
Zadetki iskanja

  • ukrèp measure, step; provision; arrangements pl

    obrambni ukrèp defensive measures pl
    preprečevalen ukrèp preventive measure
    prisilni ukrèp compulsory (ali coercive) measure
    varnosten ukrèp precaution
    zakonski ukrèp provision
    opraviti, podvzeti varnostne ukrèpe to take precautions (proti against)
    vse potrebne varnostne ukrèpe all due precautions
    lotiti se ukrèpov to make arrangements
    po nepotrebnem poseči po ostrih ukrèpih (figurativno) to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut
  • ulíti to cast; to take a cast

    obleka mu pristoji kot ulita the suit is a perfect fit
    dež se je ulil there was a heavy downpour of rain; it rained heavily
  • ultimate [ʌ́ltimit]

    1. pridevnik (ultimately prislov)
    skrajni, zadnji, končni, dokončen, odločilen; najbolj oddaljen; temeljni, osnovni, prvobiten; elementaren

    my ultimate goal moj najvišji cilj
    the ultimate deterrent ostrašilo (se rabi za vodikovo bombo)
    the ultimate outcome of the enquiry končni izid, rezultat preiskave
    ultimate result končni rezultat
    ultimate strain maksimalna obremenitev, pritisk
    ultimate truths osnovne resnice

    2. samostalnik
    kar je zadnje (skrajno, osnovno); končni rezultat
  • úm reason, intellect, intelligence; sense; understanding; mind; brains pl; wit

    človek ostrega úma a man of sharp intellect
    brez úma out of one's senses, out of one's (right) mind
    omračen úm clouded mind
    je bistrega úma he is quick-witted, he is bright
    bil je največji úm svojega časa he was the greatest intellect of his time
    ves iz úma je he is out of his wits (ali out of his mind)
    úm se mu je omračil he is mentally deranged, he is out of his senses, his mind is unhinged, he has lost his reason, he has gone mad
    kaj ti pade na úm! what an absurd idea!
    ne pade mi na úm, da bi to naredil I am not so stupid as to do it
    ni ji prišlo na úm, da bi zaprla plin she had not the sense to turn off the gas
    priti na úm komu to enter someone's mind
    prišlo mi je na úm, da... I was struck by the idea that..., it occurred to me that...
    priti nazaj na um to recur (ali to come back) to mind
  • umakníti to withdraw; to draw back; to retract; to take back; vojska to retire; to remove

    umakníti čete vojska to withdraw (the) troops
    umakníti svojo kandidaturo to withdraw one's candidature
    umakníti tožbo to withdraw a charge
    umakníti obtožbo to retract an accusation
    umakníti se to withdraw, to draw back, vojska to retire, to retreat; to beat a retreat
    umakníti se iz svetnega življenja to retire from the world
    vojska se je pred sovražnikom umaknila v lepem redu the army retired before the enemy in good order
    uspešno, srečno se umakníti (izmuzniti) to make good one's retreat
    umaknite se! (pojdite s poti!) make way!
    umaknite se mi! get out of my way!
  • umázati to dirty, to soil; to sully

    ne bi si hotel umázati rok s tem I would not soil my hands with it
    umázati se to dirty, to soil
    to blago se hitro umaže this fabric soils easily
  • umbrage [ʌ́mbridž] samostalnik
    spotika, zamera, jeza, nevšečnost
    poetično, zastarelo senca, mrak, tema

    to give umbrage to zbuditi spotiko, pohujšanje
    to take umbrage at spotikati se ob, pohujšati se ob
  • umíkati to withdraw

    umíkati se to withdraw, (vojska) to retreat, to retire
  • umiríti to calm down, to quieten down; to appease; to soothe; to set someone's mind at rest

    umiríti se to calm (down); to fall calm
    umirite se! calm yourself!, take it easy!
  • umíti umívati to wash; pesniško to lave; (rano) to bathe

    umíti, umívati si glavo (lase) to shampoo, to have a shampoo, to wash one's hair
    umíti, umívati si roke to wash one's hands
    umíti, umívati se to wash (oneself), to have a wash, to do (ali to perform) one's ablution
    umíti, umívati si roké nad čim (figurativno) to wash one's hands of something (nad to zadevo of this affair)
    roka roko umiva (figurativno) one good turn deserves another, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
  • unable [ʌnéibl] pridevnik
    nezmožen, nesposoben, ki ne more; nemočen, slaboten

    to be unable to work biti delanezmožen
    he is unable to move ne more se premakniti
    to be unable for biti neprimeren, nezmožen za kaj
  • unamazed [ʌnəméizd] pridevnik

    to be unamazed at ne se čuditi čemu
  • unbosom [ʌnbúzəm] prehodni glagol
    razkriti, izpovedati, zaupati (misli, skrivnosti itd.)

    neprehodni glagol unbosom o.s. razkriti se, zaupati se (komu)
  • unbrace [ʌnbréis] prehodni glagol
    odvezati, spustiti; osvoboditi; odpeti, zrahljati; oslabiti; razodeti, odpreti

    to unbrace o.s. oddahniti se, sprostiti se
  • unburden [ʌnbə́:dən] prehodni glagol
    razbremeniti; olajšati
    figurativno zaupati; priznati, izpovedati

    to unburden o.s. to s.o. zaupati se komu, razkriti se (svoje težave) komu
    to unburden one's troubles to s.o. zaupati komu svoje skrbi
    to unburden a secret povedati (odkrižati se) tajnost(i)
  • uncareful [ʌnkɛ́əful] pridevnik
    brezbrižen; brezskrben; neoprezen

    to be uncareful of (for) ne se brigati za, biti brezbrižen do
  • uncomfortable [ʌnkʌ́mfətəbl] pridevnik (-bly prislov)
    neudoben; neprijeten, mučen, neugoden; ženiran; zaskrbljen, nemiren

    to be uncomfortable ne se dobro počutiti
  • unconscious [ʌnkɔ́nšəs]

    1. pridevnik
    medicina nezavesten; nenameren, nehoten; neprostovoljen; zamišljen

    an unconscious humour neprostovoljen humor
    an unconscious mistake nenamerna napaka
    to be unconscious of ne vedeti (opaziti) česa, ne se zavedati česa

    2. samostalnik

    the unconscious podzavest; nezavestnost
  • undaunted [ʌndɔ́:ntid] pridevnik (undauntedly prislov)
    neustrašen, pogumen

    he remained undaunted by their threats ni se ustrašil njihovih groženj
  • under [ʌ́ndə]

    1. predlog
    pod; pod vodstvom, pod zaščito; pod vplivom (pritiskom); za časa, za vladanja, med; na osnovi, na temelju, v smislu, po

    from under izpod
    under age mladoleten
    under arms pod orožjem
    under one's belt figurativno v želodcu
    no one under a bishop nobeden manj kot škof
    under darkness v temi, v zaščiti teme
    under construction v gradnji
    under 20 years of age pod 20 leti starosti
    the children under her charge otroci v njenem varstvu
    under these circumstances v teh okoliščinah
    a criminal under sentence of death na smrt obsojeni zločinec
    under consideration v proučevanju, v pretresanju
    under that edict na osnovi one odredbe
    under favour če se sme reči
    employee under notice nameščenec z odpovedjo
    the matter under discussion zadeva, ki je v diskusiji
    under my hand and seal z mojim podpisom in pečatom
    under (ali by) one's own hand lastnoročno
    under hatches v zaporu; propadel, mrtev; navtika pod palubo
    under the king John za časa vlade kralja Ivana
    under the novelty pod vtisom te novosti
    patient under misfortunes potrpežljiv v nesreči
    under pretence that... pod pretvezo, da...
    under pain of death pod smrtno kaznijo
    under penalty of fine pod kaznijo globe
    ship under the sea navtika brez pomoči morju izpostavljena ladja
    under the treaty po pogodbi
    the under thirties osebe pod 30 leti
    under the rose figurativno zaupno
    the car is under repair avto je v popravilu
    she is under treatment ona je na zdravljenju
    I cannot do it under an hour potrebujem najmanj eno uro za to
    to be under a cloud figurativno biti v nemilosti; biti v denarni stiski
    the ship is under sail ladja pluje z razpetimi jadri
    the ship is under way ladja je na poti
    he spoke under his breath govoril je zelo tiho
    to study under a professor študirati pod vodstvom profesorja
    the total falls under what was expected celotna vsota je ostala pod pričakovanjem

    2. prislov
    spodaj; niže; manj

    as under kot (je) niže navedeno
    boys of 15 and under 15 let in manj stari dečki
    to go under ameriško podleči, propasti
    the firm is sure to go under tvrdka bo gotovo propadla
    the sun is under sonce je zašlo

    3. pridevnik
    spodnji; nižji; podrejen

    the under classes nižji razredi
    the under dog pogovorno pes (; figurativno oseba), ki podleže v boju
    the under jaw spodnja čeljust
    the under side spodnja stran
    an under dose premajhna doza