withal [wiðɔ́:l]
1. prislov
zastarelo tudi, poleg tega, razen tega, k temu, istočasno
he is strong and brave withal on je močan in zraven tega še pogumen
2. predlog
zastarelo s, z (stoji za samostalnikom ali na koncu stavka)
we have no friends to play withal nimamo prijateljev, da bi se igrali z njimi
Zadetki iskanja
- without1 [wiðáut] predlog
brez; zunaj, izven, pred, z druge strani
without doors zunaj hiše, pred vratmi
without doubt brez dvoma, nedvomno
without change železnica brez prestopanja
without number brezštevilen
times without number neštetokrat
without end brez konca, brezkončen
without fail zanesljivo, sigurno
things without us stvari zunaj nas
he met me without the gate dočakal me je pred glavnimi vrati
to do (to be, to go) without shajati (biti) brez, lahko pogrešati
without his seeing me ne da bi me on videl
it goes without saying to se samo po sebi razume, tega ni treba (niti) reči
he passed me without taking off his hat šel je mimo mene, ne da bi se odkril - wonder2 [wʌ́ndə] neprehodni glagol
(za)čuditi se (at, about s.th. čemu)
razmišljati (o čem), hoteti vedeti, biti radoveden, spraševati se
I wondered about this to mi je padlo v oči
I wonder what time it is koliko utegne biti ura? bogve koliko je ura?
I don't wonder at it to me ne preseneča
that's not to be wondered at ni se čemu čuditi
I wonder why rad bi vedel zakaj
Oh! I just wondered! O, nič! kar takó, samo vpraševal sem se
I wonder who said it rad bi vedel (sprašujem se, bogve), kdo je to rekel
Is that true? -- I wonder. Je to res? -- Bogve.
I wonder at you čudim se ti (vam)
I wondered about his knowledge čudil sem se njegovemu znanju
well, I wonder no, ne vem (prav)
I have often wondered what would happen if... često sem se spraševal, kaj bi se zgodilo, če... - word1 [wə:d] samostalnik
beseda; kar je (iz)rečeno; govor; besedilo, tekst (pesmi itd.); častna beseda, obljuba; pritrditev, zagotovitev, zagotovilo; nalog, ukaz, navodilo; geslo, parola; sporočilo, obvestilo, odgovor
religija božja beseda, sveto pismo, biblija
zastarelo pregovor, (iz)rek, moto
množina pričkanje, prerekanje
the words tekst, libreto
at a word na besedo, takoj
by word of mouth ustno
in so many words dobesedno, (na) kratko
word for word od besede do besede, dobesedno
beyond words neizrazljiv
on the word, with the word na to besedo, po tej besedi, s to besedo
in a word z eno besedo, skratka
in other words z drugimi besedami
upon my word (of honour)! pri moji časti! (častna beseda!); saj (toda) to ni mogoče!
my word upon it! pri moji časti! častna beseda!
a word to the wise pametnemu človeku zadostuje ena sama beseda
a word and a blow po besedah takoj pretep (ravs)
a word in (out of) season (ne)primeren nasvet
a word or two beseda ali dve, nekaj besed
big words hvalisanje, širokoustenje
words and deeds besede in dejanja
burning words ognjevite, plamteče besede
fair, good words lepe, laskave besede
high (hard, hot, sharp, warm) words ostre, hude, trde, jezne besede
wild and whirling words divje, nepremišljene besede
my word! prav zares! bogme!
a play upon words besedna igra
too beautiful for words neizrekljive lepote
too silly for words preneumno, nedopovedljivo neumno
to be a man of few words biti redkobeseden, varčevati z besedami
to be as good as one's word biti popolnoma zanesljiv
to be better than one's word napraviti več, kot smo obljubili
to be worse than one's word ne biti mož beseda, snesti besedo
to break one's word prelomiti svojo besedo, ne držati (svoje) besede
hard words break no bones oštevanje ne boli toliko kot palica; hude besede ne ubijajo
fine words butter no parsnips lepe besede (še) niso dovolj
word came that... zvedelo se je, da...
to eat one's word snesti (svojo) besedo, preklicati svoje besede
to give one's word dati (svojo) besedo, obljubiti
to hang on s.o.'s words viseti na besedah kake osebe, pazljivo koga poslušati
to have a word with imeti kratek razgovor z
to have words with pričkati se, skregati se z; spreti se z
to have the last word imeti zadnjo besedo
he has not a word to throw at a dog figurativno on je prefin, da bi govoril z drugimi
to have no words for ne imeti besed za, ne moči izraziti
to keep one's word držati (svojo) besedo, biti mož beseda
to leave word that... sporočiti, da...
to make no word about ne izgubljati besed o
to proceed from words to blows od besed priti do pretepa
to put in (ali to say) a good word for zastaviti (reči) dobro besedo za
to suit the action to the word od besed takoj preiti na delo
to take s.o. at his word prijeti koga za besedo
I took his word for it nisem dvomil o (verjel sem) njegovi besedi
to retract one's word umakniti (nazaj vzeti, preklicati) svojo besedo
send me word! javi mi, sporoči mi!
to send word of one's arrival obvestiti o svojem prihodu
to waste words tratiti besede, zaman govoriti - world [wə́:ld] samostalnik
svet, Zemlja; vsemirje, vesolje, univerzum; vse, kar je na Zemlji; življenje (na Zemlji), obstanek, eksistenca; ljudje, človeška družba; skupnost ljudi; javno življenje, javnost; miljé, okolje; posvetno življenje; velika množina, masa, množica, veliko število; prostranstvo
all over the world po vsem svetu
in the world na svetu
for all the world za vse na svetu, v vsakem pogledu, popolnoma, natanko
not for all the world za nobeno ceno
for all the world like natanko, kot
not for worlds, not for anything in the world za nič na svetu ne
out of the world odmaknjen od sveta
out of this world pogovorno fantastičen, osupljiv, izreden
worlds away from zelo oddaljen od
to the world sleng popolnoma
tired to the world sleng na smrt utrujen
on top of the world na vrhuncu sreče, v sedmih nebesih
a world of zelo mnogo, množica (of difficulties težav)
a world too big mnogo prevelik
the world of letters učeni svet
world without end od veka do veka
to the world's end do konca sveta
the beginning of the world začetek sveta
animal (vegetable) world živalski (rastlinski) svet
citizen of the world svetovljanski človek, kozmopolit
man of the world izkušen človek
the lower world podzemlje; pekel
the New World Novi svet, Amerika
the wise old world dobri stari običaji, dobre stare izkušnje
Prince of this world figurativno vrag
all the world and his wife were there vse, kar leze in gre, je bilo tam
to begin the world (v)stopiti v (začeti) življenje, začeti kariero; od kraja začeti, biti (stati) na začetku
she is all the world to me ona mi je (pomeni) vse na svetu
who in the world is that man? kdo vendar je oni človek?
to be brought into the world zagledati luč sveta
to carry the world before one imeti hiter in popoln uspeh; imeti srečo, uspeh v življenju
to come into the world priti na svet, roditi se
what in the world am I to do? kaj na svetu (vendar, za vraga) naj naredim?
it did me a world of good zelo dobro mi je délo (storilo)
to be drunk to the world pošteno pijan (nadelan) biti
I would not do it for all the world za vse na svetu ne bi tega naredil (hotel narediti)
to forsake the world odreči se svetu, opustiti posvetno rabo, posvetno življenje
as the world goes v našem, sedanjem času
to go out of the world umreti
I would give the world to learn it vse na svetu (ne vem kaj) bi dal, da bi to zvedel
how goes the world with you? kako je kaj z vami?
to have the world before one figurativno imeti življenje pred seboj
to let the world slide figurativno pustiti vse teči (potekati, iti), kot pride
to live out of the world živeti sam zase, odmaknjen od sveta, samotariti
to make a noise in the world figurativno postati slaven
what will the world say? kaj bodo rekli ljudje? - worse1 [wə:s]
1. samostalnik
slabši, hujši; bolj bolan, slabšega zdravja
trgovina slabši, nižji
worse and worse vedno slabši (hujši)
the worse tem stabši
so much the worse toliko slabši
he went worse every day vsak dan je bilo slabše z njim
that only made matters worse to je stvari le poslabšalo
(not) to be the worse for (ne) biti na slabšem (na škodi, trpeti) zaradi
you would be none the worse for a walk sprehod ti ne bi škodil
to be (none) the worse for drink (ne) biti pijan
I like him none the worse for his gruffness zaradi njegove grobosti ga nimam nič manj rad
the worse for wear obrabljen, ponošen
2. prislov
slabše, hujše
he has lost his job and is worse off than ever izgubil je službo in je na slabšem kot kdajkoli prej
they do it worse than before hujše (slabše) počenjajo kot prej
none the worse nič slabše (hujše), nič manj
to grow worse and worse vse bolj se slabšati - wrong2 [rɔŋ] pridevnik
zmoten, nepravi, pogrešen, napačen, naroben; ki ni v redu, ki je v neredu; neprimeren, nepripraven; nekoristen, neugoden
wrong act prekršek
a wrong answer napačen, nepravi odgovor
the wrong side narobna stran (of material blaga)
wrong one, sleng wrong'un (kriket) žoga, ki leti čisto drugače, kot je igralec pričakoval
(the) wrong side out na ven (narobe) obrnjena notranja stran (oblačila)
the wrong side of the blanket figurativno nezakonit
to be wrong ne imeti prav
the clock is wrong ura ne gre prav
you are wrong in believing that nimaš prav (motiš se), če to verjameš
not to be far wrong ne se zelo (z)motiti
I was not far wrong in guessing skoraj sem uganil
something is wrong with him nekaj je narobe z njim
what's wrong with you? kaj pa je (narobe) s teboj?
to be in the wrong box figurativno biti v škripcih (v nerodnem položaju, v zagati); ne biti na mestu; biti na zgubi
it is the wrong side out to je narobe, obrnjeno
to be on the wrong side of 50 biti nad 50 let star
what's wrong with a cup of tea? pogovorno kako bi bilo s skodelico čaja?
to do the wrong thing in the wrong place ravno narobe (napačno) kaj napraviti
what do you find wrong with it? kaj se ti zdi pri tem narobe (ti ni pri tem všeč)?
to get (to have) hold of the wrong end of the stick figurativno (popolnoma) napačno razumeti (imeti čisto napačno mnenje, vtis)
to get out of the bed (on) the wrong side figurativno, pogovorno z levo nogo vstati; biti slabe volje
he will laugh on the wrong side of his mouth figurativno smeh ga bo že minil
to prove s.o. wrong dokazati komu, da nima prav
to go wrong zaiti; spodleteti, ne iti (biti) v redu
he holds the book the wrong way narobe drži knjigo
he found himself in the wrong shop figurativno, pogovorno ni na pravega naletel
it is very wrong of you to support him zelo napak je od vas, da ga podpirate
to take the wrong train peljati se z napačnim vlakom
to take the wrong turning (ali path) figurativno zaiti na kriva pota - you [ju:, ju, jə] zaimek
vi, vas, vam; ti, te(be), t(eb)i
you blockhead! ti (vi) tepec!
you fool! ti norec!
you three vi trije
the rest of you ostali od vas
you're another! hvala, enako! (odgovor na psovko)
you bet (your life) sleng na to se lahko zaneseš, (glavo) stavim za to
get you gone! poberi(te) se!
you don't say česa ne poveste (poveš) (to me preseneča)
you never can tell človek nikoli ne more vedeti
you never know človek nikoli ne ve
you soon get used to it človek se kmalu navadi na to
come here all of you! pridite sem vsi!
if I were you ko bi jaz bil na tvojem (vašem) mestu - zahtévati to demand (od of, from); to make demands (upon); to claim; to require; (plačilo) to exact (from); to ask
pravila tega ne zahtevajo this is not required by the rules
kaj zahtevate od mene? what do you want from me?
zahtévati zdravniško nego to require medical care
to vprašanje zahteva našo takojšnjo pozornost this question demands our immediate attention
zahtévati nekaj nemogočega (figurativno) to cry for the moon
bi bilo preveč zahtevano od vas, (da bi prišli...)? would it be asking too much of you (to come...)? - zamíkati to tempt; to entice; to charm; to allure
zamikalo me je (reči) I was tempted (to say)
denar ga je zamikal money tempted him
zamikalo nas je zelo, da bi se uprli we were strongly tempted to resist - zaníkati to deny, to say no; to disavow; to answer in the negative; gramatika to negative; (zastarelo) to gainsay
zanikal je, da bi bil šel tja he denied having gone (pogovorno going, being) there - zarés truly; really; indeed; in fact; actually; in truth
zarés? indeed?, really?
zarés mi je žal I am truly sorry
to je (pa) zarés preveč! really, that's too much, that's really too much!
ali zarés verjameš to zgodbo? do you really (ali actually) believe that story?
zarés je bilo vroče (ZDA pogovorno) it sure was hot
človek bi zarés ponorel! it's enough to drive you crazy! - zastónj gratis, gratuitously; for nothing, free, free of charge; (zaman) in vain, to no purpose
skoraj zastónj sem to dobil I got it dirt cheap
to se lahko zastónj dobi it can be had for the asking
to sem kupil skoraj zastónj I bought it for a song
zastónj se mučiti to labour in vain, (figurativno) to beat the air
še zastónj tegá ne bi hotel imeti I would not have it as a gift
vse moje prizadevanje je bilo zastónj all my efforts were in vain
ta zdravnik zdravi reveže zastónj that doctor treats poor people free - zavêsti to seduce (v into); to mislead; to entice
zavêsti v skušnjavo to tempt
zavêsti v vojno to seduce into war
nič me ne bi zavedlo, da bi storil nothing would tempt me to do it
ki se da, more zavêsti temptable - zblaznéti to go mad, to go out of one's senses; to go off one's head
človek bi kar zblaznel it is enough to drive one mad - zbóljšati to improve; to ameliorate; to better; to amend, to mend
zbóljšati se to improve; to ameliorate
moglo bi se zbóljšati there is room for improvement - zíd wall
zíd hiše outer wall
podporni zíd retaining wall
slep zíd (brez oken) blind wall
ločilni, vmesni zíd partition wall
zvočni zíd sound (ali sonic) barrier
pok pri prebitju zvočnega zídu sonic boom
zíd žalovanja (Židov v Jeruzalemu) Wailing Wall
ločiti z zídom od... to wall off from...
ograditi vrt z zídom to wall in a garden
porušiti zíd to raze a wall to (ali to level a wall with) the ground
slikati vraga na zíd (figurativno) to paint the devil on the wall
biti pritisnjen ob zíd (figurativno) to have one's back to the wall
z glavo riniti, siliti skozi zíd (figurativno) to run one's head against a brick wall, to kick against the pricks
hoteti z glavo zkozi zíd (figurativno) to be rash (ali reckless), to attempt impossibilities
udarjati z glavo v zíd to butt (ali to batter) one's head against a brick wall
postaviti ob zíd to place against the wall
postaviti koga ob zíd in ga ustreliti to stand someone against a wall and shoot him
pritisniti koga ob zíd (figurativno) to drive someone into a corner
človek bi se z glavo zaletel v zíd it's enough to make you knock your brains out - zjókati se to weep, to cry, pogovorno to have a good cry
človek bi se zjokal (figurativno) it's enough to make a man cry (ali to make the angels weep) - zmágati (sovražnika) to conquer, to defeat, to overcome, to vanquish; to be victorious; to triumph; to carry the day; to gain the upper hand; to come off with flying colours
zmágati težave to surmount (one's) difficulties
zmágati zapreko to surmount (ali to overcome, to master, to conquer) an obstacle
ponižati se, da bi zmagali to stoop to conquer - znoréti to become (ali to go) mad (ali insane, crazy); to go off one's head (ali pogovorno off one's rocker); to lose one's mind (ali pogovorno one's marbles)
si znorel? are you out of your senses?
človek bi znorel ob tem! it is enough to drive one mad!
menda nisem znorel, da bi to storil? surely I'm not such a fool as to do that?
je znorel? has he taken leave of his senses?