesljíva oseba a person to be depended on (ali upon)
  • zanêsti to carry away

    avto je zaneslo v stran the car went into a skid, the car skidded
    zanêsti koga (figurativno, očarati, navdušiti) to carry someone away
    zanêsti se na koga to rely upon someone, to depend on someone
    nanj se lahko zaneseš he is as good as his word
    nanj se ne moreš zanêsti he is not to be trusted
    se nanjo lahko zanesem? is she dependable?
    se lahko zanesemo na njegovo besedo? can we rely on his word?
    upam, da se lahko zanesem na to I hope I can rely upon it
    na to se lahko zaneseš! you may depend upon it!, depend upon it!
    zanêsti se na srečo to trust to luck
  • zanétiti to light; to inflame

    zanétiti ogenj to light (ali to kindle, to start) a fire
    zanétiti revolucijo to start a revolution