
Zadetki iskanja

  • zaščíta protection (pred from); shelter, sheltering; screening; safeguard; guarding against

    brez zaščíte unprotected
    pod zaščíto koga under the aegis of
    pod zaščíto noči under shelter (ali under cover) of night
    protiletalska zaščíta antiaircraft protection
    zdravstvena zaščíta health service, medical service, ZDA medicare
    dati, nuditi zaščíto to give protection
    iskati zaščíto to seek protection
    vzeti koga v zaščíto to take someone under one's protection (pogovorno under one's wing)
  • zaščíten protective; shielding

    zaščítna barva zoologija protective colouring
    zaščítna carina protective tariff
    zaščítni bog tutelary god
    zaščítna čelada safety helmet, protective helmet, crash helmet
    zaščítni pokrov avtomobilizem bonnet, ZDA hood, aeronavtika cockpit cover
    zaščítno cepljenje protective inoculation
    sistem zaščítne carine protectionism
    zagovornik zaščítne carine protectionist
    zaščítna mera, ukrep protective (ali preventive) measure
    zaščítna ograja guard rail, parapet
    zaščítna plast protective layer
    zaščítna prevleka protective coating
    zaščítno spremstvo safe-conduct, escort, (na morju) convoy, aeronavtika air cover
    zaščítno sredstvo (proti) preservative, preventive, preventative (against)
    zaščítna streha protective roof, shed, shelter, penthouse
    zaščítna straža escort, safeguard
    zaščítni zid, stena safety wall
    tovarniški zaščítni znak trademark
    zaščítna obleka protective clothes pl
    zaščítna očala (a pair of) protective (ali safety) goggles
  • zaškŕtati

    zaškŕtati z zobmi to grind (ali to grit, to gnash) one's teeth
  • zatísniti to close, to shut

    zatísniti oči pred (nekim) dejstvom to close (ali to shut) one's eyes to a fact
    vso noč nisem zatisnil očesa I did not sleep a wink all night
    niti za hip ni zatisnil očesa vso noč he could not get a wink of sleep all night
    zatísniti eno oko nad čem to overlook something
  • zatočíšče (place of) refuge; resort, shelter; asylum; sanctuary; retreat; (zavetišče čez noč) house of refuge

    zatočíšče tatov resort of thieves
    dati zatočíšče to grant sanctuary
    iskati zatočíšče to seek sanctuary
    nuditi zatočíšče to offer shelter
    to je moje zadnje zatočíšče this is my last resort
    ti si moje edino zatočíšče you are my only recourse (ali the only one I can turn to)
    njegova hiša je zatočíšče nesrečnikov his home is a sanctuary (ali asylum) for the wretched
    laž je njegovo običajno zatočíšče lying is his usual expedient (ali his usual way out)
    v dolgočasju najti zatočíšče v branju to take refuge from boredom in reading
    pravica do zatočíšča right of sanctuary
  • zatón

    sončni zatón sunset, sundown; figurativno fall, decline, wane
    zatón življenja (dneva) evening (pesniško eventide) of life (close of day)
    leto gre v zatón the year is on the wane
    poletje gre v zatón summer is drawing to a close (ali pogovorno is on its way out)
  • zatrepetáti to tremble, to shudder

    zatrepetáti od strahu to tremble (ali to shudder) with fear
    zatrepetáti po vsem telesu (pogovorno) to shake in one's shoes, to tremble in every limb
  • zatréskan

    biti zatréskan v deklè to be infatuated with (ali to be swept off one's feet by) a girl
  • zatréščiti

    zatréščiti vrata to bang (ali to slam) the door; to shut the door with a bang
  • zatréti to suppress; to crush (down), to put down; to exterminate, to extirpate; to quell

    brezobzirno zatréti to suppress ruthlessly
    zatréti upor to put down (ali to stamp out) a rebellion
    zatréti zlorabe to stamp out (ali to do away with) abuses
  • zatrjeváti to affirm, to assert

    zatrjeváti komu kaj to assure someone of something
    zatrjuje, da je nedolžen he maintains (ali protests) his innocence
  • zaúkati

    veselo zaúkati to shout for (ali with) joy, (v gorah) to yodel
  • zaúpati to confide (v in), to trust, to rely upon, to have confidence (in)

    zaúpati v kaj, čému to put (ali arhaično to repose) trust in something, to have faith in something, to feel one can rely on (ali upon) something
    zaúpati komu kaj to entrust something to someone (ali someone with something)
    zaupamo mu we confide in him
    ne zaúpati komu to distrust someone
    ne zaupaj mu svoje ure! don't trust him with your watch!
    zaupaj sreči! trust to luck!
    zaúpati komu to admit (ali to take) someone into one's confidence
    človek, ki mu ni zaúpati a man not to be trusted
    ali lahko zaupamo njegovi besedi? can his word be trusted?
    lahko ji zaupamo svoje otroke we can trust her with our children
    zaupajoč v svetlejšo bodočnost trusting in a brighter future
    zaúpati se (razkriti se) komu to confide in someone, to unbosom oneself to someone
  • zaùpen confidential; (dokument) classified

    zaùpni dokumenti classified documents pl
    zaùpen prijatelj intimate friend, intimate
    strogo zaùpen strictly confidential
    zaùpna stvar confidential matter
    zavzemati zaùpen položaj to be in a position of trust (ali of confidence)
    biti zelo zaùpen z to be hand and glove with (someone)
  • zaúpnica

    glasovanje o zaúpnici vote of confidence
    predlog zaúpnice (nezaupnice) staviti to propose a vote of confidence (of no confidence)
    dati predlog zaúpnice to table (ali to introduce) a motion of confidence
    vlada je dobila zaúpnico the Government won a vote of confidence
  • zaúpno confidentially; in confidence; in private; between ourselves

    zaúpno povedano confidentially
    zaúpno mi je to povedal he told it to me (ali he told me of it) in confidence
    zaúpno se s kom pogovarjati o čem to confide in someone about something
    strogo zaúpno in strict confidence
  • zaustáviti to stop; to bring to a standstill

    zaustáviti kri to staunch (ali to stanch) blood
    zaustáviti se to stop
    zaustavil se bom nekaj dni I am going to stop a few days (v Parizu in Paris)
  • zavarovánje insurance; (zlasti pomorsko) underwriting

    brezposelno zavarovánje unemployment insurance
    invalidsko zavarovánje disability insurance
    pokojninsko zavarovánje pension insurance
    socialno zavarovánje social insurance, social security
    starostno zavarovánje old-age insurance
    zdravstveno zavarovánje health insurance
    življenjsko zavarovánje life insurance
    zavarovánje proti nezgodam accident insurance
    zavarovánje proti vsem nezgodam all-in insurance
    pomorsko zavarovánje marine insurance
    požarno zavarovánje fire insurance
    zavarovánje proti vlomu burglary insurance
    kreditno zavarovánje insurance of loan repayments
    zavarovánje proti toči insurance against hail, hail insurance
    skleniti zavarovánje to take out (ali to effect) an insurance policy
  • zavést consciousness; senses pl; (prepričanje, vednost) knowledge, perception

    brez zavésti senseless, insensible, unconscious
    on ni pri zavésti he is not conscious
    imam zavést, da sem storil svojo dolžnost I feel conscious of having done my duty
    izgubiti zavést to lose consciousness, to lose one's senses, to faint
    priti k zavésti to recover (ali to regain) one's senses
  • zavétje shelter (pred from), refuge (from)

    dati komu zavétje to shelter someone
    dobiti zavétje to get (ali to take) shelter (pred from, pri kom with someone)
    iskati zavétje to seek shelter
    najti zavétje pri to take shelter with
    nuditi zavétje to offer shelter