
Zadetki iskanja

  • domišljáv conceited (na of, about); self-conceited; proud; priggish, overweening; cocky

    biti domišljáv to overween, to fancy oneself
    domišljáv na svoj uspeh puffed up with his success
  • dúšek (požirek) draught; gulp; vent

    v dúšku at a draught, at a gulp
    dati dúška to vent, to give vent, to give way (to)
    v dúšku kaj izpiti to drink something at one gulp; to drink off at a draught; to toss off
    dati si dúška to air one's feelings
    dati dúška svoji jezi to give vent to one's anger
    dal je dúška svojemu veselju he gave vent to his joy
    najti si dúšek to find a vent (for)
    njegovo sovraštvo si je našlo dúška he has found a vent for his hatred
    na dúšek je izpraznil svoj kozarec he emptied his glass at one gulp
  • efékt effect

    brez efékta effectless
    svetlobni efékt light effect
    zvočni efékt sound effect
    lov za efékti staginess
    to ni imelo nobenega efékta nanj it was of no effect (ali it had no effect) on him
    vsak efékt ima svoj vzrok every effect has its cause
    napraviti (svoj) efékt to take effect
  • fish1 [fiš] samostalnik
    riba; ribe
    vulgarno ženski spolni organ

    all is fish that comes to our net vse nam lahko koristi
    a cool fish hladnokrvnež
    to cry stinking fish poniževati se
    to drink like a fish piti ko žolna
    drunk as a fish pijan ko čep
    dull as a fish neumen ko noč
    he eats no fish je poštenjak
    to feed the fishes imeti morsko bolezen; utoniti
    to land the fish doseči svoj cilj
    neither fish, flesh or fowl ne tič ne miš
    pogovorno to have other fish to fry imeti druge opravke
    one must not make fish of the one and flesh of the other ne smemo biti pristranski
    a pretty kettle of fish neprijetno presenečenje, zmešnjava, kolobocija
    a loose fish razuzdanec
    there's as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it glavo pokonci, vse se še lahko uredi; za vsakega človeka se lahko najde nadomestilo
    a fish story zlagana povest; bahavo pripovedovanje
    a strange (ali odd, queer) fish čudak
    to feel like a fish out of water počutiti se ko riba na suhem
    mute as a fish molčeč ko riba
    salt-water fish morska riba
  • glás (zvok) voice, sound, noise; (novica, vest) news, tidings pl, message; (sloves) fame, reputation, repute, renown; (pri volitvah) vote; (volilna pravica) franchise, suffrage, right to vote

    na ves glás at the top of one's voice
    s preroškim glásom with the voice of a prophet, in a prophetic voice
    glás ljudstva public opinion, vox populi
    glás vesti the voice of conscience, pesniško the still (ali small) voice
    glás vpijočega v puščavi the voice of one crying in the wilderness
    glásovi za in proti the ayes and the noes
    s 400 glásovi proti 0 by 400 votes to nil
    dober glás (sloves) reputation, good fame, repute, renown
    na dobrem glásu well reputed, reputable
    slab glás (sloves) ill repute, bad name, bad reputation, notoriety
    na slabem glásu in bad odour, regarded unfavourably, notorious
    nabiranje glásov pred volitvami canvassing
    odločilni glás casting vote
    srebrni glás zvona the silver voice of the bell
    svetovnega glásu world-famous
    socialistični glási (pri volitvah) the Socialist vote
    večina 50 glásov a majority of 50 votes
    višina glásu pitch
    biti na dobrem glásu to be well regarded, to have a good reputation
    dati svoj (volilni) glás za to vote for
    dal vam bom svoj glás I will give you my vote
    predlog je dobil malo glásov the proposal was poorly supported
    dobiti večino glásov to win a majority, to top the poll
    govoriti na glás to speak in a loud voice
    ni na najboljšem glásu he has a rather poor reputation
    dobil, dosegel je večino 30 glásov he gained a majority of 30 votes
    ona ima lep glás she has a fine voice
    nimam glásu (vesti) od njega I have not heard from him
    imeti posvetovalen glás to have a consultative voice; to have a merely advisory capacity
    poslušati glás prijatelja to listen to the voice of a friend
    prešteti (volilne) glásove to count the votes
    povzdigniti svoj glás to raise one's voice; to make oneself heard
    pridobiti si dober glás to earn (ali to win) a good reputation
    spoznal sem jo po glásu I knew her by her voice
    slišijo se glásovi, da..., glás gre, da... it is rumoured that...
    biti poražen z 10 glásovi proti 8 (z 10 proti 0) to be defeated by 10 votes to 8 (by 10 votes to nil)
    ubogati glás svojega vodje to obey the orders of one's leader
    njegov glás je utonil v hrušču his voice was drowned by the noise
    uživati dober glás to enjoy a first-rate (ali a good) reputation
    zakričati, zavpiti na ves glás to shout at the top of one's voice
  • gospód (nagovor brez imena) sir; (nagovor s priimkom) Mr. (= Mister) Brown, (za priimkom na naslovu pisma) Esquire ali Esq.

    gospód Ta-in-Ta Mr. So-and-So
    Spoštovani gospód! (v pismu) Dear Sir
    da, gospód yes, sir
    gospodje! gentlemen!
    gospe in gospódje! Ladies and Gentlemen!
    biti sam svoj gospód to be one's own man (ali master); to stand on one's own feet
    igrati velikega gospóda to pose as a fine gentleman (ali pogovorno a swell, one of the nobs); to put on airs, to give oneself airs, to ape one's betters
    Gospod (bog, religija) Lord
    v Gospodu zaspal asleep in the Lord
    fevdalni gospód zgodovina feudal lord, seigneur, seignior
  • gospodár (hiše, stanovanja) householder, landlord; (delodajalec) employer, master, ZDA boss; (kmetovalec) farmer; husbandman, pl -men; (oblast) lord, master, ruler

    biti svoj gospodár to be one's own master, to be independent, žargon to be on one's own
    brez gospodárja without a master
    otroci brez gospodárja waifs and strays pl
    stvari brez gospodárja unclaimed (ali unowned, ownerless) property
    živali brez gospodárja stray animals, strays pl
    neomejen gospodár absolute ruler, despot
    on je dober gospodár he manages well
    ona je gospodár v hiši, v družini (»nosi hlače«) she wears the trousers
    nihče ne more služiti dvema gospodárjema no man can serve two masters
    kakšen gospodár, takšen sluga like master, like man
  • grade1 [greid] samostalnik
    stopnja; vrsta; ocena; žival, ki ima enega roditelja čiste rase; nagnjenost, pobočje, strmina
    ameriško razred
    množina osnovna šola

    at grade with na isti stopnji s
    up to the grade standardne kakovosti
    ameriško grade school osnovna šola
    ameriško, sleng grade grabber stremuh
    ameriško grade crossing, crossing at grade križišče ceste in železnice v isti višini
    ameriško grade teacher učitelj(ica) osnovne šole
    to make the grade doseči svoj cilj
    to be on the down-grade propadati
    to be on the up-grade napredovati, dvigati se
  • hand1 [hænd] samostalnik
    roka, prednja noga četveronožca, noga (sokolova), škarnik (rakov); spretnost, ročnost, izurjenost; strokovnjak, izvedenec; vodenje; izvedba, izvajanje; delo; pomoč; človek, sluga, delavec, mornar
    množina mornarji, posadka (ladje), tovarniški delavci; postopek, način; moč, premoč, oblast, vpliv; posredovanje, posrednik; vir (podatkov); snubitev; lastnina, lastnik; kartanje, kvartač, karte v roki; urni kazalec; pisava, podpis, znak; dlan (mera, 10,16 cm); šop (banan, tobačnih listov)
    gledališče, sleng ploskanje, aplavz; stran, smer

    all hands vsa posadka, vsi delavci
    on all hands povsod, na vseh straneh
    at hand blizu, pri roki
    at the hands of s strani nekoga
    bloody hands grb grofije Ulster
    a bird in the hand nekaj gotovega (imeti v roki)
    a bold hand energična pisava
    with a bold hand pogumno
    by hand ročno, na roko (narejeno)
    by the hands of s posredovanjem
    hand cash gotovina pri roki
    a cool hand hladnokrvnež
    figurativno clean hands čiste roke, čista vest
    on every hand povsod okoli
    even hands izenačeno
    for one's own hand sebi v prid
    from hand to hand iz rok v roke
    from first hand iz prve roke
    from second hand iz druge roke; ponošen, rabljen, antikvaričen
    from good hand iz dobrega vira
    the hand of God božja roka
    hand on heart roko na srce
    heart and hands iz vsega srca
    heavy on hand dolgočasen, mučen
    with a heavy hand s trdo roko
    with a high hand drzno, predrzno, naduto
    his hand is out iz vaje je
    hand to hand (struggle) človek proti človeku (borba)
    hand over hand (ali fist) preprijemanje (pri plezanju); figurativno na vrat na nos, hitro, igraje
    in hand v roki, v delu, na razpolago, pod nadzorstvom, skupaj, vzajemno, roko v roki
    a legible hand čitljiva pisava
    on the mending hand na poti k okrevanju
    near hand leva stran
    near at hand pri roki, blizu
    a niggling hand nečitljiva pisava, čačka
    an old hand strokovnjak, star lisjak
    off hand nepripravljen, brez obotavljanja, desna stran
    hands off! roke proč!
    hands off policy politika nevmešavanja
    on hand v roki, na zalogi, v breme, prisoten; ameriško pri roki, pri sebi
    on the one (other) hand po eni (drugi) strani
    out of hand nepripravljen, takoj, ekstempore, nenadzorovan, divji
    hands up! roke kvišku!
    a slack hand brezdelje, brezbrižnost
    to (one's) hand pri roki, dosegljiv, pripravljen, na razpolago
    under the hand pod roko, skrivaj
    under the hand of podpisani...
    contract under hand preprosta pogodba brez pečata
    the upper hand premoč, nadvlada
    with one's own hand lastnoročno

    Z glagoli:

    to ask for a girl's hand prositi dekle za roko, zasnubiti
    to be a good (poor) hand at biti spreten (neroden) v čem
    to be bound hand and foot imeti vezane roke
    to be in good hands biti v dobrih rokah
    to be on s.o.'s hands biti komu na vratu, skrbi
    to bear a heavy hand zatirati
    to bite the hand that feeds one biti zelo nehvaležen
    to bring a baby up by hands hraniti dojenčka s stekleničko
    to come to hand priti v roke, dospeti
    to change hands menjati lastnika, priti v druge roke
    to do a hand's turn samo s prstom migniti
    not to do a hand's turn; ali not to lift (ali raise) a hand niti s prstom migniti
    to fall into s.o.'s hands priti komu v roke
    figurativno to feed out of s.o.'s hand komu iz rok jesti
    to get a big hand dobiti velik aplavz
    to get s.o. in hand dobiti koga v roke
    to get one's hands in dela se zares lotiti
    to get the upper hand dobiti premoč
    to get off one's hands otresti se česa, znebiti se
    to get out of hand iz rok se izmuzniti, izgubiti oblast nad
    to give one's hand to poročiti se s kom, roko komu dati
    to give one's hand on a bargain v roko si seči, skleniti kupčijo, obljubiti
    to give s.o. a free hand dati komu proste roke
    to give s.o. a hand iti komu na roko, pomagati, ploskati komu
    to go hand in hand with figurativno & dobesedno v korak s kom stopati
    to have a hand for biti spreten, nadarjen za kaj
    to have o.s. well in hand dobro se obvladati
    to have a hand in a matter imeti svoje prste vmes
    to have (ali keep) one's hand in ostati v vaji
    to have one's hands full imeti polne roke dela
    to have time on one's hands ne vedeti kam s časom, imeti mnogo prostega časa
    to hold hands držati se za roke
    to hold one's hand zadržati se
    to hold a good hand imeti dobre karte
    to join hands združiti se
    to keep a tight hand over imeti koga na vajetih
    to keep one's hands on imeti čvrsto v rokah
    to let one's temper get out of hand ne obvladati se, podivjati
    to live from hand to mouth iz rok v usta živeti
    to lay hands on vzeti, najti, roko na kaj položiti
    to lay hands on o.s. roko nase položiti, napraviti samomor
    to lend a hand pomagati
    to make a hand napraviti dobiček
    many hands make light work v slogi je moč
    to pass through many hands iti skozi mnogo rok
    to play into the hands of nevede komu delati v prid
    to play a good hand dobro igrati karte
    to play for one's own hand delati sebi v prid
    to put one's hand in one's pocket seči v žep, prispevati v denarju
    figurativno to put one's hands on najti, spomniti se
    to put (ali set, turn) one's hands to v roke vzeti, poprijeti se
    to serve (ali wait on) s.o. hand and foot komu vdano služiti
    to shake s.o. by the hand stisniti komu roko
    to shake hands with rokovati se s kom
    to show one's hand; ali to have a show of hands figurativno odkriti svoje karte, pokazati svoj pravi namen
    it shows a master's hand mojstrsko je, kaže na mojstra
    to strengthen the hands of podpreti koga
    to take s.o. by the hand koga za roko prijeti, figurativno vzeti koga pod svoje okrilje
    to take in hand vzeti v roke, lotiti se
    to take a hand at a game sodelovati v igri
    to take off one's hands kupiti kaj od koga; pomagati komu, da se česa znebi
    to take a hand in a matter vmešati se v kaj
    to take one's courage in both hands zbrati ves svoj pogum
    time hangs heavy on my hands dolgčas mi je
    to try one's hand at poskusiti se v čem
    to throw up one's hands obupati nad čim
    to vote by show of hands glasovati z dviganjem rok
    figurativno to wash one's hands of umiti si roke, odkloniti odgovornost
    to win a girl's hand dobiti dekletovo privoljenje za poroko
    to win hands down z lahkoto dobiti, igraje zmagati
    to witness the hand of overiti podpis
    to write a good hand imeti lepo pisavo
  • idéja idea; notion; thought; fancy

    fiksna idéja fixed idea, obsession
    to je njegova fiksna idéja it is an obsession with him
    imeti fiksno idéjo (figurativno) to have a bee in one's bonnet
    baviti se z idéjo to foster (ali cherish) an idea
    okoristiti se z idéjami koga drugega to suck someone's brains
    kakšna idéj! what an idea
    kje je dobil idéjo za svoj roman? where did he get the idea for his novel?
    nimam najmanjše idéje koliko je ura I have not the faintest idea (ali notion) what time it is
    ta idéja se mi je porodila this idea occurred to me, this thought entered my mind
    prevzet z neko idéjo engrossed (ali taken) with an idea
    poln idéj full of ideas
  • idióm idiom

    francoski idióm French idiom
    idióme je težko prevesti idioms are difficult to translate
    písatelj je izoblikoval svoj literarni idióm the writer fashioned his own literary idiom
  • izgubíti to lose; to be a loser, to come off a loser, to meet with a loss, to incur (ali to experience) a loss; (s smrtjo) to suffer a bereavement (ali the loss of a dear one), to be bereaved, to lose someone; (založiti kam) to mislay

    izgubíti se to be lost, to become lost, to lose one's way, to go astray
    izgubi se! be off with you!, begone!, get along with you!, žargon get lost!
    izgubíti se v gozdu to be lost in the woods
    izgubíti bitko to lose a battle
    izgubíti glavo to lose one's head, to become confused
    izgubíti v igri to lose at gambling
    izgubíti naklonjenost kake osebe to lose someone's good grace (ali someone's favour), to incur displeasure
    nismo nič izgubili! (figurativno) not much of a loss!
    izgubíti nedolžnost to lose one's innocence (ali chastity)
    nimam česa izgubíti I have nothing at stake, I stand to lose nothing
    izgubil sem X SIT pri tem poslu I am X tolars out of pocket by this transaction
    izgubíti očeta to lose (ali to suffer the loss of) one's father
    izgubíti svoje pravice to lose (ali to forfeit) one's rights
    izgubíti svoj čas in trud to waste one's time and trouble (ali pains)
    izgubíti čut sramežljivosti, sramú to lose one's sense of shame, to be dead to shame
    izgubíti potrpljenje to lose (one's) patience, to lose one's temper
    izgubíti pot to lose one's way. to go astray
    izgubíti pravdo to lose a lawsuit, to be debated in a lawsuit
    izgubíti nit svojega govora to lose the thread of one's discourse
    izgubíti igro, partijo to lose a game
    tudi hipa ne smemo izgubíti there is not one moment to lose
    zaradi tega bi (on) utegnil izgubíti svoje mesto that might lose him his place
    izgubíti pogum to lose courage, to lose heart, to be discouraged
    izgubíti na teži to lose weight, to lose flesh, to slim
    izgubíti tla pod nogami to lose one's footing
    izgubíti sled to lose the scent, to lose the trail
    izgubíti ugled to lose face, (pri kom) to sink in someone's estimation, to lose credit with someone
    izgubíti voljo za to lose one's zest for
    izgubíti vrednost to depreciate
    izgubíti upanje to lose (ali to give up) all hope, to despair (of)
    izgubil je pogum his heart (ali spirits) sank
    izgubíti iz vida, iz oči to lose sight of
    izgubíti zanimanje za to lose interest in
    izgubíti zaupanje to lose one's confidence
    izgubíti zavest to swoon, to faint away, to have a fainting fit
    izgubíti življenje (v bitki) to lose one's life (in battle)
    ne bomo izgubljali besed o tem we shall waste no words on that
    kakor (pri)dobljeno, tako izgubljeno easy come, easy go
  • izkorístiti to make good use of, to use to one's advantage (ali profit), to turn to (the best) account, to turn to advantage, to put to profitable use

    izkorístiti kaj to take advantage of something
    izkorístiti priliko to avail oneself of (ali to profit by ali to take) the opportunity, to improve an occasion (ali an opportunity), to make hay while the sun shines
    kar najbolj nekaj izkorístiti to make the best of it
    dobro izkorístiti čas pesniško to improve the shining hour
    izkoristil je našo neizkušenost he has taken advantage of our inexperience
    znal je izkorístiti svoj denar he has been clever enough to make his money make money
  • izvòr origin; source; root; (osebe) birth, extraction

    izvòr besede the origin (ali derivation) of a word
    imeti izvòr to originate
    izvòr Baskov ni znan the origin of the Basque race is unknown
    nihče ne pozna izvòra njegovega premoženja no one knows the source of his wealth
    treba je najti izvòr zla the source of the evil must be discovered
    imeti svoj izvòr v to owe one's origin (ali birth) to..., to derive one's origin from...
  • izvrševáti (dolžnost, službo) to perform, to exercise; to act as; to practise, to discharge

    izvrševáti svoj poklic to pursue one's profession
    izvrševáti svojo obrt to ply one's trade
  • jáz I; (rabljen kot samostalnik) ego, self

    jáz na primer... I for one
    jáz sam myself
    to sem jáz it is I, pogovorno it's me
    on in jáz sva velika prijatelja he and I are close friends
    ti to veš tako dobro kot jáz you know this as well as I do
    on tega ne verjame in jáz tudi ne he does not believe it and neither do I (ali nor do I)
    jáz, ki sem to videl... as one who saw it, I...
    kult jáza egoism
    drugi jáz second self
    preveč misli na svoj jáz he thinks too much of self
    on je moj drugi jáz he is my other self
  • jézik anatomija tongue; (govor) tongue, speech, language; idiom; (pri pihalu) mouthpiece; humoristično clapper

    materinski jézik native language, mother tongue
    mrtev (živ, tuj) jézik dead (living, foreign) language
    občevalni jézik colloquial language, vernacular
    knjižni jézik literary language
    diplomatski jézik diplomatic language
    Cankarjev jézik Cankar's language
    lahek, težak jézik easy, difficult language
    goveji, volovski jézik neat's tongue, ox-tongue
    obložen jézik medicina a coated (ali dirty, furred) tongue
    prekajen jézik smoked tongue
    zemeljski jézik neck, spit, tongue (of land)
    učitelj jézikov (foreign) language teacher
    dar za jézike gift of tongues
    morski jézik (riba) sole
    dolg, nebrzdan jézik unbridled tongue
    zloben jézik wicked (ali malicious) tongue
    moderni (stari) jézik modern (ancient) language
    strokoven jézik technical language
    uradni, službeni jézik official style
    zastarel jézik obsolete (ali archaic) language
    duh jézika genius of a language
    jézik posrednik interlingua
    na jéziku mi je, na jéziku imam (a se ne morem spomniti) it's on the tip of my tongue
    to je proti duhu jézika this is against the spirit of the language
    on je junak z jézikom (figurativno) he is a braggart (ali blusterer, swaggerer)
    ona ima oster (strupen) jézik she has a sharp (a venomous) tongue
    imeti dobro namazan jézik to have a glib (ali a well-oiled) tongue, to have the gift of the gab
    brzdati svoj jézik to keep one's tongue in check; to bridle, to curb one's tongue
    kar ima na srcu, ima tudi na jéziku he wears his heart on his sleeve
    imeti dolg jézik to have a long tongue
    ona je vsem ljudem na jéziku everyone is (ali pogovorno they're all) talking about her
    držati jézik to hold one's tongue
    drži jézik!, jézik za zobe! hold your tongue!, shut your mouth!, shut up!, keep your mouth shut!
    jézik si izbrusiti z govorjenjem to talk one's head off
    imeti besedo na jéziku to have the word on the tip of one's tongue
    jézik mu je odpovedal his tongue failed him
    pokazati komu jézik to put one's tongue out at someone
    pokaži jézik! put out your tongue!
    sneti komu besedo z jézika to take the words out of someone's mouth
    pazi na svoj jézik! mind your tongue!
    lomiti jézik to murder a language
    jézik se mu je razvezal he is no longer tongue-tied, he has found his tongue, he has become talkative
    zlobni jéziki trdijo malicious tongues assert
    jézik ji dobro teče, ji je dobro namazan her tongue is well-oiled, pogovorno her tongue's no cripple
    jézik mu teče kot mlin he's a nonstop chatterbox, he could talk the hind leg off a donkey
    zavezati komu jézik to silence someone, pogovorno to make someone pipe down
    (on) ima zavezan jézik he is tongue-tied
    ušlo mi je z jézika I let it slip out
    on zna mnogo jézikov he is a polyglot
    tolči (kak) jézik (figurativno) to mangle a language
  • jubiléj jubilee; anniversary

    zlati (srebrni, diamantni) jubiléj golden (silver, diamond) jubilee
    slaviti svoj jubiléj to celebrate one's jubilee
  • kompromitírati to compromise

    prej ali slej te bo gotovo kompromitiral sooner or later he is bound to compromise you
    kompromitiral je svoj ugled he has compromised his reputation
    kompromitírati se to commit oneself, to compromise oneself
    ne kompromitiraj se s takimi ljudmi! do not compromise yourself (ali pogovorno don't get involved) with such people!
  • kónto account

    imeti bančni kónto to have a bank account
    prekoračiti svoj kónto to overdraw one's account, to have an overdraft, pogovorno to be in the red
    odpreti kónto to open an account
    imetnik kónta account holder
    za moj kónto for my account
    tekoči kónto current account
    odprtje kónta opening an account