
Zadetki iskanja

  • enoúren one-hour; one hour's; of an hour's duration; for an hour
  • glúmiti (igrati) to act; to play (a role); (pretvarjati se) to feign, to simulate, to put on an act
  • gostovánje feast; treat; (igralca, -lke) guest appearance of an actor (oziroma actress)

    enkratno, enovečerno gostovánje gledališče one-night stand
  • grdó badly, nastily, foully, basely, meanly; hideously; in an ugly manner

    grdó se gledajo (figurativno) they are at daggers drawn
    grdó jo komu zaigrati (figurativno) to play a dirty trick on someone
    stvari se grdó obračajo, razvijajo things are looking ugly
    grdó je (neprimerno je nekaj delati) it's wrong (ali bad, nasty) to...
  • hípoma instantly; in an instant
  • hospitácija attendance at lectures as an occasional student
  • hospitírati to attend lectures (oziroma lessons) as an occasional student
  • ilegálec member of an underground movement; fifth columnist
  • impresionírati to impress; to affect; to move; to strike; to leave an impression (koga on someone)

    novica, vest me je zelo impresionirala I was very much affected by the news
    impresioniran od sijaja dvorane overwhelmed by the splendour of the hall
  • inserírati to advertise (za for); to insert (v in); to put an advertisement in a paper
  • interesíran interested; having an interest (za kaj in something)

    nekdo je gotovo interesíran, da to ostane tajno someone is certainly interested in keeping it secret
  • inventarizácija making an inventory; taking stock (of)
  • inventarizírati to inventory; ekonomija to take stock, to make an inventory (of)
  • istéje mouth of an oven
  • izgŕda in an unfriendly manner

    zlepa ali izgŕda by fair means or foul, by hook or by crook
  • izjáviti to declare; to state; to say; to make a declaration; to make an assertion; (pred sodiščem) to depose, to give evidence

    izjáviti pod prisego to depose (ali to attest) on oath
  • izobráženec a cultivated person, an educated person
  • izpráti to wash out (ali off, away); (odstraniti madeže) to remove stains; (splakniti) to rinse; (črevo) to give someone an enema; (posodo) to wash up

    izpráti rano to bathe a wound
  • izzvenéti to cease to sound; to die away (as an echo); figurativno to end, to come to an end

    romanca izzveni v mirnih zvokih the ballad ends in gentle tones (ali on a quiet note)
  • jegúljast eel-like; figurativno elusive; slippery as an eel, as lithe as an eel