poldrúgi one and a half
poldrúgi mesec six weeks pl
poldrúgo uro an (ali one) hour and a half
Zadetki iskanja
- polemizírati to polemize; to carry on a controversy
- poležáti (v postelji, počivati) to lie in; to have a liedown
ob nedeljah rad poleži he likes to lie in on Sundays
po kosilu navadno malo poleži he usually has a short lie-down after lunch; to crease (ali crumple) something by lying on it; (veter žito) to beat down, to lodge - politéhnik student at a polytechnic
- poljánec plainsman, pl -men; inhabitant of a flat land (ali of a valley)
- pollétno half-yearly; every six months; twice a year
- polovíčar zgodovina small farmer; (šušmar) bungler, botcher, (polizobraženec) half-educated person; (in old Austrian currency) half a kreuzer
- polovíčarstvo (šušmarstvo) bungling, botching; amateurism, figurativno a pill to cure an earthquake
- pomágati to help, to aid, to assist; to support, to succour, to lend a hand; to be of assistance, to sustain, to relieve, to back up, figurativno to give a hand; (koristiti) to avail, to be of avail, to profit, to be good for, to be of use; (sredstvo, zdravilo) to remedy, to cure, to be efficacious
pomágati si to find a way (iz težave out of a difficulty)
sam si pomágati to help oneself, to shift for oneself
pomágati si brez česa to go without something
moram si pomágati, kot vem in znam I must shift as well as (ali as best) I can
moram si pomágati s slovarjem I have to use the dictionary
pri hoji si pomaga s palico he walks with the help of a stick
ne si znati pomágati to be at a loss
ti si znaš pomágati (si iznajdljiv) you are resourceful
pomágati si medsebojno to aid (ali ta help, to assist) one another (oziroma each other) mutually
pomagaj si sam in bog ti bo pomagal God helps those who help themselves
prisiljeni smo, da si pomagamo, kot vemo in znamo we are reduced to expedients
on si zna pomágati na vse načine he knows all the answers, he's up to all the tricks
kaj to pomaga? (čemú to?) what is the use of it?
tu se ne da nič pomágati it can't be helped
temu je lahkó pomágati this is easily remedied
kaj pomaga razlagati? what is the use of explaining?
to nam prav nič ne pomaga that does not help us a bit
ne vem si več pomágati I am at my wits' end, I do not know what to do
kaj pomaga to? what is the use of that?, arhaično what will it avail?
to mi nič ne pomaga that leaves me no better off, I am no better off for it
kaj ji bo to pomagalo? what good will it do her?
pomágati komu do česa to help someone to get something
vam nekoliko pomagam? may I offer you some assistance?
hočete, da vam pomagam? shall I give you (ali lend you) a hand?
pomagaj mi, da vstanem! help me up!
pomagal ji je preko potoka he helped her across the stream
pomagal sem mu nesti paket I helped him to carry (ali I helped him with) his parcel
vse skupaj ni nič pomagalo it was all no use
vse moje pritožbe mi niso nič pomagale all my complaints were useless (ali of no avail)
tako mi bog pomagaj! so help me God!
pomagali so mi na noge they helped me up, they helped me back on my feet
pomágati vdovi in siroti to befriend the widow and the orphan
to zdravilo mi je pomagalo this medicine has done me good
komur ni svetovati, temu ni mogoče pomágati he who cannot be advised, cannot be helped; where counsel fails no cure prevails - poméniti to mean; to signify; to be a sign of; to matter; to be of importance; to denote, to indicate; to express, to stand for
kaj pomeni to? what does that mean?
kaj pomeni ta beseda? what does this word mean?
ne vem, kaj to pomeni I don't know what this means
to ne pomeni nič it is of no consequence
to ne pomeni nič dobrega this augurs no good
kaj pomeni ta simbol? what is the meaning of that symbol?
to ne pomeni mnogo there is not much in that
kaj pomeni to vaše vedenje? what do you mean by such behaviour?
jaz malo pomenim svojim otrokom I matter little to my children - ponesréčen ending in a failure; failing; (neuspel) abortive
ponesréčen napad (poskus) abortive attack (attempt) - ponížati to humble; to humiliate; to degrade; to debase; pogovorno to take someone down a peg (or two)
ponížati se to humble (to lower, to demean) oneself; to stoop; to submit; to debase oneself
ponížati se pred kom (klečeplaziti pred kom) to truckle to someone, to eat humble pie, to kowtow to someone - ponosljáti (tobak) to take a pinch of snuff
- popíti to drink up (ali off); to empty one's glass; to finish a bottle
malo preveč ga je popil he had a drop too much - popustíti (ceno) to reduce, to rebate, to make an allowance for, to lower (a price), to deduct, to allow (ali to grant, to make) a reduction (ali concession), to lower one's figure; (bolečina, vročica) to pass off, to ease, to abate; (marljivost) to cool down, to relax, to abate, to fail, to flag; (sili) to yield, to knuckle under (ali down); (mraz) to abate; (napetost) to ease, arhaično to slake off; (veter) to abate, to subside, to calm; (struno, žico) to slacken (and lower the pitch of) a string
popustíti komu to indulge someone
ne popustíti (= odbiti) to persist in, to insist on, not to yield one iota, not to relent, not to remit a point
diciplina je popustila discipline has slackened (ali has weakened)
učenec je popustil v svoji marljivosti the pupil has been slacking
popustíti v ceni to make a reduction in the price
cene so popustile the prices have dropped (ali have come down)
nadzorstvo je popustilo control has been relaxed
nič ne popustíti v svojih zahtevah not to abate one iota of one's pretensions
od naših zahtev ne moremo popustíti we can abate none of our demands
popustíti strastem to give way to one's passions
popustíti vrv to slacken (ali to loosen) a rope - poračúnati to adjust accounts (oziroma an account) (s kom with someone); to settle up (with someone); to reach a settlement (with someone)
- porazgovoríti se to discuss (o čem something); to have a talk (ali a discussion) all round
- poróčati to report, to relate (komu to someone); to make (ali to give) a report (to someone), to inform (someone), to give an account (o čem of something)
sproti poróčati komu to keep someone currently informed
poročajo o skupini sovražnikov na drugem bregu vojska a hostile party is reported on the other bank
podrobno poróčati to report in detail, to give full particulars - porodíti to bear, to give birth to, to bring forth, to be delivered of a child; (prezgodaj) to miscarry; figurativno (povzročiti) to cause, to give rise to, to lead to
porodíti se to be born, to come into being, to rise
porodila se mi je dobra misel a good idea struck me, pogovorno I've had a brain wave - porótnik member of a jury, juryman, pl -men; juror
seznam porótnikov panel of jurors, jury list
zapriseženi porótnik juror
biti porótnik to sit on a jury
sodnik porótnik assessor, nonprofessional member of bench trying a case