
Zadetki iskanja

  • prehladíti se to catch (a) cold (ali a chill); to contract a cold, to pick up a cold
  • prehlajèn suffering from a cold

    biti prehlajèn to have a cold
    biti močno prehlajèn to have (got) a bad cold
    prehlajèni otroci naj ostanejo doma children who have caught cold should stay at home
  • prekásno prislov too late; (post festum) arhaično a day after the fair; behind one's time
  • prekíniti to interrupt; to make a break, to break off; (telefon) to cut off; to disconnect; to intermit; to cease, to suspend; (stike) to drop

    prekíniti delo to strike
    prekíniti predmet razgovora to drop the subject
    prekíniti naročilo časopisa to discontinue a newspaper
    koga na kratko, ostro prekíniti to cut someone short, to take someone up short
    prekíniti promet to interrupt (ali to hold up) the traffic
    osorno koga prekíniti to be curt (ali brusque) with someone, to snub someone
  • preludírati to prelude, to improvise a prelude (ali introduction)
  • premágati to defeat, to vanquish, to conquer; to overcome, to beat, to overwhelm; (strah, žalost, jezo) to get over; (prekositi) to get the better of; to win a victory over

    premágati svoja čustva to restrain one's feelings
    premágati težavo, zapreko to surmount a difficulty, an obstacle
    premágati se k... to bring oneself to...
    premágati svojo radovednost to restrain one's curiosity
  • premetênec a cunning fellow; fox
  • premiírati to award a prize (koga to someone)
  • premnóg many a

    premnógi pl too many; too great a number
    premnógo too much, overmuch
    premnógo delo too much work, overwork
    premnógo let too many years
  • premréžiti to cover with a net
  • prenekatéri many a man
  • prenekatérikrat many a time, a good many times
  • prenočnína charge for lodging; pay for a night's lodging
  • preobvézati to change a bandage (ali a surgical dressing)
  • preoráti to plough up (down, over); to turn over with a plough; (znova orati) to plough over again (ali once again)

    do konca tedna bodo vse preorali by the end of the week they will have finished ploughing
    avtomobili so preorali cesto the cars have ploughed up (ali churned up) the road
    ladja je preorala morske valove the ship ploughed through the waves
  • prepésniti to re-create ali rework a poem
  • prepírati se to quarrel; to have a row (s kom with someone); to dispute (o on, about); to wrangle; to have words (s kom with someone); to squabble (s kom o čem with someone about something); (pričkati se) to bicker

    prepírati se s kom za kaj to contend with someone for something
    prepírati se za prazen nič to argue about trifles
    o tem se ne bomo prepirali that admits of no argument
  • prepísati to copy (in writing), to make a copy; to transcribe; (v šoli nalogo) to copy, to crib

    prepísati na čisto to make a fair copy, to copy out; (literarna kraja) to plagiarize
    točno, dobesedno prepísati to copy out exactly, to copy to the letter; (v lepopisu, dokumente ipd.) to engross; (lastništvo) to convey, to transfer, to make over (property)
    še enkrat prepísati to write out once again
    prepisal je nalogo, vajo od mene he copied (ali cribbed) his exercise from me
  • prepláčan overpaid; bought at too high a price
  • preplàčati to pay too high a price (for); to overpay

    močnó preplàčati to pay an exorbitant price, to pay through the nose; not to get one's money worth; (pasivno) to be overcharged
    ne preplàčati to get one's money worth
    preplačali smo we did not get our money's worth