zrèl ripe, mature; mellow
zgodaj zrèl (otrok) precocious (child), (plod) early, (narečno, ZDA) rareripe, (arhaično, pesniško, narečno) rathe-ripe, rath-ripe
po zrèlem premisleku after mature consideration
umrl je v zrèlih letih he died at a ripe old age
zrèle starosti of a ripe old age
v zrèli starosti at a ripe old age
zrèla lepota, lepota zrele ženske mature beauty
postati zrèl to ripe, to ripen
Zadetki iskanja
- zrézek steak
faširan zrézek (v žemlji ipd.) hamburger
pečen goveji zrézek beefsteak
telečji zrézek veal cutlet, (veal) escalope, schnitzel - zríniti se
zríniti se v avtobus to squeeze (oneself) onto (ali on to) a bus - zvečér in the evening
danes zvečér this evening, tonight
jutri zvečér tomorrow night
včeraj zvečér (sinoči) last night
v soboto zvečér on Saturday night - zvenéti (glas, zvok) to sound
v ušesu mi zveni my ears are ringing - zvéza union, association; alliance; league; federation; confederation; coalition; connection, connexion, relation; communication
v zvézi z with reference to, in connection with
v tej zvézi in this connection
v zvézi z vašim dopisom, pismom with reference to your letter, in connection with your letter
strokovna zvéza trade union
Socialistična zvéza delovnega ljudstva Jugoslavije (Slovenije) the Socialist Alliance of the Working People of Yugoslavia (of Slovenia)
Zveza komunistov Jugoslavija (ZKJ) the League of Communists of Yugoslavia
Zveza sindikatov Slovenije the trade Union Federation of Slovenia
zvéza držav confederation
strokovna zvéza professional association, trade union, VB trades union
obrambna zvéza defensive alliance
poslovne zvéze business connections pl
poštne zvéze postal communications pl
Svetovna poštna zvéza Universal Postal Union
prometne zvéze traffic communications pl
železniška zvéza communication by rail
zakonska zvéza conjugal union, matrimony
to nima nobene zvéze z mojim vprašanjem it has nothing to do with my question
prav nobene zvéze ne imeti z to have no connection at all with, to have absolutely nothing to do with
to nima nobene zvéze s tem vprašanjem this has no bearing on (ali bears no relation to) this question
imeti zvézo z to be connected with; to have something to do with
sobi sta med seboj v zvézi the rooms communicate with each other
ostati v zvézi z to keep in touch with
z njimi imamo telefonsko zvézo we communicate by telephone, we keep in touch by phone
imeti (dobre) zvéze (figurativno) to have useful contacts, to know the right people
z zvézmi si priskrbeti službo (figurativno) to get a job by pulling strings
izkoristiti svoje zvéze to exploit one's contacts, to exert backstairs influence
dovesti, spraviti v zvézo to bring into contact
vlak ima zvézo s parnikom the train connects with (ali makes a connection) with the boat
prekiniti, pretrgati zvézo z to break off contact with; to sever one's connections with
skleniti vojaško zvézo to enter into a military alliance
stopiti v zvézo z (zvezati se z) to ally oneself to (ali with), to enter into an alliance, to form an alliance
stopiti v zvéze z to enter into relations with
vzdrževati trgovske (prijateljske) zvéze z to entertain (ali to maintain) commercial (friendly) relations with
zamuditi (železniško) zvézo to miss one's connection - zvézda star
brez zvézd starless
zvézda stalnica fixed star
zvézda vodnica guiding star, lodestar
zvézda repatica comet
dvojna zvézda double (ali binary) star
jutranja zvézda morning star
večerna zvézda evening star, Venus, Hesperus, Vesper
filmska zvézda film star, star actress
peterokraka zvézda five-pointed star
morska zvézda starfish
severna zvézda Pole Star, Polaris, North Star
srečna (nesrečna) zvézda lucky ali propitious (unlucky) star
posejan z zvézdami starred, studded with stars, glittering with stars, star-spangled, starry
rojen pod srečno zvézdo (figurativno) born with a silver spoon in one's mouth, born under a lucky star
rojen pod nesrečno zvézdo born under an unlucky star, ill-starred
častilec zvézd star-worshipper
okrašen z zlatimi zvézdami adorned (ali decorated) with golden stars
kovati v zvézde to praise (ali to laud) to the skies, to extol to the stars
okrasiti, posuti z zvézdami to adorn (ali to sprinkle, to decorate) with stars, (redko) to star (kaj something)
vse zvézde videti (figurativno od udarca itd.) to see stars
njegova zvézda vzhaja (figurativno) his star is in the ascendant
njegova zvézda zahaja (je zašla) (figurativno) his star is on the wane (his star has set)
zaupati svoji zvézdi (figurativno) to follow one's star
zahvaliti se svoji srečni zvézdi (figurativno) to thank one's lucky stars - zvézek copybook, notebook, exercise book
črtan zvézek ruled exercise book; (knjiga) volume, tome, number, part, fascicle
delo v 4 zvézkih a work in four volumes
izdaja v zvézkih publication in parts (ali in fascicles)
izdano v zvézkih issued (ali coming out) in parts
izhajati v zvézkih to appear (ali to come out) in parts
knjiga (roman) v treh zvézkih a three-volume book (novel) - zvíti to fold, to roll; to furl; (skriviti) to curve, to bend, to crook, to contort
zvíti odejo (preprogo) to roll up a blanket (a carpet)
zvíti si cigareto to roll a cigarette
zvíti (svoj) dežnik to fold one's umbrella
zvíti jadra to furl the sails
nogo si je zvil he wrenched his foot, he twisted his foot
zvíti si gleženj to wrench (ali to twist) one's ankle
zvíti se od bolečine to writhe in pain
zvíti se skozi goščavo to wriggle one's way through a thicket
vročina je zvila knjigi platnice the heat has warped the cover of the book
jež se je zvil v klobčič the hedgehog rolled itself into a ball - zvrtéti to turn
zvrtelo se mi je (v glavi) I felt dizzy (ali giddy), I had a dizzy spell - žákelj sack
poln žákelj sackful
žákelj novic a bagful (ali a sackful) of news
žákelj nesreče (figurativno) sad sack
kupiti mačka v žáklju (figurativno) to buy a pig in a poke
vtakniti v žákelj to sack, to bag
dati koga v žákelj (figurativno, ugnati koga) to drive someone into a corner, to corner someone, to bully someone - žálost sadness; sorrow; mournfulness; depression; gloom; melancholy; distress; affliction; grief
veselje se spremeni v žálost joy turns to grief
v dvoje se žálost laže prenaša (arhaično) two in distress make sorrow less
na mojo žálost to my sorrow
na njegovo veliko žálost to his regret (ali annoyance, vexation)
biti v globoki žálosti to be in deep mourning - žálosten sad; mournful; afflicted; melancholy; sorrowful; joyless; gloomy; dismal; downcast; (beden) wretched
žálosten pogled deplorable sight
to so žálostne novice this is sad news
tako sem žálosten zaradi tega I am so sorry (ali sad) to hear (oziroma to see) it
ona je vedno žálostna she is always miserable
žálostna nesreča a sad accident
žálostno pri tem je, da... the sad part of it is that...
biti v žálostnem (bednem) položaju to be in a sorry plight - žalovánje mourning
globoko žalovánje deep mourning
biti v žalovánju to be in mourning, to wear mourning
zid žalovánja (Židov v Jeruzalemu) Wailing Wall - žámet velvet; (za klobuke) velour, ZDA velure
bombažni žámet cotton velvet, velveteen
svileni žámet silk velvet
v žámetu in svili in silk and satin
mehak kot žámet soft as velvet, velvety
tovarna žámeta velvet factory - žámetast velvet-like, velvety, velvet
ravnati s kom z žámetastimi rokavicami (figurativno) to handle someone with kid gloves
železna roka v žámetastimi rokavici (figurativno) an iron hand in a velvet glove
žámetast trak velvet ribbon
žámetast sijaj velvet gloss - žargón jargon, slang
trgovski žargón commercialese
žargón tatov thieves' cant, thieves' slang
govoriti v žargónu to use (ali to talk) jargon - žaríšče focal point, focus
v žaríšču in focus
zunaj žaríšča out of focus
spraviti v žaríšče to bring into focus - že already; as early as; yet
ona je tu že 5 dni she has been here for 5 days
že 2 uri delam I have been working for 2 hours
že leta 1930 as early as 1930, as long ago as 1930
že 30 let as long as 30 years
že včeraj as early as yesterday
že pred enim letom as far back as a year ago
že drugi (naslednji) dan the very next day
že zgodaj zjutraj already by the early morning
že v 15. stoletju as far back as the 15th century
že samó zaradi tega simply (ali just, only) for this reason
že sama misel the very idea, the mere thought
je mati že doma? is Mother (back) home yet!
je časopis že prišel? has the newspaper come yet?
ali je že tako pozno? is it as late as that?
imam že (tako) dosti dela I have enough to do as it is, pogovorno I've got my hands full already
kaj je že rekel? what was that (ali it) he said?
že dvakrat sem mu rekel (povedal) I have told him twice already
moraš že iti? must you be going (ali go) so soon (ali already)?
dan je že it is daylight already
(do) takrat bo že dan it will be daylight (ali the sun will be up) by then
koliko časa si že tu? how long have you been here?
kako dolgo ga že poznaš? how long have you known him?
kako dolgo ste že v Sloveniji? how long have you been in Slovenia?
vrnil se je že včeraj he was already back yesterday
pismonoša bi že moral biti tu the postman ought to be here by now
on bi mi bil moral že davno odgovoriti he ought to have answered me long ago
moral je že oditi he must have gone by now (ali by this time)
vam že strežejo? (v trgovini) (ste že postreženi?) are you being attended to?
si že (sploh kdaj) bil v Parizu? have you ever been in Paris?
to je že res, toda... that's very true, but..., that's all very well, but...
on že ve zakaj! he knows why all right!
o, že razumem! oh, I see!, pogovorno I get it! - žebèlj nail; (cvek) tack
tapetniški žebèlj upholstery tack
pribiti z žebèljem to nail, to tack
zabiti žebèlj v to drive a nail into