felo-de-se [fí:loudi:sí:] samostalnik
pravno samomorilec; samomor
Zadetki iskanja
- gizdati se (z oblačili) to dress showily (ali gaudily); (lišpati se) to wear one's finery
- glasiti se to sound; (vsebina pisma itd.) to read, to run, to be worded
glasiti se takole to run as follows (ali like this), to be worded as follows
naslov se glasi (nekako) takole the address runs (ali reads) (somewhat) like this
njegovo pismo se je glasilo takole his letter ran thus
dopisnica se glasi takole the postcard reads as follows
to mesto se angleški glasi... translated into Englisch this passage reads... - gnúsiti se
gnusi se mi it nauseates me, I am disgusted with, I am sickened by, I am sick and tired of, it turns my stomach, my stomach turns at, I abhor
to se mi gnusi I loathe it, it makes me sick, it disgusts me, my stomach turns at it - godíti se to take place; to occur; to happen
kaj se godi tu! what's going on here?
kako se Vam godi? how are you?, how are things (with you)?
dobro se mi godi (zdravstveno) I am well, I'm fine, (gmotno) I am doing well, žargon I'm sitting pretty
dobro se mu godi žargon he is sitting pretty - gúncati (se) to swing
gúncati (se) otroka to swing a child
otroci so se guncali na vrtu the children were (playing) on the swing(s) in the garden - hehetáti se to giggle, to titter, to snicker, to snigger, to chuckle
hehetal se bo ob našem porazu he will chuckle over our defeat - hihítati se to giggle, to snigger, to titter; pogovorno to chuckle
hihitali se bodo ob našem porazu they will giggle over our defeat - hohotáti se (krohotati se) to roar with laughter
- hudováti se
hudováti se na koga to be angry (ali cross) with someone, to be mad at someone - igráčkati se to toy, to trifle (z with)
igráčkati se s svinčnikom to toy with a pencil
igráčkati se z vrtnarjenjem to treat gardening as a mere hobby, to dabble around with gardening
on se igračka z Vami he trifles with you
igráčkati se z življenjem to flirt with danger, to run undue risks - infiltrírati (se) to percolate; figurativno to infiltrate, to trickle in, to creep in
špijoni so se infiltrirali (vtihotapili) skozi naše linije spies infiltrated our lines - iskríti se to spark; to sparkle; to scintillate; to emit sparks; to glitter
oči so se mu iskrile od jeze his eyes flashed with anger
zvezde se iskrijo the stars sparkle
njihov pogovor se iskri od duhovitosti their conversation sparkles with wit - italianizírati (se) to Italianize
- izbérsati se to mould; to go mouldy
- izbesnéti se to finish venting one's rage
nevihta se je izbesnela the storm raged itself out - izcímiti se to spring up (iz from); to sprout (forth), to germinate; to develop
- izdeževáti se izdežíti se to stop (ali to cease) raining
izdežilo se je it has stopped raining - izdišáti se to lose one's fragrance (ali aroma)
- izdivjáti se to stop raging, to calm down; (vihar) to abate, to die down; (otroci) to romp; figurativno to sow one's wild oats, (iznoreti se) to have one's fling
vihar se je izdivjal the storm has spent its fury, the storm is spent
izdivjal se je (o osebi) he has got over his bad temper, his rage is spent