stári old man
moj stári (= mož) pogovorno my old man
Zadetki iskanja
- stárost age, old age, oldness; advanced years pl; declining age
na stárost in one's old age
v stárosti od at the age of
prezgodnja stárost premature decrepitude
mož srednje stárosti a man of middle age
visoka stárost extreme old age
doživel je visoko stárost he lived to a great age
umrl je v visoki stárosti (v stárosti 20 let) he died at a great age (at the age of twenty years)
doseči visoko stárost to reach a great age, (pogovorno) to make old bones
sem njegove stárosti I am his age
ne kaže svoje stárosti he doesn't look his age
v tem poklicu človek ne doživi stárosti in that occupation men never reach a great age
on je palica moje stárosti (figurativno) he is the staff of my old age
če bi mladost znala, če bi stárost mogla... if one had an old head on young shoulders... - stature [stǽčə] samostalnik
stas, rast, postava; velikost (zlasti človeškega telesa); velikost
figurativno veličina, format; (najvišja) stopnja razvoja
a man of mean stature mož srednje postave
mental stature duhovna veličina - straw1 [strɔ:]
1. samostalnik
slamnata bilka, slama, pletena slama; slamica (za pitje)
figurativno bilka, malenkost, mrvica; slamnik
in the straw zastarelo v porodni postelji
a straw in the wind slamica v vetru, figurativno majhna stvar, ki je znak prihodnjih velikih dogodkov
the last straw figurativno tisto, kar preseže mero
the last straw that breaks the camel's back majhen dodatek bremenu, ki zlomi kameli hrbet, figurativno tisto, kar sodu izbije dno
a man of straw slamnati mož, lutka, slabič; ptičje strašilo
to be (to lie) in the straw zastarelo biti otročnica
I don't care a straw še malo mi ni mar, požvižgam se
to catch at (to cling to) a straw oprije(ma)ti se bilke (da bi se rešili)
to draw straws vleči (žrebati) slamice
my eyes draw straws oči se mi zapirajo (od zaspanosti)
a straw shows which way the wind blows tudi majhna stvar pokaže (da slutiti) važne stvari (dogodke)
it is not worth a straw ni vredno prebite pare, počenega groša
to be quite out of one's straw figurativno biti ves zmešan, zmeden
I have a straw to break with you s teboj imam majhen obračun
to split straws cepiti slamice, figurativno ukvarjati se z nekoristnimi stvarmi, prepirati se zaradi malenkosti
to throw straws against the wind figurativno zaman se truditi
2. pridevnik
straw cutter slamoreznica
straw mattress slamnjača
straw worker slamopletec - subsidize [sʌ́bsidaiz] prehodni glagol
podpirati (z javnimi sredstvi), subvencionirati; vzdrževati; podkupiti
he subsidized an army of 5000 men vzdrževal je vojsko 5000 mož - substantial [səbstǽnšl]
1. pridevnik (substantially prislov)
snoven, materialen, stvaren, telesen; trden, čvrst, močan, trpežen, trajen; bistven; znaten, precejšen, tehten, važen; redilen, izdaten (hrana); premožen; zanesljiv, odločilen
filozofija snoven, realen, bistven
a substantial argument tehten argument
a substantial farmer premožen kmetovalec
a substantial meal obilen jedilni obrok
substantial profits veliki, mastni dobički
a substantial victory odločilna zmaga
a man of substantial built mož krepke postave
to make substantial progress znatno napredovati
2. samostalnik
nekaj materialnega, resničnega, stvarnega, trdnega, bistvenega, pomembnega
the substantials of meal glavna jed (del) obeda - štéti to count; to number; to reckon
štéti do 50 to count up to 50
štej od 20 do 50! count from 20 to 50!
njegovi dnevi so šteti his days are numbered, pogovorno his number's up
vojska, ki šteje 50.000 mož an army numbering fifty thousand
štejem ga med svoje prijatelje I regard him as one of my friends
šteto od jutri dalje reckoning from tomorrow
videti je, kot da ne zna do 5 šteti he looks as if butter would not melt in his mounth - that2 [ðæt, ðət] oziralni zaimek (množina that)
ki; kateri, -a, -o; ki ga, ki jo, ki jih; katere, katera
all that everything that vse, kar
the best that najboljše, kar
much that mnogo (tega), kar
nothing that nič, kar
no one that nihče, ki
the book that I sent you knjiga, ki sem ti jo poslal; ki
the man that bought the house (tisti) človek, ki je kupil hišo
the lady that he is acquainted with gospa, s katero se pozna
it is the ideas that matter ideje so važne
the fool that he is! takšen bedak!
grboslovje husband that is to be njen bodoči mož (soprog)
Mrs. Black, Miss Brown that was pogovorno gospa Black, rojena Brown
Mrs. Jones that is sedanja gospa Jones
for the reason that iz razloga, zaradi katerega
the day (that) I met him na dan, na katerega (ko) sem se seznanil z njim - vélik big, large; great; (visok) tall, high; (razsežen) vast, spacious
v vélikem obsegu on a large scale
vélika črka capital letter, upper-case letter, majuscule
véliki četrtek Maundy Thursday
vélik del a great deal
lov na véliko divjad big-game hunting
Aleksander Veliki Alexander the Great
véliki (glavni) dobitek first prize
vélika bitka great battle
véliki in mali (figurativno) great and small
véliki inkvizitor grand inquisitor
vélika gospoda (imenitniki) the great
Karel Veliki Charlemagne, Charles the Great
vélika laž a big lie
vélika luža (figurativno, Atlantik) the big pond, the big drink
vélik (slaven) mož great man, (visok) tall man
Veliki Medved astronomija Ursa Major, the Great Bear, the Plough
véliki mojstri the great masters pl
vélika noč religija Easter
véliki petek religija Good Friday
vélika sobota religija Holy Saturday
vélika obzirnost great discretion
véliko naročilo large order
vélik(i) nakup(i) bulk purchases pl
véliko podjetje largescale enterprise
vélik pesnik great poet
véliki stroški heavy expenses pl
z vélikim trudom with great pains
vélik umetnik great artist
véliki teden religija Holy Week
Veliki Voz astronomija the Great Bear, the Plough, Charles's Wain, the Wain, ZDA the Big Dipper
vélika soba large room
véliki vezir Grand Vizier
véliki vojvoda Grand Duke (ženski spol Duchess)
vélika žival large animal
vélika živina (figurativno, žargon) big shot, big noise, big wheel
oba sta enako vélika they are both the same size
pisati, tiskati z véliko črko to capitalize
oni živijo v vélikem slogu they live in great style - winter1 [wíntə]
1. samostalnik
poetično leto
figurativno neplodno, neproduktivno razdobje (čas)
a hard winter ostra zima
a man of 6 winters mož 60 let
to stand on winter's verge figurativno biti na robu starosti
2. pridevnik
winter apple zimsko jabolko
winter quarters vojska prezimovališče
winter resort zimskošportni kraj (center)
winter sports zimski športi
winter time, poetično winter tide zimski čas (doba), zima
winter crop ozimina - word1 [wə:d] samostalnik
beseda; kar je (iz)rečeno; govor; besedilo, tekst (pesmi itd.); častna beseda, obljuba; pritrditev, zagotovitev, zagotovilo; nalog, ukaz, navodilo; geslo, parola; sporočilo, obvestilo, odgovor
religija božja beseda, sveto pismo, biblija
zastarelo pregovor, (iz)rek, moto
množina pričkanje, prerekanje
the words tekst, libreto
at a word na besedo, takoj
by word of mouth ustno
in so many words dobesedno, (na) kratko
word for word od besede do besede, dobesedno
beyond words neizrazljiv
on the word, with the word na to besedo, po tej besedi, s to besedo
in a word z eno besedo, skratka
in other words z drugimi besedami
upon my word (of honour)! pri moji časti! (častna beseda!); saj (toda) to ni mogoče!
my word upon it! pri moji časti! častna beseda!
a word to the wise pametnemu človeku zadostuje ena sama beseda
a word and a blow po besedah takoj pretep (ravs)
a word in (out of) season (ne)primeren nasvet
a word or two beseda ali dve, nekaj besed
big words hvalisanje, širokoustenje
words and deeds besede in dejanja
burning words ognjevite, plamteče besede
fair, good words lepe, laskave besede
high (hard, hot, sharp, warm) words ostre, hude, trde, jezne besede
wild and whirling words divje, nepremišljene besede
my word! prav zares! bogme!
a play upon words besedna igra
too beautiful for words neizrekljive lepote
too silly for words preneumno, nedopovedljivo neumno
to be a man of few words biti redkobeseden, varčevati z besedami
to be as good as one's word biti popolnoma zanesljiv
to be better than one's word napraviti več, kot smo obljubili
to be worse than one's word ne biti mož beseda, snesti besedo
to break one's word prelomiti svojo besedo, ne držati (svoje) besede
hard words break no bones oštevanje ne boli toliko kot palica; hude besede ne ubijajo
fine words butter no parsnips lepe besede (še) niso dovolj
word came that... zvedelo se je, da...
to eat one's word snesti (svojo) besedo, preklicati svoje besede
to give one's word dati (svojo) besedo, obljubiti
to hang on s.o.'s words viseti na besedah kake osebe, pazljivo koga poslušati
to have a word with imeti kratek razgovor z
to have words with pričkati se, skregati se z; spreti se z
to have the last word imeti zadnjo besedo
he has not a word to throw at a dog figurativno on je prefin, da bi govoril z drugimi
to have no words for ne imeti besed za, ne moči izraziti
to keep one's word držati (svojo) besedo, biti mož beseda
to leave word that... sporočiti, da...
to make no word about ne izgubljati besed o
to proceed from words to blows od besed priti do pretepa
to put in (ali to say) a good word for zastaviti (reči) dobro besedo za
to suit the action to the word od besed takoj preiti na delo
to take s.o. at his word prijeti koga za besedo
I took his word for it nisem dvomil o (verjel sem) njegovi besedi
to retract one's word umakniti (nazaj vzeti, preklicati) svojo besedo
send me word! javi mi, sporoči mi!
to send word of one's arrival obvestiti o svojem prihodu
to waste words tratiti besede, zaman govoriti - za for; for the purpose of; in favour of; after; behind; (= za časa) during
dan za dnem day by day
eden za drugim one after another, one behind the other
korak za korakom step by step
enkrat za vselej once and for all
za ves svet ne not for (all) the world
za gorami beyond the mountains
jaz za svojo osebo as far as I am concerned
za mojim hrbtom behind my back
za primer (v primeru) potrebe in case of need
za glavo večji taller by a head
za sedaj for the present
za šalo by way of a joke
argumenti za in proti the pros and the cons
razlogi za in proti the reasons for and against
za menoj! follow me!
(kar) za menoj, prosim! this way, please!
starejši za pet let five years older
jaz, za sebe (zase) as for me
beseda za besedo word for word
mož za možem man by man
zanimanje za... interest in...
za mladino neprimeren film a film unsuitable (ali not suitable) for young people
vstopnica za gledališče a theatre ticket
za vlade (vladanja) kralja Karla II during the reign of Charles II
za (= po pooblastilu) (acting) for, per pro., latinsko per procurationem (krajšava: p.p.)
biti za kaj to be in favour of something
kdo je za (to)? who is in favour?
sem za to, da mu odpustimo I'm in favour of (ali I'm for) pardoning him
večina je za nadaljevanje stavke there is a majority in favour of continuing the strike
to je važno zame (za mene) this is important to me
nekaj je za tem (figurativno) there's something behind it
za hišo je vrt there is a garden behind the house
to je hud udarec za nas it is a hard blow for us
brali smo eden za drugim we took it in turns to read
za koga me (pa) imate (smatrate)? who (arhaično whom) do you take me for?
nimam ga za genija I do not regard him as a genius
za to ceno lahko dobiš to blago povsod you can get these goods anywhere at that price
on jé za tri he eats as much as three
povleči koga za lase to pull someone by the hair
on porabi preveč za sebe (zase) he spends too much on himself
smatrati za dobro to think it advisable
odšel je za vedno he left for good
voditi koga za roko to lead someone by the hand
vzel jo je za ženo he has married her, arhaično he has taken her to wife (ali as his wife)
on zaostaja za časom he is behind the times
zapri vrata za seboj! shut the door after (ali behind) you!
zgrešil je za pol metra he missed by half a metre
zmotil sem se za 10.000 SIT I made a mistake of 10,000 tolars
sedeti za mizo to sit at the table
pustiti za seboj to leave behind - žêna (zakonska, soproga) wife, pl wives, humoristično better half; (soproga) spouse, mate, consort; (ženska) woman, pl women
brez žêne wifeless
poročena žêna married woman
moja bodoča žêna my wife-tobe
ločena žêna divorced woman, divorcee
kraljeva žêna queen consort
zakonita žêna lawful wedded wife
nezakonita žêna mistress
žêne pl women, wives; (lepi spol) the fair sex, womankind
moja žêna my wife, (bolj formalno) Mrs. X., pogovorno my old lady, my old woman, the missis (ali missus), (londonsko narečje) my old dutch
svetska žêna woman of the world
žêna s preteklostjo woman with a past
mož nezveste žêne (rogonosec) cuckold
biti komu dobra žêna to make someone a good wife
dati za žêno to give in marriage
žêna drži moža pod copato the husband is henpecked
ločiti se od žêne to divorce one's wife
vzeti za žêno to marry, to take in marriage