
Zadetki iskanja

  • prebôsti to pierce, pesniško to transpierce; to transfix (z with); to perforate, to puncture; to make a hole; (človeka) to knife, to stab, to run through, (z rogovi) to gore

    prebôsti koga z mečem to run a sword through someone's body, to run someone through
  • prebrísanec a cunning fellow, figurativno a sly dog; a wily old bird
  • precédens a precedent; leading case, test case

    brez precédensa without precedent
  • precedíti precéjati to filter; to strain (out); to pass through a filter; to percolate

    precedíti, precéjati kavino goščo to strain out coffee grounds
  • precéj2 (mnogo) a great deal, a good deal of; in no small measure; much, many; pretty; rather; quite a few

    precéj (kar) dober rather good
    precéj dolgo a pretty long time
    precéj pozno rather late
    precéj denarja a great deal of money
    precéj knjig a good many books
    precéj dolga pot rather a long way
    kar precéj daleč od tu a good distance from here
    njegova opazka je bila precéj bedasta his remark was rather foolish
    jaz bi precéj rajši ne šel a I would (ali I'd) much rather not go there
  • precéjkrat a good many times; quite often
  • precióza woman affecting a refined delicacy of speech and thought; excessively refined woman
  • predávati to lecture (o on, komu to someone); to give (ali to hold, to read, to deliver) a lecture

    on predava o grških napisih he lectures on Greek inscriptions
  • predejáti to move; to shift; to transfer; to put in a new place
  • predeláva remaking, remodelling; alteration; modification; recasting, reshaping; (izdelava) manufacture, working (ali processing) of raw material into a product
  • predméten of a subject, dealing with a subject, having to do with a subject

    predmétni učitelj the teacher of a subject
  • predóčiti to show, to demonstrate; to produce; to submit; to explain; to give a clear idea of; to point out, to exhibit; (simbolično) to symbolize

    predóčiti si to realize, to conceive, to form an idea, to figure to oneself, to picture to oneself; to imagine, to fancy
    treba si je jasno predóčiti it should be clearly realized
  • predstávljati gledališče to play a part, to act, to perform, to represent (osebo a character)

    predstávljati si to imagine, to picture to oneself, to form a picture of something; to fancy
    živo si predstávljati to realize
    kar predstavljaj si to! just imagine, fancy that!
    tega si ni mogoče predstávljati it is not to be imagined
    predstavljaj si to! just fancy!, fancy that!
    tega si ni mogoče predstávljati it is not to be imagined
    predstavljajte si moje veselje! imagine how happy I was!
    živo si je lahko predstavljal tisti prizor he could well picture that scene
    ni si težko predstávljati, kaj se bo zgodilo it is not hard to imagine what will happen
    predstavljajte si moje začudenje! imagine my astonishment
  • pregrešíti se to sin; to commit a sin (proti komu against someone), to commit an offence; to trespass (proti against); to wrong (proti komu someone)
  • prehladíti se to catch (a) cold (ali a chill); to contract a cold, to pick up a cold
  • prehlajèn suffering from a cold

    biti prehlajèn to have a cold
    biti močno prehlajèn to have (got) a bad cold
    prehlajèni otroci naj ostanejo doma children who have caught cold should stay at home
  • prekásno prislov too late; (post festum) arhaično a day after the fair; behind one's time
  • prekíniti to interrupt; to make a break, to break off; (telefon) to cut off; to disconnect; to intermit; to cease, to suspend; (stike) to drop

    prekíniti delo to strike
    prekíniti predmet razgovora to drop the subject
    prekíniti naročilo časopisa to discontinue a newspaper
    koga na kratko, ostro prekíniti to cut someone short, to take someone up short
    prekíniti promet to interrupt (ali to hold up) the traffic
    osorno koga prekíniti to be curt (ali brusque) with someone, to snub someone
  • preludírati to prelude, to improvise a prelude (ali introduction)
  • premágati to defeat, to vanquish, to conquer; to overcome, to beat, to overwhelm; (strah, žalost, jezo) to get over; (prekositi) to get the better of; to win a victory over

    premágati svoja čustva to restrain one's feelings
    premágati težavo, zapreko to surmount a difficulty, an obstacle
    premágati se k... to bring oneself to...
    premágati svojo radovednost to restrain one's curiosity