desétkrat at ten times
desétkraten tenfold
Zadetki iskanja
- dezoríentíran disorientated; figurativno perplexed, bewildered, puzzled, at a loss, at sea
- disponírati to dispose (z of); to have at one's disposal; to arrange, to do
disponirajte z menoj, kakor hočete if I can be of any service I am completely at your disposal
biti dobro disponiran to be in good humour
prosto disponírati s svojo lastnino to be free to dispose of one's property - domá at home; in
je on domá? is he in?, is he at home?
je Vaš oče domá? is your father in, is your father at home?
ni ga domá he is not at home, he is away, he is away from home
domá narejen (kruh) home-made (bread)
držati se domá to keep to the house
on vedno tiči domá he never goes (ali gets) out, he is a stay-at-home
on je domá iz Ljubljane he is a native of Ljubljana
domá je najlepše there's no place like home
počutiti se kot domá to feel at home
bodite kot domá! make yourself at home!
biti domá v (figurativno) to be at home in (ali with), to be familiar with
nisem domá v tem predmetu (figurativno) I am not familiar with this subject
ljubo domá, kdo ga ima east, west, home's best; pesniško be it ever so humble, there's no place like home - domáč home (-); homely; domestic; homelike; local, national; (ukročen) domesticated, tame; familiar; (neprisiljen) at one's ease, unceremonious, free and easy; (prvoten) aboriginal, native, indigenous; home-grown
domáč kruh home-made bread
domáča hrana household fare
domáča halja dressing gown
domáče moštvo šport home team
domáča obrt home manufacture, home (ali cottage) industry
domáče platno homespun linen, home-made cloth
domáča zabava family party
domáče zdravilo domestic remedy, (univerzalno) nostrum
domáča žival domestic animal
za domáčo uporabo for home use
po domáče informally, without ceremony
domáčega se napraviti to make oneself at home
kar po domáče! make yourself (quite) at home - dotakníti se to touch; to come in contact with; (omeniti) to mention slightly, to hint at, to refer to, to allude to, to touch upon; (oplaziti) to brush (in passing)
lahko dotakníti se to dab, to tap
ne dotikaj se mojih papirjev! don't touch my papers!
ne dotikaj se me! don't touch me!, don't lay a finger (ali a hand) on me!, hands off!
najbolje je, da se tega ne dotikaš better leave it alone
njihova hiša se dotika naše their house abuts on ours - dražíti2 to raise the price (kaj of something), to make (something) dearer; (na dražbi) to auction, to bid for at an auction
dražíti se to become dearer, to rise in price
vse se draží prices are going up all round - drúgič secondly; in the second place; for the (oziroma a) second time; (še enkrat) once more; again; (enkrat drúgič, drugikrat) at some other time, (at) another time, at other times
- duhovít witty; quick-witted; (v odgovoru) clever at repartee, never lost for an answer; ingenious
duhovíta rešitev an ingenious solution
ta knjiga je pisana zelo duhovíto this book is very wittily written
dajati duhovíte opazke to wisecrack - duhovítost wit, wittiness; (z odgovorom) quickwittedness, cleverness at repartee; ingenuity
- éksati to drink off at a draught; to drain at a gulp
- frondírati (zabavljati) to carp at; to nag at; to rail against
- hkráti at the same time; at one time; simultaneously
dva hkráti two at a time - hospitácija attendance at lectures as an occasional student
- hrúliti to abuse; to rail at; to berate; pogovorno to bawl out
- istočásno istodóbno simultaneously, at the same time; at one time
- izkúšen experienced; expert (v at, in); learned; proficient (in); well-versed (v in); at home (in); (izvežban) trained, practised
postati izkúšen v svojem poklicu to become proficient in one's trade (ali pogovorno good at one's job) - izpŕva at first; in the beginning; at the start; (prvotno) originally, initially; at (ali from) the outset
- júrišati to storm, to attack, to assault, to charge, to rush at; to make an assault
júrišati na sovražnika to rush at the enemy, to charge the enemy - kákšenkrat sometimes; at times; now and then