védnost knowledge
brez moje védnosti without my knowing it, without my knowledge, unbeknown (ali unbeknownst) to me
bil je tam brez moje védnosti he was there unbeknown to me
po moji najboljši védnosti to the best of my knowledge
dati v védnost komu to make known to someone, to inform (ali to apprise) someone
Zadetki iskanja
- vedóč knowing
vedóč za kaj aware (ali cognizant) of something - veléti to order, to command, to tell; arhaično to bid
storili bomo, kar nam bodo veleli we will do what they tell us
velel mi je, naj sedem he told me to take a seat (ali to sit down)
velel sem mu, naj gre I told him to go - velíko much; a great deal, a good deal (of); a lot of; pogovorno lots, masses, loads, bags (of)
zelo velíko very much, quite a lot, pl a great many
moj brat velíko bere (dela, potuje) my brother is a great reader (worker, traveller)
velíko se sprehajam I am a great walker
(on) ima zelo velíko denarja he has a considerable amount (ali pogovorno lots, loads, bags, pots) of money
on velíko pije he is a big drinker, he drinks hard, he is a hard-drinking man
velíko hrupa za nič much ado about nothing
velíko sreče! good luck!, lots of luck! - veljáva worth; value; (vozovnice ipd.) validity; currency; pravo operation
ta zakon je še v veljávi that law is still in force
ti kovanci so še v veljávi these coins are still legal tender
biti v splošni veljávi to be current
ostati v veljávi to remain in force
stopiti v veljávo to come into operation (ali into force), to be put into operation (ali force), pravo to take effect
novi vozni red je stopil v veljávo pretekli teden the new timetable came into operation last week - venêričen (spolen) medicina venereal
venêrična bolezen venereal disease (krajšava: V.D.), sexually transmitted disease
venêričen bolnik patient suffering from venereal disease (ali V.D.), V.D. patient
zdravilo proti venêrični bolezni venereal remedy - ventilíranje ➞ ventilacija
ventilíranje nekega vprašanja (figurativno) ventilation (ali airing) of a question - ventilírati to ventilate, to air
ventilírati vprašanje, zadevo (figurativno) to ventilate (ali to air) a question, a matter - verjéti to believe (komu someone); (zaupati) to trust
lahko mi to verjamete you can take it from me
verjamem samo, kar vidim seeing is believing
ali lahko verjamemo njegovi besedi? can his word be trusted?
tega pa ne verjamem (pogovorno) I don't fall for that one
ne verjéti to disbelieve
sveto verjéti to cling to (ali to cherish) a belief
to naj ti drugi verjamejo! see if others believe that!
bi verjeli kaj takega! would you believe it!
če verjameš ali ne believe it or not
verjéti nekaj neverjetnega (figurativno) to swallow a camel
rad ti verjamem I willingly believe you
nisem tako neumen, da bi to verjel I am not so foolish as to believe it
komaj verjamem svojim očem I can hardly believe my eyes, I can hardly trust my own eyes - verjétnost probability, likelihood
po vsej verjétnosti in all likelihood (ali probability)
velika verjétnost a strong likelihood
je velika verjétnost, da pride jutri there is a strong likelihood that he will be coming tomorrow - vérski of faith, of religion; religious
vérska blaznost medicina theomania
vérski blaznež theomaniac
vérski dvomi religious doubts pl, scruples pl in matters of faith
vérska manjšina religious minority
vérske skupnosti religious communities pl
vérska svoboda religious freedom
vérske vojne religious wars pl
vérske zadeve matters pl of faith (ali of religion) - very1 [véri] pridevnik (verily prislov)
a very knave pravi lopov
he is the veriest vagabund on je pravi pravcati vagabund; lasten, sam, celó
my very son moj lastni sin, sam moj sin
his very brother did not know him njegov lastni brat ga ni spoznal; (izza the, this, that ali svojilnega zaimka) ta (oni itd.) isti, prav
the very day I arrived prav na dan, ko sem prispel
the very thing baš tisto pravo
that very day prav (še) istega dne
in this very room prav v tej sobi
at this very place prav na tem mestu
at the very end prav na koncu
from very egoism iz samega (čistega) egoizma
in the very heart of Europe prav v srcu Evrope
this is the very thing I want prav to potrebujem
it is the very last thing to do to je prav zadnja stvar, ki jo je treba narediti; čisti, pravi, točen
the very opposite čisto(pravo) nasprotje
on the very same day točno istega dne; (redko) legitimen, zakonit - vêrz (stih) verse; line (of poetry)
majhen vêrz verset, versicle
v vêrzih in verse
delati, kovati vêrze to versify, to write verse
citirati nekaj vêrzov iz Prešerna to quote a few lines (ali a short passage) from Prešeren
neriman vêrz blank verse - ves vsa, vse all; whole; entire; total; complete
mi vsi all of us
vse, razen... all but...
vsa Slovenija all Slovenia
vsa dežela the whole country
po vsej Angliji all over England
vsa Evropa all Europe, the whole of Europe
po vsem svetu all over the world
na vseh straneh on all sides
vsa družba the whole (ali all the) company
vsa moja družina je tu all my family are here
(skozi) ves dan all day long, the whole day long
vsi in vsak all and sundry
vse moje življenje all my life
v vseh ozirih in all respects
po vseh štirih on all fours
vse mogoče all sorts, all kinds (of)
za ves svet ne not for all the world
z vso (možno) hitrostjo with all speed
vse mesto je bilo tam the whole town was there
vse je zaman it is all in vain, it is all to no avail
to je vse, kar lahko storim zate that's all I can do for you
vsi trije so krivi they are all three guilty
delati vso noč to work all night
preživeli smo skoraj ves julij na deželi we spent nearly the whole of July in the country
biti ves iz sebe od jeze to be beside oneself with fury
on je vse prej kot pošten he is anything but honest
hiša je vsa iz kamna the house is entirely of stone
to je vse, kar lahko rečem that is all I can say
prebral sem vso knjigo I have read the book from cover to cover
pripravljeni smo storiti vse zanj we are ready to do anything for him
razpravljati o vsem mogočem, samo ne o politiki to discuss anything but politics
tresti se po vsem telesu to tremble all over
ne delaj si skrbi, vse se bo uredilo! don't worry, it'll be all right! - vesêlje joy, gaiety; joyfulness; gladness; pleasure; delight
komu v vesêlje to the delight (ali to the joy) of someone
z vesêljem with plesure
solze vesêlja tears pl of joy
kvarilec vesêlja killjoy, wet blanket
bil je ves iz sebe od vesêlja he could not contain himself for joy
imam veliko vesêlje s svojimi otroki my children give (ali afford) me much pleasure
ne maram vam kvariti vesêlja I won't spoil your pleasure
radi bi ji napravili nekaj vesêlja we would like to give her some pleasure
skakati od vesêlja to leap for joy
z vesêljem sem sprejel vaše vabilo I gladly accepted your invitation
vriskati od vesêlja to shout with joy - vesóljski space(-)
vesóljska ladja spacecraft, spaceship
član posadke vesóljske ladje spaceman, spacewoman
vesóljski polet space flight
vesóljsko potovanje space travel
vesóljska postaja space station
vesóljska obleka space suit
vesóljska raketa space rocket
vesóljski prostor interstellar space
pristajališče ali vzletišče za vesóljske ladje spaceport
vesóljski potnik space traveller - vést1 (novica, sporočilo) piece of news; news pl (s konstr. v sg); arhaično tidings pl; (piece of) information; report, account; advice; (važna) intelligence
najnovejše vésti the latest news, red-hot news
imam sijajno vést za vas I have a splendid piece of news for you
pričakujem od njih nadaljnjih vésti I am awaiting their further news
prišla je vést, da je sklenjen mir news arrived that peace had been concluded
lažna vést false (ali fabricated) report, canard
to je dobra vést this is good news
domače vésti home news, local news
kratke vésti news items
raznašalec vésti (klepetulja) gossip, newsmonger
povedati mu morate to slabo vést you must break this bad news to him
slabe vésti se kaj hitro izvejo bad news travels fast
že dolgo nimam vésti od njega I've had no news from him for a long time
o njem ni nobenih vésti nothing has been heard of him
zadnje vésti latest (ali last-minute) news, (v časopisu) stop-press
če ni vésti, je vse v redu no news is good news - vést2 conscience
brez vésti conscienceless
čista vést clear (ali good) conscience
slaba vést guilty (ali bad) conscience
z mirno vestjo with an easy conscience
proti moji vésti contrary to my conscience
kosmata vést elastic conscience
glas vésti the voice of conscience
izpraševanje vésti examination of one's conscience
grizenje vésti twinges pl of conscience, pangs pl of remorse, qualms pl of conscience, scruples pl
oseba, človek brez vésti conscienceless (ali unscrupulous, unconscionable, unprincipled) person
za pomirjenje vésti for conscience(') sake
izprašati si vést to examine one's conscience
imeti koga na vésti to have someone on one's conscience
imeti kosmato vést to have an easy-going conscience
vest ga grize his conscience is bothering him
ima dva umora na vésti he has two murders on his conscience
ne maram imeti tega na vésti I don't want to have that on my conscience
vést me peče I am conscience-stricken; my conscience is tormenting me (ali is giving me no peace), I am stung with remorse
vést ga je pekla his conscience troubled him, he had qualms of conscience, he was conscience-stricken
olajšati si vést to get something off one's conscience
pomiriti si vést to appease (ali to soothe, to salve, to quieten) one's conscience
z mirno véstjo lahko to storite you may do it with an easy conscience - véter wind, (hud) storm, gale, (šibak) breeze
véter od zadaj following wind, tail wind
brez vétra windless
kot véter hitro like the wind
proti vétru in the wind's eye, in the teeth of the wind
na vse štiri vétrove to the four winds
z vseh vétrov (figurativno) from the four corners of the earth
nasproten véter contrary wind
ugoden véter favourable (ali fair) wind
močan véter strong (ali high) wind
nestanoviten véter shifting (ali squally) wind
véter od zadaj aeronavtika tail wind
ladja brez vétra becalmed ship
sunek vétra blast
udarec vétra squall, blast, gust
proti vétru, proti smeri vétra pristati aeronavtika to land upwind
severni (vzhodni) véter north wind (east wind)
vétru izpostavljeno mesto windy place
razpršeni na vse (štiri) vetrove scattered to the four winds
vetrovi medicina wind, flatulence, flatulency
biti zaščiten pred vét om to be sheltered from the wind
vét brije, ostro, mrzlo the wind blows cold
vét brije čez planjavo the wind sweeps over the plain
govoriti v vét (figurativno = zaman) to speak (ali to preach) to the winds, to talk in vain, to waste one's breath
od kod piha vét? where (ali what direction) is the wind from?
vét piha s severa the wind is in the north
vét močno piha the wind is blowing hard
pihal je močan vét there was a high wind
vét mi je odpihnil klobuk the wind blew my hat off
vidim, od kod vét piha (figurativno) I see how the land lies
vem, od kod vét piha (figurativno) I know how (ali which way) the wind blows
zapihal je drug vét (figurativno) the wind has turned
kakor vét piha (figurativno) as the wind blows
priti z vseh vétrov (vseh strani sveta) to come from the four corners of the earth
ostati brez vétra (ladja) to be becalmed
jadrati, pluti z vétrom v hrbtu to sail before the wind
jadrati, pluti, kakor véter potegne (figurativno, obračati svoj plašč po vetru) to shift (ali to veer) with the wind
véter potegne (nastane, se dvigne) the wind rises
véter se je polegel the wind has fallen (ali has abated, has dropped, has died down)
obračati plašč po vétru (figurativno) to be a turncoat, to switch sides
ugotoviti, kako véter piha to find out how the wind blows (ali lies)
spuščati vétrove medicina to break wind
imeti vétrove medicina to be troubled with wind
otroka napenjajo vétrovi medicina the baby has (ali pogovorno baby's got) wind
vzeti komu véter iz jader (figurativno) to take the wind out of someone's sails
kdor véter seje, vihar žanje who sows the wind, reaps the whirlwind - vézati to bind; to fasten; to tie; (z vrvjo) to cord, to rope; (z verigo) to chain; (z okovi, sponami) to handcuff, to fetter; (na paši konja na daljši konopec) to tether
vézati se to bind oneself
vézati knjige to bind books
vézati snope to bind sheaves
vézati otrobe (figurativno) to talk nonsense
službena dolžnost me veže I am bound by my office
vežemo vas z Zagrebom! telefonija we are connecting you with (ali putting you through to) Zagreb!