okrtáčiti (čevlje, klobuk, obleko) to brush; (koga) to give someone a dressing-down
okupátor occupier; enemy who occupies a country
olíkanec a well-mannered person
omalovaževáti to belittle, to slight, to disregard, to disdain, to depreciate, to hold in disdain; to think little or nothing of; to set at naught; to despise, to scorn; to run down; to cast a slight (kaj upon something)
omedlél fainted; in a swoon; in a dead faint; in a fainting fit
omedléti to swoon; to faint away, to have a fainting fit; to lose consciousness; to pass out, to black out, to have a blackout
onesvéstiti se to faint away; to have a fainting fit; to swoon, to fall lifeless; to lose consciousness; to pass out; to black out, to have a blackout
onesvéščen fainted, in a fainting fit; in a swoon
popolnoma onesvéščen in a dead swoon
operatêr medicina operating surgeon; someone who operates a machine, operator
filmski operatêr projectionist
opíliti to file (away, down); to file a thing smooth
opláziti to graze; to skim; to touch slightly; (udariti) to beat, to strike; to administer a drubbing
oplotíti to fence in; to enclose with a fence
oponášati to imitate, to copy; to mimic; to counterfeit; to play the ape, to ape; (za vzgled si koga vzeti) to take a leaf out of (ali from) someone's book
oprêsti to wrap up; to spin (a thread) round; to win someone's affection in a sly manner
oprezováti to watch; to wait for, to be on the lookout for, to keep a good lookout for; to be on the watch for
opŕhati se to take a shower
opŕhniti to go a litle mouldy
optírati to opt to be a citizen of a chosen country
po osvoboditvi je optiral za Slovenijo after liberation he opted for Slovenia
originál original; archetype (čudak) eccentric person, character, pogovorno an oddity, a card, a bit of a card; ZDA oddball
on je originál he is a strange character
oslíč (riba) a variety of cod