
Zadetki iskanja

  • živína cattle, livestock; figurativno brute

    klavna živína fat stock, beef cattle
    plemenska živína breeding cattle
    rogata živína horned cattle
    tovorna živína beast of burden, pack animal
    vprežna živína draught animals
    reja živíne stockbreeding, cattle breeding, cattle rearing, cattle raising
    rejec živíne stockbreeder, stock farmer, cattleman, stockman
    gonjač živíne drover, cattleman
    tat živíne cattle thief, rustler
    hrana, krma za živíno feed, fodder, cattle food
    hlev za živíno cowshed, cattle shed, VB (redko) byre
    trgovec z živíno cattle dealer, stockdealer
    staja za živíno cattle pen
    delati kot črna živína to work like a Trojan, to work one's fingers to the bone
    on je »visoka živín« (figurativno) žargon he is a big shot (ali big noise, big wheel, big gun, big chief, big cheese, bigwig); he is somebody (ali a personage, a personality, a VIP); (v vojski) he is a brass hat