
Zadetki iskanja

  • hudíč devil; the devil, Satan; the Evil One; pogovorno old Harry, old Nick

    hudíča oh, bother!
    kaj, hudíča, si delal tam? what the mischief were you doing there?
    kam, hudíča, je pa šel? where on earth has he got to?
    kdo, hudíča, ti je to rekel? who the devil (ali the dickens ali on earth) told you that?
    hudíč ga je obsedel he has the devil in him
    risati hudíča bolj črnega, kot je to paint the devil blacker than he is
    hudíča klicati to talk of the devil
    v sili hudíč muhe žre figurativno beggars can't be choosers; drowning men clutch at straws; half a loaf is better than no bread
  • iméti to have; pogovorno to have got; to possess, to be in possession of; to keep, to hold, to own

    ne iméti not to have, to be in want of, to be short of, to lack, to be destitute of, to be devoid of
    iméti dar za to have a gift for, to have a talent for
    iméti glavno besedo to be the spokesman
    iméti čas za to have time for
    iméti govor to make a speech, to deliver an oration
    iméti zadnjo besedo to have the last word (ali the final say)
    iméti ime to bear a name
    iméti nahod to have a cold
    iméti nekaj denarja to have some money
    iméti izbiro to have a choice
    iméti napako to have a fault
    iméti prav to be right
    ne iméti prav to be wrong
    iméti posla z to have dealings with
    iméti prijatelja v kom to have a friend in someone
    iméti koga za norca to regard someone as a fool
    iméti potrpljenje to have patience, to be patient
    iméti težave to have difficulties
    iméti srečo to be lucky, to be in luck, (stalno) to have a run of good luck
    ne iméti sreče to be unlucky, to be ill-fated, to be out of luck, to be down on one's luck, to strike a bad patch
    iméti pri roki to have on hand, to have near at hand, to have handy
    iméti usmiljenje z to take pity on, to pity, to commiserate with
    iméti pravico do to be entitled to
    iméti referendum to hold a referendum
    iméti volitve to hold elections
    iméti za posledico to entail
    iméti v vidu to have in view
    rad iméti to like, to be fond of
    najrajši iméti to prefer above all
    rajši iméti to prefer, to like better
    sedaj imamo zimo it is winter now
    imam nekaj denarja pri sebi I have some money on me
    to nima nič na sebi it is of no consequence
    kako se imaš? how are you getting on?, how are you?
    dobro se imejte! have a good time!
    ima me, da bi (šel) I have a good mind to (go)
    imel je priti včeraj he was to come yesterday
    hoteti kaj iméti (želeti) to desire, to wish, to want something
    imam ga za poštenjaka I believe him to be an honest man
    za koga me (pa) imate? whom (pogovorno who) do you take me for?
    iméti koga na hrani in stanovanju to board and lodge someone
    iméti obzir to be considerate
    iméti na zalogi, v skladišču to have in store, in stock
  • it1 [it]

    1. osebni zaimek
    ono, to (v slovenščini se navadno ne prevaja)

    it writes well (svinčnik itd.) dobro piše
    it is John John je
    it is soldiers (to) so vojaki
    Oh, it was you ah, ti si bil

    subjekt brezosebnih glagolov in konstrukcij

    it rains dežuje
    it is cold mrzlo je
    it seems videti je
    it says in the letter v pismu piše
    what time is it? koliko je ura?
    how is it with your promise? kako pa kaj s tvojo obljubo?
    it is 6 miles to je šest milj do

    poudarjena oblika

    it is to him that you should turn nanj bi se moral obrniti

    za predlogi

    at it pri tem
    by it s tem
    for it za to
    in it v tem
    of it od tega, iz tega
    to it k temu, na tem

    nedoločni objekt

    confound it! da bi ga vrag pocitral
    to fight it boriti se
    to go it spustiti se v kaj, lotiti se česa
    to foot it iti peš, plesati
    to cab it peljati se s taksijem
    to lord it igrati gospoda
    to run for it teči po kaj, teči na varno, teči na vlak itd.
    to keep at it naprej kaj delati
    we have had a fine time of it odlično smo se zabavali
    I take it that domnevam, da
    there is nothing for it but to obey moramo pač ubogati
    little was left of it od tega je malo ostalo

    6. povratni
    sebe, se, sebi, si, s seboj (za predlogi)

    the war brought with it vojna je prinesla s seboj
  • íti to go; (peš) to walk, to go on foot; (stopati) to tread, to stride; (s težavo) to trudge; to stump; (ura) to go; (ladja) to be bound for; (vlak) to leave, to start

    íti dalje to go on, to advance, to proceed
    íti gor (dol) to go up (to go down)
    íti mimo to go (ali to pass) by
    íti nazaj to go back
    íti po kaj to go for (ali to fetch ali to go and fetch) something
    íti preko to cross
    íti proč to go away, to go off
    íti ven to go out
    íti stran to go off
    íti čez cesto to cross the street
    íti na lov to go hunting
    íti h komu to go up to someone, (obiskati ga) to call on someone
    íti komu naproti to go to meet someone
    pustiti koga íti to let someone go
    íti dobro v prodajo to be selling well
    íti hitreje to go faster, to push on
    íti skupaj to go together
    íti s kom to accompany someone
    íti s kolesom to cycle
    íti korakoma to go at footpace
    íti kot namazano, kot po maslu to go swimmingly, to go like clockwork
    íti na deželo, na kmete to go off to the country
    íti med ljudi, med družbo to go into society
    íti na sprehod to go for a walk
    íti na kose, na koščke to go to pieces
    íti na potovanje to go on a journey
    íti h koncu, h kraju to be approaching the (ali its) end, (o stvari) to be coming to an end
    íti komu k srcu to go to one's heart
    íti kaki stvari do dna (figurativno) to get to the bottom of something
    íti spat to go to bed
    íti preko vseh ugovorov to override (ali to disregard ali to waive) all objections
    íti na bolje to improve
    íti na lim, na limanice to fall into a trap
    íti vase (figurativno) to retire within oneself
    iti komu s pota to make room for someone
    Kako ti gre? how are you getting on?, how are you?
    izvrstno mi gre I am A1, I'm fine
    kako ti gre v šoli? how are you getting on at school?
    za kaj (pa) gre? what's it all about?
    za to gre (v tem je stvar) that's the point
    kadar gre za... when it comes to...
    dobro mu gre he is doing well
    gre za moje življenje, za mojo čast my life, my honour is at stake
    gre za veliko vsoto a large sum is at stake
    gre za življenje ali smrt it's a matter of life and death
    gre v milijone that runs into millions
    posli gredo slabo business is slack (ali dull)
    tako ne bo šlo this won't do
    to ne bo šlo brez težav it won't be an easy job, it'll cost some trouble
    grem k frizerju I am going to the barber's (ali hairdresser's)
    če bi šlo po mojem if I had my way
    to gre malo predaleč that's going a bit too far
    drugače ne gre, ne bo šlo it won't work any other way, figurativno that can't be helped
    vse gre narobe everything is topsy-turvy
    z njim gre navzdol (h koncu) he is in a bad way
    ne morem iti preko tega I can't get over it
    naj gre, kot hoče! come what may!
    kam gre ta pot? where does this road (ali path) lead?
    to mi ne gre v glavo I cannot understand it, it's beyond me, I don't see any reason for it
    mati je šla nakupovat Mother has gone shopping
    proti šesti uri gre it's nearly six
    gre proti poldnevu it's getting on for noon
    zaloge gredo h kraju stocks are running short
    delo mu gre hitro izpod rok he is quick at his work
    4 v 15 gre 3-krat, in ostane 3 4 into 15 goes 3 times, and 3 over
    pojdi. pojdi, pretiravaš! come, come, you are exaggerating!
    lahko greste! (služabniku ipd.) that is all for the present
    če je šlo vse, naj gre še to! (figurativno) in for a penny, in for a pound!
    íti se to play
  • (da) yes

    pa já ne pozabi! be sure not to forget!
  • joke1 [džouk] samostalnik
    šala, dovtip

    the best of the joke ost dovtipa
    to take (ali bear) a joke razumeti šalo
    he can't see a joke ne razume šale
    to carry the joke too far pretirati s šalo
    to crack (ali cut) jokes zbijati šale
    he is a joke smešen je
    in joke v šali
    it is no joke to pa ni šala
    the joke of the town tarča posmeha
    to pass (ali put) a joke upon s.o. vleči koga za nos
    to play practical jokes on s.o. zagosti jo komu, neslane šale zbijati s kom
    to turn a matter into joke obrniti kaj v šalo
  • just2 [džʌst] prislov
    pravkar, ravno, prav; komaj, toliko da; samo, zgolj
    pogovorno resnično, res; pravzaprav

    just now pravkar, v tem trenutku; pred kakšnim trenutkom
    just then prav tedaj
    just as prav tako kot, ravno ko
    just as well prav tako
    just so točno, pravilno
    that is just it prav to je ono
    that is just like you to je čisto tebi podobno
    we just managed komaj smo uspeli
    the bullet just missed him toliko, da ga je strel zgrešil
    just possible vendar mogoče
    just for the fun of it samo za šalo
    just a moment, please! samo trenutek, prosim!
    just an ordinary man zgolj navaden možakar
    just tell me samo povej mi
    he was just too late for the train vlak mu je pred nosom ušel
    just wonderful res čudovito
    just how many are there? koliko jih pa pravzaprav je?
  • káj what

    káj še? what else?
    káj zdaj? what now?, how now?, well?
    káj ti je? káj je s teboj? what's the matter with you?
    káj mi mar! what do I care!
    káj šele let alone
    ah, káj! go on!, stuff and nonsense!
    káj ne poveš! you don't say!
    ne, káj takega! well, I never!
    torej káj? so what?
    je káj upanja? is there any hope?
    káj še, on (pa) že ne! not he!
    káj storiti? what can we do?, what's to be done?
    káj pomaga, káj koristi jokati? what is the use of crying?, it is no use crying
    káj se je tedaj, potem zgodilo? what happened then?
    imate káj novic? have you any news?
    na káj misliš? what are you thinking about, what's on your mind?
    povej mi, káj si slišal! tell me what you heard!
    káj ko bi tudi ti prišel? what if you came too?
    meso, kruh, vino in ne vem káj še vse meat, bread, wine, and what not
    ne morem si káj, da se ne bi smejal I can't help laughing
  • kakó how; in what way

    kakó to? how so?
    kakó lepó! how beautiful!
    kakó daleč? how far?
    kakó to, da... how comes it that..., how come that...
    kakó vraga... how the deuce..., how the devil..., how the dickens...?
    kakó, prosim? I beg your pardon, pogovorno pardon?; what was that?, what did you say?
    kakó se počutiš? how do you feel?
    kakó stara je? how old is she?
    kakó dolgo ste že v Ljubljani? how long have you been in Ljubljana?
    kakó je z vstopnicami? what about the tickets?
    kakó lepo jutro! what a lovely morning!
    kakó sem vesel, da te vidim! how pleased I am to see you!
    kakó je nesrečna! how unhappy she is!
    kakó mu je ime? what is his name?
    kakó imenujete to (rečete temu) po angleško (v angleščini)? what do you call this in English?
    kakó to, da si še vedno tu? how is it you're still here?
    ne razumem, kakó je to možno I do not understand how this can be
    nihče ne ve kakó mu je uspelo no one knows how he has done
    kakó vendar... how on earth...
    pa še kakó! and how
    Se lahko poslužim vašega telefona? - Kako, da ne! May I use your telephone? - Why, yes! of course!
  • kákšen what; what kind of, what sort of

    kákšne knjige potrebuješ? what kind of books do you require (ali want)?
    kákšen je on? what is he like?
    kákšen je videti? what does he look like?
    kákšen človek pa je on? what kind of a man is he?
    kákšno lepo vreme! what fine weather!
    kákšen norec! what a fool!
    kákšne uporabnosti je to? what use is this?
  • kám where (to); to what place; which way; arhaično whither; in which direction

    kám pa? where (are you off) to?
    kám greš? where are you going (ali where are you off to)?
    povej mi, kám greš! tell me where you're going!
    kám (na kaj) meriš (namiguješ)? what are you driving at (ali getting at?)
    kám drugam somewhere else
    pojdimo kám! let's go somewhere!
  • kjé where; in what place; on which side

    kjé drugje somewhere else, elsewhere
    kjé si dobil te informacije? where did you get the information?
    ne vem kjé (= kjerkoli) somewhere or other
    kjé pa!; kjé neki! (kaj še, ni govora o tem!) no such thing!
  • know*2 [nóu]

    1. prehodni glagol
    vedeti, poznati, znati prepoznati; razpoznati, ločiti (from)

    2. neprehodni glagol
    vedeti (of za, o)
    spoznati se (about na)

    to know one's bussiness; ali to know a thing or two about, to know all about it, to know what is what, to know the ropes dobro se na kaj spoznati, vedeti vse o čem, biti izkušen v čem
    to be known to biti komu znan
    to be known as biti znan po čem
    I know better than to nisem tako neumen, da bi
    to know by heart znati na pamet
    to know by sight poznati na videz
    to know one from the other razločiti med dvema, razpoznati
    to know a hawk from a handsaw biti dovolj bister
    don't know him from Adam nimam pojma, kdo je
    to get (ali come) to know spoznati, zvedeti
    to let s.o. know sporočiti komu
    to make known razglasiti, oznaniti
    to make o.s. known to predstaviti se komu, seznaniti se s kom
    to know one's own mind vedeti, kaj hočeš, ne omahovati
    not to know what to make of a thing ne razumeti česa, ne znati si česa razložiti
    not that I know ne da bi vedel, kolikor je meni znano ne
    to know one's place vedeti, kje je komu mesto, ne riniti se naprej
    to know one's way around znajti se, spoznati se
    to know which side one's bread is buttered vedeti kdo ti reže kruh, vedeti, kaj ti koristi
    to know from a bull's foot znati razlikovati, znati ločiti
    before you know where you are hipoma, preden se zaveš
    don't I know it! pa še kako to vem!
    he wouldn't know (that) težko, da bi vedel, ne more vedeti
    I would have you know that rad bi ti povedal, da; rad bi ti pojasnil
    I have never known him to lie kolikor jaz vem, ni nikoli lagal
    after I first knew him potem ko sem ga spoznal
    he has known better days doživel je že boljše čase
    I know of s.o. who vem za nekoga, ki
    pogovorno not that I know of ne da bi vedel
    pogovorno do (ali don't) you know? ali ni res?
  • kóga whom

    kóga vidiš? whom (ali pogovorno who) do you see?
    od kóga? from whom?
    za kóga me pa imate? whom (ali pogovorno who) do you take me for?
  • kónj horse; (kobila) mare

    bojni kónj war-horse, steed
    dirkalni kónj racehorse
    čistokrvni kónj thoroughbred
    jezdni, jahalni kónj saddle horse
    gugalni kónj rocking horse, hobbyhorse
    krilati kónj winged horse, hippogriff
    povodni kónj hippopotamus, pl -es, -mi
    neujahan kónj ZDA bronco
    skopljen kónj gelding
    telovadni kónj vaulting horse, long horse, pommel horse
    Trojanski kónj Trojan Horse, wooden horse
    tovorni kónj packhorse
    vprežni kónj draught horse, carthorse, dray horse
    kónj pri šahu knight
    dreser konj horsebreaker
    dober poznavalec konj a good judge of horseflesh
    sprevod konj cavalcade
    trgovec s kónji horse dealer
    lahkovprežni kónj carriage-horse
    na kónju on horseback, mounted
    biti na kónju to be on horseback
    sem na kónju (figurativno) I am in the saddle
    česati kónja to curry a horse
    čistiti kónja to groom
    delati kot kónj to work like a horse
    jahati kónja, jezditi na kónju to ride, to practise riding
    podarjenemu kónju ne glej na zobe! do not look a gift-horse in the mouth
    pasti s kónja to have a fall off one's horse, to be spilled from a horse, (žargon figurativno) to come a cropper
    (u)krotiti kónja to break a horse (to the rein)
    oskrbeti s svežimi kónji to provide fresh horses, to remount
    zajahati kónja to mount a horse
    sopsti kot kónj to pant like a horse
    posaditi koga na kónja (tudi figurativno) to put someone into the saddle
    vpreči kónje v voz to harness horses to the carriage
    tudi par konj me ne spravi tja (figurativno) a team of wild horses couldn't drag me there, wild horses will not drag me there
    lahko pripelješ kónja k vodi, ne moreš pa ga prisiliti, da pije you may take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink
    poditi, drviti kónja to drive a horse (too) hard
    priti s kónja na osla (figurativno) to come down in the world
  • kòt2 as, like; (za primernikom ter za other, otherwise, else, rather) than; (za nikalnicami) but

    čisto tako kòt just like
    ne tako kòt unlike
    več kòt 500 ljudi more than 500 people
    bolje je to naredila ona kòt on she did it better than he (did) (ali pogovorno than him)
    rajši kòt rather than
    noben drug kòt ti none other than you
    kòt kompliment by way of a compliment
    to je lažje rečeno kòt storjeno it is easier said than done
    prav kòt, baš kòt just as, just like, just the same as
    kòt da as if, as though
    kòt po maslu, kòt namazano (figurativno) like clockwork, swimmingly, without a hitch
    kòt za stavo fast, quickly, hard
    delal sem kòt za stavo I worked hard and fast
    toliko je star kòt jaz he is old as I am (ali as I, pogovorno as me)
    ni toliko star kòt jaz he is not so old as I am (ali as I, pogovorno as me)
    kòt primer by way of example
    kòt vedno as usual, as always
    umreti kòt berač to die a pauper
    kòt na primer as for instance
    ona to jemlje, kòt da se to samo po sebi razume she takes it for granted
    znan je kòt oderuh he is a notorious usurer
    jaz bi rajši šel peš, kòt pa da bi se peljal I would rather walk than drive
    ni ga bolj priljubljenega človeka, kòt je on there is no one more popular than he is (ali than he, pogovorno than him)
  • (samó) only; (edino) merely, solely

    lè on only he, nobody but he
    lè da... only that...
    lè tega ne! anything but this!
    lè tokrat, to pot (for) this once
    lè nekaj minut just a few minutes
    lè zaradi solely because of
    lè malo only a little, not much
    lè počasi, dečki! easy, lads (ali boys)!
    vse, lè denarja ne everything except (ali but) money
    ne lè..., temveč tudi... not only... but also...
    ne lè on, tudi ti not only he, but you also
    pa je lè res! it is true all the same!
    kdo (kje) lè...? who (where) on earth...?
    če lè provided (that)..., only if...
    lè kdo je to naredil? whoever could have done it?
    prišel sem ti lè povedat, da... I have come solely to tell you that...
    kolikor lè moremo just as much as we can
    prosim te lè, da mi obljubiš... I merely ask you to promise me...
    če lè ne bi toliko govorila! if only she did not talk so much!
  • lép -a, -o beautiful, fine; pretty, nice, handsome; sweet; (obraz) good-looking; pesniško beauteous; (vreme) fair, fine, favourable; (rast, stas) wellmade, well-proportioned, well-formed, wellshaped, shapely; (ljubek) lovely, graceful, charming

    lép, -a, -o kot slika as pretty as a picture
    lép, -a, -oo darilo (premoženje, kompliment) a handsome present (fortune, compliment)
    lép, -a, -oa godlja, zmeda a nice mess
    lép, -a, -oa pot good road
    lép, -a, -oi spol the fair sex
    lép, -a, -oa priložnost (znesek) a fair chance (amount)
    lép, -a, -oa vsota a round (ali respectable) sum
    lép, -a, -oe goré beautiful mountains pl
    lép, -a, -oo vreme fine weather
    lép, -a, -oe umetnosti fine (ali liberal) arts pl
    lép, -a, -o začetek a nice beginning
    lép, -a, -oe pozdrave tvoji sestri! best regards to your sister!
    lép, -a, -oega dne one fine day
    lép, -a, -oa pisava a fair hand
    imeti lép, -a, -oo pisavo to write a fair hand
    od lép, -a, -oih besed se ne da živeti fine words butter no parsnips
    lép, -a, -oo mnenje boste imeli o meni you will have a fine opinion of me, what are you going to think of me?
    barometer kaže "lepo" the barometer stands at fair
    to ni lepó od tebe that's not nice of you
    ta je pa lép, -a, -oa! a fine (ali story), this is!
    to je vse lép, -a, -oo, toda... that's all very well (ali fine), but...
    kar praviš, je vse prav lép, -a, -oo, toda... what you say is all very fine, but...
    to bi bilo še lepše! that would beat everything!, that would cap it all!
  • light1 [lait] pridevnik (lightly prislov)
    lahek; majhne specifične teže, pod predpisano težo; nepomemben, neznaten, lahek (bolezen, kazen, napaka, delo itd.); zabaven, lahek (glasba, knjiga); prhek, rahel (zemlja, sneg, kruh); vitek, nežen, graciozen, okreten, uren; brezskrben, veder (srce); lahkomišljen, lahkoživ, frfrast (ženska); malo otovorjen, neotovorjen; nenaglašen (zlog)

    light of belief lahkoveren
    light coin kovanec z nezadostno količino žlahtne kovine
    elektrika light current šibki tok
    light of foot (ali heel) lahkonog
    light fingers dolgoprst (tat)
    held in light esteem malo spoštovan
    to hold light; ali to make light of; ali to set lightstore by nalahko kaj jemati
    with a light heart z lahkim srcem
    figurativno a light hand obzirnost, takt
    light in hand poslušen (konj), lahko vodljiv
    no light matter to pa ni malenkost
    light metals lahke kovine
    light opera lahka ali komična opera
    light traffic majhen promet
    light woman lahka ženska
    light weights prelahke uteži
    the ship returned light ladja se je vrnila brez tovora
    vojska in light marching order na pohodu z malo tovora
  • limit1 [límit] samostalnik
    meja, višek, skrajnost
    matematika limita
    ekonomija končna cena

    ekonomija lowest limit skrajna zadnja cena
    superior limit zgornja meja, skrajni rok
    inferior limit spodnja meja, prvi možni rok
    there is a limit to everything vse ima svoje meje
    to the limit do skrajnosti, do konca
    within limits do gotove meje, v mejah
    without limit neomejeno
    to set limit to potegniti mejo
    ameriško, pogovorno to go to the limit iti do skrajnosti
    sleng that's the limit! to je pa višek!; tu se vse neha!
    pogovorno he is the limit nemogoč je
    ameriško in (off) limits dostop dovoljen (prepovedan)