
Zadetki iskanja

  • naménjen designed (za for); (določen) earmarked (za for); meant; (nesreča) intended, destined

    naménjen v bound for
    je ta opazka naménjena meni? is that remark meant for me?
    to pismo ni bilo naménjeno vam this letter was not meant for you
    ta soba je bila naménjena za pisarno this room was meant to be an office
    ta vrt je naménjen za zelenjavo this plot is set aside for vegetables, this is going to be a vegetable garden
  • namestíti to place; to set; to put; (imenovati, nastaviti) to appoint, to employ, to give someone employment (ali a post, a situation)

    namestíti stole za vse to set chairs for everybody
    namestíti pohištvo v sobi to furnish a room
    namestíti se to place (ali to establish oneself), to settle
    namestíti se v naslanjaču to install (ali settle) oneself in an armchair
  • namigovánje namigávanje winking; alluding, allusion; hints pl; innuendo

    povedati z namigovánje, namigávanjem to give an evasive account, not to be straightforward
  • namíšljen imaginary; fancied; fictitious; imagined

    namíšljeni bolnik a hypochondriac, a man who thinks himself an invalid
  • napàd attack; aggression; raid; impetus; assault; (roparski) holdup; (juriš) charge, onset, onslaught

    zračni napàd air raid; (vpad v deželo) invasion, inroad, incursion, raid, arhaično irruption; (izpad iz obleganega mesta) sally; (roparski pohod) foray; (sunek) thrust
    nenaden napàd medicina seizure, fit, (srčni) heart attack
    silovit napàd attack in force
    napàd mraza onset of cold
    izvesti napàd to carry out an attack
    odbiti napàd to repel (ali to repulse) an attack
    začeti napàd to open an attack, to strike the first blow
    zatrobiti k napàdu, za napàd to sound the charge
    hud zračni napàd blitz
  • napadálec attacker, assaulter, invader, aggressor, assailant; šport (nogomet itd.) forward, attacker

    napadálci attack (s konstr. v sg ali pl); (oblegovalec) besieger
    odbiti napadálce to repel assailants, to ward off an attack
  • napásti1 (napadem) to attack; to assault, to assail; to fall upon; to invade; (jurišati) to storm, to charge; (z besedami, v tisku) to denounce, to inveigh against

    napásti iz zasede to ambush, to waylay
    napásti koga to make an assault upon someone
    ki se da napásti assailable
  • napériti (nameriti) to aim (na at, against), to point (at)

    napériti s slanino to lard
    napériti tožbo proti komu to bring (ali to enter, to lay) an action against someone
    to je bilo naperjeno name that was meant for me
    naperjen proti komu aimed (ali figurativno directed) at someone
    z naperjenim revolverjem with pistol raised (ali at the ready)
  • napráviti to do; (izdelati) to make; to render; to manage; to work out; to bring about; (urediti) to organize, to manage; (izvršiti) to accomplish, to execute; (proizvesti) to produce, to manufacture, to fabricate; (povzročiti) to effect, to bring about, to create

    tu se ni dalo nič napráviti there was nothing to be done
    napráviti izpit to pass an examination
    napráviti uslugo to do (someone) a favour, to render (someone) a service
    napráviti po svoje to suit oneself
    napráviti koga pametnejšega to make someone wiser
    uspeh ga je napravil nestrpnega success made him impatient
    starost je iz njega napravila sitneža old age had made him peevish
    napráviti potovanje to make a journey
    napráviti načrt to make a plan
    napráviti ogenj to make a fire
    napráviti napako to make a mistake
    kako napravite, da odprete to ključavnico? how do you manage to open this lock?
    napráviti se (obleči se) to dress
    napráviti se bolnega to pretend to be ill
  • naprtíti to burden (ali to saddle, to load) (komu kaj someone with something); to impose a burden (komu on someone), to impute something to someone; to charge someone with something

    naprtíti komu neprijetno nalogo to charge someone with an unpleasant task
    naprtíti tatvino nedolžnemu človeku pogovorno to pin a theft on an innocent person
    naprtíti si kaj to saddle oneself with something
    naprtíti si breme to take upon oneself a burden
    naprtíti komu odgovornost to saddle someone with responsibility
    naprtíti si odgovornost to saddle oneself with responsibility
  • naročílo order; command; errand; (čezmorsko) indent

    ponovno naročílo repeat order
    poskusno naročílo trial order
    narejen po naročílu made to order
    dotok naročíl a flow of orders
    poplava naročíl a spate of orders
    po naročílu to order, on order
    imeti v naročílu to have on order
    izvršiti naročílo ekonomija to complete an order
    preklicati naročílo to countermand an order
  • naróčje arms pl; lap

    polno naróčje armful
    imeti v naróčju to have on one's lap
    sedeti komu v naróčju to sit on someone's lap
    pasti komu v naróčje to be folded in someone's arms (ali in someone's embrace)
    sreča mu je padla v naróčje he has had a windfall (ali an unexpected stroke of good luck, good fortune)
    držati roke v naróčju to sit with one's hands folded, (lenost) to be idle
    vrgla se mu je v naróčje she flung herself (ali she flew) into his arms
    vrniti se v naróčje Cerkve to return to the bosom of the Church
  • narrowly [nǽrouli] prislov
    tesno, komaj; natančno, temeljito

    to look narrowly into an affair natančno preiskati kako stvar
    to watch s.o. narrowly ostro koga motriti
  • nasípati to pour; to strew

    nasípati grah v lonec to pour peas into a pot
    nasípati s peskom to sand
    nasípati s prodom to gravel; (cesto z gramozom) to metal, to macadamize; (delati nasip) to build a dyke (ali dam); (obalo) to build (ali raise) an embankment
  • naspróten contrary, opposite, arhaično contrariant, zastarelo contrarious; (nenaklonjen) opposed, unwilling, hostile, adverse to, disinclined to; (obraten) converse

    nasprótni dokaz counterevidence
    nasprótna izjava counterdeclaration
    nasprótna sila counterforce; opposed force
    nasprótna stran ulice the opposite side of the street
    nasprótna stranka the opposite party
    nasprótna terjatev counterdemand, counterclaim
    naspróten veter a contrary wind, an adverse wind
    biti čisto naspróten od to be opposite to
    igrati na nasprótni strani šport to play for the opposing (ali opposite) side
    storil si prav nasprótno od tistega, kar bi bil moral storiti you have done the exact opposite of what you ought to have done
  • nasprótje contrast, contrary, opposite; opposition, contrariety; antonym

    biti nasprótje to be in contradiction (with)
    v nasprótju z... unlike..., in opposition to, in contrast to; in contradistinction to
    biti v kričečem (ostrem) nasprótju z to be in striking contrast to
    v nasprótju z vami sem jaz optimist unlike you I am an optimist
    v nasprótju z našimi pričakovanji contrary to our expectations
  • nastániti to lodge; to accommodate; to house; (vojake) to billet, to quarter

    nastániti se to take (up) lodgings (ali one's abode); (v hotelu) to stay at a hotel, to put up at a hotel; (naseliti se) to settle (down)
    v katerem hotelu si se nastanil? what hotel are you staying at?
    nastanil sem se v neki gostilni I put up at an inn
    nastániti se (vseliti se) pri kom to move in, to quarter oneself on someone
  • naškropíti to sprinkle (z with); to water (trato the lawn); to spray

    naškropíti rastline z insekticidom to spray plants with an insecticide
  • navál (gneča) throng, press; crowd; (v trgovine, božični) (Christmas) rush; (napad) attack, assault; (jeze, strasti) fit

    biti kos naválu to cope with the rush
    navál na banko run on a bank
    navál na blago rush on an article
    zavzeti v naválu (jurišu) to take by storm
    navál odjemalcev crowd of customers
  • navduševáti navdúšiti to make enthusiastic (za for, about), to enrapture; to fill with enthusiasm (za for); to send into raptures; to transport

    navduševáti, navdúšiti se to become enthusiastic (about something), to become enraptured (with something), to be an enthusiastic lover of something, to be in raptures, to go into raptures (over something); to be carried away (by something), pogovorno to enthuse (about, over)
    navduševáti, navdúšiti svoje poslušalstvo to send one's audience into ecstasies (ali raptures)