
Zadetki iskanja

  • buff1 [bʌf] samostalnik
    bivolska koža; mehko volovsko usnje; rjavo rumena barva
    pogovorno gola koža
    zastarelo udarec

    blind man's buff slepe miši (otroška igra)
    in one's buff nag, gol
    to strip to the buff do golega sleči
    to say neither buff nor stye ne reči ne bev ne mev
  • call1 [kɔ:l]

    1. prehodni glagol
    klicati, poklicati; zbuditi, imenovati; smatrati; sklicati
    ameriško telefonirati
    trgovina terjati
    ameriško, domačno grajati
    Biblija zadeti, doleteti

    2. neprehodni glagol
    klicati, vpiti; telefonirati (on, upon)
    obiskati, priti
    mornarica (at) pristati (at)
    oglasiti se pri, zaviti kam

    to call attention to opozoriti na kaj
    to call to account poklicati na odgovor
    what age do you call him? koliko mislite, da je star?
    ameriško, pogovorno let it call a day naj bo za danes dovolj
    to call to mind spomniti, priklicati v spomin
    to call s.o. names (o)zmerjati koga
    to have nothing to call one's own biti brez sredstev
    to call in question (po)dvomiti
    to call a spade a spade, to call things by their names reči bobu bob
    to call it square (ali quits) smatrati za urejeno
    to call into being ustvariti
    to call a halt ustaviti se
    to call a meeting sklicati sestanek
    not to have a moment to call one's own ne imeti niti trenutka zase
    to call to order posvariti, opomniti
    to call the banns oklicati
    to call cousins with s.o. sklicevati se na sorodstvo s kom
    to call into play spraviti v tek
    to call to witness poklicati za pričo
    to be called imenovati se
    to be called to the bar postati odvetnik
    to call the roll vojska poklicati zbor, klicati po imenih
  • člôvek man, pl men; human being; fellow, individual, person

    člôvek (božji)! (vzklik nestrpnosti) man (alive)!
    čuden člôvek a queer (ali an odd) fellow
    nepomemben člôvek nonentity
    odrasel člôvek grown-up person, adult
    noben člôvek nobody, not a soul
    navaden, poprečen člôvek the man in the street, the average person
    vsak člôvek everybody, everyone
    poslovni člôvek man of business
    on je prijeten člôvek he is a pleasant fellow
    on je najboljši člôvek na svetu he is the best man alive; there is no better man alive (than he)
    člôvek za vsak posel, za vse jack-of-all-trades, pl jacks-of-all-trades
    člôvek u podoben man-like; anthropoid
    kakšen člôvek pa je on? what kind of person is he?, what sort of fellow is he?
    on je tudi samó člôvek he is only human
    Vi ste člôvek, ki ga hočem, potrebujem you are the man I want
    kaj naj si člôvek misli o njem? what should one think of him?
    kaj drugega bi člôvek mogel reči v tem primeru? what else could a man say in this case?
    člôvek obrača, bog pa obrne man proposes, God disposes
    člôvek na slabem glasu a bad egg (ali hat, lot)
  • (pritrdilnica) yes; zastarelo yea, zastarelo pogovorno aye, ay; all right

    mislim dà I think so
    odgovoriti z dà ali ne to answer yea or nay
    ne rečem ne dà ne ne I say neither yes nor no
    reči véliki dà (poročiti se) to say I will; to get married
  • dóber good; benevolent; kind (do to)

    v dóbri veri in good faith
    tri dóbre metre a good three metres
    v dobrem in slabem arhaično in weal and woe
    v dobrem razpoloženju in good spirits
    dóbre pol ure a full half-hour
    preveč dobrega too much of a good thing
    dóbra gospodinja a thrifty housewife
    dóbra ura hoje a good hour's walk
    dóbra prodaja a ready sale
    dóber sluh a quick ear
    dóber spomin retentive memory
    dóbra volja good humour, good temper
    dóber vid keen (ali quick) sight
    dóbro znanje fair knowledge
    biti dóber hodec to be a good walker
    ta je pa dobra! that is too much of a good thing!, that's a good one!
    biti dóber v računanju to be good at figures
    reči dóbro besedo za koga to say a good word for someone
    držati s kom v dobrem in slabem to stick to someone through thick and thin
    bodi tako dóber in podaj mi ono sol! be so kind as to (ali be a dear and ali be good enough to) pass me that salt!
    konec dóber vse dobro all's well that ends well
    v vsaki stvari je nekaj dóbrega it's an ill wind that blows nobody good
    dóbro blago se sámo hvali good wine needs no bush
  • doing [dúiŋ] samostalnik
    delo, posel, ravnanje, početje, delovanje, postopek; vedenje
    množina prigodbe
    sleng oné
    pogovorno graja; trušč, direndaj

    ironično fine doings these! lepe reči!
  • dŕzniti se to dare; to be bold; to venture; to presume; to make bold; to take liberties (with); (v pismu ipd.) to take the liberty

    drznem se reči I make bold to say; I venture to say (da that...)
    dŕzniti se kaj napraviti to make so bold as to do something
    drznil se bom dati Vam nasvet I will venture to give you a piece of advice
    ne drzne se to napraviti he dare not (ali does not dare to) do it
    kako se drznete tako govoriti? how dare you speak like this?
    kdo se drzne na tako viharno morje? who dare venture out on such a stormy sea?
  • dvákrat twice; two times

    dvákrat dva je štiri twice two is four
    dvákrat toliko twice as much
    on je dvákrat starejši od mene he is twice my age
    on je dvákrat bogatejši od tebe he is twice as rich as you
    danes sem ga dvákrat videl I have seen him twice today
    ne si pustiti dvákrat reči česa not to need to be told a thing twice
    dvákrat boljši twice as good
    dvákrat (dobro) kaj premisliti to think twice about something
    dvákrat (ponovno) povedan twice-told
  • dvóje ➞ dvoj -a -e

    na dvóje asunder; in two
    v dvóje jahati na konju to ride double
    reči in storiti je dvóje saying and doing are different things
  • escape2 [iskéip]

    1. neprehodni glagol
    zbežati, izpuhtevati, izhlapevati, izginiti; rešiti se; podivjati (rastlina)

    2. prehodni glagol
    izogibati se komu, uiti

    your point escapes me kaj ste hoteli reči?, ne razumem vas
    to make one's escape zbežati
    it escapes notice nihče ni opazil
    it escapes me (ali my memory) ne morem se spomniti
    the name escaped me ime sem pozabil
  • hardly [há:dli] prislov
    komaj, le malo, s težavo, trdo, težko

    hardly ever skoraj nikoli
    hardly anyone skoraj nihče
    I need hardly say ni mi treba reči
  • have*2 [hæv] prehodni glagol & neprehodni glagol
    imeti; vsebovati, imeti v sebi; imeti mlade, otroka (to have a baby)
    imeti, preživljati (to have a fine time dobro se imeti)
    obdržati, imeti (may I have it?)
    gojiti čustva, imeti (misli itd.); dobiti (I've had no news)
    zvedeti od, slišati od (I have it from my friend)
    znati, razumeti (she has no German)
    jesti, piti, kaditi (I had a sandwich, some coffee, a cigarette)
    trditi (as Plato has it)
    sleng potegniti, prevarati koga
    z nedoločnikom: morati (I have to do it)
    z objektom in preteklim deležnikom: dati si kaj narediti (I had a suit made)
    z nedoločnikom brez "to": dovoliti, trpeti (I won't have it, I won't have you say it)

    Z nedoločnikom brez "to":

    I had as good; ali as well prav tako bi lahko
    I had as lief; ali as soon prav tako bi rad
    I had better; ali best bolje bi storil, če, bilo bi pametno, če
    I had sooner; ali rather raje bi
    I had soonest; ali liefest najraje bi

    Druge fraze in rabe:

    sleng you have been had prevarali so te
    parlament the Ayes have it večina je za
    figurativno he had me in the argument potolkel me je
    have them come here poskrbi, da pridejo
    (not) to be had se (ne) dobi
    you have it coming dobiš, kar zaslužiš
    what would you have me do? kaj naj po tvojem storim?
    I won't have you do it ne dovolim, da bi to naredil
    have done! nehaj!
    I have done with it s tem sem opravil
    I have your idea sedaj te razumem
    he had a leg broken zlomil si je nogo
    he had a son born to him rodil se mu je sin
    I won't have it tega ne trpim, ne dovolim
    you have me, have you not? ti me razumeš, kajne?
    rumour has it govorica gre
    he will have it that on trdi, da
    have it your own way naj bo po tvojem
    I have it že imam, spomnil sem se
    I would have you know rad bi, da zveš
    I had him there na tem sem ga ujel, premagal sem ga, bil sem močnejši od njega
    you have it right prav imaš, uganil si
    to have breakfast, lunch, dinner (supper) zajtrkovati, kositi, večerjati
    to have an affair imeti ljubezensko razmerje
    to have the best of zmagati
    to have by heart znati kaj na pamet
    to have a chat pokramljati
    to have a cold biti prehlajen
    to have the cheek to predrzniti se
    to have a day off imeti prost dan
    to have to do with imeti kaj opraviti z
    to have an edge on imeti majhno prednost, biti malo opit
    to have one's fill of imeti dovolj česa
    to have one's fling izdivjati se
    ameriško, pravno to have and to hold imeti v posesti, ne spustiti iz rok
    to have it in for s.o. zameriti komu, komu kaj slabega želeti
    to have it in one to imeti dovolj poguma za
    to have a heart biti usmiljen, imeti srce
    to have kittens biti razburjen
    to have the laugh on zadnji se smejati
    to have a look at pogledati
    to have a mind to kaj nameravati
    to have in mind imeti kaj v mislih
    to have it (all) over s.o. biti na boljšem od koga
    to have it out with s.o. razčistiti stvar s kom
    to let s.o. have it kaznovati koga, odkrito komu povedati, kar mu gre
    to have ready pripraviti
    to have a short (long) run obdržati se malo (dolgo) časa
    to have the run of imeti pravico uporabljati
    to have a say in imeti pravico kaj reči k
    to have a good time dobro se imeti
    to have a way with znati s kom ali čim ravnati
    to have a shot at poskusiti kaj narediti
    to have on s.o. imeti koga v šahu
    to have s.o. on toast imeti koga v rokah, prekaniti koga
    to have a try poskusiti
  • hotéti to be willing; to want; (marati) to like; (želeti) to wish, to want, to desire; (nameravati) to intend, to purpose, to mean, to have in view

    rajši hotéti to prefer
    ne hotéti to be unwilling
    hočeš cigareto? will you have a cigarette?
    kaj hočete? what do you want?
    kaj hočeš od mene? what do you want of me?
    on ve, kaj hoče he knows what he wants, he knows his mind
    kakor hočete as you like, as you please, as you wish, suit yourself
    naj to hoče ali ne whether he likes it or not
    hočeš-nočeš whether you like it or not, willy-nilly, willing or unwilling
    noče sprejeti denarja he won't accept the money
    naj stane, kar hoče whatever the cost, whatever it may cost
    kaj hočete reči s tem? what do you mean by it?
    ona dela, kar hoče she has her own way
    sam ne ve, kaj hoče he does not know his own mind
    hočem, da greš domov I want you to go home
    s silo hoče, da grem domov he insists on my going home, he insists I go home
    imamo vse, kar hočemo we have all we want, we want for nothing
    hočemo mu dobro we wish him well
    kaj mi hoče (čemu mi bo) ta knjiga? I have no use for this book
    hoče mi se (piti) I feel like a drink, I feel thirsty, I'd like a drink
    dobro vem, kaj on hoče I fully appreciate (ali I realise full well) what he has in mind
    kakorkoli hočete as you like (ali choose ali please), at your discretion
    hoče biti (dela se, da je) znanstvenik he pretends to be a scientist
    hočeš, da te peljem z avtom (na postajo)? would you like me to drive you (to the station)?, shall I drive you (to the station)?
    hočete še malo mesa? will you have (ali take) a little more meat?
    kaj sem hotel reči? what was I going to say
    hotel sem samo reči, da... I only meant to say that...
    hotel je telelefonirati, pa je pozabil he meant to call, but he forgot
    (sam) si to hotel you asked for it (yourself)
    hotela me je udariti she felt like hitting me
    usoda je hotela, da... it was fated that...
    srce mi je hotelo počiti my heart was ready to burst (ali to break)
    on je tako hotel he wanted it that way
    hotel se je poročiti he wanted to get married, he was about to be married
    nesreča je hotela (as) ill luck (ali misfortune) would have it
    na vsak način je hotel imeti nov avto he insisted on having a new car
    jaz bi hotel (iti) I should like (I'd like) to (go)
    kaj bi hoteli še več? what more could you wish for?
    hotéti in želeti je dvoje willing and wishing are not the same
  • imé name; (krstno) first (ali given ali baptismal ali Christian) name

    imé in priimek name and surname
    v iménu on behalf of, in the name of
    v mojem iménu on my (own) behalf
    lastno imé proper noun
    obče imé common noun
    potni list na imé... a passport in the name of...
    dekliško imé maiden name
    brez iména nameless
    krajevno imé placename, toponym
    privzeto imé (vzdevek) alias
    Brown po iménu Brown by name
    dobro imé (sloves, glas) good name, reputation
    klicanje imén (apél) roll call
    seznam imén list of names, roll, (zdravnikov, porotnikov ipd.) panel
    v mojem iménu in v iménu mojih prijateljev on my own behalf and on behalf of my friends
    v božjem iménu in the name of God, in God's name
    kako Vam je imé? what is your name?
    Vas smem vprašati za imé? may I ask your name?
    vprašal sem ga za imé I asked him (for) his name
    dati čemu pravo imé (reči bobu bob) to call something by its proper name; to call a spade a spade
    imeti imé po botru to be called after one's godfather
    navesti, povedati napačno imé to give an assumed name
    klicati po iménih to call the roll
    podpisati (se) s polnim iménom to sign one's name in full
    ustvariti si imé (zasloveti) to win a name for one's
    omadeževati svoje imé to besmirch one's name
    poznati koga le po iménu to know someone only by name
    imé se ga je prijelo the name stuck to him
    to bo škodilo mojemu dobremu iménu my reputation will suffer because of this
    moj pes sliši na imé Bob my dog answers to the name of Bob
    slabega iména se človek težko znebi (figurativno) give a dog a bad name and hang him!
  • in2 [in] prislov
    notri, noter, v

    to be in biti doma, biti v hiši; politika biti na vladi (stranka); biti v modi; šport biti na vrsti za udarec; sezona za kaj (oysters are in)
    to be in for a thing pričakovati kaj, nameravati kaj, nadejati se česa
    he is in for a shock to bo zanj močan pretres
    she is in for an examination čaka jo izpit
    the boy is in for a beating fant bo tepen
    to be in for it iztakniti jo, biti v kaši, ne imeti drugega izhoda
    in for a penny, in for a pound kdor reče a, mora reči tudi b
    to be (ali keep) in with s.o. dobro se s kom razumeti
    in between medtem
    in and in vedno isto, vedno znova
    the train is in vlak je prišel
    spring is in pomlad je prišla
    the ship is on the way in ladja pluje v pristanišče
    to throw in pridati
    ameriško to be all in biti čisto izčrpan
    in with it! prinesi, odnesi to noter
    to be in on sodelovati pri čem, biti poučen o čem
    to let s.o. in on pritegniti koga k čemu, poučiti koga o čem
    to be in up to the neck biti v veliki stiski
  • izdáti (koga) to betray, žargon to sell someone, to split on someone; (sokrivce) žargon to shop, to grass on; (pustiti na cedilu) to leave in the lurch, to desert, to forsake; (denar) to spend, to expend, to disburse, to defray; (knjigo itd.) to edit, to publish, to issue, to bring out; (delnice, bankovce) to issue; (proglas) to promulgate, to issue (a proclamation ali manifesto); (nalog) to decree, to ordain, to give orders; (zakon) to enact, to decree; (skrivnost) to let out, to disclose, to divulge, to reveal

    izdáti diplomo to grant (ali to award) a diploma
    izdáti proglas to issue a proclamation
    izdáti ukaz to give an order
    izdáti predpise to enact rules, to pass regulations
    izdáti priporočila to issue recommendations
    izdáti zakon to pass a law
    zopet izdáti knjigo to republish (ali to reprint) a book
    izdáti se to betray oneself, to give oneself away, to let the cat out of the bag
    izdal se je, ko mi je rekel nekaj, česar ni hotel reči he gave himself away by blurting out something he had not intended to tell me
    izdáti se za to pretend (ali to claim) to be, to pose as, to pass oneself off as (zdravnika a doctor)
  • jedrnát pithy; (slog) concise; terse

    kratek in jedrnát short and to the point; terse
    jedrnát izrek pithy saying
    jedrnát pregovor maxim, terse proverb
    jedrnáto reči, povedati to say tersely
  • -krát times

    enkrat once
    dvakrat twice, two times
    tri-krát three times, thrice
    10 m x 5 m 10 metres by 5 metres
    koliko-krát? how often?, how many times?
    večkrat several times
    dvakrat tako dolg twice as long
    dvakrat manj ljudi half as many people
    ni si dal tega dvakrat reči he didn't need (ali want) telling twice
  • lahkó lightly; easily

    lahkó prebavljiv easily digestible
    lahkó pokvarljivo blago perishables pl
    lahkó to čitaš? can you read this?
    lahkó je mogoče, da... it is likely that...
    lahkó, da je zbolel he may have been taken ill
    on se lahkó uči he is a quick learner
    lahkó ranjen slightly wounded, slightly injured
    na lahkó kaj vzeti to make light of something, not to take it (too) seriously
    ti lahkó govoriš, tebi je lahkó reči it's all very well for you to say (da... that...)
    on se lahkó smeje he can afford to laugh
  • leave1 [li:v] samostalnik
    dovoljenje, privoljenje; dopust; slovo

    leave of absence dopust
    to ask s.o. for leave; ali to ask leave of s.o. prositi koga za dovoljenje
    by your leave z vašim dovoljenjem
    leave off dovoljenje za odsotnost
    to get leave off dobiti dovoljenje za odsotnost
    on leave na dopustu
    to go on leave iti na dopust
    leave on pay plačan dopust
    to take leave to say dovoliti si reči
    to take leave of posloviti se od
    to take one's leave oditi
    to take French leave oditi brez pozdrava
    to take leave of one's senses priti ob pamet
    ticket of leave pogojni dopust (kaznjenca)