zadušíti to suffocate, to stifle, to choke, to throttle, to smother
zadušíti upor to stifle (ali to smother) a rebellion
zadušíti se to get suffocated (ali stifled, choked, smothered)
zadušíti se v delu (figurativno) to be overwhelmed with work
skoraj zadušil se je od smeha he nearly choked with laughter
Zadetki iskanja
- zagáta (slepa ulica) blind alley; figurativno quandary
prometna zagáta traffic jam; (zastoj) deadlock
biti v zagáti to be in a quandary
v lepi zagáti smo we are in a nice (ali pretty, sorry) pickle
sem v zagáti (v škripcih) (figurativno) I am on the horns of a dilemma, I am in an awkward situation
spraviti koga v zagáto (težavo, zadrego) to drive someone into a corner, to corner someone - zaglédati to catch sight of, to sight, to see; to perceive; to lay eyes on; to behold
zaglédati luč sveta to see the light, to be born
zaglédati se v koga (figurativno) to fall in love with someone
zaglédati se kam to stare (ali to gape) at
zaglédati kopno zemljo to sight land, to make a landfall - zaglušíti to deaden; to muffle, to damp
zaglušíti zvon, vesla to muffle a bell, one's oars - zagnáti to throw; to fling, to hurl
zagnáti krik to set up (ali to raise) a cry, to cry out, to shriek
zagnáti na tla to hurl down
zagnáti hrup to make a noise, to cause an uproar
zagnáti se na to fall upon, on; pounce upon, at; to leap at
zagnáti se za čim to make a dash for
zagnáti se na sovražnika to make a dash at the enemy - zagòn impetus; élan; impulsion, vim; momentum, pl momenta, -ums; push, dash
dati nov zagòn to give a fresh impetus (to) - zagôsti
zagôsti jo komu to play a trick (ali a joke) on someone, to trick someone; to take someone for a ride; pogovorno to bamboozle
grdó jo komu zagôsti to play someone a dirty (ali nasty, shabby, mean) trick, to put one over on someone, to do someone an ill turn - zagotovíti zagotávljati to assure (komu kaj someone of something); to give an assurance (of); to promise; (zajamčiti) to ensure
zagotavljamo vam, da... you may be assured that...
zagotovíti, zagotávljati si kaj to make sure of something, to secure something
zagotovíti, zagotávljati si večino to secure a majority
zagotovíti, zagotávljati si sedež, prostor to secure a place - zagovoríti
zagovoríti duhá to conjure up (ali to raise) a ghost
zagovoríti se (nehote povedati resnico) to let slip - zagovórnik; zagovórnica advocate, defender, intercessor, pleader, speaker in favour (ali on behalf) (koga of someone)
vzeti zagovórnik; -icaa to retain a defence counsel (ali a lawyer oziroma counsel for the defence) - zagózda (klin) wedge
zabiti zagózdo to drive a wedge - zagrêbsti to bury; (truplo) to inter, to bury
zagrêbsti zaklad to bury a treasure
zagrêbsti se v delo to bury oneself in one's work - zagrízen fanatical, fanatic; overzealous; (narodno) chauvinistic, jingoistic
zagrízen ribič an enthusiastic angler
zagrízeno boriti proti čemu to fight something tooth and nail, to struggle against something tooth and nail
zagrízen demokrat a rabid democrat - zahájati (obiskovati) to frequent, to attend; to keep visiting, to haunt; (sonce) to set
v krčmo to frequent a pub - zahtéva demand; claim; request; (pretirana) exaction; requirement; postulation; pretension (po to)
na zahtévo on request, on demand
na splošno zahtévo by request
utemeljena zahtéva a just claim
zahtéva za plačilo demand for payment
kakšne so vaše zahtéve? what are your demands?
biti kos vsem zahtévam to be up to all demands
napraviti kaj na zahtévo to do something at the demand (of)
umakniti svoje zahtéve to withdraw one's claims
ugoditi, ustreči zahtévam to comply with the requirements
da ustrežemo zahtévam naših odjemalcev to meet our customers' requirements
popustiti v svojih zahtévah to moderate (ali to abate) one's demands - zahvála thanks pl; giving thanks; acknowledgment
v zahválo za in (grateful) thanks for
izraziti svojo zahválo to express one's thanks
veliko zahválo sem dobil za to! (ironično) small (pogovorno much) thanks I got for it!
dolžan sem vam globoko zahválo I owe you a great debt of thanks
blagovolite sprejeti mojo najtoplejšo (iskreno) zahválo please accept my warmest (heartfelt) thanks
prisrčna zahvála cordial thanks
vreden zahvále thankworthy, worthy of thanks, deserving thanks
izražamo vam najtoplejšo zahválo za vašo naklonjenost we express to (ali we tender) you our warmest thanks for your favour
odkloniti z zahválo to decline with thanks
tolikšna plemenitost (radodarnost) je zaslužila vsaj nekaj zahvále such generosity deserved at least some acknowledgment - zaigráti to begin to play, to play; (izgubiti v igri) to gamble away, to lose by gambling (ali by gaming); (zapraviti) figurativno to forfeit
zaigráti v hazardni igri to lose in a game of chance
zaigráti svoje premoženje to fritter away (ali to squander, to dissipate) one's wealth in gambling
zaigráti simpatije to forfeit sympathy
srcé mi je zaigralo od veselja my heart leapt with joy, my heart swelled, it did my heart good, it warmed the cockles of my heart - zaíti to lose one's way; to go astray; (sonce) to set, to sink, to go down; (pošiljka) to fail to arrive, to go astray, to miscarry
zaíti v dolgove to get into (ali to incur) debts
zaíti na kriva pota to go off the right track, to go to the bad, to go astray; to take the wrong turning (ali path), to go wrong
zaíti v neprilike, v zagato to hit a snag - zajáhati
zajáhati konja to mount a horse, to back a horse; to climb (ali to get) on a horse
zajahal je konja in oddirjal he took horse and galloped off - zajámčiti to guarantee; to warrant; to vouch (kaj for something)
zajamčili so nam točno dostavo they guaranteed us punctual delivery
svoboda veroizpovedi je bila zajamčena freedom of religious belief was guaranteed
zajámčiti resničnost izjave to vouch for the truth of a statement