
Zadetki iskanja

  • tomorrow, to-morrow [təmɔ́rou]

    1. prislov

    tomorrow morning jutri zjutraj (dopoldne)
    tomorrow night jutri zvečer
    tomorrow week jutri teden
    the day after tomorrow pojutrišnjem

    2. samostalnik
    jutrišnji dan

    tomorrow's paper jutrišnji časopis
    tomorrow never comes tega ne bomo nikoli doživeli; o svetem Nikóli
  • trgóvski commercial; mercantile, merchant; trade; business-like

    trgóvski adresar trades directory
    trgóvski artikel article of commerce, commodity
    trgóvska akademija school of commerce, business school
    trgóvska aviacija commercial aviation
    trgóvska banka commercial bank, merchant bank, ZDA investment banking house
    trgóvsko blago, roba merchandise, ware(s pl), goods pl, articles pl of commerce
    trgóvska borza (goods) exchange
    trgóvski časopis commercial gazette
    trgóvski dobiček trading profit
    trgóvsko dopisovanje commercial correspondence
    trgóvski družabnik business (ali commercial) partner, business associate
    trgóvski duh commercial spirit
    trgóvska hiša (trading) firm
    trgóvski izraz, têrmin commercial term
    trgóvski izvedenec commercialist
    trgóvska kakovost commercial quality (ali grade)
    trgóvski krogi commercial circles pl
    trgóvsko knjigovodstvo commercial bookkeeping
    trgóvski kredit business loan
    trgóvska ladja merchantman, trader, cargo steamer, trading vessel
    trgóvski list trade journal
    trgóvska luka commercial port
    trgóvska marža trade margin
    trgóvska menica commercial bill
    trgóvsko mesto commercial (ali trading) town
    trgóvska mornarica merchant marine, merchant (ali mercantile) fleet
    trgóvski mešetar broker
    trgóvski običaj usage
    trgóvsko podjetje commercial enterprise
    trgóvski pomočnik shop assistant
    trgóvsko pristanišče commercial (ali trading) seaport
    trgóvska pot trade route
    trgóvski proizvod commercial product
    trgóvsko poročilo trade report
    trgóvsko pismo commercial letter
    trgóvski potnik sales representative, pogovorno rep, commercial traveller, ZDA drummer, travelling salesman
    trgóvsko poslovanje trading, trading business
    trgóvski posrednik, agent commercial (ali mercantile) agent, factor
    trgóvska pogodba commercial treaty
    trgóvska panoga, veja branch (of trade)
    trgóvski register commercial register, register of companies, ZDA official register of trading associations
    vpisati v trgóvski register to enter in the commercial register, to register, ZDA to incorporate
    trgóvski sejem trade fair
    trgóvsko središče commercial centre (ZDA center)
    trgóvski stan trading class
    trgóvsko sodišče commercial court
    trgóvski stalež (pogovorno) trading community
    trgóvsko skladišče warehouse
    trgóvski sodnik commercial judge
    trgóvska šola school of commerce, ZDA business school
    trgóvska toleranca commercial limit
    trgóvska vrednost commercial value
    trgóvski vajenec apprentice
    trgóvska zadruga cooperative society
    trgóvska znamka trademark
    trgóvski zakon commercial law, mercantile law
    trgóvski zakonik, kodeks commercial code
    trgóvske zveze commercial relations pl, business contacts pl
    trgóvski zastopnik commercial (ali mercantile) agent
  • urejeváti ➞ urediti

    urejeváti časopis to edit a newspaper
  • včérajšnji yesterday's

    včérajšnji dan yesterday
    ves včérajšnji dan all yesterday, the whole of yesterday
    včérajšnji časopis yesterday's paper
    včérajšnji večer yesterday evening, pesniško arhaično yestereve, yestereven, yester e'en
  • večéren evening(-)

    večérni hlad cool of the evening
    večérni list, časopis evening paper
    večérna molitev religija evening prayer
    večérno nebo evening sky
    večérna obleka evening dress, evening clothes pl
    večérni pouk evening classes pl
    večérna predstava evening performance
    večérno sonce setting sun
    večérna šola night school
    večérni vetrič evening breeze, west wind
    večérna zarja sunset glow, the light of the setting sun
    večérni zrak night air
    večérna zvezda evening star, Hesperus
    večérni zvon evening bell, angelus
  • wall1 [wɔ:l]

    1. samostalnik
    stena, zid (tudi figurativno)
    (trdnjavsko) obzidje
    množina, vojska utrdbe, nasip, okop; ločilna stena, pregraja, bariera; del pločnika ob zidu

    within the walls znotraj zidov, v notranjosti mesta, figurativno znotraj (nekega področja)
    within four walls figurativno strogo zaupno
    with one's back to the wall figurativno v težavnem položaju, v škripcih
    walls have ears stene (zidovi) imajo ušesa
    to be up against a brick wall figurativno ne moči (iti) naprej
    to give s.o. the wall odstopiti komu prostor, da lahko gre ob zidu (kot počastitev), figurativno pustiti komu prednost
    to go to the wall figurativno biti pritisnjen ob zid, biti premagan, podleči, propasti; pasti pod stečaj
    to meet a dead wall figurativno ne naleteti na razumevanje
    to paint the devil on the wall figurativno slikati vraga na zid
    to run one's head against a wall figurativno hoteti z glavo skoz zid, skušati napraviti nekaj nemogočega
    to see through brick wall figurativno biti zelo bister
    to send s.o. to the wall pritisniti koga ob zid, pognati koga v škripce
    to take the wall of s.o. ne odstopiti komu mesta ob zidu; imeti prednost pred kom

    2. pridevnik
    stenski; zidni

    wall clock stenska ura
    wall crane tehnično konzolno dvigalo
    wall creeper skalni plezavček (ptič)
    wall fruit agronomija špalirsko sadje
    wall game šport vrsta nogometa (v Etonu)
    wall knot vozel na koncu vrvi
    wall lizard zoologija sivi kuščar
    wall map stenski zemljevid
    wall newspaper stenski časopis, stenčas
    wall painting stensko slikarstvo, slika na zidu, freska
    Wall Street (W.S.) ameriško finančna četrt v New Yorku; figurativno moč ameriškega kapitala (denarja, financ)
    wall tower stolp v obzidju
    wall tree agronomija špalirno drevo
    wall walk pokrit hodnik na grajskem, mestnem zidu za obrambo
  • yellow1 [jélou] pridevnik
    rumen, porumenel; rumene rase, rumenopolt
    ameriško, sleng rumenkastosiv (kožna barva mulatov)
    figurativno nevoščljiv, zaviden, ljubosumen; sumničav; melanholičen
    pogovorno strahopeten, podel; nezaupljiv
    sleng nešporten
    pogovorno senzacijski, šovinističen, vojnohujskaški

    yellow jacket kitajska svečana obleka visokih dostojanstvenikov
    yellow journal bulvarski, revolverski časopis
    yellow journalism bulvarsko časnikarstvo
    yellow parchment porumenel pergament
    yellow press senzacijski tisk
    light yellow svetlo rumen
    the sere and yellow leaf figurativno starost
    to become (to get, to turn) yellow postati rumen, porumeneti
    to have a yellow streak sleng, figurativno biti lenuh, zmuzne, zabušant
    to paint yellow rumeno pobarvati
  • yesterday [jéstədi]

    1. prislov

    he arrived yesterday dospel je včeraj
    I was not born yesterday figurativno nisem včeraj prišel na svet

    2. pridevnik
    včerajšnji, pretekli

    yesterday morning včeraj zjutraj
    yesterday evening sinoči
    yesterday night preteklo noč
    yesterday week včeraj teden

    3. samostalnik
    včerajšnji dan

    yesterdays množina pretekli dnevi, časi
    yesterday's paper včerajšnji časopis
    the day before yesterday predvčerajšnjim
    of yesterday od včeraj
    the whole of yesterday ves včerajšnji dan
  • že already; as early as; yet

    ona je tu že 5 dni she has been here for 5 days
    že 2 uri delam I have been working for 2 hours
    že leta 1930 as early as 1930, as long ago as 1930
    že 30 let as long as 30 years
    že včeraj as early as yesterday
    že pred enim letom as far back as a year ago
    že drugi (naslednji) dan the very next day
    že zgodaj zjutraj already by the early morning
    že v 15. stoletju as far back as the 15th century
    že samó zaradi tega simply (ali just, only) for this reason
    že sama misel the very idea, the mere thought
    je mati že doma? is Mother (back) home yet!
    je časopis že prišel? has the newspaper come yet?
    ali je že tako pozno? is it as late as that?
    imam že (tako) dosti dela I have enough to do as it is, pogovorno I've got my hands full already
    kaj je že rekel? what was that (ali it) he said?
    že dvakrat sem mu rekel (povedal) I have told him twice already
    moraš že iti? must you be going (ali go) so soon (ali already)?
    dan je že it is daylight already
    (do) takrat bo že dan it will be daylight (ali the sun will be up) by then
    koliko časa si že tu? how long have you been here?
    kako dolgo ga že poznaš? how long have you known him?
    kako dolgo ste že v Sloveniji? how long have you been in Slovenia?
    vrnil se je že včeraj he was already back yesterday
    pismonoša bi že moral biti tu the postman ought to be here by now
    on bi mi bil moral že davno odgovoriti he ought to have answered me long ago
    moral je že oditi he must have gone by now (ali by this time)
    vam že strežejo? (v trgovini) (ste že postreženi?) are you being attended to?
    si že (sploh kdaj) bil v Parizu? have you ever been in Paris?
    to je že res, toda... that's very true, but..., that's all very well, but...
    on že ve zakaj! he knows why all right!
    o, že razumem! oh, I see!, pogovorno I get it!