
Zadetki iskanja

  • pésem (stihi) lyric, poem, a piece of poetry; (za petje) song, lay; (pivska) drinking song; (v krogu) round, catch; (napev) air, tune, melody

    pésem za več glasov glasba part-song
    cerkvena pésem hymn
    črnska duhovna pésem spiritual, Negro spiritual
    božična pésem Christmas carol
    epska pésem epic
    lirska pésem lyric
    pésem s petimi kiticami a poem of five verses
    labodja pésem swansong, the song of the dying swan
    pobožne, duhovne pésmi hymns pl, spiritual songs pl
    priljubljena pésem (popevka) (šlager)
    v modi hit
    narodna, ljudska pésem folk song; popular song, traditional song
    visoka pésem (Salomonova) Canticle of Canticles, Song of Songs
    zbirka pésmi collection of poems, anthology
    otroška pésem nursery rhyme
    to je vedno ista pésem (figurativno) it's always the same old story
  • pešáčiti to go on foot, to walk, to tramp; to go by shank's pony (ZDA shank's mare); to ride shank's mare, to hike; (žargon) to foot (ali to leg) it, to use one's legs; (zaradi zdravja) to take a constitutional

    zamudil sem vlak in sem moral pešáčiti I missed the train and had to leg it
  • peták (bankovec za 5 funtov) five pound note; pogovorno a fiver
  • petérec (verz) a line of five metrical feet, pentameter

    jambski petérec iambic pentameter
  • péti (pôjem) to sing, (v cerkvi) to chant; (o zvonu) to ring; (ptice) to warble, to twitter, to chirp; (petelin) to crow; (pesnikovati) to be a poet, to compose poetry

    péti v zboru to sing in a choir
    péti z not brez vaje to sight-read
    péti po notah to read music, to sing from a score (ali from music)
    prenizko péti to sing too low, to sing flat
    previsoko péti to sing too high, to sing sharp
    péti (vesele) božične pesmi to sing (Christmas) carols, to go carol-singing
    večglasno péti to sing in parts
    enoglasno péti to sing in unison
    učiti se péti to learn singing
    začeti péti to intone, to begin to sing
    napačno péti to sing out of tune
    prav(ilno) péti to sing in tune
    péti na vse grlo to sing at the top of one's voice
    péti komu hvalo to sing someone's praises
    péti vedno isto pesem (figurativno) to be always harping on the same theme
    korakali so in peli na vse grlo they marched on, singing at the top of their voices
  • piján drunk, drunken; inebriated; tipsy; intoxicated; in a drunken condition

    biti piján to be drunk; evfemizem to be under the influence (ali under the weather)
    piján je kot muha he is dead drunk, he is as drunk as a lord
    piján kot mavra (as) tight as an owl
    piján kot klada, do nezavesti dead (ali blind) drunk, pogovorno dead to the world; žargon sloshed, soused, sozzled, smashed, plastered; drunk and incapable
    piján kot žolna (as) drunk as a lord (ali a fish, a fiddler)
    piján krví (figurativno) drunk with blood
    piján od veselja wild with joy
    postati piján to get drunk
    kadar je piján, ne ve, kaj govori when he is in his cups, he doesn't know what he's saying
    voziti avto v pijánem stanju to drive while under the influence of drink (ali while intoxicated), pogovorno to drink-drive
  • pijančeváti to drink habitually, to drink excessively, to be a heavy drinker, to be addicted to drinking, to tipple, to soak, to tope; (krokati) to go out on the spree (ali pogovorno on a bender, on a pub crawl, for a booze-up) to make a night of it
  • pijánec drunkard; a drunken (ali intoxicated, tipsy) man; toper, soaker, boozer, tippler, guzzler; habitual drunkard

    kroničen pijánec confirmed drunkard, sot, soak, soaker, an inebriate
    hud pijánec a heavy drinker
    pijánec se spreobrne, ko se v jamo zvrne who drinks, will drink again; once a drunkard, always a drunkard
  • písati to write; (beležiti) to take down, to make a note (of), to make notes, to note down, to set down; (črkovati) to spell

    písati po nareku to write from dictation
    napačno písati besedo to misspell a word
    písati čistopis to make a fair (ali clean, final) copy
    písati koncept to write out a rough draft (ali copy)
    písati čitljivo (nečitljivo) to write legibly (illegibly)
    písati knjige to write books, to be an author
    ona lepo piše she writes a nice (ali good, bold) hand
    on grdo, nečitljivo piše he writes a cramped (ali niggling) hand
    písati note to copy out music
    písati na stroj to typewrite, to type
    še enkrat, ponovno písati to rewrite
    pravilno písati besedo to spell a word correctly
    kako se piše ta beseda? how do you spell this word?
    ta beseda se piše z -i- this word is spelt with an -i-
    slabó písati to write badly, to scrawl
    on ne piše, ampak čečka he writes an awful scrawl
    písati pismo s črnilom to pen a letter
    písati beležko s svinčnikom to jot down a note in pencil, to pencil a note
    kako se pišete? what is your name?
    kako pišete svoje ime? how do you spell your name?
    pisal se je Brown kot ti he was surnamed Brown like you
    obsežno, podrobno písati to write extensively, in detail
    písati o slovstvu to write on literature
    písati v običajni pisavi to write longhand
    písati stenografsko to write shorthand
    ne zna ne písati ne brati he is illiterate (ali analphabetic)
    piši mi par vrstic (ob priložnosti)! drop me a line (occasionally)!
    že dva tedna mi ni pisal I haven't heard from him for a fortnight (že pet tednov these five weeks)
    písati komu v dobro to put down to someone's credit
    dal mi je, reci in piši, 8 tolarjev he gave me precisely 8 tolars
    piši me v uho! (žargon) go and fly a kite!, let me alone!, leave me in peace!
  • písniti to utter a sound

    še písniti si ne upa he dare not say a word (ali dare not utter a sound)
  • pisún scribbler; humoristično pen pusher, arhaično quill-driver; (časnikar) penny-a-liner
  • píti to drink; (o pijancu) to drink habitually, to tipple, to guzzle, to tope, to soak, to booze, to swill, to drink hard (ali deep, freely), to be a heavy (ali hard) drinker; to drink rather heavily

    naglo, v velikih požirkih píti to gulp down, to swallow; (srebati) to sip; (o psu) to lap; (vpijati) to take in, to lap up, to absorb, to imbibe
    píti kot goba to drink like a fish
    píti kot žolna to drink hard (ali like a lord, like a fish)
    píti več kot je pametno (žargon) to lift the elbow (too often)
    preveč píti to drink too much, (žargon) to bend the (ali one's) elbow
    preveč je pil he's had a drop too much, he's under the influence, he's the worse for wear
    začel je (preveč) píti he took to drink
    píti bratovščino s kom to hobnob with someone, to drink the pledge of brotherhood (ali intimate friendship) with someone
    píti na zdravje koga to drink someone's health, to drink to the health of (ali in honour of) someone, (nazdraviti komu) to toast someone
    pijem na Vaše zdravje! here's to you!
    píti čaj, kavo, kakao to take (ali to have) one's tea, coffee, cocoa
    ne smem píti vina I must abstain from drinking wine
    on pije kri svojim dolžnikom (figurativno) he is a bloodsucker
    píti slatino (v zdravilišču) to drink the waters
    ki mnogo pije hard-drinking
  • pláčanec (najemnik) hireling, henchman; (prejemnik plačila) payee; (najemniški vojak) mercenary; a person hired for money
  • plaménast like a flame; blazing
  • plavolásec a blond
  • plombírati to lead, to affix the leads; (zob) to stop (ali to fill) a tooth
  • pobesnéti to become furious (ali infuriated, enraged, raving, mad); to get enraged; to fly (ali to fall, to get) into a rage; to get into a fury, to rave; to run amok (ali amuck)

    brez razloga pobesnéti to fly into a rage for no reason
    pobesnim, če slišim take neumnosti it drives me mad to hear such nonsense
  • pobóčje slope; side of a hill; incline

    vzpenjati se po pobóčju to climb up a slope
  • pobrátim a sworn friend; intimate (ali close) friend; bosom friend; bosom-friend
  • póčiti to burst; to crack; (obleka) to split, to break; (eksplodirati) to explode; (zračnica) to puncture, to get a puncture

    póčiti od jeze to burst with anger
    póčiti od smeha to burst one's sides with laughter
    zračnica mi je počila I have had a puncture