
Zadetki iskanja

  • correction [kərékšən] samostalnik
    poboljšanje; popravilo, poprava; grajanje, ukor, opomin; kazen

    house of correction poboljševalnica, kaznilnica
    correction (of the press) korektura
    to speak under correction govoriti z zavestjo, da nimamo čisto prav
    subject to correction brez jamstva
    under correction nemerodajno, s pomisleki
  • cover1 [kʌ́və] prehodni glagol (with)
    pokri(va)ti, zavarovati; obseči, obsegati; razprostreti, razprostirati (se)
    figurativno mrgoleti; skriti, skrivati
    figurativno tajiti (from)
    braniti, (za)ščititi; izplačati, kriti stroške; obdelati; prepotovati, prehoditi; premagati; zadostovati; (z orožjem) meriti; oploditi (žrebec)
    ameriško, pogovorno poročati za tisk; predvidevati; valiti

    to be covered with biti poln česa
    under covered friendship s hlinjeno prijaznostjo
    pray be covered pustite, prosim, klobuk na glavi
    to cover (up) one's tracks zabrisati sledove
    your letter covers po vašem pismu sodim, da
    to cover with a rifle nameriti strelno orožje
  • cow2 [kau] prehodni glagol
    (o)plašiti, terorizirati

    to cow into z ustrahovanjem prisiliti (da kaj stori)
  • credence [krí:dəns] samostalnik
    vera, zaupanje
    cerkev mizica za hostije ob oltarju
    zastarelo poverilnica

    to give credence to a story verjeti, da je zgodba resnična
    letter of credence pismeno priporočilo, poverilnica
  • crowd2 [kraud]

    1. prehodni glagol
    stiskati se; nakopičiti se; gnesti, prerivati se; mrgoleti; hiteti

    2. prehodni glagol (with)
    napolniti, natlačiti; prenapolniti

    to crowd my misfortune... da bo moja smola še večja...
    to crowd sail razpeti vsa jadra
  • curl2 [kə:l]

    1. prehodni glagol
    kodrati, gubati; šobiti; valoviti; grbančiti

    2. neprehodni glagol
    gubati, kodrati, grbančiti se; valovati

    to make one's hair curl povzročiti, da se človeku lasje ježijo
    curl your hair with it! solit se pojdi!
    to curl one's lip šobiti se
    to curl up skodrati; zviti se; sleng, šport prevrniti se, pasti
  • čákati to wait (for); to await; to expect

    čákati v vrsti (»repu«) to queue (up)
    čákati na odločitev to await the decision
    čákati na (svojo) priložnost to watch one's opportunity
    čakal sem te do šestih I waited for you till six
    čakali so nanj they were waiting for him ali someone was waiting for him ali pogovorno he was waited for
    na to lahko še dolgo čakaš figurativno you may whistle for it
    pustiti koga čákati to keep someone waiting
    to lahkó (po)čaka that can wait
    ne čakajte me z večerjo! start supper without me!
    dolgo, potrpežljivo čákati figurativno to kick one's heels, to cool one's heels
    nismo čakali, da bi on odgovoril we did not wait for him to reply
    nima smisla čákati there's no use waiting, it's no use waiting
    čákati v zasedi to lie in ambush
    čákati (oklevati) to linger, to hesitate, to tarry
    čákati (biti usojeno) to be in store for
    kdor čaka, dočaka everything comes to those who wait
    človek nikoli ne ve, kaj ga čaka you never know what to expect
  • čás time; (doba) epoch; tide, (razdobje) period; space of time; (letni čas) season; (ura) hour; gramatika tense; (vmesni) interval, interim, meantime

    božični čás Christmastime, Christmastide, arhaično yuletide
    poletni (delovni) čás daylight saving time
    konični čás (ure) rush hour, peak hours pl
    prometno šibki čás offpeak (ali slack) hours pl
    slabi, težki čási hard times pl
    skrajni čás! high time!
    prosti čás leisure; spare time
    ves moj čás the whole of my time
    s časom in the course of time, gradually
    o pravem čásu in time; in the nick of time; in due course of time, ZDA on time
    od čása do čása every now and then, from time to time, now and then, now and again, once in a while
    čez nekaj čása some time afterwards
    od tega čása since that time
    v kratkem čásu in a short time
    za kratek čás for a short time
    pred čásom, predčasno prematurely
    pred nekaj čása some time ago
    že nekaj čása prej for some time past
    že dolgo čása for a long time
    že pred dolgo čása long ago, a long time ago; ZDA pogovorno way back
    med tem čásom in the meantime, (in the) meanwhile
    od tega čása naprej from this time onward, henceforth
    od tistega čása dalje from that time forward
    v istem čásu at the same time
    nekaj čása (prislov) awhile, (samostalnik) a while
    ob nepravem čásu at the wrong time, out of season
    ob kateremkoli čásu, ob vsakem čásu at any time
    ves čás all along, all the time
    pred davnim čásom long ago
    v teku čása in the course of time
    vsak čás zdaj any time now
    v starih čásih in olden times
    v dobrih starih čásih in the good old days
    v tistem čásu at that time
    ob katerem čásu? at what time?
    v sedanjem čásu at present, now
    v določenem čásu within a fixed period, in due course
    zadnje čáse lately
    za vse čáse for all time
    prav v zadnjem čásu quite recently
    od davnih čásov from time immemorial, from time out of mind
    ob določenem čásu at the appointed time
    v prostem čásu at one's leisure
    šala o nepravem čásu ill-timed jest
    škoda čása za to it's a mere waste of time
    vsaka stvar ob svojem čásu everything in its season
    vse ob svojem čásu there is a time for everything, all in good time
    v čásu, v čásih poplav in times of flood
    čás beži time flies
    skrajni čás je it is high time
    to je samo vprašanje čása it's only a question of time
    je že tudi čás! (it's) about time, too!
    to je samo izguba čása it's a sheer waste of time
    za to je še čás there is plenty of time for that
    za to je še do jutri čás it can wait till tomorrow
    bil je čás, ko... time was when...
    za to je treba čása this takes time
    določiti čás to fix a date
    dati komu čás to give someone time
    imate malo čása zame? can you spare me a moment?
    čás se mu vleče time hangs heavy on his hands
    ne imeti čása za... to have no time for
    krajšati si čás to while away the time
    izkoristiti čás to take time by the forelock
    imam nekaj prostega čása I have some time to spare
    iti (vštric) s čásom to be abreast of the times
    nimam dosti čása, ne smem izgubljati čása I have no time to spare
    kje so lepi stari čási? pesniško where are the snows of yester year?
    kako dolgo čása ga ni! what a long time he has been gone!
    korakati s čásom to move with the times
    čási so minuli, ko... time was, when...
    čás je potekel time is up
    preganjati čás (figurativno) to while away the time
    prihraniti čás to save time
    prebiti svoj čás to pass one's time
    njegov čás je prišel his hour has struck
    čakati svoj čás to bide one's time
    držati korak s čásom to keep pace with the times
    priti ravno o pravem čásu to come in the nick of time
    čás bo pokazal time will show, time will tell
    čás presti (figurativno) to twiddle one's thumbs
    je škoda čása (ne izplača se) it is not worth while
    ob nepriličnem čásu priti h komu to intrude upon someone's time
    štopati čás to time with a stopwatch
    on je videl boljše čáse he had known better times
    vzeti mnogo čása to take long
    precéj čása mi bo vzelo, da... it will take me ages to...
    to mi vzame skoraj ves moj čás it takes up nearly all my time
    vzemite si čás! take your time!
    ubi(ja)ti čás to kill time
    ves čás sem to vedel I have known it all the time (ali all along)
    precéj čása te že nisem videl I haven't seen you for ages
    precéj čása bo trajalo, da... it will take some time to...
    zapravljati tratiti (svoj) čás to waste one's time, to fritter away one's time, ZDA žargon to boondoggle
    med tem čásom se je marsikaj zgodilo many things have happened in between
    čás je denar time is money
    preživljati težke čáse to have a hard time
    čás hitro teče time passes quickly (ali races by, flies)
  • če if; in case

    če ne unless, if not
    razen če except when, except if, unless
    tudi če even if
    celó če even if, even supposing that; though
    če že as long as
    če slučajno if by chance
    če ne bi bilo but for
    on bi bil umrl, če ne bi bilo mene he would have died but for me
    če le (samó da) provided that
    če le pride provided that he comes
    če le ni drugače predpisano po zakonu unless otherwise provided by the law
    če ne bi bilo... were it not for...
    vstani, če ne ne (= sicer) boš zamudil vlak get up, or else you'll miss the train
    stori to takoj, če ne ti bo žal do it at once, or else you'll be sorry
  • čestítati

    čestítati komu to congratulate someone (za on, upon); to compliment someone (on); arhaično to felicitate someone (on)
    čestitam! congratulations!
    čestital sem mu že za zmago I have already complimented him on his victory
    čestitam si, da sem to naredil I congratulate myself on having done it
    lahko si čestitaš! you may congratulate yourself! ali pogovorno you can give yourself a pat on the back
    čestitali so si drug drugemu they congratulated one another
    iskreno vam čestitamo k vašemu uspehu we heartily congratulate you on your success
  • čítati to read

    čítati dalje to read on
    čítati do konca to read through
    zopet čítati to reread
    čítati med vrsticami figurativno to read between the lines
    čítati glasno to read aloud
    čítati tiho, potihem to read to oneself
    čítati zase (skrivaj) to read to oneself
    čítati pazljivo to peruse
    čítati površno, bežno to skim
    čítati komu kaj to read something to someone
    čítati dolgočasno knjigo to wade through a dull book
    čítati komu na obrazu to read someone's face
    on mnogo čita he is a great reader, he is a bookworm
    on je mnogo čital (je načitan) he is well-read, he is a man of wide reading
    to se čita kot roman it reads like a novel
    ona ne čita mnogo she is not much of a reader
    knjiga se lepo čita the book reads well
    ta knjiga se zanimivo čita this book makes good reading ali pogovorno a good read
    ona ima rada, da ji kaj čitajo she likes being read to
    na očeh se mu čita pohlep his greed can be read in his eyes
    hoteti čítati v besedilu nekaj, česar v njem ni to read something into a text
    najbolj čitana knjiga the most widely read book
  • čŕn black

    čŕno na belem (= pismeno) dati, napisati to put in writing
    čŕn kot smola as black as soot (ali as ink)
    čŕno na belem in black and white
    to imam čŕno na belem I have it in writing
    čŕna barva black (colour ali dye ali paint)
    čŕna borza black market
    čŕn kruh brown bread
    čŕna kroglica (pri volitvah) blackball
    čŕna lista (seznam), knjiga black list, black book
    čŕna magija the black art
    čŕna metalurgija iron metallurgy
    čŕna nehvaležnost black ingratitude
    čŕna (garjava) ovca black sheep
    čŕna (žalna) obleka mourning, (widow's) weeds pl
    črn, nesrečen dan unlucky day, black day
    čŕno oblečen black-clad
    čŕn kot vran as black as ebony
    čŕno vino red wine
    čŕno nebo a black sky
    čŕno obrobljen black-edged
    čŕno obrobljen pisemski papir black-bordered notepaper
    delo na čŕno žargon scab work
    delati kot čŕna živina to work like a nigger
    čŕno se mi dela pred očmi my head begins to swim
    dati, vnesti v čŕn seznam to blacklist
    v čŕno (žalno) se obleči to wear (ali arhaično to don) mourning
    udarec je zadel v čŕno the thrust went home
    prisegati, da je čŕno belo to swear that black is white
    vrag ni tako čŕn, kot ga slikajo the devil is not so black as he is painted
    zadeti v čŕno to hit the mark
  • čúden queer, uncommon, unusual; eccentric; strange; singular; odd; original; curious; VB žargon rum

    kako čúdno! what a curious thing!
    čúdna opazka a strange remark
    to je čúdno that is strange
    on je čúden patron he is a strange fellow
    nič čúdnega, če... no wonder if...
    na tem ni nič čúdnega there is nothing strange in (ali about) it
    čudno (presenetljivo, za čuda) curiously enough, strange to say
    čúdno se počutiti to feel strange
    čúdno, da tega niste (ne bi bili) slišali strange that you should not have heard it
    čúdno se sliši žargon it sounds rum
    kakor se utegne zdeti čúdno... strange as it may appear...
    zaklel je in nič čúdnega (če je) he swore and no wonder
  • čúdež miracle, wonder; prodigy

    gospodarski čúdež economic miracle
    delati čúdeže to work wonders (ali miracles); figurativno to produce rabbits out of a hat, to move mountains
    razen če se zgodi čúdež, bi se zdaj zdelo, da se ne da nič napraviti barring a miracle it would now seem as if nothing can be done
    čúdeži se utegnejo zgoditi (dogajati) (figurativno) pigs pl might fly
  • čúditi se to wonder (ob, nad about, at, da that); to be astonished (at, that); to be amazed (ali surprised) (at, that); to marvel (at, that)

    čudim se ti you amaze me
    temu se čudim that surprises me, I am astonished at that
    stvar, ki sem se ji čudil a thing that made me wonder
    ne bi se čudil, če bi on prišel I should not be surprised if he came
    čudim se, da nisi nikoli slišal o tem I'm amazed you've never heard of it
  • čúdo wonder; miracle; marvel; portent, prodigy

    za čúda for a wonder
    kratkotrajno čúdo nine days' wonder
    ni čúda, da... no wonder that...
    on je čúdo spretnosti he is a paragon of efficiency
    za čúda, držal je svojo besedo he kept his word, for a wonder
    delati čúda to work (ali to perform) miracles, to work wonders, figurativno to move mountains
    glej čúd! lo and behold!
  • čutíti to feel; to sense; to have the sensation; to be aware of

    čutíti se to feel
    čutíti bolečino to feel a pain
    čutíti mraz to feel cold
    ničesar ne čutíti to be insensible (ali unfeeling ali insusceptible ali apathetic)
    čutíti se užaljenega to feel hurt
    sonce se čuti the sun makes itself felt
    čutim, da to ni res, a ne morem tega dokazati I feel that it is not true but cannot prove it
  • dare*1 [dɛə]

    1. neprehodni glagol
    upati si, drzniti, osmeliti se; smeti

    2. prehodni glagol
    pozvati, izzivati, kljubovati; lotiti se

    I dare say kakor kaže, verjetno mislim, da, rekel bi
    I dare swear prepričan sem
    he dare not (ali does not dare to) do it ne upa si tega storiti
  • dáti dajáti to give; (podariti) to present with, to give away; (podati) to hand on, to present, to turn over; (dodeliti) to allot, to assign, to apportion; (vročiti) to hand (over), to deliver; (karte) to deal

    dáti, dajáti nazaj to give back, to restore; (podeliti) to grant, to accord, to award, ZDA to donate (to); gledališče to stage, to perform; (ponuditi) to offer; (dobaviti) to deliver, to furnish, to supply; (donašati) to yield, (sadove) to bear, to produce; (naslov) to bestow on, to confer something upon someone
    dáti, dajáti naprej to pass on
    ne (hoteti) dáti, dajáti to refuse, to withhold
    dana veličina a given magnitude
    če sta A in B dana, sledi, daje C... given A and B, C follows...
    v danem primeru (če je tako) in that case; should the need arise; if need be; if so
    dáti, dajáti duška (svoji jezi) to give vent (to one's anger)
    dáti, dajáti prav komu to agree with someone, to concede the point
    dáti, dajáti vsakemu svoje to give everyone his due
    daj mu, kar je njegovega! give him his due!
    ti bom že dal! I'll give it you!
    daj to na mizo! put it on the table!
    daj bog! God grant!
    ne daj bog! God forbid!
    kaj dajejo nocoj v gledališču? what's on at the theatre this evening?
    to (gledališko) igro so dajali tri mesece the play ran for three months
    dal sem mu roko I shook hands with him
    moram da(ja)ti dober zgled I must set a good example
    po čem dajete (koliko stane)...? what is your price for, what do you charge for...?
    nič se ne da napraviti there is nothing to be done
    dáti, dajáti na znanje komu to let someone know
    dáti, dajáti na svetlo to publish, to edit
    dáti, dajáti mnogo na to make much of, to think the world of
    mnogo da na svojo zunanjost he pays great attention to his personal appearance
    malo, nič ne dáti, dajáti na kaj to regard as worthless, not to give a brass farthing for
    on ne da nič na moj nasvet he sets no value upon my advice
    dal se je oslepariti, ogoljufati he let (ali allowed ali suffered) himself to be cheated
    dam si striči lase I have (ali I get) my hair cut
    kje si dajete delat obleke? where do you have your clothes made?
    dáti, dajáti svojo besedo to pledge one's word
    to mi daje misliti! that makes me wonder!
    na to ne dam pečenega groša (nič) I don't give a hoot about that
    dal sem si mnogo truda I took great pains
    dáti, dajáti od sebe (ton) to utter
    ne da se mi... I don't feel like, I am unwilling (ali loath ali disinclined) to...
    ne da se mi brati I don't feel like reading, I am loath (ali unwilling) to read
    (to) se ne da zanikati there's no denying (it)
    dáti, dajáti se spoznati, prepoznati to make oneself known
    dajati je lepše kot jemati it is better to give than to receive
    dáti, dajáti življenje za to sacrifice one's life for
    dvakrat da, kdor hitro da he gives twice who gives in a trice; arhaično while the grass grows the steed starves
  • dead1 [ded] pridevnik
    mrtev, brez življenja, crknjen; nedostavljiv (pošiljka); popoln; izumrl, neveljaven; otopel, otrpel; zamolkel, moten; slep (okno); jalov (sloj); temen (noč); ugašajoč; globok (spanje); ovenel; neraben, slab, izločen; neodločen (tekma)

    ameriško, pogovorno dead above the ears neumen, topoglav
    dead end slepa ulica; figurativno zagata
    dead and gone že davno mrtev
    dead colour osnovna barva
    dead failure popoln polom
    dead forms same formalnosti
    to flog a dead horse zaman si prizadevati
    ameriško dead freight nepokvarljiv tovor
    ameriško, sleng dead from the neck up trapast, butast
    a dead frost popoln polom
    vojska dead ground ozemlje, ki je zunaj streljaja
    a dead halt nenadna ustavitev
    dead heat tekma brez zmagovalca
    dead hand neprodajen
    dead letter nedostavljivo pismo; izumrl običaj; zakon, ki ga ne spoštujejo
    dead level figurativno enoličnost, neučinkovitost
    to make a dead set on napasti z vso odločnostjo; truditi se, da se komu približamo
    dead march žalna koračnica
    pogovorno dead men (ali marines) izpite, prazne steklenice
    as dead as a doornail (ali mutton, nit) mrtev ko hlod
    dead nuts on popolnoma zaverovan, navdušen za kaj
    dead office pogrebni obredi, zadušnica
    perfectly dead neznosen
    dead reckoning mornarica približna ocena (dolžine poti)
    dead secret največja skrivnost
    dead stock mrtvi kapital; neprodajno blago
    dead set oster napad
    waiting for dead man's shoes čakanje na dediščino
    dead wall stena brez vrat in oken
    dead weight lastna teža; figurativno huda ovira napredka
    dead wind nasprotni veter
    dead wood posušen les; izvržek, izbirek
    dead silence popolna, mrtva tišina