zadéti to hit
zadéti na mino pomorstvo to hit a mine
zadéti terno, glavni dobitek (figurativno, priti nenadoma do denarja) to hit the jackpot
zadéti z glavo ob kaj to hit one's head against (ali upon) something
zadéti v črno to hit the nail on the head, to hit it
zadéti na (najti) nafto to strike oil
zadel si! you have hit it!
slikar ni zadel izraza mojega obraza the painter has not caught the expression of my face
zadéti v loteriji to win (ali to gain, to draw) a prize in a lottery (ali in a raffle)
zadéti ob, na to strike (ali to knock, to jostle) against, to bump into (ali against)
zadéti na to strike upon, to hit on
zadéti v polno to score a direct hit
Zadetki iskanja
- zadéva matter; affair; business; thing; subject; (osebna) concern; pravo case
o tej zadévi on this subject
v zadévi with reference to, on the subject of
državna zadéva affair of state
družbena zadéva social matter (ali problem)
notranje zadéve internal affairs pl
zadéva javnega pomena matters pl of public concern
zadéve skupnega pomena matters pl of common interest
tekoče zadéve current affairs pl
zunanje zadéve foreign affairs pl
dogovorjena, domenjena zadéva a put-up job
ministrstvo za zunanje zadéve VB Foreign Office (krajšava: F.O.); ZDA State Department
lepa zadéva! (ironično) that's a nice mess!
v zadévi X. proti Y. pravo in the case of X. versus Y.
brigaj(te) se za svoje zadéve! mind your own business!
to je zadéva zase it is a separate question (ali problem, matter)
to je čisto druga zadéva that's an entirely different thing
to ni moja zadéva that's no business of mine
to je tvoja zadéva that's your affair, that's your lookout, it's up to you
kot je zadéva sedaj... as matters now stand
zadéva prihaja na dan the affair is coming out, the matter is being aired
pusti zadévo pri miru! let the matter rest!
zadéva se vleče the affair is dragging on
vmešavati se v tuje zadéve to meddle in other people's afairs
vzeti zadévo v roke to take the matter in hand
voditi zadéve to conduct (ali to direct) affairs
opustiti zadévo (pogovorno) to drop the whole business
govoril sem z njim o vaši zadévi I talked to him regarding your business - zádnji last; final; ultimate; rear; posterior, back; latter, lattermost
zádnji del the hindpart, the backside, (ladje) stern
zádnji del hiše the back of the house
moj zádnji (najvišji) cilj my ultimate goal
zádnja četa rearguard
zádnji del telesa posterior
zádnja (zadajšnja) luč (pri vozilu) rear light
zádnje tri ure the last three hours
te zádnje tri dni (for) these three days
v zádnjem času latterly
zádnje čase recently
v zádnjih dneh julija in the latter days of July
zádnja leta življenja the latter days of one's life
v zádnjih izdihljajih at one's last gasp
na vse zádnje after all, finally, at last
(ta) zádnja leta, v (teh) zádnjih letih in recent years, arhaično of late years
prav do zádnjega to the very last
do zádnjega moža to the last man
zádnje noge hind legs pl
zádnji, a ne najmanj važen last but not least
to je zádnje, kar se lahko zgodi this is the last thing one would expect to happen
zádnja leta sem jo zelo redko videla I have seen very little of her these last (ali in recent) years
prišel je (kot) zádnji he was the last to come
upati do zádnjega to hope to the last
to so zádnja poročila this is the latest news (ali stop-press news)
ležati v zádnjih izdihljajih to be at the last gasp
zabaviščni lokali so bili zasedeni do zádnjega prostora the places of entertainment were crowded to the doors
izkazati komu zádnjo čast to attend someone's funeral - zadréti
zadréti si trn v roko to run a thorn into one's hand
zadréti se na koga to roar at someone, to shout at someone
zadréti se (zavreščati) to shriek out - zadúhati to scent; to smell
zadúhati izdajo, izdajstvo to scent treachery
zadúhati nevarnost (figurativno) to smell a rat
mačka je zadúhala meso na mizi the cat smelt the meat on the table - zagnáti to throw; to fling, to hurl
zagnáti krik to set up (ali to raise) a cry, to cry out, to shriek
zagnáti na tla to hurl down
zagnáti hrup to make a noise, to cause an uproar
zagnáti se na to fall upon, on; pounce upon, at; to leap at
zagnáti se za čim to make a dash for
zagnáti se na sovražnika to make a dash at the enemy - zahòd west, Occident; pesniško (sonca) sunset, ZDA sundown
na zahòdu westwards
veter piha od zahòda the wind is in the west
pluti proti zahòdu to sail west (ali westward, westwards)
po 3 dneh poti proti zahòdu after sailing west for 3 days, arhaično after 3 days' westing - zahtéva demand; claim; request; (pretirana) exaction; requirement; postulation; pretension (po to)
na zahtévo on request, on demand
na splošno zahtévo by request
utemeljena zahtéva a just claim
zahtéva za plačilo demand for payment
kakšne so vaše zahtéve? what are your demands?
biti kos vsem zahtévam to be up to all demands
napraviti kaj na zahtévo to do something at the demand (of)
umakniti svoje zahtéve to withdraw one's claims
ugoditi, ustreči zahtévam to comply with the requirements
da ustrežemo zahtévam naših odjemalcev to meet our customers' requirements
popustiti v svojih zahtévah to moderate (ali to abate) one's demands - zaiskríti se to sparkle; to twinkle
oči so se mu zaiskrile od jeze his eyes sparkled with anger
zvezde so se zaiskrile na nebu the stars twinkled in the sky - zaíti to lose one's way; to go astray; (sonce) to set, to sink, to go down; (pošiljka) to fail to arrive, to go astray, to miscarry
zaíti v dolgove to get into (ali to incur) debts
zaíti na kriva pota to go off the right track, to go to the bad, to go astray; to take the wrong turning (ali path), to go wrong
zaíti v neprilike, v zagato to hit a snag - zájec zoologija hare; ZDA (kunec) rabbit; figurativno (bojazljivec) coward
zájec samec male hare, ZDA buck rabbit
zájec za sezuvanje bootjack
boječ, plah kot zájec chickenhearted
lov na zájce hare hunt, hare hunting
teči, bežati kot zájec to run like a hare
ploditi se, množiti se kot zájci (kunci) to breed like rabbits
v tem grmu tiči zájec (figurativno, tu je težava ipd.) there's the rub, that is the crux of the matter, there lies the difficulty, that's where the shoe pinches - zakadíti to smoke, to fill with smoke
zakadíti se v (planiti na) to fall upon, to rush at, to pounce on
on vse zakadi he spends all his money on smoking
zakadilo se je za njim a cloud of smoke rose behind him - zákon
1. (postava, zaveza) law; act (of parliament); tehnika principle
pisani zákon statute
božji zákon divine law
Grimmov zákon gramatika Grimm's law
duh zákona the spirit of the law
po angleškem zákonu under English law
na temelju zákona by virtue of a law, under a law
zbirka zákonov digest (of laws)
zákon ponudbe in povpraševanja the law of supply and demand
zákoni perspektive the laws pl of perspective
kršilec zákona lawbreaker, transgressor, offender
kršitev zákona transgression (ali violation) of a law, offence, ZDA offense
oseba zunaj zákona outlaw
oseba, ki se pokorava zákonu law-abiding person
tolmačenje zákona interpretation of the law, law interpretation
luknja v zákonu loophole in the law
zaščiten z zákonom protected by law
novi (stari) zákon religija New (Old) Testament
z zákonom pooblaščen organ statutorily empowered authority
izdati zákon to pass (ali to promulgate) a law
izvrševati zákone to administer the law
odobriti zákon to ratify (ali to approve) a law
obiti zákon to circumvent (ali to evade) to get round the law
kršiti zákon to infringe (ali to violate, to transgress, to contravene) a law
pasti, priti pod zákon to come under a law
postati zákon to become law, to pass into law
postaviti koga izven zákona to outlaw someone
zákon je prevladal the law prevailed
sprejeti zákon parlament to pass a bill
izboljšati, spremeniti zákon to amend a law
razveljaviti, ukiniti zákon to abrogate (ali to repeal) a law
zákon velja the law is in force, the law is valid (ali binding)
zákon bo stopil v veljavo dne 1. januarja the law will come into force (ali will come into effect) on the 1st of January
temeljiti na zákonu to be based on statutory authority
urejati z zákonom to regulate by statute and constitution
uvajati z zákonom to introduce by statute
uveljaviti zákon to enforce a law, to put a law into force
2. (zakonska zveza) marriage, matrimony, wedlock
civilni zákon civil marriage
divji zákon cohabitation, concubinage
ločitev zákona divorce
nesrečen zákon an ill-assorted couple
poskusni zákon ZDA companionate marriage
njun zákon je bil srečen their marriage was a happy one
zákon je bil ločen the marriage was dissolved
ima sina iz prvega zákona she has a son by her first marriage
živela sta v srečnem zákonu they lived in connubial bliss
živeti v divjem zákonu (figurativno) to cohabit, to live together (as man and wife) - zakóten remote; obscure; secluded; sequestered
zakóten kraj secluded spot, out-of-the-way place
zakótna vas remote village
zakóten odvetnik pettifogger; hedge lawyer
naselil se je v nekem zakótnem kraju na deželi he has settled in some out-of-the-way place in the country
zakóten kot, kotiček, kraj sequestered nook, place - zalàz (lov) stalk
iti na zalàz to stalk - zalèt run; rush; spring
zalèt za skok run before a leap (or a jump); (na smuško skakalnico) inrun (ali approach)
vzeti zalèt to take a run, to take a spring
skok z zalètom flying jump, flying leap
skok v daljino (v višino) z zalètom long (high) running jump - zalóga stock; store
v, na zalógi in stock, in store
ne (več) na zalógi out of stock
vsa zalóga the whole stock; (rezerva za silo) stockpile
zalóga živil provisions pl
zalóge za zimo stores pl for the winter
delati si zalóge to stockpile
držati v zalógi (v rezervi) to hold (ali to keep) in store
imeti v zalógi to have in stock, to stock
napraviti si zalógo česa to lay in (ali to take in) a stock (of)
obnoviti svojo zalógo to renew one's stock
moje zalóge gredo h kraju my stores are getting low - zanášati to carry away
zanášati se na koga to rely on (ali upon) someone, to trust someone; to place one's trust in, to have confidence in
na mojo uro se ni zanášati there is no relying upon my watch
popolnoma se zanašam nanj I have every confidence in him
zanášati se na srečo to trust to luck
zanaša ga (opoteka se) he is staggering - zanêsti to carry away
avto je zaneslo v stran the car went into a skid, the car skidded
zanêsti koga (figurativno, očarati, navdušiti) to carry someone away
zanêsti se na koga to rely upon someone, to depend on someone
nanj se lahko zaneseš he is as good as his word
nanj se ne moreš zanêsti he is not to be trusted
se nanjo lahko zanesem? is she dependable?
se lahko zanesemo na njegovo besedo? can we rely on his word?
upam, da se lahko zanesem na to I hope I can rely upon it
na to se lahko zaneseš! you may depend upon it!, depend upon it!
zanêsti se na srečo to trust to luck - zapísnik minutes pl; protocol; record
zapísnik o 1. seji skupščine minutes of the 1st session of the assembly
sejni zapísnik minutes of a meeting
iz zapísnika 10. seje izvršilnega odbora RSS from the minutes of the 10th session of the executive committee of the RSS
pisati, voditi zapísnik to take (ali to keep) the minutes
dati na zapísnik to make a deposition (ali a statement)
napisati zapísnik to draw up the minutes
smem smatrati, da je zapísnik odobren? may I take the minutes as read?
ne določen za zapísnik not minuted, off the record