drág dear; (necenén) expensive; dear; costly
drág kamen a precious stone
drága večerja an expensive dinner
dráge volje willingly, readily; with a good grace
knjiga je drága the book is expensive (ali dear)
moj drági! my dear!
drági moj prijatelj! my dear friend!
vino je tu zelo drágo wine is very dear here
drágo mi je I am glad (ali pleased)
napravite, kot Vam je drágo do as you like, do just as you please
če ti je življenje drágo if you value your life
karkoli ti je drágo anything you like
to mi je predrago this is too expensive for me
to je eden najdražjih hotelov v Parizu it is one of the most expensive hotels in paris
vrnil sem mu milo za drágo I paid him in his own coin, I gave him tit for tat; I got even with him
to je tisto, kar mi je najdražje na svetu that is what I hold dearest on earth
drágó prodajati to sell dear
to te bo drágó stalo it will cost you dear
drágó je to plačal he paid dear for it
to mi bo drágo plačal I'll take it out of him, I'll make him pay dearly (ali dear) for it
Zadetki iskanja
- drugáče otherwise; in another (ali different) way (ali manner); differently (od from)
takó ali drugáče somehow; one way or other
drugáče (v drugih ozirih) in other respects; (sicer) else
to je čisto drugáče it is quite difrerent, pogovorno it's not at all like that
v mojem primeru je (ravno) drugáče in my case the boot is on the other foot
čisto drugáče (ravno nasprotno) just the other way, just the other way round
če ni drugáče možno if there is no other way
na to gledam čisto drugáče I look upon it in quite a different light
drugáče misliti to differ in opinion
sedaj drugáče misliti to have second thoughts
drugáče postopati, ravnati kot sicer (običajno) to act differently than usual
ne morem drugáče, kot da se smejem I can't help laughing
stôri to takoj, drugáče (sicer) ti bo žal do it at once, or you'll regret it (ali you'll be sorry) - Dutchman [dʌ́čmən] samostalnik
Holandec, Nizozemec
Flying Dutchman leteči Holandec
I'm a Dutchman if... naj me vrag vzame, če... - dvóm doubt
brez dvóma without (any) doubt, undoubtedly, doubtless; certainly, surely; beyond a doubt, unquestionably
brez dvóma no doubt!
nad vsakim dvómom beyond all doubt, past all doubt
najmanjši dvóm the slightest doubt
ni dvóma, da... there is no doubt that..., it is beyond all doubt that...
ni najmanjšega dvóma, da... there is no doubt whatever that...
ni nobenega dvóma, da... there is no doubt (that)..., there can be no doubt (that)...
ni dvóma, da bo plačal there is no doubt he will pay, there is no question (but) that he will pay
noben dvóm ni na mestu there is no room for doubt
sem (malo) v dvomih, kaj narediti I am in some doubt as to what to do
biti v dvómu to be doubtful (glede of)
pojavil se je, nastal je dvóm če... doubt arose as to whether...
to je brez dvóma res that is doubtless true
brez najmanjšega dvóma without the shadow of a doubt
za pomiritev majhnih dvómov to settle some minor qualms - dvómiti to doubt, to have doubts (o, gléde about); to question (o čem something); to be doubtful (of); to be in doubt
ne dvomiti o to have no doubts about
dvómiti o poštenju kake osebe to doubt someone's honesty
o tem ne dvomim I have no doubt (ali I make no question) of it
ne morem dvómiti o njegovi besedi I cannot doubt his word
dvomim, da je to res I doubt the truth of that
ne dvomim, da bo prišel I have no doubt (that) he will come, pogovorno I've no doubt he's coming, I don't doubt for a moment he's on his way
ne dvomim, da ste hoteli to storiti I have no doubt you intended to do it
dvomim, če bo prišel I doubt whether (ali if) he will come
po tem začne človek dvómiti o vsem after that, one begins to feel doubtful of everything - edíno only, merely; solely
edíno zaradi solely because of
edíno če except if, only if; provided that - enough3 [inʌ́f] samostalnik
zadostnost, zadovoljivost
enough is as good as a feast če imaš dovolj, ne potrebuješ več
enough and to spare več ko dovolj
cry "enough"! priznaj poraz! - even3 [í:vən] prislov
celo, nasprotno; sploh; pravkar
even as v tistem trenutku, ko
even if, even though četudi, čeprav, dasi
even that vzemimo, da
not even niti ne
even more še (veliko) več
even so vendar, če že - excepting [ikséptiŋ]
1. predlog
razen, izvzemši
2. veznik
excepting that razen če; če ne upoštevamo
not excepting ne izvzemši, vključno - fit1 [fit] samostalnik
napad, izbruh, krč; kaprica, muhavost
pogovorno razpoloženje
pogovorno, figurativno to give one a fit presenetiti, razdražiti koga
cold fit mrzlica
by fits (and starts) sunkovito, tu in tam
for a fit nekaj časa
to go into fits dobiti napad; omedleti
to give s.o. fit(s) razkačiti koga
to knock (ali bang, beat, lick) into fits popolnoma premagati
to throw a fit pobesneti, razsrditi se
when the fit was on him kadar je bil dobre volje
if the fit takes me če se mi zahoče
drunken fit pijanost
fit of hysterics histerični napad - fortune2 [fɔ́:čən] samostalnik
usoda, sreča; premoženje, imetje, bogastvo, dota; ugodna ženitev (možitev)
ill (ali bad) fortune nesreča, smola
to make one's (ali a) fortune obogateti
to marry a fortune bogato se poročiti
every man is the architect of his fortune vsak je svoje sreče kovač
to tell fortunes vedeževati
to come into a fortune dedovati
pogovorno a small fortune celo premoženje, velik znesek
soldier of fortune vojak najemnik
to have one's fortune told dati si vedeževati
with good fortune če ima človek srečo - gôra mountain; (pred lastnim imenom) Mount
gôra Everest Mount Everest
gôra Sinaj Mount Sinai
visok kot gôra as high as mountains, mountainous, colossal
ledena gôra iceberg
gôra papirja, trupel a mountain of paper, of corpses
pridiga na gôri biblija the Sermon on the Mount
napraviti turo v gôre to take a trip to the mountains
prebiti počitnice v gôrah to spend one's holidays in the mountains (ali in a mountain region)
iz krtine gôro narediti (figurativno) to make a mountain out of a molehill
če ne pride gôra k Mohamedu, mora Mohamed h gôri if the mountain won't come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain
tresla se (je) gôra, rodila se (je) miška (figurativno) the mountain has brought forth a mouse - gorjé woe; misfortune
gorjé! alas!, oh dear!, oh my!, oh my goodness!, dear me!, woe!
gorjé meni! woe is me!
gorjé ti, če... pogovorno you'll be sorry if..., arhaično woe betide you if...
gorjé mu! pogovorno he'll be sorry!, woe (he) to him!
gorjé premaganim! woe to the vanquished!, latinsko vae victis! - grope [group] neprehodni glagol & prehodni glagol (for, after)
tipati, tavati
to grope a hen otipati kokoš (če ima jajce)
to grope one's way towards pretipati se kam - handle2 [hændl] prehodni glagol
prijeti, tipati, potipati, dotakniti; rokovati, ravnati s čim; obravnavati, baviti se s čim; barantati; voditi, trenirati (boksarja), dresirati (žival)
ekonomija trgovati s čim
the material handles smooth blago je gladko pod prsti (čutiš, da je gladko, če ga potiplješ) - hang*2 [hæŋ]
1. prehodni glagol
obesiti, obešati; pobesiti, pobešati (glavo); obesiti (sliko), nalepiti (tapete)
2. neprehodni glagol
viseti, biti obešen, obesiti se; nagniti se, lebdeti; obotavljati se (tudi žoga pri športu)
ameriško, pravno ovirati porotnike pri odločitvi
hang it (all)! naj gre k vragu!
hang you! da bi te vrag pocitral!
I'll be hanged first! prej se dam obesiti!
I'll be hanged if vrag naj me vzame, če
well, I'm hanged! kaj takega!, vrag naj me pocitra!
ameriško it was a hung jury porotniki se niso mogli zediniti o krivdi
to hang between life and death viseti med življenjem in smrtjo
to hang by a hair (ali rope, single thread) figurativno viseti na nitki
to hang in the balance biti dvomljivo
to hang in doubt biti negotov, kolebati
to hang fire prepozno (se) sprožiti (puška); figurativno biti počasen, neodločen, omahovati, obotavljati se
to hang one's head pobesiti glavo
to hang o.s. obesiti se
to hang a leg vleči nogo
to let things go hang pustiti, da gre vse k vragu; pustiti stvari pri miru
to hang a room with paper nalepiti v sobi tapete
sleep hangs on my eyelids veke so mi težke, oči mi lezejo skupaj
time hangs heavy on my hands ne vem, kaj naj počnem s časom, predolgo mi traja, vleče se - hap2 [hæp] neprehodni glagol
arhaično pripetiti se
if it so hap če bi tako naneslo - hat1 [hæt] samostalnik
klobuk; kardinalski klobuk
figurativno kardinalstvo
sleng my hat! za vraga!
top hat cilinder
britanska angleščina, sleng a bad hat pokvarjenec
as black as my hat čisto črn
figurativno red hat kardinalstvo
hat in hand hlapčevsko, servilno
high hat domišljav
hats off to him! klobuk dol pred njim!
under one's hat v tajnosti, skrivoma
ameriško at the drop of a hat takoj, zaradi najmanjšega povoda
I'll eat my hat if naj me vrag vzame, če
his hat covers his family čisto sam je, nikogar nima
to hang up one's hat in s.o.'s house obnašati se v tuji hiši po domače, ugnezditi se pri kom
to keep it under one's hat obdržati kaj zase
to pass (ali send) round the hat for pobirati denarne prispevke za
to raise one's hat odkriti se v pozdrav
to receive the hat postati kardinal
to take one's hat off to s.o. klobuk pred kom sneti
to throw one's hat in the ring izzvati koga na boj
to talk through one's hat širokoustiti se, pretiravati
to touch one's hat dotakniti se klobuka v pozdrav - have*2 [hæv] prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
imeti; vsebovati, imeti v sebi; imeti mlade, otroka (to have a baby)
imeti, preživljati (to have a fine time dobro se imeti)
obdržati, imeti (may I have it?)
gojiti čustva, imeti (misli itd.); dobiti (I've had no news)
zvedeti od, slišati od (I have it from my friend)
znati, razumeti (she has no German)
jesti, piti, kaditi (I had a sandwich, some coffee, a cigarette)
trditi (as Plato has it)
sleng potegniti, prevarati koga
z nedoločnikom: morati (I have to do it)
z objektom in preteklim deležnikom: dati si kaj narediti (I had a suit made)
z nedoločnikom brez "to": dovoliti, trpeti (I won't have it, I won't have you say it)
Z nedoločnikom brez "to":
I had as good; ali as well prav tako bi lahko
I had as lief; ali as soon prav tako bi rad
I had better; ali best bolje bi storil, če, bilo bi pametno, če
I had sooner; ali rather raje bi
I had soonest; ali liefest najraje bi
Druge fraze in rabe:
sleng you have been had prevarali so te
parlament the Ayes have it večina je za
figurativno he had me in the argument potolkel me je
have them come here poskrbi, da pridejo
(not) to be had se (ne) dobi
you have it coming dobiš, kar zaslužiš
what would you have me do? kaj naj po tvojem storim?
I won't have you do it ne dovolim, da bi to naredil
have done! nehaj!
I have done with it s tem sem opravil
I have your idea sedaj te razumem
he had a leg broken zlomil si je nogo
he had a son born to him rodil se mu je sin
I won't have it tega ne trpim, ne dovolim
you have me, have you not? ti me razumeš, kajne?
rumour has it govorica gre
he will have it that on trdi, da
have it your own way naj bo po tvojem
I have it že imam, spomnil sem se
I would have you know rad bi, da zveš
I had him there na tem sem ga ujel, premagal sem ga, bil sem močnejši od njega
you have it right prav imaš, uganil si
to have breakfast, lunch, dinner (supper) zajtrkovati, kositi, večerjati
to have an affair imeti ljubezensko razmerje
to have the best of zmagati
to have s.th. by heart znati kaj na pamet
to have a chat pokramljati
to have a cold biti prehlajen
to have the cheek to predrzniti se
to have a day off imeti prost dan
to have to do with imeti kaj opraviti z
to have an edge on imeti majhno prednost, biti malo opit
to have one's fill of imeti dovolj česa
to have one's fling izdivjati se
ameriško, pravno to have and to hold imeti v posesti, ne spustiti iz rok
to have it in for s.o. zameriti komu, komu kaj slabega želeti
to have it in one to imeti dovolj poguma za
to have a heart biti usmiljen, imeti srce
to have kittens biti razburjen
to have the laugh on zadnji se smejati
to have a look at pogledati
to have a mind to kaj nameravati
to have s.th. in mind imeti kaj v mislih
to have it (all) over s.o. biti na boljšem od koga
to have it out with s.o. razčistiti stvar s kom
to let s.o. have it kaznovati koga, odkrito komu povedati, kar mu gre
to have ready pripraviti
to have a short (long) run obdržati se malo (dolgo) časa
to have the run of imeti pravico uporabljati
to have a say in imeti pravico kaj reči k
to have a good time dobro se imeti
to have a way with znati s kom ali čim ravnati
to have a shot at poskusiti kaj narediti
to have s.th. on s.o. imeti koga v šahu
to have s.o. on toast imeti koga v rokah, prekaniti koga
to have a try poskusiti - help2 [help] prehodni glagol
pomagati, podpreti, podpirati; pripomoči, prispevati; (u)blažiti (s can in neg)
ne moči se upirati, si pomagati, preprečiti, se izogniti; ponuditi, podati (pri mizi)
I cannot help it ne morem pomagati, sem nemočen
it cannot be helped ni pomoči
if I can help it če se temu lahko izognem
don't be late if you can help it ne ostani delj, kot je potrebno
don't do more than you can help napravi le tisto, kar moraš
I cannot help laughing moram se smejati; ne morem si kaj, da se ne bi smejal
I cannot help myself ne morem drugače
how could I help it? kaj sem jaz mogel za to
to help s.o. in (ali with) s.th. pomagati komu pri čem
to help o.s. to s.th. postreči si s čim, prisvojiti si kaj, ukrasti
to help s.o. to s.th. ponuditi komu kaj (pri mizi), postreči komu s čim
to help a lame dog over a stile; ali to help s.o. out pomagati komu prebroditi težave
to lend a helping hand priskočiti v pomoč
every little helps vse prav pride
nothing will help now ni več pomoči