going1 [góuiŋ] pridevnik
idoč, gredoč, tekoč; uspešen
going, going, gone prvič, drugič, tretjič! (na dražbi)
to be going to nameravati, hoteti
I am going to come nameravam priti, (gotovo) bom prišel
a going concern uspešni posel
the greatest scoundrel going največji lopov na svetu
to keep going ohraniti v teku
to set going spraviti v tek
Zadetki iskanja
- górek warm
mlačno górek lukewarm, tepid
górkó mi je I am warm
biti górek komu (figurativno) to be angry with someone, to have a grudge against someone
ujeti koga na górkem (figurativno), to catch someone in the act - gotovína ready money; cash; (v blagajni) cash in hand, pogovorno the ready
v gotovíni in cash, cash down
za gotovíno for (prompt) cash
cena za gotovíno cash price
plačilo v gotovíni payment in cash, cash payment
plačati v gotovíni to pay (in) cash, to pay cash down, to pay on the nail
imam malo gotovíne I am short of cash
nimam gotovíne I have no ready money
manjka mi gotovíne I am short of cash
prodati za gotovíno to sell for cash - gŕlo anatomija throat; (steklenice) neck; gorge, gullet
vnetje gŕla tonsillitis, quinsy
kronično vnetje gŕla arhaično clergyman's throat
gŕlo me boli I have a sore throat
imeti suho gŕlo (figurativno) to have a cobweb in one's throat
ozko gŕlo (figurativno, pogovorno) bottleneck
kričati, vpiti na vse gŕlo to shout (knjižno to cry, to cry out) at the top of one's voice, pogovorno to cry blue murder
nastaviti komu nož na gŕlo to put a knife to someone' throat
pognati po gŕlu (izpiti) to knock it back
glas mi je zastal v gŕlu I had a lump in my throat
besede so mi obtičale v gŕlu the words stuck in my throat
peti na vse gŕlo to sing at the top of one's voice
prerezati gŕlo komu to cut someone's throat
na vse gŕlo se smejati to roar with laughter
sit sem tega do gŕla I am sick and tired of that, I am bored to death (ali to tears) with that, I'm fed up to the back teeth with that, ZDA pogovorno it's coming out of my ears, it bores the pants off me
do gŕla sem vsega sit I've had a bellyful, žargon I'm absolutely cheesed off - grústiti
grústiti komu veselje to spoil someone's pleasure
grústiti se to feel sick (at), to loathe
to se mi grusti I loathe it, I feel a loathing for it, I feel disgusted with it
grusti se mi delo I am disgusted with work, I loathe work - hláden cool; fresh; (mrzel) cold, chilly, frosty; (brezčuten) unfeeling, insensible; (mlačen) lukewarm, indifferent, unconcerned, equanimous; (neusmiljen) as cold as charity
hládno orožje cold steel, (tudi revolver) side arms pl, side arm; figurativno (nedostopen ipd.) cold-mannered, frigid; reserved, distant; (brez razburjanja) (as) cool as a cucumber
hláden pozdrav frigid greeting
hláden sprejem a cold reception
hláden val cold snap(s pl)
hládna ondulacija cold wave
hláden kot mrlič cold as death, cold as clay
hládno mi je I am cold, I feel cold
hládno postaja it's getting cool
ostati hláden to keep cool, to keep one's temper
to me pusti hládnega that leaves me cold
hládno koga sprejeti to give (ali to show) someone the cold shoulder, to give someone a cold reception, humoristično to give someone the frozen mitt - hot1 [hɔt] pridevnik (hotly prislov)
vroč; oster, pekoč, začinjen (jed); razgret, razvnet, strasten
figurativno oster, živ, kričeč (barva); razburjen, jezen; pohoten, vročekrven, ki se goni (žival); najnovejši (novica), svež (sled)
sleng odličen, izvrsten; opolzek (npr. gledališka igra)
pogovorno nevaren, neprijeten
ameriško, sleng ukraden ali pretihotapljen; zasledovan (policijsko); radioaktiven
elektrika pod električno napetostjo (žica)
glasba ognjevit, hiter
I am hot vroče mi je
hot and hot zelo vroč, naravnost s štedilnika
like a cat on hot bricks nestrpen, kakor na trnju
in hot blood v afektu, v hudem razburjenju
to be hot for (ali on) biti zagledan v kaj, goreče kaj želeti
to be hot in (ali on) biti odličen (v stroki)
he is not so hot ni tako odličen
pogovorno hot under the collar besen, razjarjen
to drop s.th. like a hot potato naglo kaj izpustiti
a hot favourite velik favorit, verjeten zmagovalec
to be in hot water biti v škripcih
to get into hot water for zaiti v težave zaradi
to get into hot water with s.o. imeti s kom opravka
figurativno hot water nesreča, težava, škripec
to get hot over s.th. razburiti se, razvneti se
to get too hot prevroče (neprijetno) postati
it goes like hot cakes gre dobro v prodajo
you are getting hot si blizu cilja, "vroče" (v igri)
in hot haste v veliki naglici
to make it hot for s.o. podkuriti komu
hot news senzacionalne novice
news hot from the press pravkar objavljena novica
the place was getting too hot for him tla so mu postajala prevroča
in hot pursuit of tesno za petami
a hot patriot goreč rodoljub
hot spices pekoče začimbe
to strike while the iron is hot kovati železo, dokler je vroče
hot and strong silovit(o)
sleng hot stuff odličen, izvrsten, prima
a hot scent (ali trail) sveža sled
hot on the track of na sveži sledi, za petami
hot temper ognjevit temperament, vročekrvnost
I went hot and cold srh me je spreletel
hot words ostre besede
hot work težko delo - hurry1 [hʌ́ri] samostalnik
naglica, prenagljenost
I am in a hurry mudi se mi
there is no hurry nič se ne mudi
pogovorno not in a hurry ne tako kmalu
in a hurry v naglici, hitro - hvála thanks pl; (pohvala) praise, laud, commendation; (govor, pismena hvala) eulogy, panegyric, encomium
hvála! thank you!
hvála lepa! thanks very much!, many thanks!
hvála lepa za Vašo prijaznost! many thanks for your kindness!
hvála bogu! thank God!
hvála bodi bogu! thanks be to God!
hvála za Vaše vprašanje (po mojem zdravju)! thank you for asking after me
srčna Vam hvála za... my heartfelt thanks to you for..., I am deeply grateful to you
biti skop s hválo to be sparing with one's praise
hválo peti komu to sing someone's praises
sam sebi hválo peti to blow one's own trumpet, humoristično to toot one's own horn
še hvála mi ni nihče rekel! much (ali small) thanks I got for it!
lastna hvála se po blatu, pod mizo valja self-praise is no recommendation
še malo čaja? - prosim! (da); hvála, ne! some more tea? - yes, please!; no, thank you! - hvaléžen thankful; grateful; obliged; indebted to, beholden to
hvaléžna naloga a gratifying task
hvaléžen posel a profitable business
hvaléžna vloga gledališče a rewarding role
hvaléžen Vam bo za to he will be grateful to you for this
zelo sem Vam hvaléžen I am much obliged to you
globoko Vam moram biti hvaléžen I owe you a deep debt of gratitude
vedno mu bom hvaléžen za njegovo pomoč I shall always be grateful to him for his help - imobilizírati to immobilize; to bring to a dead stop; to fix; (zlomljen ud) to immobilize, to lay up
imobiliziran sem zaradi tega izpaha (izvina) I am laid up with this sprain; pravo (premičnine) to convert into real estate, (kapital) to immobilize, to lock up, to tie up
imobilizírati se to come to a stop; to come to a standstill - inclined [inkláind] pridevnik
nagnjen, naklonjen (to)
razpoložen (for za)
kos, poseven, položen
I am inclined to nagibam se, bolj sem za
I don't feel inclined to ne ljubi se mi - indiferénten indifferent; unconcerned; apathetic; insensible
nevarnost me pusti indiferéntnega I am indifferent to danger
nihče ne more ostati indiferénten, kadar gre za prihodnost domovine no one can remain quiet when the future of the country is at stake - instruírati to instruct; to teach; to educate; to train
instruírati vojake to train (ali to drill) soldiers
instruiram ga (za izpit) angleščino I am coaching him in English
instruira me g. X I am being coached by Mr. X - instrúkcija instruction; guidance; teaching; training; coaching
po vaših instrúkcijah according to your instructions
imam, dobivam instrúkcije iz angleščine I am being coached in English, I am having some coaching in English - intrude [intrú:d]
1. prehodni glagol
vriniti (into v)
vsiliti (upon komu)
2. neprehodni glagol
vriniti se (into v)
vsiliti se (upon komu)
motiti, nadlegovati (on, upon koga)
geologija vdreti
to intrude s.th upon s.o. vsiliti komu kaj
to intrude o.s. upon s.o. vsiliti se komu
to intrude (up)on s.o. nadlegovati koga
am I intruding? ali motim? - iskáti to look for, to search for; to seek, to try to find
iščem besedo v slovarju I am looking a word up (ali looking up a word) in the dictionary
iščem izhod I am looking for a (ali the) way out
povsod sem iskal pomoč arhaično I have sought help on every hand, pogovorno I've tried everywhere
rastline vedno iščejo sonce plants always turn towards the sun
moja žena išče pomočnico my wife is on the lookout for a servant
trgovec išče sposobnega pomočnika shopkeeper seeks capable assistant (ZDA clerk)
iskáti vodo, rudo z bajalico to dowse, to search for water with a divining rod
saj je iskal to (hotel tako)! he was asking for it!
tu nimaš kaj iskáti! you have no business here!
vsepovsod iskáti to search high and low (for something); (v oglasih)
iščem, iščemo, išče se... wanted... - iskrén sincere; frank; open, honest (čustvo, mnenje) sincere, genuine
iskrén prijatelj a true friend
sem iskrén z Vami I am (being) frank with you
prejmite moje iskréne pozdrave believe me, yours sincerely - íti to go; (peš) to walk, to go on foot; (stopati) to tread, to stride; (s težavo) to trudge; to stump; (ura) to go; (ladja) to be bound for; (vlak) to leave, to start
íti dalje to go on, to advance, to proceed
íti gor (dol) to go up (to go down)
íti mimo to go (ali to pass) by
íti nazaj to go back
íti po kaj to go for (ali to fetch ali to go and fetch) something
íti preko to cross
íti proč to go away, to go off
íti ven to go out
íti stran to go off
íti čez cesto to cross the street
íti na lov to go hunting
íti h komu to go up to someone, (obiskati ga) to call on someone
íti komu naproti to go to meet someone
pustiti koga íti to let someone go
íti dobro v prodajo to be selling well
íti hitreje to go faster, to push on
íti skupaj to go together
íti s kom to accompany someone
íti s kolesom to cycle
íti korakoma to go at footpace
íti kot namazano, kot po maslu to go swimmingly, to go like clockwork
íti na deželo, na kmete to go off to the country
íti med ljudi, med družbo to go into society
íti na sprehod to go for a walk
íti na kose, na koščke to go to pieces
íti na potovanje to go on a journey
íti h koncu, h kraju to be approaching the (ali its) end, (o stvari) to be coming to an end
íti komu k srcu to go to one's heart
íti kaki stvari do dna (figurativno) to get to the bottom of something
íti spat to go to bed
íti preko vseh ugovorov to override (ali to disregard ali to waive) all objections
íti na bolje to improve
íti na lim, na limanice to fall into a trap
íti vase (figurativno) to retire within oneself
iti komu s pota to make room for someone
Kako ti gre? how are you getting on?, how are you?
izvrstno mi gre I am A1, I'm fine
kako ti gre v šoli? how are you getting on at school?
za kaj (pa) gre? what's it all about?
za to gre (v tem je stvar) that's the point
kadar gre za... when it comes to...
dobro mu gre he is doing well
gre za moje življenje, za mojo čast my life, my honour is at stake
gre za veliko vsoto a large sum is at stake
gre za življenje ali smrt it's a matter of life and death
gre v milijone that runs into millions
posli gredo slabo business is slack (ali dull)
tako ne bo šlo this won't do
to ne bo šlo brez težav it won't be an easy job, it'll cost some trouble
grem k frizerju I am going to the barber's (ali hairdresser's)
če bi šlo po mojem if I had my way
to gre malo predaleč that's going a bit too far
drugače ne gre, ne bo šlo it won't work any other way, figurativno that can't be helped
vse gre narobe everything is topsy-turvy
z njim gre navzdol (h koncu) he is in a bad way
ne morem iti preko tega I can't get over it
naj gre, kot hoče! come what may!
kam gre ta pot? where does this road (ali path) lead?
to mi ne gre v glavo I cannot understand it, it's beyond me, I don't see any reason for it
mati je šla nakupovat Mother has gone shopping
proti šesti uri gre it's nearly six
gre proti poldnevu it's getting on for noon
zaloge gredo h kraju stocks are running short
delo mu gre hitro izpod rok he is quick at his work
4 v 15 gre 3-krat, in ostane 3 4 into 15 goes 3 times, and 3 over
pojdi. pojdi, pretiravaš! come, come, you are exaggerating!
lahko greste! (služabniku ipd.) that is all for the present
če je šlo vse, naj gre še to! (figurativno) in for a penny, in for a pound!
íti se to play - izdájati ➞ izdati
moči me izdajajo (figurativno) my strength is failing (ali letting me down), (zaradi bolezni) I am getting weaker, I am near exhaustion (ali breakdown)
oči ga izdajajo, da je lopov arhaično his eyes argue him to be a knave
izdájati se za to pose as (umetnika an artist); to pretend to be
izdaja se za zdravnika he purports to be a doctor