
Zadetki iskanja

  • thrill2 [ɵril] prehodni glagol
    peti s tresočim se glasom, tremolirati (melodijo); pretresti, prevzeti, popasti (groza, žalost, skrb), vznemiriti; navdušiti, razburiti

    an earthquake thrilled the land potres je pretresel deželo
    her voice thrilled the listeners njen glas je elektriziral poslušalce
    the sight thrilled him with horror pogled ga je navdal z grozo
    neprehodni glagol
    zgroziti se (with ob)
    vznemiriti se, razburiti se, (za)drhteti, tresti se, vibrirati; biti preplašen, prestrašen (at, with ob, zaradi)

    he thrills with delight drhti od veselja
    the earth thrills zemlja se trese
    fear thrilled through my veins strah me je spreletel
  • throb [ɵrɔb]

    1. samostalnik
    bitje, udarjanje; utrip (srca, žile)
    figurativno nenadno razburjenje; drhtenje

    throbs of pleasure drhtenje od veselja
    heart-throbs bitje srca

    2. neprehodni glagol
    biti, udarjati, utripati (srce, žila); tresti se, drhteti
  • tingle [tiŋgl]

    1. samostalnik
    zvenenje, šumenje (v ušesu); zbadanje; ščemenje; mravljinci (v životu); srbenje pikanje; skelenje; drhtenje, tresenje nervozno vznemirjenje

    2. neprehodni glagol
    zveneti v ušesih, šumeti; ščemeti; bosti, zbadati; srbeti, pikati; skeleti (with od)
    drhteti, tresti se, biti živčno vznemirjen
    figurativno biti nabit (with z)
    prehodni glagol
    povzročiti zvenenje, šumenje, srbenje

    my ears are tingling v ušesih mi šumi
    the story tingles with interest zgodba je napeto zanimiva
  • tremble2 [trembl] neprehodni glagol
    tresti se, drgetati, drhteti, trzati (at, from, with od)
    figurativno trepetati; prhotati, frfotati
    figurativno plašiti se, biti (nekoliko) v skrbeh, v strahu, v negotovosti; vznemiriti se

    to tremble with anger tresti se od jeze
    to tremble all over, to tremble in every limb tresti se po vseh udih
    to tremble in the balance figurativno kolebati, biti v negotovosti
    his life trembles in the balance njegovo življenje visi na nitki, je v skrajni nevarnosti
    to tremble for s.o., for one's safety trepetati za koga, za svojo varnost
    I tremble to think what might have happened groza me je pomisliti, kaj bi se bilo lahko zgodilo
    prehodni glagol
  • twitter1 [twítə]

    1. samostalnik
    ščebet (ptic)
    figurativno hihitanje
    figurativno klepet, kramljanje
    figurativno rahlo razburjenje nervoznost

    in a twitter razburjen

    2. neprehodni glagol & prehodni glagol
    figurativno hihitati se; cviliti
    figurativno tresti se (od razburjenja), biti razburjen
  • vibrate [vaibréit] neprehodni glagol
    vibrirati, tresti se, nihati; oscilirati; utripati; zveneti, doneti (zvok); tresti se (with od)
    figurativno kolebati, omahovati

    a cry vibrated on my ear krik mi je udaril na uho
    our house vibrates whenever a heavy lorry passes naša hiša se strese, kadarkoli pelje mimo težak tovornjak
    prehodni glagol
    zanihati (kaj), zatresti; napraviti, da nekaj trepeta (se trese, vibrira); meriti ali določiti s tresljaji

    a pendulum vibrating seconds nihalo, ki meri (napoveduje) sekunde
    to vibrate threats bruhati grožnje iz sebe
    to vibrate between two opinions omahovati med dvema mnenjema
  • waggle [wægl]

    1. samostalnik
    guganje, premikanje, kimanje, tresenje; majanje, opotekanje

    2. prehodni glagol
    mahati (z repom), stresati, premikati; kimati (z glavo)
    neprehodni glagol
    majati se, gugati se, pozibavati se, tresti se; opotekati se
  • warble1 [wɔ:bl]

    1. samostalnik
    žvrgolenje, gostolenje; žvrgoleč glas

    2. neprehodni glagol
    žvrgoleti, peti (kot ptica); tresti z glasom; glasno peti; peti v stihih
    ameriško jodlati, ukati

    prehodni glagol to warble a song žvrgoleti pesem
  • waver [wéivə]

    1. samostalnik
    omahovanje, obotavljanje, cincanje; tresenje

    2. neprehodni glagol
    opotekati se (pri hoji); zibati se, pozibavati se
    figurativno kolebati, cincati, biti neodločen, omahovati, biti nestanoviten; odstopati, zaviti (from od)
    postati nemiren (pogled); tresti se (roke, glas); trepetati, zvijati se, migljati (plamen, svetloba)

    the wavering lines of the enemy odstopajoče sovražnikove vrste
  • aspen2 [ǽspən] pridevnik
    figurativno trepetajoč, drhteč

    to tremble like an aspen leaf tresti se kot trepetlika, ko šiba na vodi
  • dither2 [díðə] samostalnik
    drgetanje, trepet

    to be all of a dither; ali to be in a dither tresti se ko šiba na vodi
  • drevó tree

    mlado drevó sapling
    božíčno drevó Christmas tree
    sadno drevó fruit tree
    drevó spoznanja biblija tree of knowledge of good and evil
    (že) rodovitno drevó a (mature) fruit-bearing tree
    cepiti drevó to graft a tree
    podreti, posekati drevó to fell (ali to chop down) a tree
    splezati na drevó to climb a tree
    tresti drevó to shake a tree
    skupina dreves a clump of trees
    pognati, spoditi na drevó to tree
    pes je prepodil veverico na drevó the dog treed the squirrel
    zaradi dreves ne vidi gozda (figurativno) he cannot see the wood for the trees
    jabolko ne pade daleč od drevesa (figurativno) as the tree is, so is the fruit; like father, like son
  • mràz cold; chill; frost

    mràz brez slane black frost
    oster mràz biting (ali severe) frost; hard (ali sharp) frost
    suh mràz ground frost
    leden mràz frostiness
    trd od mràza numb with cold
    Dedek Mraz Jack Frost
    občutljiv za mràz sensitive to cold
    odporen proti mràzu resistant to cold, cold-resistant
    občutek mràza sensation of cold
    nenaden nastop mràza sudden inroad of cold weather, ZDA cold snap
    val mràza cold wave
    10° mràza 10 degrees of frost
    mràz mi je I am (ali I feel) cold
    mràz mi je v noge my feet are cold
    mràz je danes it is cold today
    mràz me je rezal do kosti the cold pierced me to the bone
    drgetati, tresti se od mràza to shiver with cold
    mràz grize, ščiplje there is a nip in the air
    mràz je kar grizel it was a biting cold
    mràz popušča the cold is abating
    mràz me spreletava I feel cold all over
    mràz me spreleti ob tem that gives me the shivers; it gives me the creeps
    težko prenašati mràz, trpeti od mràza to suffer from the cold
  • pričakovánje expectation; waiting, looking forward to, anticipation; (dobitka) expectancy; (dediščine) expectation, expectations pl

    v pričakovánju in expectation (of)
    razočaran v pričakovánju disappointed
    proti vsemu pričakovánju contrary to expectation
    ves nestrpen od napetega pričakovánja agog with expectation
    v pričakovánju velikih dogodkov in expectation of great events
    izpolniti pričakovánja to answer (ali to meet, to come up to) one's (oziroma someone's) expectation(s)
    ne izpolniti pričakovánj to fall short of (ali not to come up to) one's (oziroma someone's) expectations
    preseči vsa pričakovánja to exceed all expectations
    tresti se od pričakovánja to be all of a dither
  • shake1 [šéik] samostalnik
    stresljaj, tresenje, drhtenje, pretresi, (o)majanje; zmajanje (z glavo), odkimavanje; stisk roke, rokovanje; udarec
    pogovorno trenutek
    glasba triler, gostolevek, drhtavo petje

    in a shake v hipu, kot bi trenil
    in two shakes of a lamb's tail v hipu, zelo hitro
    the shakes tresavica, drhtavica, mrzlica
    shake of the hand stisk roke
    with a shake of the head z odkimanjem
    shake of wind sunek vetra
    to be all of a shake tresti se po vsem telesu
    to be no great shakes pogovorno ne biti posebno koristen ali vreden
    give it a good shake dobro to pretresite!
    to give s.o. the shake sleng otresti se, znebiti se koga
    wait a shake počakaj trenutek!
  • stráh fear; (velik) fright, dread, horror, dismay; awe; žargon funk; terror (pred of); (bojazen) apprehension

    brez stráhu fearlessly
    stráh pred smrtjo fear of death
    stráh me je I am afraid (of)
    v stráhu je za svoje življenje he goes in fear of his life
    biti v stráhu to be in fear (of), to be afraid (of)
    biti stráh in trepet za... to be the terror of..., to be the bugbear of...
    navaditi s stráhom to overawe
    imeti stráh pred to be scared of, pogovorno to funk (doing something)
    biti trd od stráhú to be scared stiff, to be in a blue funk, to be frightened out of one's wits
    iz stráhú pred for fear of, out of dread of
    držati koga v stráhu to intimidate someone
    pognati komu stráh v kosti to fill someone with terror, to terrify someone, to horrify someone, to scare someone stiff
    biti v stráhu za kaj to be worried stiff about something
    on ne pozna stráhú he is a stranger to fear
    od stráhú so se mi naježili lasje my hair stood on end with fright
    spraviti koga v stráh to inspire (ali to fill, to strike) someone with awe
    pomiriti stráh to allay (someone's) fears
    on je stráh vseh poštenih ljudi he is the terror of all honest people
    stráh zbujajoč awe-inspiring
    v velikem stráhu in a blue funk
    stráh nas je we are frightened, we are in a funk, we have the jitters
    tresti se od stráhú to tremble with fright
  • tremble1 [trembl] samostalnik
    tresenje, trepet(anje), drhtenje

    to be all of a tremble po vsem telesu drhteti (drgetati, se tresti)
  • trepetlíka botanika trembling poplar, trembling tree

    tresti se kot trepetlíka (figurativno) to be (all) in a shiver
  • ves vsa, vse all; whole; entire; total; complete

    mi vsi all of us
    vse, razen... all but...
    vsa Slovenija all Slovenia
    vsa dežela the whole country
    po vsej Angliji all over England
    vsa Evropa all Europe, the whole of Europe
    po vsem svetu all over the world
    na vseh straneh on all sides
    vsa družba the whole (ali all the) company
    vsa moja družina je tu all my family are here
    (skozi) ves dan all day long, the whole day long
    vsi in vsak all and sundry
    vse moje življenje all my life
    v vseh ozirih in all respects
    po vseh štirih on all fours
    vse mogoče all sorts, all kinds (of)
    za ves svet ne not for all the world
    z vso (možno) hitrostjo with all speed
    vse mesto je bilo tam the whole town was there
    vse je zaman it is all in vain, it is all to no avail
    to je vse, kar lahko storim zate that's all I can do for you
    vsi trije so krivi they are all three guilty
    delati vso noč to work all night
    preživeli smo skoraj ves julij na deželi we spent nearly the whole of July in the country
    biti ves iz sebe od jeze to be beside oneself with fury
    on je vse prej kot pošten he is anything but honest
    hiša je vsa iz kamna the house is entirely of stone
    to je vse, kar lahko rečem that is all I can say
    prebral sem vso knjigo I have read the book from cover to cover
    pripravljeni smo storiti vse zanj we are ready to do anything for him
    razpravljati o vsem mogočem, samo ne o politiki to discuss anything but politics
    tresti se po vsem telesu to tremble all over
    ne delaj si skrbi, vse se bo uredilo! don't worry, it'll be all right!
  • with [wið; wiɵ] predlog
    s, z; proti; od; v družbi, pri, poleg; s pomočjo; skupaj z, istočasno; zaradi; od; v zvezi z, z ozirom na, pri; kljub, navzlic

    I have no money with me nimam denarja pri sebi
    away with you! poberi se! izgubi se!
    with all my heart od srca rad
    pale with fear bled od strahu
    stiff with cold otrpel, trd od mraza
    with all his money he is not happy kljub vsemu svojemu denarju on ni srečen
    sick with bolan od
    he is furious with me on je besen name
    with God figurativno mrtev, v nebesih
    with that nato, tedaj
    she is with child ona je noseča
    with young breja
    with all his brains pri (kljub) vsej njegovi pameti
    he is lying down with fever leži bolan zaradi mrzlice
    to die with cancer umreti za rakom
    to fight with courage pogumno se boriti
    to tremble with fear tresti se od strahu
    we parted with them ločili smo se od njih
    to rise with sun vstati (skupaj, istočasno) s soncem
    he lives with us on stanuje pri nas
    she took her with her vzela jo je s seboj
    leave it with me! prepustite to meni!
    to be with s.o. on a point strinjati se s kom o neki točki
    it is a habit with him to je pri njem navada
    to be with it ameriško, pogovorno biti na tekočem (o čem)
    vote with the Conservatives! glasujte (volite) za konservativce!
    to walk with a stick hoditi s palico
    what does he want with me? kaj hoče od mene?
    it rests with you to decide odločitev je pri vas
    it is not so with the drama v drami to ni tako
    I can't leave with my mother so ill ne morem odpotovati, če mi je mati tako bolna
    to weep with joy jokati od veselja