podedováti to inherit (od, po of, from, through)
podedováti posestvo to come into (ali to inherit) an estate
ni podedoval on, temveč njegova sestra it is not he, but his sister who has come into the money
podedoval je veliko premoženje po daljnem sorodniku he has been left a large fortune by a distant relation, he has come into a large fortune left him by a distant relation
podedovan inherited
Zadetki iskanja
- podóben resembling, similar, alike, like
podóben kot jajce jajcu as like as two peas
na podóben način likewise, in like manner
podóbni trikotniki similar triangles pl
bolj podóben bogu kot človeku more like to god than man
podóbna sta si they are cast in the same mould
biti podóben to be alike, to look like, to resemble, to bear a likeness (ali resemblance) (komu to someone)
podóbna vsota a similar sum, a like amount
biti komu zelo podóben to bear (ali to have) a strong resemblance to someone
fant je podóben očetu the boy takes after his father
podóben ti je kot jajce jajcu he is the dead spit and image of you
niti najmanj si nista podóbna there is not the slightest resemblance between them
to mu ni prav nič podóbno that is very unlike him
to je (čisto) njemu podóbno that is just like him
portret je čisto podóben originalu (osebi) the portrait is a speaking likeness
in (ali) podóbno and (or) suchlike, and (or) the like
briga se le za (mar so mu le) karte, biljard in podóbno he cares for nothing but cards, billiards and suchlike - podóbnost likeness (med between, z to); resemblance; similarity (z to); similitude; analogy
najmanjše podóbnosti ni med njima there is not the slightest resemblance between them - pogódu after one's own heart
to ni pogódu it goes against the grain
biti pogódu to please, to be agreeable, to suit
ti je pogódu, da prideš jutri? does it suit you to come tomorrow? - point1 [pɔ́int] samostalnik
konica, bodica, ost (igle, noža, svinčnika, jezika itd.)
arhaično bodalo, meč
tehnično koničasta priprava, dleto, šilo, črtalnik, graverska igla
lov cilj, postojanka (psov)
množina udje, okončine (zlasti konjeve), parožki (jelen)
slovnica pika (tudi full point)
tisk enota za velikost tiskarskih črk (0,376 mm), izbočena točka v Braillovi pisavi
matematika točka (point of intersection sečišče)
decimalna pika; točka na zemljevidu, cesti itd.
fizika stopinja (temperature na lestvici), stopnja
geografija rtič
geografija stran neba (cardinal points glavne strani neba)
točka, kraj, mesto, cilj, namen (point of destination namembni kraj; ekonomija point of entry vstopno pristanišče)
trenutek, moment (odločilni, kritični at the point of death umirajoč)
točka dnevnega reda (to differ on several points ne strinjati se v več točkah)
poanta, bistvo, odlika, svojstvo; cilj, namen, smisel (there is no point in doing it nima smisla to narediti)
poudarek (to give point to one's words dati poudarek svojim besedam)
(karakteristična) poteza, lastnost, odlika (his strong, weak point njegova močna, šibka točka; it has its points ima svoje dobre strani)
ekonomija točka pri racioniranju ali ocenjevanju blaga
šport točka (to lose on points izgubiti po točkah, points win zmaga po točkah)
šivana čipka
glasba znak za ponovitev, karakteristični motiv, tematičen vstavek
vojska predstraža, izvidnica
britanska angleščina kretnica
ekonomija to be on points biti racioniran (blago)
to be off points biti v svobodni prodaji
ekonomija to put on points racionirati
at all points temeljito, popolnoma, v vseh ozirih
at the point of na robu, blizu
at the point of the pistol z namerjeno pištolo
at the point of the sword z grožnjo, nasilno
at this point v tem hipu, na tem mestu (v govoru itd.)
to be on the point of pravkar nameravati
beside (ali off, away from) the point neprimeren, ne na mestu
to bursting point (sit) da bi počil
boiling-point vrelišče
freezing-point ledišče
melting-point tališče
to bring to a point dovršiti, končati
a case in point ustrezen primer
to carry (ali gain) one's point doseči svoj smoter
to come (ali get) to the point priti k stvari, priti do odločilnega trenutka
to give point to s.th. poudariti kaj
šport to give points to s.o. dati komu prednost v igri, figurativno biti močnejši
figurativno nine points skoraj vse, 90 procentov
possession is nine points of the law če kaj imaš, imaš vedno prav
to dine on potatoes and points jesti samo krompir
in point ustrezen, umesten
in point of glede na
in point of fact pravzaprav, resnično
point at issue sporna točka
a point of interest zanimiva podrobnost
the point of the jaw brada
a knotty point zamotana stvar
to keep to the point ostati pri stvari
to lack point ne biti prepričljiv
to make a point of vztrajati na čem, poudarjati
šport to make (ali score) a point doseči točko; dokazati resničnost trditve
to make s.th. a point of honour smatrati kaj za častno zadevo
a moot point dvomljiv dokaz
ameriško point of origin kraj porekla
not to put too fine a point on it brez ovinkov povedati, ne prikrivati
to press a point vztrajati pri čem, pritiskati na kaj
point of no return aeronavtika nevarna cona, figurativno od kjer ni vrnitve
to see the point razumeti poanto
to stand upon points paziti na vsako malenkost, biti prenatančen
to stick to the point ostati pri stvari
to stretch (ali strain) a point narediti izjemo, pogledati skozi prste
one's sore point boleča točka
there is no point in it nima smisla
to the point stvarno
up to a point do neke mere
turning-point preokret
point of view stališče, mnenje
that is the point to je vprašanje, to je poglavitna stvar
parlament point of order dnevni red - pojmljív comprehensible, conceivable, thinkable; apprehensible; imaginable; that can be grasped
to ni pojmljívo this is unthinkable (ali incomprehensible) - pokríti pokrivati to cover; to lay on; to overlay; to superimpose; to spread over; (s slamo) to thatch, (z opeko) to tile
pokríti, pokrivati s streho to roof; (s skrilom) to slate; (s pokrovom) to cover with a lid
pokríti, pokrivati se to put on one's hat (oziroma cap itd.); to be covered
pokrijte se, prosim! don't take your hat off!, keep your hat on!, put your hat on!
hiša še ni pokrita s streho the house is not roofed yet - póleg beside, by the side of; by, close by; next to
póleg tega besides, furthermore, moreover; as well; in addition; also, too
stanuje póleg mene he is living next door to me, he lives close by
tudi on je bil póleg he, too, was one of the company (ali party)
mene ni bilo póleg I was not around, I did not take part in it
stal je čisto póleg he stood close by
hodil sem póleg nje I walked beside her (ali by her side)
póleg hiše je vrt there is a garden adjoining the house - policíja police; police force
leteča policíja flying squad, (londonska) žargon the sweeney
član tajne policíje ZDA Gman
pomožna (mejna, pristaniška, vojaška, železniška, cestna, podeželska, tajna) policíja auxiliary (frontier, harbour, military, railway, road, rural, secret) police
policíja še ni prišla the police have not come yet - polish1 [pɔ́liš] samostalnik
lošč, loščilo, loščenje, lešč, blesk, politura; gladkost
figurativno uglajenost
he lacks polish ni uglajen
to give s.th. a polish zgladiti, poleščiti kaj - pomágati to help, to aid, to assist; to support, to succour, to lend a hand; to be of assistance, to sustain, to relieve, to back up, figurativno to give a hand; (koristiti) to avail, to be of avail, to profit, to be good for, to be of use; (sredstvo, zdravilo) to remedy, to cure, to be efficacious
pomágati si to find a way (iz težave out of a difficulty)
sam si pomágati to help oneself, to shift for oneself
pomágati si brez česa to go without something
moram si pomágati, kot vem in znam I must shift as well as (ali as best) I can
moram si pomágati s slovarjem I have to use the dictionary
pri hoji si pomaga s palico he walks with the help of a stick
ne si znati pomágati to be at a loss
ti si znaš pomágati (si iznajdljiv) you are resourceful
pomágati si medsebojno to aid (ali ta help, to assist) one another (oziroma each other) mutually
pomagaj si sam in bog ti bo pomagal God helps those who help themselves
prisiljeni smo, da si pomagamo, kot vemo in znamo we are reduced to expedients
on si zna pomágati na vse načine he knows all the answers, he's up to all the tricks
kaj to pomaga? (čemú to?) what is the use of it?
tu se ne da nič pomágati it can't be helped
temu je lahkó pomágati this is easily remedied
kaj pomaga razlagati? what is the use of explaining?
to nam prav nič ne pomaga that does not help us a bit
ne vem si več pomágati I am at my wits' end, I do not know what to do
kaj pomaga to? what is the use of that?, arhaično what will it avail?
to mi nič ne pomaga that leaves me no better off, I am no better off for it
kaj ji bo to pomagalo? what good will it do her?
pomágati komu do česa to help someone to get something
vam nekoliko pomagam? may I offer you some assistance?
hočete, da vam pomagam? shall I give you (ali lend you) a hand?
pomagaj mi, da vstanem! help me up!
pomagal ji je preko potoka he helped her across the stream
pomagal sem mu nesti paket I helped him to carry (ali I helped him with) his parcel
vse skupaj ni nič pomagalo it was all no use
vse moje pritožbe mi niso nič pomagale all my complaints were useless (ali of no avail)
tako mi bog pomagaj! so help me God!
pomagali so mi na noge they helped me up, they helped me back on my feet
pomágati vdovi in siroti to befriend the widow and the orphan
to zdravilo mi je pomagalo this medicine has done me good
komur ni svetovati, temu ni mogoče pomágati he who cannot be advised, cannot be helped; where counsel fails no cure prevails - pomísliti to think (na of); to imagine, to conceive; to fancy; to consider (na kaj something); to be struck by an idea; to reflect
pomisli! imagine!, fancy!, just think!
pomisli, kaj delaš! think what you are doing!
samó pomislite! just fancy (ali think)!
pomisli, da si na mojem mestu! suppose you were in my place!
na to ni niti pomísliti it is out of the question!
na to še v sanjah ne bi pomislil nothing is further from my mind
čakaj, da pomislim (vidim)! let me see!
niti pomisliti ne smem na to I can't bear the thought of it
pomisli(te) si to!, pomisli(te) kaj takega! fancy that!
če pomislimo, da... considering that...
pomísliti na najhujše to anticipate the worst - pomóč help, aid, assistance, (v sili) succour; (denarna) subvention, bounty, subsidy, support, standby; (olajšanje) relief; (lek) remedy, cure
brez pomóči helpless
na pomóč! help! help!
klic na pomóč cry for help
klic za hitro, nujno pomóč v sili emergency call
garnitura, oprema za prvo pomóč first aid kit
s pomóčjo by the help of, by means of, by dint of, by (ali with) the aid of, by the agency of
z božjo pomóčjo with God's help
temu ni pomóči there's nothing to be done about it, there's no help for it, it cannot be remedied (ali helped)
zanj ni več pomóči he is past help
klicati na pomóč to shout (ali to call) for help, to call for assistance
nuditi pomóč komu to offer help to someone
nuditi prvo pomóč na postaji prve pomóči to give first aid at the dressing station (ali first-aid post)
ponuditi svojo pomóč to offer one's aid
hoditi s pomóčjo palice to walk with the aid (ali help) of a stick
iti komu na pomóč to go to someone's help
to mi ni bilo v nobeno pomóč it was no help to me
poslati pomóč žrtvam potresa to send relief to the victims of an earthquake
priti komu na pomóč to come to someone's rescue (ali aid, assistance)
priskočil mi je na pomóč he ran (ali came) to my help (ali to my assistance)
prositi za pomóč to ask for help
napraviti kaj brez tuje pomóči to do something off one's own bat
obrniti se na koga za pomóč to turn for aid (ali help) to someone, to resort to someone
vsa zdravniška pomóč ga ni mogla rešiti all the resources of medical skill could not save him
ne vem si (več) pomóči I am at my wits' end, I am in a quandary (ali a dilemma, a rare fix), pogovorno I'm up the creek, I'm up a gum tree - ponočevánje nocturnal revelry; keeping late hours; staying up late
popivanje in ponočevánje drinking and late hours
ponočevánje ob televizorju ni preveč priporočljivo sitting up late watching television is not highly recommended - ponôsen proud (na of); (ohol) haughty, lofty, stuckup
biti ponôsen na kaj to pride oneself on something, to be proud of something, to take pride in something
ponôsen na imetje purseproud
na to si lahko ponôsen (figurativno) that's a feather in your cap
na to ti res ni treba biti ponôsen that is nothing to be proud of - poročílo report, relation; account; statement; bulletin
blagajniško poročílo cashier's report
podrobno poročílo detailed report (ali account)
letno poročílo annual report
mesečno poročílo monthly report
borzno poročílo stock market report
obračunsko poročílo statement of account
končno, sklepno poročílo final report
poslovno poročílo business report
posebno poročílo special report
tržno poročílo market report
radijska poročíla news bulletin
ustno poročílo verbal report
sejno poročílo report of session
vojno poročílo army communiqué
sumarično poročílo summary account
vremensko poročílo weather forecast, meteorological report
zdravniško poročílo bulletin, doctor's report
verno poročílo o vsem, kar se je zgodilo a faithful account of all that happened
dokler ni popolnejših poročíl pending fuller information
izdati tedensko (mesečno, letno) poročílo to issue a weekly (a monthly, an annual) report
napraviti poročílo to draw up a statement
pripraviti letno poročílo za 1980 to prepare the annual report for 1980 - pôsel2 (delo) work, (fizičen) manual labour; (izučèn) skilled work, (neizučen) unskilled labour; (priložnosten) job; (neprijeten, dolgočasen) drudgery; (površen) bungling, dabbling; (težak, mučen) toil, toiling and moiling, pains pl; (zaposlitev) employment, employ; (trgovina) business; (bančni, denarni) transaction, deal
donosen pôsel remunerative business, paying proposition
nedonosen pôsel losing proposition
brez pôsla out of work, unemployed
po pôslih on business
postranski pôsli minor occupation, sparetime work, moonlighting
tekoči pôsli current business
nujen pôsel urgent work
nadurni pôsel overtime work
nečisti pôsli foul dealing
pôsli so slabi business is slack
to je njegov pôsel, ne moj that's his job (ali lookout), not mine
to ni tvoj pôsel it's no business of yours
brigaj se za svoj pôsel! mind your own business!
pôsli mu cvetijo he is doing (ali carrying on) a roaring trade
dajati mnogo pôsla to give much trouble
da(ja)ti komu pôsla (dela) to keep someone busy, to employ someone
to mi je dalo mnogo pôsla it was a hard task
pôsel je pôsel business is business
imam drugega pôsla dovolj (figurativno) I have other fish to fry
imam pôsla čez glavo I am being overworked
imeti mnogo pôsla to be up to the eyes in work, to be fully occupied (ali engaged)
z njim ne maram imeti nobenega pôsla več I'll have no further dealings with him
večkrat sem imel pôsla z njim I have had several dealings with him
imaš pôsla z lopovom you are up against a scoundrel
če boš še enkrat to napravil, boš imel pôsla z menoj! if you do it again, you'll hear from me!
krepko se lotiti pôsla to tackle a job, to fall to, pogovorno to get stuck in
pôsli gredo slabo business is slack (ali depressed), there is a lull in business
pôsli gredo zelo dobro, so v polnem razmahu business is in full swing, (ali is doing fine)
iti za pôslom to follow a trade (ali profession)
ne moči obvladati pôslov, biti preobremenjen s pôsli to be overwhelmed with work, to be unable to cope (ali manage), pogovorno to be rushed off one's feet
ostati brez pôsla (dela) to be thrown out of work
sumiti nečist pôsel (figurativno) to smell a rat
ubijati se s pôsli (z delom) to overwork, to overdo it
on se vtika v tuje pôsle he meddles in other people's affairs, he is a meddler, he is a busybody (ali pogovorno a nosy parker) - poslúšati to listen (koga to someone); pesniško to hearken (to); (naklonjeno) to give ear to; to pay attention (to)
poslúšati koga do konca to hear someone out
pazljivo poslúšati to give ear
poslúšati radio (London) to listen in (to London)
ni poslušal mojih svaril he turned a deaf ear (ali he was deaf) to my admonitions (mojih prošenj to my entreaties)
veselilo me bo, če me boste hoteli poslúšati I shall be glad if you will listen to what I have to say (ali give me a hearing)
poslúšati z razumevanjem to lend a sympathetic ear - posréčiti se (uspeti) to succeed (in); to manage
če se mi to posreči if I succeed in it
načrt se ni posrečil the plan did not succeed
njemu se vse posreči he succeeds in everything
posrečilo se mi je pobegniti, uiti I succeeded in escaping
posrečilo se mu je to napraviti he managed to do it (ali to get it done)
ni se nam posrečilo, da bi ga videli we did not succeed in seeing him
ni se mi posrečilo, da bi našel izgubljeni denar I failed to find the money I'd lost - possibility [pɔsəbíliti] samostalnik
možnost (of)
množina možnosti, pričakovanja, zmožnosti, sposobnosti
by any possibility na katerikoli način
within the range of possibility v okviru možnosti
there is no possibility of his coming ni možnosti, da bi prišel