
Zadetki iskanja

  • vrág devil; Satan, the Evil One, the Tempter; the Prince of Darkness, the Adversary; arhaično the old gentleman, the archfiend, Old Nick; demon; dickens, deuce

    vrág v ženski podobi she-devil
    k vrágu! hang it!; what the dickens!
    obseden od vrága possessed by the devil
    vrág! the deuce!
    vrág vzemi to! devil take it
    k vrágu delo danes to hell with work today!
    vrág ga je obsedel! he has the devil in him
    kdo vrága ti je to rekel? who the devil (ali the dickens) (who on earth) told you that?
    pojdi k vrágu! go to hell, go to the devil!
    iti k vrágu to go to the devil, to go to the dogs, to go to rack and ruin
    vse gre k vrágu everything is going to the dogs!
    v sili vrág muhe jé (žre) beggars can't be choosers
    ne kliči vrága! let sleeping dogs lie!
    počenjati vrága in pol to raise the devil, to play hell
    slikati, risati vrága na steno to paint the devil blacker than he is
    vrág vzemi muhe bother the flies!
    vrág te vzemi! (the) devil take you!
    naj me vrág vzame, če... I'll eat my hat if..., I'll be (ali I'm) damned if..., I'll be shot (ali hanged) if...
    kaj vrága delaš danes tukaj? what the devil (ali what the dickens) are you doing here today?
    kar vrág prikveka, nima teka arhaično what is got over the devil's back, goes under the belly
    vrág ga vzemi! confound him!
    z vrágom ni dobro buče saditi! (figurativno) he that sups with the devil must have a long spoon
    »danes bi se šel z vrágom metat« (figurativno) I feel full of vim to-day
  • vrát neck; (grlo) throat

    trd vrát stiff neck
    labodji vrát swan's neck
    na vrát na nos helter-skelter, head over heels, headlong; precipitately
    do vrátu v težavah up to the eyes (ali ears) in difficulties
    do vrátu v delu up to the elbows in work
    biti do vrátu v vodi to be up to the ears in water
    biti do vrátu sit česa to be fed up to the back teeth with something
    vrát me boli I have a sore throat
    imeti koga na vrátu (figurativno) to have someone on one's back
    imeti veliko družino na vrátu to be encumbered with a large family
    držati koga za vrát to hold someone by the throat
    pasti komu okoli vrátu to fall on someone's neck, to embrace someone
    prerezati komu vrát to cut someone's throat
    razbiti vrát steklenice to break the neck of a bottle
    stegovati vrát to stretch (ali to crane) one's neck (za, po at, for)
    tičati do vrátú v dolgovih to be up to one's eyes (ali ears) in debt
    vreči se komu okoli vrátú to throw one's arms round someone's neck
    zaviti komu vrát to wring someone's neck, to tread on someone's neck
    zgrabiti koga za vrát to grab someone by the throat, to take someone by the neck
    zlomiti komu vrát to break someone's neck
    zlomiti si vrát to break one's neck
    zmagati za dolžino vrátú (pri konjskih dirkah) to win by a neck
  • vráta (sobna, hišna) door; (vrtna, dvoriščna) gate; (vhod) entrance, doorway; (nogomet) goal

    hišna vráta street door, front door
    dvokrilna vráta folding door
    mestna vráta town gate
    steklena vráta glass door, French window
    spustna vráta drop door
    vrtljiva vráta revolving door, swing door
    vzdižna železna vráta zgodovina vojska portcullis
    zadnja, zadajšnja vráta back door
    zunanja vráta outer door
    za zaprtimi vráti behind (ali with) closed doors
    smučna vráta sliding door
    vráta so zaprta the door is shut (ali closed)
    vráta so odprta the door is open, na stežaj wide open
    vráta so priprta the door is ajar
    vráta so zaklenjena the door is locked
    vráta so zapahnjena the door is bolted
    vojna je pred vráti war is imminent
    zima je pred vráti winter is upon us (ali is at the door)
    iti in odpreti vráta (ko pozvoni zvonec) to answer the bell (ali the door, the door-bell)
    pokazati komu vráta (figurativno) to show someone the door, to turn someone out of doors
    iti ven (noter) skozi zadnja vráta to go in (to go out) by the back door
    na stežaj odpreti vráta to throw the door wide open (komu to someone)
    na trkanje odpreti vráta to answer the door
    vlomiti vráta to force open the door
    zaloputniti vráta to slam (ali to bang) the door
    zapreti in zapahniti vráta to shut and bolt the door
    zapreti komu vráta pred nosom to shut the door in someone's face
    vráta so se zaprla the door swung to
  • vŕč jug; (lončen) pitcher

    vŕč za pivo stein
    poln vŕč (česa) jugful, pitcherful
    toliko časa hodimo z vŕčem po vodo, dokler se ne razbije the pitcher goes often to the well but is broken at last
  • vréči to throw, to fling; to hurl; (mrežo, sidro, kocko) to cast; (pri izpitu) to pluck

    nazaj vréči to throw back
    vréči na tla to throw (ali to fling) down
    vréči pogled na to glance at
    vréči kamen v psa to throw a stone at a dog
    vréči mrežo to cast a net
    proč vréči to throw away, to discard
    vréči novec v zrak to toss a coin
    vréči komu kaj to fling something at someone
    vréči v ječo to fling into prison, to cast (ali to clap) in prison
    vréči vrv komu (figurativno) to throw a rope to someone
    ven vréči to turn out, pogovorno to chuck out (koga someone)
    vréči žreb to cast lots
    vréči puško v koruzo (figurativno) to hang up one's ax(e), to throw in the towel (ali the sponge)
    vréči komu kaj v obraz (= očitati mu) to throw (ali to fling) something in someone's teeth
    vréči koga iz službe to sack someone, to give someone the sack, to dismiss, ZDA to fire someone
    vréči pismo v nabiralnik to drop a letter into a pillar box
    vréči komu polena pod noge (figurativno) to put a spoke in someone's wheel
    vréči (metati) slabo luč na koga to bring discredit (up)on someone
    vréči komu žogo to throw a ball to someone
    vréči se to throw oneself, to fling oneself
    vréči se po kom (figurativno) to take after someone, to resemble someone
    vréči se na delo to throw oneself into a task (ali a job)
    vréči se v kaj (figurativno) to fling oneself into something
    vréči se komu v naročje to fling oneself into someone's arms
    vréči se komu k nogam to throw oneself at someone's feet
    vréči se na to throw oneself upon, to fall upon, (lotiti se) to tackle
    trije možje so se vrgli nanj three men pounced upon him
    vréči se na sovražnika to rush (ali to dash) at the enemy
  • vrême weather

    aprilsko vrême April weather
    lepo (deževno, ustaljeno ali stalno, nestanovitno) vrême fine ali fair (rainy, settled, unsettled) weather
    spremenljivo vrême changeable weather
    megleno, sivo vrême foggy (ali hazy) weather
    hladno in vlažno vrême raw weather
    grdo (slabo) vrême dirty ali nasty (bad) weather
    pasje vrême foul (ali nasty) weather
    pri vsakem vrêmenu in all weathers
    v mokrem vrêmenu in wet weather
    sprememba vrêmena weather change
    napoved vrêmena weather forecast
    kakšno grdo vrême! what beastly weather
    odporen proti (slabemu) vrêmenu weatherproof
    kakšno vrême je? what is the weather like?
    lepo vrême je it is fine weather
    lepo vrême bo ostalo, bo držalo it will keep fine
    vrême kaže na lepo (na dež) we are in for a spell of fine weather (of rainy weather)
    pri takem vrêmenu ne hôdi ven! you must not go out in such (ali in this) weather!
    kljubovati vrêmenu to defy the weather
    če bo vrême (dovolilo) weather permitting
    izpostaviti vrêmenu to expose to the weather, to weather
    naleteti na lepo (grdo) vrême to meet good (bad) weather
    vrême se še ni ustalilo the weather is not settled yet
  • vréti to boil; to seethe (tudi figurativno); (mošt) to ferment

    v meni vre že dolgo časa I have been boiling up inside for a long time
    v deželi vre nezadovoljstvo the country is seething with discontent
    vréti k (zgrinjati se k) to flock to, to crowd to
  • vríniti to insert (v into, in, med between); to interpolate; to put in; to intercalate; (neopazno) to insinuate

    vríniti se v to creep into, to steal into, (vsiliti se) to intrude into, to insinuate oneself into
  • vrníti to return; to give back; to render (back); (uslugo) to reciprocate

    vrníti dobljeni udarec to return a blow
    vrníti dobro za zlo to return (ali to render) good for evil; (izdatek, strošek) to reimburse, to refund
    vrníti milo za drago to give tit for tat
    stroški mu bodo vrnjeni he will be reimbursed for his expenses
    vrníti se to return, to come back, (peš) to walk back, to go back; to recur
    vrníti se na delo to go back to work
    vrníti se jež (na konju) to ride back
    ladja se je vrnila the ship sailed back
    vrníti se po isti poti to retrace one's steps
    vrníti se v normalno stanje to return to normal (ali normality, normalcy)
  • vŕsta row (hiš of houses); line; rank; vojska file; turn; series; kind, sort; set; type; genus, species; variety; quality

    dolga vŕsta long row
    v vŕsti in a row, in a line
    v vŕstah in rows
    sprednja (zadnja) vŕsta front (back) line
    v sprednjih vŕstah in the front ranks
    v nepretrgani vŕsti in straight succession
    po vŕsti in turn, by turns; in rows; (po eden) one at a time, successively
    naslovna vŕsta headline
    vŕsta sedežev row of seats
    vŕsta topolov row of poplars
    kdo je na vŕsti? whose turn is it?
    jaz sem na vŕsti it is my turn
    počakati moraš, da prideš na vŕsto! you must await (ali pogovorno wait) your turn!
    prideš kmalu na vŕsto your turn will soon come
    ne (se) držati vŕste pri čakanju (preskočiti vŕsto) to jump a queue
    čakati v vŕsti (za kaj) to queue (for something)
    sedeti v prvi vŕsti to sit in the front row
    brati med vŕstami to read between the lines
    brali smo po vŕsti (eden za drugim) we took it in turns to read
    korakati v vŕsti to march in file
    razredčiti vŕste to thin out the rows
    postaviti v vŕsto to put (ali to set) in a row; to rank, to file, to draw up
    postaviti se v vŕsto (štartno črto pred tekom) to toe the line
    imeli smo vŕsto deževnih dni we (have) had a succession of rainy days
    imamo tri vŕste vina we have three sorts of wine
  • vršíti to execute; to perform; to carry out

    vršíti se to take place
  • vrtéti to turn (round), to spin round; to rotate, to revolve; to twirl, to whirl; (vrtavko) to spin

    vrtéti kolo to turn a wheel
    vrtéti (snemati) film to make a film
    vrtéti kolesa šport to turn somersaults (ali bočno: cartwheels)
    vrtéti palce (prste) to twiddle one's thumbs (fingers)
    vrtéti se to turn
    kolo se vrti the wheel turns
    vrtéti se v krogu to whirl
    vrti se mi v glavi my head reels, my head swims, I feel dizzy, I feel giddy
    vse se mi vrti my head reels (ali whirls), my brain reels
  • vŕv rope; cord

    vŕv za perilo clothesline
    vŕv za obešanje (kazen) halter; the rope
    vŕvi pl okoli ringa šport the ropes
    izdelovalec vŕvi ropemaker
    lestev iz vŕvi rope ladder
    plesalec, -lka na vŕvi rope dancer
    tovarna vŕvi rope factory
    vlečenje vŕvi (igra) tug-of-war, pl tugs-of-war
    vŕv za preskakovanje (otroška igra) skipping-rope
    oddeliti, izpreti gledalce z vŕvjo to rope off spectators
    hoditi po napeti vŕv nad globokim prepadom to walk (oziroma to be walking) the (oziroma a) tightrope over a very deep precipice
    ne omenjaj vrvi v hiši, v kateri se je nekdo obesil speak not of rope where a man has hanged himself
    peljati, voditi na vŕvi to lead by a halter
    pritrditi, zvezati z vŕvjo to cord, to rope (up)
    preskakovati vŕv, skakati čez vŕv (otroška igra) to skip (a skipping-rope)
  • vsè all; everything; all included; without exception

    vsè, kar... all that...
    vsè ali nič all or nothing, (figurativno) neck or nothing
    vsè to all this
    vsè zaman all in vain, all to no purpose
    vsè do zadnjega to the last
    vsè skupaj all together
    vsè v vsem all in all
    vsè več in več more and more
    vsè manj in manj less and less
    nad vsè above all, first of all
    ona mu je vsè she is all to him
    njemu vsè prav pride nothing comes amiss to him
    vsè je izgubljeno all is lost
    vsè mi je povedal he told me everything
    vsè sem tvegal I have risked my all
    vsè se mi zdi, da ti ni zanj I half suspect you don't care for him
    jaz bi vsè prej kot (šel) I would rather have anything than (go)
    vsè je dobro, kar se konča dobro all's well that ends well
    vsè, kar se sveti, ni zlato all that glitters is not gold
    storil bom vsè, kar želiš I shall do whatever you desire
  • vsíliti vsiljeváti

    vsíliti, vsiljeváti komu kaj to force (ali to impose) something on someone, to thrust (ali to ram) something down someone's throat
    vsilil nam je svojo družbo he thrust himself upon us
    ne maramo vam vsíliti, vsiljeváti blaga we will not force the goods on (ali upon) you
    vojna nam je bila vsiljena the war has been forced on (ali upon) us
    vsíliti, vsiljeváti se komu to impose oneself upon (ali on) someone, to intrude, to force oneself on someone, to barge in; to interlope
    vsilila se mi je misel the idea suggested itself to me
  • vskláditi to accord; to accommodate; to adapt

    vskláditi se to accord (z with); to accommodate oneself; to adapt oneself (z to)
  • vštúliti to intrude; to obtrude

    vštúliti se v... to intrude into...
  • vtákniti to put into

    vtákniti (meč) v nožnico to sheathe
    vtákniti roke v žep to put one's hands into one's pockets
    vtákniti v žep to pocket, to put into one's pocket
    vtákniti se v (figurativno) to meddle in, with
    vtákniti se vmes to interfere in something, to meddle with something
  • vulnerable [vʌ́lnərəbl] pridevnik (vulnerably prislov)
    figurativno spodbiten; nagnjen (to k)
    dostopen (za)
    vojska nezaščiten, odprt, občutljiv

    vulnerable spot ranljivo mesto, ameriško Ahilova peta
    to find s.o.'s vulnerable spot najti (odkriti) slabo, ranljivo mesto (točko) pri kom
    are you vulnerable to ridicule? se hitro ujezite zaradi posmehovanja?
  • vzajémno prislov mutually, reciprocally; (drug drugega) each other; one another

    vzajémno se sovražita they hate each other
    vzajémno se sovražijo they hate one another