
Zadetki iskanja

  • mutton [mətn] samostalnik
    šaljivo ovca

    as dead as mutton mrtev, izumrl
    pogovorno mutton dressed like lamb mladostno opravljena starejša ženska
    to eat one's mutton with s.o. jesti s kom
    to return to one's muttons vrniti se k prvotnemu predmetu pogovora
  • nag (oseba) naked; nude; unclothed; (telo) bare

    popolnoma nag stark naked, in one's bare skin; in the buff
    čisto nag (as) naked as when he was born; without a stitch of clothing (on)
    sleči do nagega koga to strip someone naked, to strip someone to the buff
  • nágel quick, swift, speedy, rapid, hasty; prompt; fast, rash; sudden

    nágla jeza sudden anger
    on je nágle jeze he has a hot temper, he is swift to anger
    nágli sod martial law
    po náglem sodu according to martial law
    nágla smrt sudden death
    bil je zelo nagel v svoji odločitvi he was very hasty in his decision
    náglo prislov swift, quick
    náglo odgovoriti to answer promptly
    kot blisk náglo (as) quick as lightning
    na náglo narejen most hastily constructed bridge
    (pre)nágla odločitev a rash decision
  • nagráda reward; award; prize, premium; recompense; (honorar) fee, royalty, honorarium; (plačilo) remuneration; bonus, bounty

    kot nagráda (plačilo) za... as a reward for...
    Kidričeva nagráda the Kidrič award (za leto 1977 for 1977)
    dobitnik nagráde prizewinner
    razdelitev nagrad (v šoli) prize-giving
    dobiti nagrádo to win a prize
    dobil je prvo nagrádo he won (ali he carried off) the first prize
    dati nagrádo to award a prize
    razpisati nagrádo to offer a reward
    razpisati nagrádo na glavo kake osebe to set a price on someone's head (ali life)
    podelitev Prešernovih nagrád the presentation of the Prešeren Awards
    tolažilna nagráda consolation prize
  • nail1 [néil] samostalnik
    tehnično žebelj; noht
    zoologija krempelj, trd izrastek na kljunu nekih ptic; stara dolžinska mera (0,057 m)

    a nail in one's coffin vse, kar pospeši smrt; padec vlade, režima
    to drive a nail in zabiti žebelj
    to drive the nail home iti (dognati) do kraja
    one nail drives out another klin se s klinom izbija
    to fight tooth and nail boriti se z zobmi in nohti, boriti se na vso moč
    as hard as nails trdnega zdravja, žilav, neusmiljen, trd
    to hit the nail (right) on the head zadeti v črno
    on the nail takoj
    to pay on the nail takoj plačati v gotovini
    to the nail do konca, dokončan, dovršen
    right as nails točen, v redu
    nails in mourning umazani nohti
  • naj

    naj vstopi! let him come in!
    naj bo very well!; all right!, agreed!, pogovorno O.K. arhaično so be it!
    naj počiva v miru! may he rest in peace!
    naj pride, kar hoče! come what may!
    naj stane, kar hoče! cost what it may!
    kaj naj to pomeni? what can (ali does) that mean?
    kaj naj storim? what am I to do?
    reci mu, naj pride! tell him to come!
    naj ljudje rečejo, kar hočejo! let people say what they will!
    naj je še tako mlad... young though he may be...
    naj bodo (še tako) bogati, (oni) ne morejo... rich as they are (ali no matter how rich they may be), they cannot...
    ne vemo, kaj naj naredimo s tem we don't know what to do with it
    nisem vedel, ali naj se smejem ali jočem I did not know whether to laugh or to cry
  • nájbolje best

    kar nájbolje sem mogel as best as I could
    smatram za nájbolje (da grem v...) I think it best (to go to...)
    najbolje je, če (poveš resnico) you had best (tell the truth)
    nájbolje zanj bi bilo najeti avto he had best rent a car
    nájbolje bi (jaz) storil, če bi ostal (ostanem) doma I had best stay at home
    kakor nájbolje vem in znam to the best of my knowledge (ali power, ability)
  • najèm hire; lease; rent; (ladje, letala) charter; (avta) car hire; (konja, kočije) hire; tenancy; letting (out), let

    v najèm on lease
    dati v najèm to lease; to hire (for rent), to rent, to let (out on lease)
    v najèm vzeti to take on lease, to hire, to rent, (ladjo, letalo) to charter
    vzeli smo posestvo v najèm we have taken the farm on lease
    imeti v najèmu to have on lease, to rent, to hold as tenant
  • nájsi (čeprav) although, though

    nájsi je še tako reven however poor he may be, poor as he is
    nájsi nas je še tako malo, branili bomo svojo zemljo few as we are we shall defend our country
  • nalovíti to have a good day's (ali week's, season's itd.) hunting; to catch plenty (of fish, game); to have a good bag (ali catch)

    nalovíti se to catch as much as anyone could wish
  • námreč namely; that is to say; videlicet (krajšava: viz.); (= t.j., to je) to wit; in other words

    nisem mogel govoriti z njim, bil je námreč bolan I could not speak to him, as (ali seeing that) he was ill
    eden mojih sosedov, námreč neki X.Y., ... one or my neighbours, to wit, one X.Y., ...
  • naredíti to do; (izdelati) to make, to manufacture; (izvršiti) to carry out, to perform, to execute; (dovršiti) to bring to an end, to complete

    kaj naredíti? what is to be done?
    ne vem kaj naredíti (figurativno) I am all at sea
    kaj naj človek naredi? what is one to do?
    prav vse (možno) naredíti to leave no stone unturned
    nerad kaj naredíti to do something with a bad grace
    površno, slabo naredíti to bungle
    naredíti čemu konec to put an end to something
    naredíti napako to make a mistake (ali a blunder)
    naredíti komu uslugo to do someone a service (ali a favour)
    naredíti komu slabo uslugo to do someone a bad turn, to do someone a disservice
    rad kaj naredíti to do something willingly, to do something with a good grace
    to bi se dalo naredíti that could be done
    naredíti se nevednega to pretend not to know, to act as if one did not know
    naredil sem se gluhega I pretended to be deaf
    naredíti se bolnega to feign illness, to malinger
    naredil sem (se), kot da sem jezen I pretended to be angry
  • naróbe wrong; wrongly; in a wrong manner; the wrong side out (ali up); turned upside down; topsyturvy; inverted; head over heels

    vse je naróbe all is wrong, all is in confusion, there is a great confusion everywhere
    nekaj je naróbe there is something amiss
    vse gre naróbe all goes wrong
    vse je naróbe v hiši everything is upside down in the house
    kaj je naróbe s teboj? what is wrong with you?
    naróbe se lotiti česa (figurativno) to put the cart before the horse
    to je naróbe svet it is the world turned upside down
    naróbe si je nadel klobuk he has put his hat on the wrong way
    narediti vse naróbe to do everything the wrong way round
    šli smo po isti poti kot vi, toda naróbe (v obratni smeri) we took the same road as you, but the other way round
    pri meni (v mojem primeru) je stvar naróbe (obratna) in my case the boot is on the other foot; with me it's the other way round
    nima Ivan Marije na vrvici, ravno naróbe je John doesn't dominate Mary, the boot is on the other foot (ali the reverse is the case)
  • naslédnik successor; follower; (dedič) heir

    naslédnik na prestolu successor to the throne
    kot naslédnik Jurija II as heir to George II
    naslédniki pl (zanamci) progeny; posterity; ensuing age(s pl)
  • naslédnji (the) next; (the) following; subsequent, consecutive, ensuing; succesive

    naslédnji hip (the) next moment
    za naslédnje leto for the ensuing year
    naslédnji dan, naslédnjega dne on the following day
    v mojem naslédnjem pismu in my next letter
    v naši naslédnji številki in our next issue (ali number)
    naslédnji drugi dan the next day but one
    naslédnj, ki je prišel, je bil... the next to come was...
    moje mnenje je naslédnje: my opinion is as follows:
  • našémiti to dress up

    otroka so našemili v paža they dressed the child up as a page; to dress grotesquely; to disguise; to mask
    našémiti se (figurativno) to be badly dressed
    našemljen gaudy, grotesquely dressed, masked
  • náuk teachings pl, lesson, science, doctrine; precept; (zgodbe) moral

    náuk o državi political science
    náuk o kovinah science of metals
    náuk o naravnem zdravljenju nature cure
    náuk o razvoju (theory of) evolution
    náuk o svetlobi optics pl, science of light
    náuk o toploti theory of heat
    náuk o valovanju wave mechanics pl
    náuk o nastanku sveta cosmogony
    náuk o zvoku acoustics pl
    náuk o živalih zoology
    náuk o živcih neurology
    náuk o življenju biology
    to bo zanj dober náuk this will be a wholesome lesson for him
    to naj ti bo (služi) kot náuk za prihodnost take this as a warning to you for the future
    dati komu dober náuk to teach someone a good lesson
    povzeti náuk iz česa to draw a moral from something
  • naváda habit; habitude, wont; (šega) custom; use, usage, practice

    iz naváde by habit
    po svoji stari navádi according to one's usual practice
    po njegovi navádi according to his habit (ali wont)
    naváda je... it is customary...
    ukoreninjena naváda deep-rooted (ali inveterate) habit
    šege in naváde manners and customs
    moč naváde the force of habit
    življenjske naváde habits of life
    po navádi in the usual way, usually, as a rule, as usual
    naváda je železna srajca habit (ali custom, use) is second nature
    kakor je bila moja naváda as my custom was
    delati kaj iz naváde to do something from force of habit
    imeti navádo to be in the habit (of), (samo v preteklem času) to use
    imel je navádo priti k meni vsak dan he used to come to me every day
    navzeti se slabih navád to pick up bad habits
    opustiti navádo to give up (ali to drop) a habit
    postati naváda to grow into a habit
    to prehaja v navádo it is growing into a habit
    vdajati se navádi to give way to a habit
    to je stvar naváde it is a matter of habit
    ki je suženj naváde habit-ridden
  • neat1 [ni:t] pridevnik (neatly prislov)
    čeden, urejen, čist, okusen, ličen, zal; brezhiben, spreten (delo); kratek in jasen, jedrnat (stil); premeten, pretkan (načrt); nekrščen (alkohol); nerazredčen, čist (svila)
    arhaično neto, brez odbitka

    as neat as a pin izredno urejen
  • nebésa (raj) heaven, paradise

    deveta nebésa (figurativno) the Heaven of heavens
    kakor v nebésih, tako na zemlji on earth as it is in heaven
    (pri omenjanju pokojnega) Bog mu daj sveta nebés! may God rest his soul!
    priti v nebésa to join the angels
    v sedmih nebésih in the seventh heaven
    sveta nebés! good heavens!, by heaven!
    hvaliti koga do nebés to praise someone to the skies