popustíti (ceno) to reduce, to rebate, to make an allowance for, to lower (a price), to deduct, to allow (ali to grant, to make) a reduction (ali concession), to lower one's figure; (bolečina, vročica) to pass off, to ease, to abate; (marljivost) to cool down, to relax, to abate, to fail, to flag; (sili) to yield, to knuckle under (ali down); (mraz) to abate; (napetost) to ease, arhaično to slake off; (veter) to abate, to subside, to calm; (struno, žico) to slacken (and lower the pitch of) a string
popustíti komu to indulge someone
ne popustíti (= odbiti) to persist in, to insist on, not to yield one iota, not to relent, not to remit a point
diciplina je popustila discipline has slackened (ali has weakened)
učenec je popustil v svoji marljivosti the pupil has been slacking
popustíti v ceni to make a reduction in the price
cene so popustile the prices have dropped (ali have come down)
nadzorstvo je popustilo control has been relaxed
nič ne popustíti v svojih zahtevah not to abate one iota of one's pretensions
od naših zahtev ne moremo popustíti we can abate none of our demands
popustíti strastem to give way to one's passions
popustíti vrv to slacken (ali to loosen) a rope
Zadetki iskanja
- poračúnati to adjust accounts (oziroma an account) (s kom with someone); to settle up (with someone); to reach a settlement (with someone)
- porazgovoríti se to discuss (o čem something); to have a talk (ali a discussion) all round
- poróčati to report, to relate (komu to someone); to make (ali to give) a report (to someone), to inform (someone), to give an account (o čem of something)
sproti poróčati komu to keep someone currently informed
poročajo o skupini sovražnikov na drugem bregu vojska a hostile party is reported on the other bank
podrobno poróčati to report in detail, to give full particulars - porodíti to bear, to give birth to, to bring forth, to be delivered of a child; (prezgodaj) to miscarry; figurativno (povzročiti) to cause, to give rise to, to lead to
porodíti se to be born, to come into being, to rise
porodila se mi je dobra misel a good idea struck me, pogovorno I've had a brain wave - porótnik member of a jury, juryman, pl -men; juror
seznam porótnikov panel of jurors, jury list
zapriseženi porótnik juror
biti porótnik to sit on a jury
sodnik porótnik assessor, nonprofessional member of bench trying a case - posezóna period following a (tourist or commercial) season, afterseason
- poslástica dainty, pl dainties; delicacy; sweet, sweetmeat; (izbran kos) a choice morsel, titbit, goody, pl goodies
- poslovódja manager of a small business; head (ali chief) clerk; agent
- posmrtnína (payment of) the sum due to the beneficiary of a life-insurance policy; (in a welfare state) death grant, death benefit
- posráti to soil (ali to foul) with excrement, evfemizem to make a mess, vulgarno to shit (ali to crap) all over something
posráti se vulgarno to shit oneself
posráti se v hlače vulgarno to shit (evfemizem to do it in) one's pants
poserjem se na predpise I don't give a shit for the regulations - postáti2 (postojim) to stop; to make a halt
- postotêriti to increase a hundredfold; to centuple; figurativno to increase greatly, to intensify
- posvetováti se to consult; to deliberate, to hold a consultation; to confer (o about)
posvetováti se s kom to ask ali to seek someone's advice
posvetoval se bom z njegovim očetom I shall consult his father
posvetováti se o čem to deliberate (ali to confer) on some matter, to talk something over
posvetováti se med seboj to take counsel together, to talk matters over
posvetováti se z zdravnikom to consult a doctor
zdravnik se bo posvetoval s kolegom the doctor will hold a consultation with a colleague - poškíliti to have a squint (na at); to squint (at)
- póštarski of a postman
póštarska torba mailbag - poštenják an honest man; a man of hono(u)r
- potencírati to intensify; matematika to raise to a higher power
- potépati se to live the life of a vagrant; to be a vagabond ali tramp; to roam; to rove
potépati se v bližini, okoli to hang about, to loiter - potíca cake consisting of a sheet of pastry spread with a rich filling and rolled up
orehova (rozinova) potíca nut roll, (raisin roll)