
Zadetki iskanja

  • rumour, rumor [rú:mə]

    1. samostalnik
    govorica, govoričenje, glas
    arhaično slava
    arhaično hrup

    the rumour runs, the rumour has it that... govori se, da..., širijo se (krožijo) govorice, da...
    to circulate (to spread) a rumour širiti govorico

    2. prehodni glagol
    širiti govorice, raznesti z govoricami

    it was rumoured about that... raznesle so se govorice, da...
    he is rumoured to be ill govori se, da je bolan
  • said [sed] preteklik & pretekli deležnik od to say

    he is said to have been ill baje je bil bolan; (zlasti); pravno (prej) omenjeni
    said witness omenjena priča
  • say*1 [séi]

    1. prehodni glagol
    reči, izjaviti, govoriti (kaj); izreči, izgovoriti, povedati, izraziti; navesti, omeniti, trditi; obljubiti; deklamirati
    pogovorno domnevati, vzeti (da...)

    2. neprehodni glagol
    govoriti, praviti; pomeniti; odločiti se; biti napisano

    so said so done, no sooner said than done rečeno--storjeno
    sad to say obžalovanja vredno, žal
    I say! slišiš! čuj!, hej!
    I dare say zelo verjetno; (često slabšalno), (kakor) mislim
    it is hard to say težko je reči
    it is said, they say govori se, pravijo
    he is said to be ill baje (pravijo, da) je bolan
    let us say recimo
    (let us) say this happens vzemimo (recimo), da se to zgodi
    said I?, pogovorno says I? sleng kajne?, ali ni res?
    say it with flowers sleng povejte to obzirno, vljudno!
    I'll give you say five days to do it dal vam bom recimo pet dni, da to napravite
    period of say 10 years doba recimo 10 let
    a country, say India dežela kot (npr.) Indija
    that is to say to se pravi, to je, to pomeni, z drugimi besedami
    a sum of 50 pounds (say fifty pounds) vsota 50 funtov (z besedami: fifty pounds)
    this is saying a great deal to se že nekaj pravi, to že nekaj pove
    you don't say so! česa ne poveste!, je to mogoče?
    what do you say to that? kaj pravite k temu?
    to say a good word for reči dobro besedo za
    to say Mass cerkev brati mašo
    to say no more da ne rečem(o) nič več
    to say no reči ne, odkloniti, odbiti, zanikati
    to say nothing of... da molčimo o..., kaj šele
    to say one's prayers opraviti svoje molitve
    to say yes reči da, odobriti
    to have to say to (with) imeti nekaj reči, povedati k (pri)
    he has nothing to say for himself on je redkobeseden (skromen, nepomemben) človek
    to hear say slišati govoriti
    what I say is... po mojem mišljenju
    when all is said and done skratka, konec koncev
    to say the word povedati (reči) geslo
    so to say tako rekoč
  • severe [sivíə] pridevnik (severely prislov)
    strog, neprizanesljiv, brezobziren (on, upon do, v)
    natančen, strikten; zelo hladen, trd, oster, težak; nevihten (vreme); preprost, zmeren, brez (odvečnega) okrasja (slog); piker, ujedljiv, sarkastičen; naporen, mučen, težaven; bolesten; resen (bolezen)

    a severe blow hud (močan, trd) udarec
    severe criticism ostra kritika
    a severe examination strog, težak izpit
    severe judge strog sodnik
    severe illness težka bolezen
    a severe inquiry natančna preiskava
    a severe remark pikra, zbadljiva opazka
    severe requirements težki pogoji
    a severe winter huda, ostra zima
    severely ill težko bolan
    to leave severely alone načelno ne hoteti nobenega opravka z; striktno se izogibati, (ironično) napraviti velik ovinek okoli
  • sick list [síklist] samostalnik
    navtika, vojska seznam bolnikov

    to be (to go) on the sick list vojska biti na seznamu bolnikov; biti bolan
  • smŕt death; decease; (vladarja) demise; departure (from life)

    smŕt na grmadi death at the stake, the stake
    smŕt na morišču death on the scaffold
    smŕt od utopitve death by drowning
    smŕt od zadušitve death by asphyxiation (ali suffocation, smothering, strangling)
    smŕt s strelom v glavo death from a bullet in the head
    navidezna smŕt suspended animation
    črna smŕt (kuga) Black Death
    Smrt s svojo koso Death with his scythe
    na smŕt bolan fatally ill, dangerously ill
    do smŕti utrujen tired to death, tired out, dead beat; (od dela) done in, worn out, vulgarno buggered, knackered
    konjska smŕt (= konjederec) flayer, VB knacker
    smŕt na vešalih hanging
    kamenjan do smŕti stoned to death
    rojen po očetovi smŕti posthumous
    junaška smŕt a hero's death
    do svoje smŕti to one's dying day
    obletnica smŕti anniversary of someone's death
    letnica, leto smŕti year of someone's death
    preziranje smŕti contempt for death
    uradna proglasitev smŕti official declaration of death
    boj za življenje ali smŕt life-and-death struggle
    smŕt izdajalcu! death to the traitor!
    smŕt fašizmu - svobodo narodu! Death to Fascism - Liberty to the People!
    biti na pragu smŕti to be (lying) at death's door
    to bo moja smŕt this will be the death of me
    boriti se s smŕtjo to be at one's last gasp (ali breath), to breathe one's last, to be at death's door, to be on one's deathbed
    gre za življenje ali smŕt (za biti ali ne biti) it is a matter (ali case) of life and death
    iti v smŕt za... to give one's life for...
    drveti v zanesljivo (gotovo) smŕt to rush headlong to certain death
    na smŕt se dolgočasiti to be bored to death
    do smŕti izkrvaveti to bleed to death
    pogledati smŕti v oči to look death in the face
    obsoditi na smŕt to sentence (ali to condemn) to death
    imeti (storiti) lepo smŕt to die a happy death
    umreti junaške smŕti to meet a hero's death
    umreti naravne smŕti to die a natural death
    umreti nasilne smŕti to die a violent death, (zlasti biti obešen) to die in one's shoes
    povzročiti smŕt kake osebe to be the death of someone
    uiti smŕti to escape death
    umreti lahke smŕti to die an easy death
    umreti bedne smŕti to die a dog's death
    sam si zadati smŕt to make away with oneself, to take one's own life, to commit suicide
    biti obsojen na smŕt (figurativno) to earn the wages of sin
  • smŕtno mortally, deadly

    smŕtno bolan dangerously ill
    smŕtno ranjen mortally wounded
    smŕtno raniti to wound mortally
    smŕtno resen very serious
    smŕtno zaljubljen desperately in love; over head and ears in love
  • so [sóu]

    I. prislov
    tako, na ta način, s tem; v takem stanju; v redu, dobro; zato, potemtakem, iz tega razloga, zaradi tega, torej, kot posledica tega; tudi


    so so tako tako, ne dobro ne slabo
    so and so tako ali tako
    so as na isti način kot; tako da (posledica)
    so ... as toliko ... kolikor
    never before so useful as now nikoli poprej tako koristen kot zdaj
    so be it! tako bodi! pa dobro! (naj bo!)
    so far doslej
    so far so good doslej (vse) dobro
    so far I haven't heard of him doslej nimam glasu o njem
    so far as (in so far as) I am concerned kar se mene tiče
    so far as I know kolikor (jaz) vem
    so far forth do te stopnje, arhaično doslej
    so far from nasprotno od, namesto da
    so fashion ameriško na ta način, tako
    so help me! (prisega) tako mi bog pomagaj!
    so long! pogovorno na svidenje!
    so many tako mnogi, toliki
    so many men, so many minds kolikor ljudi (glav), toliko mnenj
    so much toliko, v tolikšni meri
    so much bread toliko kruha
    so much for that toliko o tem, s tem je stvar urejena
    so much the better (the worse) toliko bolje (slabše)
    so tempting an offer tako zapeljiva ponudba
    so then torej tako je to; zaradi tega
    so to speak tako rekoč


    and so on, and so forth in tako dalje
    even so celó tako, celó v tem primeru
    ever so neskončno
    he was ever so pleased preprosto (naravnost) očaran je bil
    it was ever so much better as it was before bilo je neprimerno bolje poprej
    every so often tu pa tam
    if so če je (to) tako, v takem primeru
    in so far as... v toliki meri, da...; toliko, da...
    in so many words dobesedno, prav s temi besedami
    Mr. So-and-so g. X.Y.
    not so very bad ne ravno slabo
    or so približno (toliko)
    10 pounds or so 10 funtov ali kaj takega
    quite so takó je, popolnoma točno
    why so? zakaj tako? zakaj to?


    I hope so upam, da
    I told so rekel sem tako (to)
    Do you think he will come? -- I think so. Misliš, da bo prišel? -- Mislim, da (bo).
    I sent it to you. -- So you did. Poslal sem ti to. -- Da, si (poslal). Res je. Tako je.
    Her brother came and so did she. Njen brat je prišel in ona tudi


    I avoid him so as not to be obliged to talk to him izogibam se ga, da mi ni treba govoriti z njim
    he is not so rich as his brother ni tako bogat kot njegov brat
    I am sorry to see you so žal mi je, da vas vidim v takem stanju
    it is not so much that he cannot as that he will not ni toliko, da ne more, kot pa, da noče
    they climbed like so many monkeys plezali so kot (prave) opice
    it is only so much rubbish vse to je nesmisel (neumnost)
    is that so? je to tako? je res? tako? res?
    you are unhappy, but I am still more so ti si nesrečen, jaz pa še bolj
    he was not so sick but he could eat a hearty dinner ni bil toliko bolan, da ne bi mogel pojesti obilne večerje
    I found them so many robbers ugotovil (spoznal) sem, da niso nič drugega kot tatovi
    that is ever so much better pogovorno to je toliko bolje
    he did not so much as look at me še (niti) pogledal me ni
    as you make your bed, so you must lie kakor si si postlal, tako boš spal
    and so say all of us in tega mnenja smo mi vsi
    you don't say so! (saj to) ni mogoče!
    all he said was so much slander vse, kar je rekel, ni bilo nič drugega kot samo obrekovanje
    I told him everything, so you need not write to him vse sem mu povedal, torej ni treba, da mu pišeš
    I do not want it, so there you are ne maram tega, da veš (sedaj veš)

    II. veznik
    pogovorno zaradi tega, zato; torej, potemtakem; (v pogojnih in dopustnih stavkih) če le

    so, that's what it is! takó je torej to!
    so that tako da
    he annoyed us so that we never asked him again tako nas je dolgočasil, da ga nismo nikoli več povabili

    III. medmet
    tako! narejeno! opravljeno!
  • sónčarica medicina sunstroke

    bolan od sónčarice sunstruck, affected by sunstroke
    dobiti sónčarico to get sunstroke
  • sort2 [sɔ:t] samostalnik
    vrsta, sorta, kategorija, razred; kakovost; način; število
    tisk garnitura črk
    množina razpoloženje

    a sort of neke vrste, nekak
    after a sort, in a sort nekako, v neki meri
    in any sort kakorkoli
    in some sort do neke mere, nekako
    out of sorts pogovorno čemeren, ne v redu, bolan
    of all sorts vseh vrst, vsake vrste
    of a sort, of sorts slabe vrste
    a dog of sorts nekak pes
    a lawyer of a sort odvetnik, vsaj po imenu
    nothing of the sort nič takega
    people of every sort and kind vse mogoči ljudje
    that sort of thing nekaj temu podobnega
    he is a good sort on je dobričina
    he is my sort on je moje vrste, on je tak kot jaz
    they are a nice sort prijetni ljudje so
    to be out of sorts biti slabe volje
    he put me out of sorts spravil me je v slabo voljo
    I sort of expected it to sem nekako pričakoval
    I sort of remember it tega se nekako spominjam
  • srcé heart; figurativno (jedro) pith, core, marrow

    od srca from one's heart
    brez srca heartless, cruel, hardhearted, unfeeling
    v srcu at heart
    na dnu mojega srca in my heart of hearts
    z grenkobo v srcu with bitterness in one's heart
    s težkim (lahkim) srcem (figurativno) with a heavy (light) heart
    iz vsega srca with all my heart and soul
    dobrega srca kindhearted
    drag mojemu srcu dear to my heart
    bolan na srcu (figurativno) heartsick
    srcé trgajoč heartbreaking, heartrending
    srcé Jezusovo religija Sacred Heart
    rdeče srcé (lesna bolezen) false heartwood
    napaka na srcu heart disease
    razširjenje srca dilatation of the heart
    sredstvo za krepitev srca cordial, heart stimulant, ZDA cardiac
    zlato srcé (figurativno) a generous (ali a kind) heart
    bítje srcá heartbeat
    trdega srca hardhearted
    bolan na srcu ill with a heart condition
    srcé bije, močno tolče the heart pulsates, throbs
    srcé me boli I am heartsick (ali heartsore), I am sick at heart, my heart aches, it grieves my heart
    srcé mi močno bíje my heart is pounding (ali is thumping)
    lahkó mi je pri srcu I am light at heart
    biti bolan na srcu to be heartsick
    to mi je na srcu this is close to my heart
    to mi ni pri srcu (figurativno) it does not appeal to me
    imeti nekaj na srcu (figurativno) to have something on one's mind
    nimam srca, da bi to napravil I haven't got the heart to do it
    ne jemlji si tega preveč k srcu! don't take it too hard!, don't worry about it!
    to gre človeku do srca (figurativno)
    to človeku trga srcé this is heartrending
    srcé mi krvavi (mi je krvavelo) my heart is bleeding (bled)
    kar ima na srcu, ima na jeziku he wears his heart on his sleeve
    srcé mi ne da, da bi to storil I do it with a bad grace, I cannot bring myself to do it
    to mi je zelo pri srcu I have set my heart upon it
    odvaliti komu kamen od srca (figurativno) to take a load off someone's mind
    kamen se mi je odvalil od srca I feel a weight off my mind, a weight has been lifted from my mind
    on osvaja ženska srca he is a ladykiller
    omehčati najtrše srcé to touch the stoniest of hearts
    srcé mi je padlo v hlače (figurativno) my heart sank into my shoes, I got cold feet, my heart failed me
    položiti komu kaj na srcé to lay something to someone's heart
    pomilujem vas iz dna srca I pity you from the bottom of my heart
    olajšati si srcé to unbosom oneself
    srcé bi mi póčilo I would die of a broken heart
    srcé mi poskakuje od veselja ob tem it makes my heart thrill
    to prija mojemu srcu it does my heart good
    pridobiti si srca vseh to win the hearts of all
    k srcu mu je prirasla (figurativno) he became very fond of her
    razveseliti komu srcé to warm the cockles of someone's heart
    od srca se smejati to laugh heartily
    kolikor ti (le) srcé poželi! to your heart's content!
    srcé se mi stiska I feel pangs (anguish)
    iti komu k srcu to go to someone's heart, to make someone's heart thrill
    srcé se mi trga it breaks my heart, I find it heartrending
    človeku se srcé trga (ob tem) it's heartbreaking (ali heartrending)
    vzeti si kaj k srcu to take something to heart
    preveč si je to vzel k srcu he took it too much to heart
    zelo sem si k srcu vzel njegovo smrt I was deeply affected by his death, I found his death a terrible blow
    to mi teži srcé it presses (ali weighs heavily) upon my mind
    strl ji je srcé (figurativno) he broke her heart
    srcé mu je poskočilo (figurativno) his heart leapt
    srcé me je zabolelo I was heartstricken
    od vsega srca želeti kaj to set one's heart on something
  • strain1 [stréin] samostalnik
    pritisk, vlek, poteg, natezanje, napetost, moč; obremenjenost; (pre)napenjanje, prizadevanje, trud, teženje; obremenitev, breme, napor; izpah, izvin
    tehnično deformacija, poklina, razpoka, lom; izbruh, ploha (besedi), tirada, ton, stil, način izražanja
    (često množina) zvoki, melodije; stih, verz, odstavek; razpoloženje; (redko) višek, stopnja

    on the strain v napetosti
    under a strain zdelan, živčno uničen, pri kraju z živci
    without strain brez truda
    the strain of modern life napeto sodobno življenje
    a humorous strain šaljiv ton
    martial strains bojevite melodije, vojaška muzika
    strains of obscenity ploha (izbruh) nespodobnih besed
    the strain on the rope napetost, nategnjenost vrvi
    the strain of my responsibility breme moje odgovornosti
    to the strains of the national anthem ob zvokih narodne himne
    to be in a philosophizing strain biti v razpoloženju za filozofiranje
    it is a strain pogovorno to človeka zdela
    she is a great strain on my resources ona je veliko breme za moje finance
    all his senses were on the strain vsi čuti so mu bili skrajno napeti
    he has a strain in his leg nogo ima izpahnjeno
    she spoke of him in lofty strains govorila je o njem v samih superlativih
    to impose a strain on a machine preobremeniti stroj, preveč zahtevati od stroja
    he is suffering from strain bolan je od pretiranega dela
  • težkó prislov heavily; badly; with difficulty; (komaj) hardly, scarcely

    težkó delati to work hard, to toil, to toil and moil
    težkó verjeti to be sceptical
    on se težkó uči he is a backward student
    težkó dostopen hard of access
    težkó izpolnljiv difficult to carry out
    težkó razumljiv difficult to understand
    težkó verjeten hard to believe
    težkó ranjen badly (ali severely) wounded
    težkó dojemati, razume(va)ti to be slow on the uptake
    težkó bolan dangerously ill
    težkó oborožen heavily armed
    težkó je zame I'm finding things hard
    z njo je težkó (figurativno) she is hard to get on with
    težkó mi je (reči) I find it hard (to say)
    njemu je težkó ugoditi he is hard to please
    težkó mi je pri duši it grieves me
    težkó, da bo prišel he will hardly come, it's unlikely he'll come
    težkó, da jo boš še kdaj videl you're unlikely to see her again
  • unless [ʌnlés]

    1. veznik
    če ne, razen če, ako ne

    I always walked unless I had a bicycle vedno sem šel peš, razen če sem imel kolo
    unless it is too late (razen) če ni (ali če le ni) prepozno
    he always comes on Sundays unless he is ill vedno prihaja ob nedeljah, razen če (razen kadar, če le) ni bolan
    unless and until vse dokler ne, šele ko

    2. predlog

    unless on occasions razen ob nekaterih priložnostih
  • unsound [ʌnsáund] pridevnik (unsoundly prislov)
    nezdrav, bolehen; slab, pomanjkljiv (blago); črviv, trhel, gnil (sadje, les); napokan; zmoten (argument), neosnovan, neverodostojen; nesiguren, nezanesljiv, nesoliden

    unsound of (ali in) mind slaboumen, neprišteven, duševno bolan
    unsound sleep nemirno spanje
    unsound ice napokan led
    unsound doctrine zmoten nauk
    to be unsound in faith biti krive vere
  • with [wið; wiɵ] predlog
    s, z; proti; od; v družbi, pri, poleg; s pomočjo; skupaj z, istočasno; zaradi; od; v zvezi z, z ozirom na, pri; kljub, navzlic

    I have no money with me nimam denarja pri sebi
    away with you! poberi se! izgubi se!
    with all my heart od srca rad
    pale with fear bled od strahu
    stiff with cold otrpel, trd od mraza
    with all his money he is not happy kljub vsemu svojemu denarju on ni srečen
    sick with bolan od
    he is furious with me on je besen name
    with God figurativno mrtev, v nebesih
    with that nato, tedaj
    she is with child ona je noseča
    with young breja
    with all his brains pri (kljub) vsej njegovi pameti
    he is lying down with fever leži bolan zaradi mrzlice
    to die with cancer umreti za rakom
    to fight with courage pogumno se boriti
    to tremble with fear tresti se od strahu
    we parted with them ločili smo se od njih
    to rise with sun vstati (skupaj, istočasno) s soncem
    he lives with us on stanuje pri nas
    she took her with her vzela jo je s seboj
    leave it with me! prepustite to meni!
    to be with s.o. on a point strinjati se s kom o neki točki
    it is a habit with him to je pri njem navada
    to be with it ameriško, pogovorno biti na tekočem (o čem)
    vote with the Conservatives! glasujte (volite) za konservativce!
    to walk with a stick hoditi s palico
    what does he want with me? kaj hoče od mene?
    it rests with you to decide odločitev je pri vas
    it is not so with the drama v drami to ni tako
    I can't leave with my mother so ill ne morem odpotovati, če mi je mati tako bolna
    to weep with joy jokati od veselja
  • zdéti se to seem; to appear; to look (like); to have the air (of)

    zdi se mi it seems to me
    zdi se (kazno je, kaže) it seems, it would seem
    to se mi zdi zelo čudno I find that very strange
    naj se zdi še tako čudno, nenavadno strange as it may appear
    tako se zdi (tako je videti) so it seems
    kot se vse zdi as it seems, to all appearances
    kot se zdi (kot je videti) apparently, seemingly
    zdi se, da bo deževalo it looks like rain
    zdi se mi znan I think I know him
    zdi se, da je bolan he seems to be ill
    zdi se, da pomoč ni potrebna it seems there is no need of help
    ni se mi zdel posebno inteligenten he did not strike me as being particularly intelligent
    meni se zdi (= jaz mislim) I think, in my opinion
    kakor se ti zdi primerno as you think proper (ali fit)
    zdi se, da jaz (ti, mi... itd.) I (you, we... etc) seem to...
    zdi se, da to verjamete (verjamejo) you seem (they seem) to believe it
    zdi se, da tega ne more zanikati it seems that he cannot deny it
    zdi se, da jabolka tu ne rastejo apples do not seem to grow here
    ta vest se zdi resnična this news rings true
  • želódec stomach; pogovorno tummy; (prežvekovalcev) maw; (ptičji) gizzard

    bolan na želódcu dyspeptic
    pokvarjen želódec disordered (ali upset) stomach
    bolečine v želódcu stomachache
    občutljiv, izbirčen želódec delicate stomach, easily upset stomach
    rak na želódcu stomach cancer
    zdravilo za želódec stomachic
    na prazen želódec on an empty stomach
    kruljenje v želódcu rumbling in the stomach
    razširjanje želódca stomachic dilatation
    ima slab želódec he suffers from indigestion
    ona ima dober želódec (figurativno) she can stand (ali put up with) a good deal
    imeti koga v želódcu (figurativno) to be unable to stand someone
    hrana mi težko leži na želódcu food lies heavy on my stomach
    to mi leži v želódcu (tega ne morem prebaviti) (figurativno) it sticks in my gizzard
    želódec mi kruli my stomach (ali pogovorno tummy) is rumbling
    obračati komu želódec (figurativno) to turn someone's stomach
    želódec se mi obrača ob tem it's giving me the stomachache (ali vulgarno the bellyache)
    potešiti si želódec to stay one's stomach
    ta hrana ne prija mojemu želódcu this food disagrees with me
    želódec se mi vzdiguje (= slabo mi postaja) my stomach rises
  • žívčno prislov

    žívčno bolan neurotic, neurasthenic, neuropathic; under a strain